Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 31

Deloise was on the phone when her mother’s call came in. She hesitated to pick it, not quite in the mood of lying so blatantly to her.

On the third ring, Deloise swiped to the green button and slowly placed her phone on her ear. Half expecting the screaming voice of her mother.

” Baby, how are you doing?” The still voice of her mother spoke instead.

” I’m alright mum, sorry I didn’t pick up earlier, didn’t hear it ring.” She said smoothly.

” No problems. It’s fine. Talk to me about school. What’s been happening? I heard that the exams are around the corner.”

” Oh yes! Sorry I didn’t tell you. With the coming exams I’ve been really swamped up trying to prepare.”

” I understand. Take all the time you need. Don’t hesitate to tell me if anything comes up okay? No matter how little, anything at all.”

” Definitely. I’ll be back for the holidays with Anna after the exams. ” Deloise said, making a mental note to inquire from Amanda when the exams were beginning and the time frame for the holidays.

” No! I mean, no need to come back so soon. Take your time. You can stay on campus and study. Or get a job through the holidays and boost your portfolio.”

Esther was skeptical as she spoke. She wondered if she sold herself to be investigated by her daughter. It was almost too obvious she was stalling her, and she hoped her daughter didn’t notice.

As the seconds trickled by in silence, Esther figured her daughter wasn’t deceived by her little attempt to keep her at school till she settled things with Daniel.

” I’d love that! I was actually thinking about getting a job too. I was only worried that you would feel too lonely.”

Upon hearing the words of her daughter, Esther didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It was either she was a damned good actor or Deloise was actually enjoying her school.

Either way, it was all to her advantage and she couldn’t be more grateful for how the conversation was going. She needed time to clear things up and she was going to do everything to keep her daughter at arms length while she handled things.

” Great! Say hi to Anna for me okay? I gotta go.” She said and quickly ended the call. Esther didn’t feel too good about how things were. She didn’t like deceiving her daughter but desperate times called for desperate measures.

On the other hand, Deloise was stunned at the call she just received. Believe it or not, she was worried about how everything was going to end with her new life.

She wasn’t complaining though. Matter of fact, she was glad how it turned out. With the recent development, she knew she had to come up with some story but her mother made it easy.

Now, she didn’t have to lie to keep up with her escapades. It was a good day.


Amanda was on her way out of class when she overheard a conversation regarding her friend Ann.

” Do you know her? She used to hang with him all the time but now, she’s been dumped. He was literally sucking the face of a bimbo last night. ” A girl informed a clique of three that stood in the corridor.

” I’m not surprised she was dumped. She felt like the deal when Liam pivoted towards her, not knowing she was just another notch on his bedpost.” Another said with a malicious tone.

” I’m sure he fucked the hell out of her. Anna’s such a tramp and best believe, she had it coming. Can’t wait to see her and ask who’s the bitch now.”

The trio laughed aloud, having fun with the news spreading round town. However, their fun was cut short when Amanda stepped in.

” Ha, ha ha. That was funny for a moment there.” She said with a bored look. ” It’s obvious you are all so jobless and bitter. Forming a little Anna haters club – what are you guys? Mean girls? ”

One of the girls, having had enough, spoke up.

” We have no business with you whore, get a move on.” There was an antagonistic and daring tone to her voice which drew people’s attention.

” Oh tell me she didn’t just call me a whore. Somebody please tell me I heard wrong.” Amanda said and before they could find time to react, she pounced on the lady before her.

A cat fight ensued.

Amanda, having the upper hand, sat on top of the mean girl and rained slaps on her face while she kept scratching and attempting to get back at her.

The other girls, scared to come close, watched their friend get slapped until her face turned the color of a tomato. The rest of the students watched with their phones out, recording the moment with glee.

They were soon separated but the damage had been done. A damage which Amanda made sure to effect in order to make her think twice before slandering others.


Amanda was seated in Anna’s dorm, waiting for her arrival. The door finally clicked open, bringing in Anna who faltered in her steps upon sighting Amanda’s presence.

” You’re just going to pretend you didn’t see me?”

Amanda’s words stopped her trail. Anna, hearing what happened, didn’t feel like having a conversation. Without a word, she attempted to proceed to her room but was brought to a halt by Amanda’s next statement.

” So it’s true? You got dumped by what’s his name again?” She asked, having trouble remembering the name of the guy she’d been frolicking with since their arrival at the college.

Burned, Anna couldn’t help herself. ” Shut the fuck up.” She bit back, ” Maybe if you had something going on, you’d learn to mind your business and stop involving yourself in matters that have absolutely nothing to do with you!”

” So now I’m crazy? I’m crazy to have defended your bitch ass, Anna? I’m crazy to have actually stood up for you and try reaching out to you? You know what? You’re a bitch after all. I can’t believe I was so stupid to come here.”

Amanda was quick on her feet and without a glance back, she left Anna to her devices, vowing to never involve herself in anything pertaining to Anna.

She’s had it with her.


” Meeting by 8 am sharp. Venue at the director’s office. Not a minute late!”

A mass message was sent to the cast members of the new production. Including Deloise.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

It was soon the day of the meeting and unfortunately, Deloise slept in. She barely had a close eye due to her overthinking and when she was finally able to sleep, she got past her usual get up time.

At 7:56, Layla was well dressed and ready to go out when she remembered her roommate told her she had an appointment for the morning.

” Dee, wake up, did you cancel your appointment? ” She asked while tapping her gently.

” Just a little more- oh my goodness!”

Deloise was wide awake and panicking. She looked towards the clock and the time she read sent her flying out of bed and to her dresser.

It was 8 : 00 am!

She was supposed to be at the director’s office for a meeting. Layla watched in surprise for some seconds at how fast she was going but soon remembered she had a meeting herself and left the accommodations to get a move on with her day.

Deloise couldn’t be bothered with a shower and instead picked out some outfit, doused them in perfume, brushed her teeth and washed her face in record time.

In five minutes, she was out the door, running like her life depended on it with the most absurd clothes you would find in the market. As she sprinted, she begged the one above to help her delay the arrival of the director like the other time but there wasn’t such luck.

Meanwhile, seared in the director’s office was the entire crew, excluding Aaron who was rightly covered by Mr Austin, Ms Ema Bennett, and the director of Evolve talent management company.

They were brought in to be introduced to the cast as the playwright and sponsor respectively. The absence of the female lead and male lead was unmistakable and equally irritable to not only the people who showed up early but the actual playwright of the film.

Ms Ema Bennett couldn’t understand how she could be there early, as busy as she was, but some upcoming nobody made them all wait for so long.

To think that a tardy person was the selected person for the female lead character irked her to no end. She wondered just what it was about the girl that everyone spoke so favorably and unsuccessfully tried to cover up.

She was seething and literally couldn’t wait to get up and out of the school environment, but not before she could get her hands on the little thing that has been a hassle from the very beginning.

” Believe me, it usually isn’t like this. I’ll send someone to get her, in the meantime, let’s introduce other characters, shall we?” Mr Austin intervened, breaking the silence and trying to save face.

” Now why would we do that? The main role is literally the story. Her life encompasses the rest.” Ema Bennett, the playwright of the film explained.

” Maybe It’s best we wait. She is the lead for a reason. How about you send that person to check on her?” Mr Hart Ambrose, director of the Evolve management said from his chair, hoping that it could serve as a temporary appeasement to Ema who wasn’t in her best mood.

The other cast members were seated silently, some of them with pity for what was brewing for Deloise while others either ecstatic about it or couldn’t be bothered.

Stella was amongst those who were ecstatic about it. That is if she wasn’t the only one thrilled to see just what would become of Deloise.

She was in the industry and knew that playing a role as the lead female while in the bad books of the playwright wasn’t the easiest thing to do. In the middle of the chaos, all she saw was an opportunity.

An opportunity waiting for her to explore.

In that moment, a disgruntled, sweaty and panting Deloise barged in. The room watched silently as she attempted to catch her breath. Deloise soon realized she was in fact not alone.

She shied away from looking at the faces of the people and contemplated getting on her knees to apologize but she was cut off by the stern and unfriendly voice of Ema Bennett.

” Nice of you to finally join us. Everyone, Let’s welcome the queen of Zamunda!” She chided sarcastically.

” I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I overslept and just I’m really sorry. ” Deloise stuttered out with her head bowed.

” You overslept?! Don’t tell me the director sent us a lazy and incompetent girl as the female lead because believe me when I say if she doesn’t make the cut, she’s out!”

The room was quiet as Ms Ema ferociously aired her opinions.

” Just look at her. Her hair is a nest, she looks like she was rescued from beasts and not to talk of the stench. Did you even take a bath? Oh don’t even answer, get out of my sight and fix yourself somewhere. ” She ordered with displeasure written on her face.

” I’m sorry, sorry everyone.” Deloise said coquettishly and made her way to the vacant seat behind, embarrassed.

The room watched Deloise until she was seated and with that Mr Austin took the reins of the meeting once again.

” Okay. As I’ve said before, this is Mr Hart Ambrose. He is one of the major sponsors of this project and the director of the Evolve management company. Do well to perform your best for this filming and if possible, commit his face to memory. Who knows? you just might be the next signed talent.”

The room was revived at the last statement and excitement came fresh upon everyone. The previous events, long forgotten.

” And this is Ema Bennett, our playwright. Feel free to ask her questions regarding the interpretations of your characters. Anything at all, she’s got all the information you could ever need about portraying the characters. She wrote them after all. ”

Mr Austin was a man of charisma and knew his way with words around people. Ema Bennett, in reply cracked a smile of agreement to his words.

” Now that that’s settled, let’s begin the characterization, shall we?” He added and the meeting began properly.

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