Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Resisting the Alpha Triplets Chapter 30 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 30 Raven

Mallory’s POV




Colton and Kai spoke the word first. Then his brother’s along with their wolves.

My wolf cocked her head, taking in the three men in all their naked glory, their hulking frames, six foot four inches of solid, rippling muscles and the long, thick cocks straining heavily between their legs.

“Mmm!” She purred. “Mine!”

“Definitely Mmm!” I returned, caught up in the throbbing of the new bond pulsing between us.

But before I could continue to ogle all those hard lines and ridges, perfectly carved V-lines and deliciously hard cocks the Goddess had gifted just for me, they closed in around me. I felt their hands everywhere, gliding affectionately through my fur. My wolf’s chest rumbled, a sound much more suggestive than I would have thought an animal capable of.

“What’s your name, beautiful girl?” Cary’s wolf, Roan, asked through his human.

“Raven. My name is Raven, mates.” She projected in their heads.

“Raven.” They repeated reverently, in hushed tones as if worshiping at an altar.

Clay came to stand directly in front of us, holding Raven’s face gently in his hands as he kissed her nose. That was when it registered that he didn’t have to crouch to meet her eyes. How was it possible for her to be that tall? We were Omega. It was unheard of for Omega wolves to be that big. Peering out through her eyes, I could see the same confusion swimming in his.

“Hey, sweet girl! Our wolves are so excited to meet you, to go for a run with you. But you probably know your human had a hard time shifting.” A low growl erupted through us at the reminder. “Can you let Mallory shift back so we can check on her? We need to make sure she’s okay.”

Raven stepped back, immediately submitting to her mate, and suddenly I was on two feet again. I had been so fascinated with my wolf that my brain had blocked out all other information. Now, coming back to my skin, the triplets’ scents saturated my mind, filling my head with yearning and sending a rush of slick running down my thighs.

“Mine!” Cary and Clay growled together as my arousal floated on the breeze and they both reached for me.

“Fuck!” Colton cursed, turning away and increasing the distance between us, drawing the attention of his brothers.

That was the wake up call I needed. I had been so distracted, the trauma of my shift merging with the pull of the mate bond taking up all the available space in my head. But that one word, that one small act was all it took to remind me that one of my mates didn’t want me and I shouldn’t, no didn’t, want them.

“I want to go home!” I muttered quietly but I knew they heard me.

“Of course, baby.” Cary said, coming to wrap me in a blanket that Colt must have brought.

I peeked over Cary’s shoulder to see Colton on his phone, pacing nervously. I hated that my eyes sought him out automatically but the pull was so strong. At least it was for me.

Raven whined in my head, hurt by Colton’s dismissal. But she was quickly placated by the powerful sparks that erupted where Clay rubbed the back of my neck with his hand and where Cary ran his thumb over my knuckles.

“How do you feel, little wolf? You scared the shit out of us.” Clay checked in.

“I’m okay, I guess. Just tired.” I shared, not wanting to address the proverbial elephant in the room. “I don’t understand how this happened, but right now I just want to sleep.”

“That will have to wait.” Colton barked, gracing us with his presence once again. “Dad wants us back at the packhouse ASAP!”

“Goddess, Colton! Have some fucing compassion!” You sawy what she went through.” Clay berated him.

“Dad will have to wait!” Cary stood up to him. “Our mate has just been through a traumatic experience. She’s naked, hungry and tired. We’re taking her home!”

The way he emphasized the word “our” sent a jolt of pain through my chest, reminding me that even he recognized Colt’s refusal to acknowledge our bond. I told myself it was only painful because of the mate pull, that I didn’t really want him, but my wolf snarled at that thought.

I hadn’t even had her an hour and already we were disagreeing. Not that I should be surprised. That was usually how my luck played out.

“I’m sorry.” Colton said, actually having the decency to sound genuinely guilty. “Dad says it can’t wait. You can stop by her house so she can get dressed. I will have some food brought up to the office too. But sleep will have to wait. Oh, and dad said to bring Maeve with you.”

“Fine.” I huffed

But as soon as I took a step, my legs gave out, the events of the night finally catching up to me. Cary swept me into his arms and held me close to his chest while Clay held tight to my hand. I wasn’t sure it was the best idea for us to flirt with the bond this way, but my whole body was shaking from my recent ordeal and their nearness helped to settle me.

Colton’s eyes held unfathomable pain and his hand twitched in my direction, like it physically hurt him not to touch me. But still he stood apart, stoic as ever. He probably realized what his brothers hadn’t yet, that those urges were a product of a fated bond and not based on true feelings. Once again, I reminded myself it was best that he held back.

No one spoke as we traversed the woods, walking back the way we had come earlier, so blissfully unaware of what awaited us. At some point I must have nodded off because the next thing I knew, my eyes fluttered open at the sound of my mother’s voice.

“Oh, my poor baby!” She wailed, wrapping her arms around my waist as Cary set me on my feet.

“I’m fine mom.” I rushed to reassure her before she melted into a puddle of worry.

I quickly changed, feeling much more steady after my short nap, and then we were heading out again. The triplets’ eyes glazed over as some silent conversation passed between them. Then Clay kissed my temple before climbing in the SUV with Colton while Cary, mom and I took my car.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.” Mom voiced repeatedly throughout the short trip, despite my multitude of assurances that I was truly fine and none of it was her fault.

Cary refused to let go of my hand, only gripping it tighter when I tried pulling away. But if mom noticed, she didn’t comment on it. And thankfully, Cary never brought up our mate bond, seeming to understand my reluctance to discuss that particular tidbit.

When we arrived at the packhouse a few minutes later, Colton and Clay seemed to be in the throes of a heated argument. But both of them stilled and turned their backs on each other when we pulled up next to them. Luna Erika was already opening the front door as we all approached, tension so thick in the air you’d need a blowtorch to cut it.

“Sweetheart, are you okay?” Erika asked, grasping my hands and spreading my arms wide to look me over.

Cary’s lips pulled back in a snarl at his mother removing me from his grasp but she shot him a pointed look and he relaxed. A remorseful frown immediately formed on his face as he registered the disrespect he’d shown his own mother. Erika patted his arm in understanding to relieve his guilt but that only made my stomach twist, realizing she knew the reason behind his reaction.

“I’m fine, Luna.” I answered automatically, feeling like a broken record.

“Well, let’s all go upstairs. Apparently we have a lot to talk about.” She waved her am towards the staircase.

We all moved as one, following her lead, when a soft voice called out, stopping me in my tracks.

“Colton?” Darcy appeared out of nowhere and reached for him.

My wolf growled at her, catching me off guard and causing Darcy to shrink back: Colton looked back and forth between us, his face drained of all color, uncertainty plain in his eyes.

“It’s okay, Mal. Let’s go upstairs.” Clay slipped his arm around my waist and guided me away.

“Colton, what’s going on?” I heard Darcy ask him, her voice small and shaky.

“We’ll sit down and I’ll tell you everything very soon, okay. But right now, I have to talk with my parents. Why don’t you go home and I’ll call you later?”

My wolf hissed at that but I managed to hold her back. I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see Darcy reach out to him again but he evaded her, taking a step back. Her face fell, obviously hurt by his response, and I knew I should feel sorry for her but my wolf and the bond wouldn’t let me.

“We’re so sorry, Mallory. We didn’t mean for you to find out this way.”

Alpha Carlson said, rising from his chair behind his desk as we entered his office.

“What do you mean? Find out what?” I asked, thoroughly clueless about what he could be referring to.

I looked around the room at all the faces filling it. The triplets wore identical looks of consternation. Not our parents, though. Alpha, Luna and my mother also had similar expressions on their faces. But not of confusion. No. All their faces held was guilt. And suddenly I knew that as horrendous as the night had been so far, it was about to get a whole lot worse.

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