My Two Alphas

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


I could hear them talking and it infuriated me listening to their banter before the room fell silent .I

was sick and tired of being compared to Tyson, ever since we took over this pack it has always been a

competition but it wasn’t supposed to be like this with her. She was both of ours yet he would toss me

away from her and that pissed me off, we agreed that we would share her. Share, not one keeps her

for himself. It made me wonder if it was his plan all along, but I knew that was just my jealousy talking.

I sat staring at the ceiling, I wanted to be with her, wanted to apologise, wanted to make up for

what I did but I can’t if she won’t let me near her. Atticus was frantic at the thought of losing his mate,

frantic that she would reject us again. I was restless and she was so close yet so far out of reach for

me right now.

“Will you stop that?” Tyson’s voice says flitting through my head.

“Stop what?” I ask annoyed. I was staying away like he wanted.

“The scratching” He snaps at me. I looked down at my hands not realising my claws had slipped

out and I was tearing apart the side of my bed.

“Sorry I didn't realise” I tell him.

“You ok or not?”

“Like you care, what do you think?” I tell him.

“She is asleep, you can come in but don’t wake her, and you try anything”

“I won’t, Atticus is annoying me”

“I mean it Ace. You try to mark her I will lose it, you can come in but hop out before she wakes”

Tyson tells me.

‘I won’t, I just want to be close to her” I tell him, already climbing out of bed. I opened my bedroom

door before creeping down the hall, creeping around my own damn house but I felt better knowing

Tyson still wanted me to be her mate, it put me at ease a little that he wasn’t trying to shove me out.

“He is our twin” Atticus tells me, making me realise how silly my jealousy is, he is just protective of

her, we both are, just I fucked up.

I pushed open his bedroom door and he was watching TV, Lucy asleep with her head on his chest.

He pulls her closer, giving me room on the bed so I can lay beside her.

“Don’t wake her she will be pissed off” Tyson mindlinks and I nod before carefully laying down

beside her. I shuffle closer to her, draping my arm over her waist. I bury my face in her hair inhaling her

scent. My wolf instantly relaxed and so did I.

“If she accepts us we will have to get a bigger bed, no offense bro but I don’t want you touching

me” He says and I chuckle and she stirs. I freeze and Tyson does too before looking down at her. She

rolls, both of us frozen before she turns into me. I knew she was reacting to the bond and not me but I

liked it all the same as she snuggled closer.

Tyson flicks the TV off before snuggling closer to her.

“Fine you can stay but if she wakes up and is angry you are taking the blame”

“Deal” I reply, kissing her head and pulling her closer and into my chest.

Lucy POV

Waking up, I am surrounded by warmth. Sparks rushed everywhere all over my body and I

stiffened when I picked up Ace’s scent, my hand darting to my neck and I let out a breath of relief when

I realised he hadn’t marked me while I was asleep though I am sure i owls have woke up to his teeth in

my neck. I stare at him, besides their scents the only difference between them was Ace had a scar

through his eyebrow and across his eyelid while Tyson face was scar free. Though Tyson had a rather

large cut across his inner thigh from taking on a bear when we were camping when I was kid, it

stumbled into our camp trying to get in our tent.

It woke us up when it clawed through the canvas and he barely had time to shift before it dragged

him out. Poor thing was hungry Tyson fought it off and scared it away yet it tore into his thigh pretty bad

and I had to hold his thigh together while it healed leaving the scar while Ace went to get Ryker. I run

my fingers down his eyelid tracing the scar with my finger. His eyes instantly flew open at my touch.

“I’m sorry” he whispered, gripping my hand. He kisses my fingertips before holding it to his chest.

“I know you hate me, I know I shouldn’t be in here but Atticus was restless” He says, closing his

eyes again and going back to sleep.

“I am not forgiving you Ace” I tell him.

“Just don’t reject me, I can live with you hating me, but don’t reject me” He says. Now that I had

calmed down and wasn’t so emotional. I don’t think I could even if I wanted to, yet I still hated him, yet

some part of me all along knew they were mine, I just didn’t know it without my wolf. I don’t say

anything knowing I'm too hot headed to promise anything but when I truly decide I know I will stick with

it. I feel movement behind me and look over my shoulder just as Tyson sits looking over at us.

“Everything good?” He asks, worriedly and I knew he thought I would be losing it at Ace for being

in here.

“You knew he was in here didn’t you” Tyson looks away guiltily. I watch his adam's apple bob as he


“Yes Lucy, I said he could come in. I won’t lie to you” He says resting his chin on my shoulder.

“He is my brother, and your mate” Tyson says looking at his brother. I felt bad because I knew I

was coming between them. They were always inseparable, we all were growing up. It saddened me

that it would never be like that again.

“You don’t seem mad?” Ace says drawing my attention back to him.

“Give me a chance to wake up, I am working up to it” I tell him and he chuckles.

“You know you can’t stay mad at us long” He says cockily and I raise an eyebrow at him.

“You have slept with Melana for 5 years Ace, knowing I was your mate” I tell him, just the thought

of him being near her was enough to make the anger and hate come back. He sighs before nodding.

“I will go then” He says and I swallow feeling bad, but fuck him he should feel bad. He accused me

of lying and screwed around. I didn’t know what I wanted, I wanted them, yet my brain was telling me I

was being stupid by accepting him, that he would only hurt me again. Yet the bond pulled me the other

way, needing him close like they were both my safety blanket.

“Stay, just a little longer” I tell him wanting to soak up his scent before I have to turn into the

heartless bitch I know I can be again. He lays back down before pulling me closer.

“I have loved you since before I knew you were our mate Lucy, Melana was just a distraction, she

means nothing to me. Never has never will”

“But you picked her side over mine”

“I was angry, I thought you lied about being a virgin, then Melana said all that and it pissed me off.

I never should have doubted you” He says.

“Even if I wasn’t a virgin, you have no say in that anyway after what you did” I tell him angrily, I

can’t believe that he expected me to wait but he couldn’t, knowing full well I was his mate.

“I am sorry I should have waited like Tyson. But I can’t go back and change what I did Lucy, but I

can try to make up for it if you let me” He says.

“Tyson waited” I tell him and he nods looking at his brother.

“And I won;t ask for anything except not to reject me. Tyson deserves you more than I do, I get that

and I understand if you want to be with him. I won’t rush you neither will Tyson but please don;t reject

me Lucy”

I knew it was hard for him to apologize, he wasn’t one to apologise. Neither of them were but I feel

like an apology just isn’t enough. Isn’t enough for what he did and to accuse me of being a slut when I

am not hurt. I never expected that from him.

“I will leave you two alone, I need to get to work anyway” Ace says hopping up. I didn't stop him

this time, I just needed time to think. Yet that was impossible with both of them around.

“What do you want to do since Ace will handle pack business?” Tyson asks. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I think I want to go home” I tell him unsure, I needed to face my mother but I also wanted to see

Rayan. I missed my room, I missed my old life. I missed me.

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