Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Sage Miller

I was buzzing with excitement as I walked inside Styles's SUV. This was finally the day I was going to

the Arena as it was fight night.

Finally my summer was looking up. Everything was going as it should've been from the start.

The atmosphere, well, my atmosphere anyway, was buzzing with excitement.

I was literally jumping throughout the day. I felt lighter, bottom line is, I was fucking excited.

In just two hours I'd be fighting and I trained hard for this. Styles did set my match and all I had to do

was show up to win. I know he picked an easy opponent for me but that's whatever, I don't care as long

as I win.

"Don't react to fast, wait for him to make the first move. And most importantly don't let him rile you up,

you'll make mistakes and he'll exploit them. Focus!" Styles gave me what sounded like a pet talk.

"I know." I said to him. He's been telling me all this for the past two days.

"Good. Just making sure you won't forget." He said.

I followed him into the long narrow dark tunnels. Even with all the lightbulbs every 6 feet, the tunnels

was still dark and cold.

"Hey Styles!" He hummed. "I invited Sebastian."

"Of course you did." He sarcastically said and I rolled my eyes.

Styles doesn't mind Sebastian but I won't dare say he likes him. I don't know if he does.

"You don't mind?" I asked careful.

"Why would I?" He shrugged. "He's your problem not mine."

I don't know why I thought he'd mind.

But the news of an underground Legend coming to Miami after almost a year of not fighting had

everyone excited.

I know a little about him and I've never seen him though. News has it he's the best trained by Booker,

the best and most of all, I know he's from New York and they say he's the best.

I know I won't be fighting him. I wouldn't want that. Sure I wanna be the best but fighting him will be


The Arena won't be open for another two hours but Styles wanted us to come early because he has

some things to take care of or something like that. And as usual I am the tag along.

In some weird sort of way I wanted to impress Styles with a win tonight. I knew I shouldn't feel that way

but fuck, he's someone that holds a significant status in this game. of course I want to impress him.

Let's not forget who he is.

I noticed someone coming towards us. I didn't know him though.

"Godfather." He greeted Styles bowing his head a bit.

My eyebrows shot up stunned a bit. The guy looked 30 and it was, I don't even know how to put it,

unnerving, shocking seeing him how to a 18 year old.

Then again many people respect the heck out of him, me included, sometimes anyway.

Another weird fact was that he knew who Styles was. Only a few selected knew who the Godfather was

but then again apparently The Arena is owned by the Casias Cartel.

"Welcome." The man added. "It's a pleasure to be in your presence."

He gushed in the most manly way possible. Styles nodded at turned to me.

It always catches me off gaurd how different this world views him and how different the rest of the world

sees him.

He isn't just a bad boy because of his looks and stereotype. He was really bad. The rest of the world

doesn't know it yet.

"This is a close acquaintance of mine. Treat him as you would treat him." His tone was threatening. I

blinked a couple of time processing his whole demeanour.

Holy shit! He didn't just introduce me like that.

"Of course." He bowed his head to me and I frowned.

Holy motherfucking crap! That didn't just happen. For the past month, I've experienced the special

treatment I got from just walking next to Styles but today topped all of the other times.

"Austin, this is Sin." He gave him my code name. It's a name I got when I joined the gang.

I've went to many places with Styles but he had never ever introduced me so this was mind blowing.

We followed the man, which I now knew as Austin, inside.

I noticed the security detail. Man posted almost everywhere. I've been here before whenever Sebastian

was fighting and there was never this much security around this place.

Styles noticed me looking and before I could ask he gave me a vague answer.

"Big night ahead of us. Some people need protection more than others." He vaguely told me. I didn't

pounder on it, I nodded and left.

This is an illegal underground fighting ring and with illegal shit, there's always a possibility of cops

busting into the place.

So Styles and Austin were mapping escape routes incase of a raid. Styles was protecting his identity

so he can never be caught by the cops.

I guess you could say Styles is that type of man. Always planning ahead and taking security measures.

Randomly, he came to me when no one was looking. He had an unreadable expression on his face but

I could read him easily. I always have.

"In here you refer me as the Godfather, nothing else, okay?" He warned and I was taken aback.

I didn't know what to say I just nodded and he went back to his business.

I've always knew how to act or address him whenever we were not alone. I knew I had to be respectful

towards him and think twice about everything I said to him.

Thirty minutes before the first fight was due to start people started arriving. It was more people than

anytime I've been here.

I got a text from Sebastian that he was here. I was so bored out of my mind since Styles was doing his


I stated holes in the back of Styles head hoping he'd feel them and turned around.

I didn't feel like going over there and telling him where I'm going and I didn't want to just leave.

I felt like I needed permission.

Just as I had hoped, he whipped his head and scowled at me.

I opened my mouth to mouth something at him but he nodded in understanding.

I smiled at exited the roomed.

That's what I liked about our relationship. We always understand each other in a wierd sort of way. I

can't put it in words but we do.

I found Sebastian right where he said I'd find him but he wasn't waiting for me alone. He was flirting

with some chicks.

I smirked at the sight. I missed this little shit. I missed hooking with girls with him by my side.

Styles isn't into the whole hooking up scene. Either he's not doing it on my presence because of Eve or

he's just isn't the type. I can't confirm which is it.

"You don't waste time, do you?" I chuckled earning myself some eyes on me.

"Sage? Come over here." He called out. "So this is the guy I was telling you about."

He told the girls and they turned to me which made my smirk even wider. I wink at them causing them

to giggling.

For a moment I almost forgot about Smurf but their beauty wasn't that mesmerizing to make me forget

but I went along with it.

I flirted with them hoping, willing my mind to shut down even for a moment.

I tried forgetting about what happened this morning. The morning started out great yet at the end she

left and she didn't look back. She left just like I knew she would.

"If you keep zoning out these girls are going to get bored." Sebastian warned me breaking me out of

my daze.

I didn't mean to zone out but my mind is doing it's own thing right now. I was still operating on Smurf


"I don't mean to but I have a fight in less than and hour." I lied... it wasn't a lie but it wasn't the truth

either. it wasn't the reason I was distracted.

"I get it, you're nervous." He told me and turned to the girls.

"Ladies. We have to prepare for a fight. See you later." He coaxed them.

"Okay sweet daddy." One of the girls said. I knew they told me their names at some point but honestly I

wasn't paying attention and I'm I wasn't bad at remembering names.

"Promise to cheer for us?" He winked and they both giggled.

"We got front row seats." The same girl promised holding her hand up.

I noticed that the same girl was doing all the talking while the other one would giggle and smile.

She caught me staring and her cheeks burned. I winked at her and her cheeks turned more red.

I almost laughed at her but refrained. She was cute.

Once we walked away I turned my attention to Sebastian. Something he said caught my attention.

"You didn't tell me you were fighting tonight." I accused. He shrugged.

"I was going to tell you.." He trailed off and I knew there was more.

I wasn't upset or anything. I was just curious.

"And?" I asked. I knew how much Sebastian hated explaining himself. Sometimes I think he was

incapable of explaining anything at all.

"I've been fighting. To take off the edge and all and I wanted to save to get myself an apartment in a

better building.. " Once again he trailed off but it was better than nothing.

Sebastian is turning 18 in a couple of months. I guess that's why he wants to move.

Before no building would rent anything to a minor. That building he's living at right now was the only

building willing to over look that detail and they were charging him extra.

"That's good." I nodded at him. I didn't know what else to say. I thought it would take him a lot more to

get him to talk but I guess he was trying.

We went to the dressing room to change and warm up. My muscles were slightly sore because of the

intense training this morning.

Later on we were given time if our fights. Sebastian's was a lot earlier than mine.

Sebastian and I were in a different dressing room than the other fighters. It was only the two of us.

My guess was because Austin listened to Styles and was giving me the VIP experience.

"I could get used to the special attention." Sebastian gushed taking in the dressing room. It was a bit

fancy and clean unlike the other dressing rooms.

"Stick with me buddy and all this will be your life." I joked wiggling my brows.

"Is it always like this?" He asked. "I mean with the special attention. Is it always like this when you're

with the Godfather."

"Pretty yeah." I shrugged. I was used to this. Spending half my summer with him. I was used to the


"This is so fucking cool." He exclaimed and I went back stretching.

I wanted to be ready. I didn't want to get a cramp in the middle of a fight.

The audience was big. I've never fought on a big stage before. It was scary. I've never fought for an

audience at all.

Sebastian didn't seem nervous at all. But him and I were different. Too different.

Soon, sooner than I thought. The fights began. They warmed up the crowd for a bigger fight that was

set for tonight.

Legend VS Legend, they said.

That's why all the security was here.

I've never seen shadow but rumor has it that he's the best of the best. His strategy isn't known. I know

he's the best because he was trained by the Legend of underground fighting. Night Wing.

When they called Sebastian's name I knew than I would be next. Around The Arena, Sebastian goes

by the name Bash because of his strategy and real name. It's also his gang code.

I walked out the tunnel and stayed on the shadows to watch my friend's match.

He was quite popular than me in fact, no one knew who I am. The crowd cheered for him louder than

the previous fighters proving just how well known he is in The Arena.

His opponent was also a popular one. He lost a few fights but won most. He was about Styles age.

I noticed that today's MC was Austin which proved how big tonight was.

I've been to The Arena plenty of times and Austin never made an appearance.

I focused on watching the matched.

The other guy lunged too quickly but Sebastian dodged moving away from his opponent.

He was playing it safe. This time his opponent was more careful too. He slowly got closer punching but

Sebastian was blocking.

He hesitated but it was international but Sebastian didn't see that. He dropped his hands and was

going in for a punch but the other guy landed a solid one on his jaw.

I flinched as Sebastian stumbled back.

The fight went on until Sebastian was over an unconscious fighter and was declared a winner.

Unlike boxing, this fights didn't have a Round 1 or 2. The fight was over when one fighter was rendered

unable to fight. Either unconscious or with broken arms and legs or whatever.

Lucky Sebastian's fight lasted only a few minutes but he'll have a whole lot of bruising tomorrow.

I went back to the dressing room and waited for my name to be called.

When I got back I found Styles waiting for me.

He arched a brow when he saw me as if asking about my whereabouts. I shrugged at him.

A sat down and he walked to me but someone approached me first.

"Sin, you're up next." He told me.

I blinked for a few seconds before it clicked that he meant me.

I was Sin. The name always flew over my head whenever it was used. you'd think after months in the

gang I'll be used to the code name but I wasn't.

I stood up and bounced in my feet a bit.

Styles looked at me with a serious expression. I looked back at him with the same expression waiting

for my pep talk.

"Don't embarrass me." He warned seriously and I blinked realising this was the pep talk. it was as

good as I was ever gonna get.

I almost rolled my eyes at him.

I walked out of the tunnel again but this time I wasn't going to watch anyone. I was the one fighting.

I took in all the cheers, my opponent was already in the ring. I recognise him immediately.

He was a rising fighter like me. Also my age. I've seen him fight. He was good but I've been training

too. Intensely.

My eyes searched the front row seats until they landed on two familiar chicks.

I don't know why I searched for them but I'm glad I did.

I saw them cheering and I swore I could hear their voice over the crowd.

I lifted my eyes to check the enter crowd for the first time.

The crowd was big, twice if not thrice to what I was used to.

Before my nerves could get the better off me. I my gaze met with one of the girls. The quiet one.

Her eyes were calming. I held her gaze for a few seconds then went back to staring at my opponent.

I had the favor here, the crowd. The crowd fuel any figher's adrenaline but he had the same advantage

as me. My opponent was popular than me. So the the fight was in his favor but I had something to

loose here too. I wasn't about to disappoint Styles.

The bell rang and Austin stepped out of the squared ring.

I tried to remember what Styles taught me over the week but it was hard with the adrenaline telling me

to lung and punch.

I stayed rooted in my spot. I let him come for me and when he punched I dodged and I used all my leg

strength to knee him straight in the middle.

He groaned and fell on his stomach giving an advantage to kick his ribs.

He rolled away and made it to his feet. I smirked when I saw him coughing blood.

I bounced on my feet and I was hitting my chins on the bloody canvas in the process.

I egged him on getting cocky. He threw a punch and I blocked him but it turned out it was a decoy

because he landed one on my ribs. I did exactly what Sebastian did.

I stumbled back and I could practically hear Styles cussing me in my head, your ribs are unguarded.

I cursed again when I tried covering my ribs because it left my left side vulnerable.

I tried remembering what he said I should do but came out blank. I couldn't remember a single thing.

He came forward and kicked me on the side of my torso. I tried to block him by pushing his leg so he

couldn't get all of his kick in but it still hurt like a bitch.

It took all my will power to not clutch my torso.

I tried punching him but he blocked and punched me below my ribs and before I could think, he landed

a punch on jaw and I immediately saw stars.

I coughed and stepped away from him. I shook my head a bit trying to clear my vlary vision.

This guy was getting on my nerves. I needed to knock this guy out before he knocked me out.

This time I approached him and when he punched I dodged and went for the kill.

I grabbed his shoulders and I kneed him hard on his torso and ribs. When I let go he stumbled back, I

followed him throwing multiple punches on him until he lied unconscious on the canvas.

I smiled proudly as they announced me as the winner.

Once again my eyes moved to one girl on the front row seats. She was jumping up and down with

excitement. Literally.

I smiled and winked at her but my mind had a mind of its own. Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

Suddenly I pictured Alora in that seat jumping up and down. I pictured going over the to kiss her as she

congratulated me.

I immediately shook that thought out of my and caught on the crowd as they cheered my name.

"Sin! Sin! Sin!." They all cheered. I felt big as they boosted my ego.

I smiled and turning around busking in all the glory. I paused and lifted my hand with pride.

The whole crowd cheered differently when I did that. They roared.

This feeling was irreplaceable. Not even Alora can match it. It was magical. I couldn't even put it in


My inside was warm and I was feeling... argh I can't even explain.

I exited the ring with pride.

I don't know why I expected to find styles in the dressing room but I didn't. He was not in there.

I quickly got took a shower and for dressed. The excitement of my own fight had died down but I was

excited to see the fights of legends.

The door bursted open and when I realised it was my best friend not Styles I tried not to look


I was still waiting for his weird congratulations because I knew he wouldn't say the word.

"That fight was awesome. Did you see how they all cheered for you. I think you're more popular than I

am now. You guys had chemistry that I'm even jealous now. I still have goosebumps thinking about that

fight. It was awesome. I almost recorded it but you know how security will never let me record

anything." He stopped when he was out of breath and I chuckled.

Sebastian rarely rambled and if he was it meant that he was really excited.

Again I was full of pride. Hearing him praise me was good for my ego.

"I know but let's go watch the Legends now." I told him and he went off biting my ear as he started

talking about the Legends.

We found space next to girls we were talking to earlier. Our egos were high since we won and them

gushing over us were not making it better.

They both gushed over us and I was a bit flustered with their attention.

We watched as Austin made it to the ring.

He cheered and hyped the crowd for the up coming match. Everyone wanted to see the fight if the


He announced the next match and stepped out. Two more matched followed after that before it was

time for the showcase of the immortals, the legends.

Austin came out again with a mic in hand.

"Alright y'all. I'm sure you all wanna know this legend. Those who've been around the game long

enough know who he is. They know how lethal he is. In a blink of an eye he can end a fight. Like

darkness he creep in slowly till he consumes you."

The way he spoke kept the crowd on their seats and he sent fear into everyone's hearts.

"Yes, trust me when I say he's scary. He might not look like it but I assure you he is. But is it enough to

stop Tracy."

I loved how Austin captured the crowd by his voice. His voice alone sat the stage for the fighters.

"We're all familiar with Trace. Our unbeatable champion. No one is ever enough to step up to our

beast. He destroy body. Kills souls. Is this legend gonna prove to be enough of a challenge for Trace or

will he just be another victim."

All I wanted to know is who is this shadow. I wanted to put a face to the name.

"They say, darkness isn't the absence of light but the conviction of light. Let me introduce to you. The

legends. Trace and Shadow."

Austin got off the ring and Trace made it to the ring.

He walked slowly basking in the cheered of the crowd. I have to admit, whoever was facing him has his

hands full.

He's one heck of a fighter. He's a destroyer but I heard shadow is a God of fighting but I doubt he can

beat Trace.

He got in the ring and Shadow came out.

As soon as he got into the light my jaw dropped. I couldn't process what I was seeing.

I mean was it real or was i really seeing Styles coming down the ramp.

I felt a tap on my shoulder but I couldn't take my eyes if the scene that just unravel in front of me.

He couldn't be Shadow. He just couldn't be.

I mean I realised that this past week that he knew a thing or two about fighting.

When you're an outside man it's easy to judge. That's what I thought.

I mean you can coach a football team and draw up strategies but that doesn't mean you know how to

play football.

I turned around and locked gaze with Sebastian. His expression mirrored mine. Shocked.

"That is... that is." He stuttered and I really couldn't blame him. I was still processing the whole thing.

When I looked back, Styles had made it in the ring. He and Trace were having a stare down. Trying to

establish dominance.

They all had dangerous expression. Their gaze were blank yet rigid and cold.

Everyone in the arena could feel their power radiating off them. You could simply tell that by the cheers

the crowd was making.

They were different.

The bell rang and Styles lunged. I heard the crowd hiss as they knew it was a rookie mistake.

Especially dealing with Trace.

I could see the ending and I wondered what would happen to Trace if he beat him.

I doubt Styles is the kind of man to take defeat lightly. He will use his influence as the Godfather to kill


Trace blocked his attack with speed and as he was about to launch a counter attack, one he always

use to finish his opponents.

Just as he was about to punch, Styles dodged and everyone gasped. No one has ever dodged that

attack yet Styles had done it so effortlessly.

The match had a quick pace. Both fighters were quick but it dawned to everyone who was quicker.


Because he successfully delivered an elbow to the back of Trace's head so that Trace stumbled

forward making him look like an idiot.

It almost looked like he was toying with him.

Trace turned around quickly and didn't miss a beat as he tried to make an advanced on Styles.

I say tried because Styles blocked it with ease and pushed Trace back and punched him square on the

jaw then a jumping knee on his chin.

His head thrown back as Styles kicked his left knee without giving him a second. Trace was down in

one knee then Styles kicked the other.

Trace was kneeling in front of Styles.

Then it dawned on me. He did it on purpose. He wanted Trace to kneel in front of him. He wanted to

embarrass him in front of his crowd.

He's sadistic. I smiled as he delivered the final blow.

The spinning kick connected with the side of Trace's head and he dropped on the canvas.

Styles was standing tall as everyone cheered.

Sebastian's mouth gape. Trace never laid a single blow.

I looked at Styles as Austin came back to the ring.

How many secrets can one man hold.

The Godfather. Now Shadow.

What many more secrets can he hold.

It's not the fact that he's Shadow that's mind blowing. It's the fact that he's the best in underground


People came and got Trace out of the ring. Austin praised Shadow. My mind was so lost that I didn't

hear a thing until Sebastian shook me.

"That was fucking awesome. Did you really see that." He exclaimed and gushed. "I respect him even

more now. He's the best. Really no shitting."

I didn't even know what to say because in the past four minutes my mind has been trying to

comprehend this situation.

Sebastian and I went to collect our winning. It's was a big night today so we got a grand each.

Tim or Tom, one of Styles' goons approached me.

"The Godfather left the car for you to take you wherever you wish." He told me.

I frowned at him. He left why?

"Where did he go?" I asked even though I knew he wouldn't tell me. If he left me he didn't want me

knowing where he was going.

Or he knew you wanted answers. Well that's a good point.

"He said to tell you that he'll answer your question." Well damn. I was right. "He suggested I take you

and your friend to a club."

I raised my brow at him him. Did he now.

"Hey Seb." I hollered. "Wanna go to a club right now?"

He walked towards me with the two girls and I'm ashamed to admit I still don't know the name of the girl

I'm suppose to fuck by the end of the night.

It didn't help that she was nothing like Smurf-

Oh fuck! Why though? Can't I go just two hours without thinking about her?

"Yeah sure. They says it's fine." He said.

I need to go drink and learn this girl's name, fuck her brains out and get Alora out of my head.

"Right cool. Let's go." I monitored them to follow me to the SUV.

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