Not Your Mate Anymore

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

We were all shocked to see him walk right through the magical fire that Taylor couldn't. Who was this powerful male that just appeared suddenly?

And why was my nana so scared? Who was this guy that rendered my gran speechless?

"How do you suppose we do that Mr?" I say to him and he chuckles.

"Taylor. You had one job." He says turning to look at the young look alike.

"Father. I was getting to it but your witch wasn't very useful." He says pointing at a very unconscious Vera.

"I don't want to hear excuses. I was ready to make you a king!!" He says to Taylor.

Taylor stiffens when the man raises his voice at him.

"Father, I will win this fight!" He says to his dad?

"Whoa. Talk about fucked up families." Josey says out loud and then covers her mouth when we all turn to spare her a very deadly glare.

"I am here for the destroyer. I really don't want to kill anyone right now." He says to us.

I chuckle out loudly. He looks at me incredulously for a minute and then he grabs my nana by the neck and squeezes.

My nana doesn't fight back.

I grab Taylor by the neck too and imitate the strangers actions.

"You kill her, I kill your son." I say to him. It was his turn to chuckle my way and I send him a tight lipped smile.

"He is not my only son little girl." He says to me. "However, I think this is your only grandmother. Am I right?" He says to me with amusement clear in his eyes.

"Yes she is. You're forgetting one thing though." I say to him. He cocks his head to the side showing an interest in what I had to say.

"I will see her again. Will you see him again? Oh and about your other son, he's not himself at the moment. Loyalties have shifted" I say as I shake Taylor who is trying very hard to get out of my grasp.

He looks at Taylor but he doesn't meet his father's eyes. He shifts trying to get out of my grip still, trying to look at everyone but his father.

"Taylor, what is she talking about? Where is Reginald?" He asks his son.

Taylor growls at the unconscious Vera.

"Little Reggie is fighting on our side. He's on my team. He actually tried to kill Taylor not so long ago." I say to the man. He looks shocked.

"Taylor...." his father says. Taylor's eyes snap up and to me. Giving me the world's deadliest glare ever.

"They did something to him. They kept him locked up and hypnotized him somehow." Taylor says through gritted teeth.

I tighten my grip on his neck for that remark.

His father looks at us then at nana who is still not fighting to get out of this man's grip.

"Nana fight him!" Josey shouts.

"It's clear something is going on here so why don't you just kill her? We will see her again anyway." I say to the stranger. Josey looks at me like I've grown two heads.

I just shrug.

"Oh you mean in your dreams? I've been trying to do that, but mother here has not come to me." He says.

I drop Taylor roughly on the ground in shock. He smiles at my action.

I look at my nana then at my mother who has her mouth open so wide in shock. I look back at my nana and then at the stranger.

The resemblance was there. It wasn't strong but yes, the resemblance was there.

The eyes.

My mother's eyes. I look back at my mother and I see the same eyes. I look at Josey and I see the same eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me!!" I say out loud.

"Oh I'm not kidding my little niece." He says to me and I scoff at him.

"I am NOT your little niece." I say. My tone was not very convincing as I too wasn't sure what was going on.

Great response Sabrina0 points to new uncle.

He let's my nana go. She falls to the ground gasping for air.

"Your grandmother knows why I'm here. They've known for a while now, haven't you mother?" He asks.

My grandmother stands up. She looks around all of us and finally resting her eyes on this estranged son.

"Hello Reginald.." my nana says to him.

First name basis.

Well they clearly know each other but just how far does this really go? Why is this uncle of mine trying to kidnap me for my power.

If he's the all powerful, then why does he need me?

"Tell them!!!" He screams at my nana and we all take a defensive stance around nana.

"You need to cool it Mr. " Josey says to him. He chuckles but his eyes showed a glint of annoyance.

"If you won't, I will and I don't think they will like my side of the story very much." He says to nana.

Look, this wasn't the time for a family reunion. Definitely not the time to hear of how I have an uncle. People are dying.

"Who the fuck do you think we are? You're the intruder here. You want me? I'm right here." I say to him.

I step forward.

"I don't care what your history is but my pack is losing wolves fast and if you have anything to do with that then end it now!" I say to him.

He releases his power to intimidate me.

"What is it with men and the need to exude immense power? Are you hiding something else? If you're really my nana's child then you should know that I'm just as powerful, well maybe a little more. So stop with that nonsense." I say to him.

He laughs out loud.

"Then show me little one. Show me what you're made off" he says to me. It was my turn to laugh.

The fuck did this clown think he is.

"You know what? I'm tired of this." I say to him and then I have a gust of wind throw him to the far side of the field.

I turn my attention to Taylor.

"If you know what's good for you, you will end that fight right now!" I say to him but he smirks.

"You have somebody you care for there?" He asks me.

"I have a whole pack to care for you idiot! End it or I will end you, cousin." I say in a menacingly way.

"Someone more special? Say an alpha?" He asks me with a glint of amusement.

I walk towards him.

"You know, for a wolf that relies on magic for strength, you talk too much." I say to him and then punch him sqaure in the face. He falters but composes himself but before he can retaliate, I punch him again.

This time he falls to the ground. Someone pushes me away and I stumble back to see new uncle back with us again. I look around and notice the A sister witches have vanished and so did their little circle of fire.

"Why can't you just go back to where you fucken came from?" Josey asks him. He looked angry.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that little one.." he says to her.

"That's it! Nana what the fuck is going on?" I ask her. She opens her mouth and closes it.

"You better find the honesty. Find it now and spit it out." I say to my nana.

"You remember that is your grandmother Sabrina!" My mother says to me. I turn to look at her.

"Oh I remember what she is to me. It was just revealed what she is to the family that wants to kidnap me. Now I want answers because in case all of you have forgotten, my pack is fighting for me, dying for me! All these secrets which I didn't know about, a new uncle who wants my power. She could've at least hinted something of a family drama then we would've at least spared a few lives and walked into the lion's den ourselves" I say to my mother.

I turn my attention back to my grandmother.

"No words?" I ask her and she shakes her head no. I let out a very loud roar.

I shift into my wolf and run back to my pack. I run past Cj who shifts back into his wolf and follows me. I howl for Josey who snaps out of whatever trance she was in.

She runs towards us and shifts midair finally reaching up to Cj and I.

We reach the pack lands and it was utter chaos. A whole mess.

My pack was dying because of my family's drama. I look up to the sky and howl in sadness at the moon goddess.

They knew all along what was coming, who was coming. They've allowed wolves to die because of something they could've prevented.

This was not their fight. They did not deserve this.

Josey and Cj joined in on the howling for our fallen warriors. I felt responsible for bringing death to these wolves. Their families. How was I going to explain to them that my family brought this to their doorstep?..

A rush of anger engulf me as I shifted back to human form. I was livid. This was no fair fight as most of the wolves attacking us had the magic strength. My warriors were tired. It was time to show these mutts what I'm made off. I won't sit by and watch my pack be killed for something they should have no part in. This was not their war!

"Cj, go find your mate and her sisters. I need them to create a shield wall between the pack and the enemies. Tell them that I need them right now!" I say to him. He nods in his wolf form and dashes past the fighting in look for them.

"Josey, shift back. It's time to fight and save the warriors that are still alive." I say to my little sister. She shifts back.

I link Max to tell his warriors to fall back. When I heard him giving the orders through the think, I released all of my power, Josey did too. The enemy wolves all turned to us as my pack was retreating. They all turn towards us when they feel the immense power.

The wolves lost focus of our pack wolves retreating that by the time one noticed and howled for the rest of them, it was too late. They could not get to our pack, which meant one thing. The A sisters

succeeded in creating a shield wall to protect the pack from what was to come.

The wolves, upon seeing that they could not fight the rest of the pack, turned to Josey and I.

I took a defensive stance and Josey did too. It was time to do what I was trained to do.

"All right? Come and get it!!" I shout out and Max links me.

'What the fuck Kimberley?? Why would you stay out there? I can't even get to you!!' He says to me. I smile inwardly at his attempt to protect me. I was protecting him this time.

'It's ok Max, I have a plan. Just stay there and watch. These wolves won't even get to me.' I say back to him through the link.

I raise my hands and focus on all the energy within me, all the energy cursing through me at this moment. It was time to end this fight, at least for the pack. I will get to the new uncle later as right now, I was doing this for my pack.

My eyes took a darker shade of purple as I released all the energy in me and on to the wolves that were charging at us. One by one they would drop down and turn to nothing. Just dust, ash if you want to call it. One by one they went from big magically induced strong wolves to nothing. Josey looked at me incredulously but I stayed focused on the task at hand.

This was taking so much from me to do this but the thought of giving up and allowing the pack to suffer again at the hands of my family kept me going. Enough was enough.

I kept going and going as they dropped like they never existed. The thought that these wolves had families crossed my mind but I was doing this for my pack. They also had families and I was their Luna. That reason itself trumped over all my doubts in doing this.

The last wolf evaporated into nothing and I dropped to my knees. I could feel the stares from my warriors and everyone around me as Josey tried to pull me up to my feet. I guess the witches dropped the shield wall as Max was by my side in no time as he carried me all the way to the pack house.

He walked into the lounge and set me down on one of the couches. He looked at me adoringly as some of the pack members shuffled into the room. They all had looks of concern for me and some had looks of gratitude? I couldn't be sure.

"I just need a minute to heal myself. The enemy still lurks in the woods somewhere." I say to Max but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. I had used so much of my energy that trying to heal myself required energy that I didn't have.

If the new uncle found me like this, he would be able to take me. I couldn't fight and there's no doubt in my mind that he was more powerful than anyone in this room. My nana didn't want to fight him, clearly and my mother was stuck taking her mother's side in all of this even though she looked like she knew nothing of this brother of hers.

Max noticed the panic in my eyes and rubbed circles on my back to calm me down. The tingles helped a little but I knew what was out there and I knew I wouldn't be able to save them like I did just now. This new enemy won't just drop dead like the others. He was my equal or almost equal. Although now I understood why I was stronger than him. It also snapped in me why my nana wanted me to save my energy.

She knew he was coming for me and she knew only I could fight him and win. I tried to be angry but I couldn't. There wasn't an ounce of energy enough to harbor the anger inside me.

I closed my eyes and decided to say a prayer to the moon goddess mentally.

"I am weak now. I can't protect my people anymore. I can't protect the pup growing inside me. I have failed him in not thinking it through. I could've hatched a plan with Josey and had her help me with her

power in bringing the wolves down. I let my anger and the guilt at people dying for me eat me up and be my motivation to do what I did. I messed up and I know that but these people need a break from my family drama. Please don't involve them in what's to come. You say you don't meddle in wolf business and you let them figure shit out themselves but let's be honest, bringing people like me, nana and mama in their lives is meddling. We protect them right? Not letting them fight their battles? Me being their Luna is meddling. Me carrying their future alpha is meddling. This is something you have control over but you allowed it to happen so meddle some more. Save them. Save my siblings too. Save their mates and save mine. When I say save my mate, I'm talking about Max okay? Please don't make the mistake in thinking I'm talking about the other one. Allow me to heal and gain my energy enough to fight the man waiting for me out there but if you can't, save my loved ones from the evil that is out there." I say to her.

A few second pass by and I wallow in my own darkness with my eyes closed. I keep them closed to try and regain energy. I didn't want to see the look of clear concern in my pack members or family. I know what was out there and the guilt was eating at me, again.

I feel a warm presence around me, as if giving me a hug to ease the pain. It helps, I won't lie...

I feel the warmth leave my body and feel a different presence as I open my eyes but everyone else looks oblivious to it. I look at Max who is busy talking to his beta. I close my eyes again and I feel it again.

Moon goddess.

"Moon goddess......." I say to her and the warm feeling gets stronger, as if it was coming closer to me.

"You have a peculiar way in seeing things lovely niece. However, you are right. I've been meddling in their affairs so I'm going to meddle in yours because the man out there was your nana's problem to fix.

It seems she refuses to do so, now you have to." She says to me.

"What do you mean?" I say to her. I had no idea where she was so I was just talking to darkness. The warm presence was enough to tell me I was in her presence.

"I will aid in the renewal of your energy because you have to defeat that man. Even if he is your uncle, which he is, he is evil. He has killed my wolves, tormented and tortured them for his own gain. I could show you the plans he has for you but that won't help anyone. He is selfish and even though he is angry at your grandmother, he needs to pay for what he has done to others and humbled before them before he can have a go at my sister." She says to me.

This was all too much. Yes, he might be my uncle, he may be family but I had to protect this pack. I had to show him that his oppressive ways end here and that I won't allow any more people to become pawns at his game to get back at my nana. Enough people have died and that was that.

"Give me the energy and I will do it. I will put an end to his plans. Enough people have died. I will not let him harm any more wolves." I say to her.

I feel an overwhelming warmth around my body and within seconds it's gone.

"Now, heal yourself and end this for good. I have bigger plans for my wolves and they include that pup inside you.

The warmth disappeared and I focused on healing myself. I felt renewed.

I was healed but I felt different. I felt powerful and unstoppable.

I opened my eyes to see Max looking at me.

"I'm okay." I say to him and he nods at me.

"I can feel it. You're amazing, you know that?" He says to me and I just smile. I pull him in for a brief kiss but he returns it with so much passion. Before he could try probing his tongue in my mouth, I pull away.

"More of that later alpha" I say to him with a glint of mischief in my eyes. He places his open palm on my belly and smiles.

"I'm counting on it." He says and I get up and face my pack. It was time to address them on what I had to do and that I needed them to stay back and let me fight for them. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

"Green Forrest pack, I cannot thank you enough for showing insane bravery today. I am proud to be your Luna and to have been able to fight alongside you all but right now I'm going to need you all to stand back." I said to everyone.

Hushed murmurs of disagreement went around the room and Max stood up and grabbed my hand gently. He growled loudly making everyone stop their hushed whispers and look at him.

"You are all aware that this fight was at an unfair advantage. Lycans are stronger than wolves but some of our friends and families are dead. Wolves did that and we can't lose any more fighters. As you have seen, our luna is gifted. If anyone can bring the pack victory, it is my mate. Now I support her decision and as your alpha, I expect you all to do the same." He says.

I couldn't believe it. He was letting me fight and not trying to prevent me from going out there. He looks down at me and smiles.

"I know better than to keep you locked up in here. Besides, you are the only one that can end this. If what you did out there not so long ago doesn't prove that, I don't know what will. Just make sure you come back to me." He says and I pull him in for a kiss.

I pull away and find everyone looking at us.

Okay. Awkward.

Dig up a hole. Sink in slowly and stay there.

"Sabrina, are you sure about this?" My father asks me, snapping me out of my embarrased thoughts.

He's standing next to uncle Deacon and they look pretty beat up. My mind wandered to what would've happened had Josey and I not intervened when we did. What would've happened if Cj didn't get to his mate in time. My father was weakened right now and that gave me even more motivation to go out there and fight to the end.

"Papa, only I can do this. The moon goddess said it. I will explain it all to you when it's all over but what I can tell you is that this man is like me, like Josey and I and if we don't end it, he could be a problem to all of you." I say to my dad and then throw him a look that's pleading with him to ask no more questions.

"You do what you have to do little moon. I'm tapping out of this one and letting the young ones take over. I don't know about you Christopher, but I just got my ass handed to me. I'm in no mood to have a repeat of that." Uncle Deacon says.

My father sighs and nods at me. My uncle was right, they were in no condition to fight. We heard a loud roar outside the pack house and I immediately ran out, followed by Max, Josey, Cj and his mate.

Right there in the clearing was my new uncle who had my mother by the neck and my nana pleading with him to let my mama go

Mama was trying to get out of his hold but he was stronger. She wouldn't give up though, she was fighting him. My nana was not fighting him, she was begging him.

I don't know about many wolves but I don't beg. Especially not to the enemy!

Percy comes running out and we all look at him as if he's crazy. He looks at all of us and then releases his wolf power which shocks all of us.

It is unbelievably strong, way too strong for a normal alpha wolf. I was about to ask him how he got so strong but I noticed the vile in his hand.

"He drank Reginald's magic vile.." I say out loud. I was saying to myself but everyone heard me. Max growled slowly and we all looked at him.

He storms towards Percy and grabs him by the shirt.

"Who the fuck do you think you are going into my office and going through MY things?" He shouts at Percy.

Percy pushes him away and straightens his clothes. He looks at me and back at Max.

"Your father gave it to me. He said I might be of help." He says to Max calmly.

"What kind of help do you think you'll be? You might be of alpha blood but incase you haven't heard what Kimberly said in there, this man is a lot stronger. You will be of no help." Max says to Percy.

"Max is right Percy. This is my fight, my family's fight. I can't have any more people die when there's something I can do about. Thank you but that vile is wasted now." I say to him but I'm rudely interrupted by Vera's laughter.

"I don't think so. Since it's my magic going through this young alphas veins, he can be of use to me." Vera says to all of us. She's standing next to Taylor who has a grim look on his face.

"I have had it!" Josey shouts out loud and we all turn to see her charging to the front, between the enemy and us.

"You need to stop! You're clearly way in over your head." Josey says to Vera. Vera looked annoyed by that comment but she didn't respond.

"And you, you're gonna either fight me without your black magic sidekick, or I'll just kill you right here, right now, myself!" Josey says folding her arms for that extra effect. She was mad.

Vera tries to chant something but Arianna jumps in with a silencing spell that makes Vera scream in annoyance. They look into each others eyes as the atmosphere takes on a dark and twisted change. We all move back to give them space.

Vera starts chanting as Taylor punches Josey in the face. Her twin mates roar at the same time, shaking the tree leaves as they charge for Taylor who staggers back in fear upon seeing two males coming for him. Their alpha power was undeniable and let's not forget that they are Lycans. He closes his eyes and when opening, he was calm. He takes on a defensive stance, seeming ready for the wrath that's to come from the lookalikes.

I turn my attention back to my nana and mother. My mother is no longer in the man's grip but lying on the ground. She wasn't moving. My nana was kneeling beside her sobbing.

I froze.

I knew what that meant. My nana was kneeling down sobbing to my unmoving mother.

I had lost her again, no thanks to my grandmother.

My grandfather appears on the other side of my mother and drops to his knees and pulls my mothers body in for a hug. He let's out a howl. A sad howl.

Tears start trickling down my face at my reality. I know, I can summon her in my dreams and talk to her but I had finally gotten her back in my life. I need her for my Luna ceremony and wedding. I need her for the journey I'm about to go on with this pregnancy. I also had so many questions as to her death when I was younger. They said she was human and carrying wolf pups in her belly took a toll on her but seeing her here made me think that wasn't the case. She said her job on earth was done but that's not an answer that eases my soul.

A sad feeling takes over me, but another feeling begins to grow inside of me. I'm not sure if it was anger or frustration or even both. My nana let that man take my mother from me. I was angry at my grandmother for letting it happen by just begging. I was angry at this new uncle for killing my mother who just came back in my life. I was angry at myself for leaving her there alone with my nana knowing she wasn't going to fight her son off. We left her to fend on her own and her mother couldn't protect her.

I look at Josey who is getting up, her hand on her face. She looks at me and we lock eyes. I look back at mom in grandfather's arms and Josey follows my lead. A faint sob escapes her as she gets on her feet and starts running to where my mother was. I'm frozen on the spot and I didn't really want to move because I didn't know what I'd do when I got there. Will I hurt this man that killed my mother or will I hurt my nana?

I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me and I was having an internal battle with myself. I wanted all of them dead. I wanted nana dead. I wanted this uncle of mine dead. I wanted Taylor dead. I wanted Vera dead.

Athena took advantage of my state and pushed me to the back as she let herself out. She didn't shift but my eyes were black to announce her arrival. She marched to Vera and in seconds pulled out her heart as Vera dropped to the ground. Taylor stopped fighting with the twins to look at me with horror as I held her heart in my hands.

I threw it on the ground beside her and made my way to Taylor who looked absolutely terrified. I got to him and I punched him, knocking him out. I grabbed him by the hair before he could fall to the ground and begun dragging him to his father. Walking towards the biggest scene of the crime. Where my mom was in my grandfather's arms, where my nana was kneeling on the ground crying. Where Josey was standing, looking down at my mother's lifeless body.

Athena let me take the reigns as soon as she felt that I was ready to avenge my mother and my pack.

I stopped right in front of the new uncle. He looked at his son with horror until he could hear a heartbeat. He let out a breath as if he didn't know he was holding and looked up at me. I let out my claws but I had my eyes locked on new Reginald's eyes. With my eyes still on new uncle, I raised unconscious Taylor into the air with my power and with my claws , I slowly insert my hand into his chest and wrap my hands around his heart.

Reginald senior looked at me, mortified.

I look at Josey and link her to go find the twin sisters for me and bring them here. She nods her head and runs off into the woods. I turn my attention back at new uncle.

"You killed my mother." I say to him. He doesn't answer me as his eyes are fixated on Taylor's chest and where my hand is.

"You will lose every child that is on my territory. You could've killed your mother because you're clearly holding on to some grudge, but my mother did not deserve this. I want you to hurt like I'm hurting right now." I say to him as Taylor regains conciousness. He starts coughing out blood as I have the blood in his system boil up his throat.

"You killed many of my pack members and as if that was not enough, you take my mother's life." I say to him. He relaxes his demeanor and looks me back in the eyes.

"Your mother was no match for me." He says to me smirking.

I smile back at him.

"Big mistake." I say to him as Josey comes back dragging both sisters by the hair. She throws them at my feet and I have tree roots raise them up in the air and strangle them.

He looks at me then back at each of his children.

"All your children are at my mercy." I say to him. He shakes his head as if trying to comprehend the situation at hand.

"Not all of them. I still have my Reggie." He says and I laugh out loud.

I link Max to send Reginald my way and in no time, I see Reginald coming our way.

He comes running and stops right by me, bowing his head in respect to me.

"I'll say it again, I have all your children at my mercy." I say to him and then I turn to Reginald.

"Kill him." I say and Reginald doesn't think twice. He charges for his father. You can tell that his brain was trying to figure something out but he followed the order without question.

As Reginald senior was more focused on the oncoming attack, I healed Taylor and locked eyes with him. He was going to join Reginald in fighting their father. So were the twins.

I walked up to the twins and did the same to them. This man was going to have to kill his own children to survive. That is enough pain for any parent to go through but looking at that narcissistic ass, he wasn't going to feel the loss as a parent but as their leader. The mastermind and the poor kids, who followed his orders because he was their father.

I couldn't kill them because any child will blindly follow their parent. I didn't know them but I knew enough. I now know that their father was the mastermind behind all of this and he had to pay. I couldn't kill them but for killing my pack, they were going to fight their father to the death.

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