Painful Smiles

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Project.

Whatever respect Wright had for the Louis Heirs, it died.

While everyone saw Michael’s new body guard as a flex of his wealth, Wright saw it as a way of protecting himself from whatever Clara was going to do.

He couldn’t even fathom why he would be so scared. He could just render an apology but he rather avoid her while snooping around with a muscle guy? Pathetic!

“So I’d be grouping you guys for the project” the geography teacher announced. “Find different types of rocks, arrange them and give…” Michael couldn’t hear the teachers remaining words as some girls began giggling near him.

He sighed and adjusted himself on his seat. He turned slightly to see if the body guard was still standing at the door.

He was, as still as a rock. He pitied him. Sitting wouldn’t hurt. Why was his father putting such stress on somebody.

“Michael?” the geography teacher called. Michael looked at her with widened eyes. “I said you are paired up with Cecilia and Wright. Is that okay?” she asked.

He was quiet momentarily.

“Since when did students get to say okay or not to a group pairing, ma’am” a boy’s voice echoed. It was Wright.

Slight murmuring began. “In that case, I want to work with Wright” Claudia said, nonchalantly.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

The teacher had mixed emotions. She stammered a “well, let’s go on”.

She averted her gaze from Michael and began writing the rest of the instructions on the blackboard.

Wright dragged himself to the chair besides Michael. “It seems daddy won’t let you come out again if you go home so we’ll do our project before you leave, kay?” he spoke without looking at him.

Michael kept a straight face at him. He knew he was Claudia’s friend. Still, he wasn’t in any rank to speak down at him. “Are you referring to me?” he asked him.

“Don’t tell me you’re deaf now?” Wright asked before shoving paper into his hands and leaving for the other project mate, Cecilia’s seat.

Michael stifled in a laughter. Was the Wright being rude because of the incident with Claudia? He wasn’t in any position to be that way.

It wasn’t his business. No matter what Claudia may be to him. It wasn’t his business and shouldn’t make it his business.

“You have one more class before going home” his body guard whispered to him when he was going to the cafeteria. He sighed.

The man even knew his timetable. There was no escaping his prying eyes.

Neither the annoying eyes of the students in the cafeteria.

Some juniors began whispering to themselves probably uncomfortable by the presence of the man in the cafeteria. It was as if they couldn’t gawk over Michael in peace.

Michael looked around for Clara for the tenth time. Her friends were sitting with some other girls chatting and eating.

Her supposed boyfriend was flirting with some other girl. He wasn’t very surprised but no one had talked about Clara. Not even the teachers.

Wright crept to the table Michael was and the body guard gave him a suspicious look.

“So when will you be free to get the rocks? After school or early tomorrow?” he spoke in a rather friendly tone than last time.

Michael gave him a shrug, “Depends on my schedule. Would let you know before school ends”.

He was trying to be sassy but it seemed Wright didn’t catch it and nodded an “okay”. He stayed on his table longer still.

“Want something else?” Michael asked. Wright came closer to whisper. The body guard’s look turned to a glare.

“I was just wondering. Somehow news got out that some mafia guy was aiming at you. If it is true and that’s why this muscle guy is here… well, don’t you think the school or other students should know? For their own safety too, you know” he shifted away from Michael.

Michael avoided looking at him and kept his eyes fixed on the body guard. How did the news let out? Maybe the press had some insider at Bleu Cristal or something.

The rebel mafia wasn’t exactly after him. It wasn’t certain so he may not be a danger to the school or students. Michael thought.

“It’s okay. I don’t know where you heard that but everything is okay. The body guard is just for security. No threat involved” he said in his most assuring voice.

Wright nodded, “And speaking of threats, can I ask what really happened with Claudia? Claudia had always had a shortage of blood, I don’t know why. I’m concerned. I’m not prying but asking genuinely”.

A century passed but Michael gave no answer. Wright sat besides him waiting but left finally when the bell rung for end of prep.

“Who is the kid? One of your close friends?” his body guard grunted as he asked Michael about Wright.

“He’s okay. You saw him get paired up with me for a project, right? So he’s okay” he answered the man.

The last class went like a breeze with him still thinking of how Clara could miss a day in school and no one spoke a word about it.

Wasn’t she Queen? Or was word spread but he didn’t hear?

He also wondered how he’ll repair the damage he had started with Claudia. Being someone who had lost blood before, even though for a short while, he knew it could be tiring and weakening.

He felt worse for his actions and sometimes passed glances to Claudia. Her elbow glove covered the area of the injury. He only hoped it was okay.

He caught Wright staring at him and chose to ignore him.

“Any place special you want to go?” his body guard asked as they walked out of the last class. The day had finished rather fast. And uneventful.

“Yeah, the project I have” he said simply and waited for Wright to leave the class.

He gulped down saliva as Claudia walked out with Wright. “Oh, so we should head out now?” Wright returned Claudia’s bag to her. She pouted and took it.

“Can’t you do it early tomorrow by five. You promised to take me home while holding my bag. My hand is broken for Christ’s sake. Michael, why don’t you guys do it tomorrow” she whined.

Guilt flushed in on Michael and Wright just gave a side smile.

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