Chapter 8: Alliances or enemies

Chapter 8: Alliances or enemies

Sage Miller

Taste like soft berries on a summer evening

And it sounds just like a song

I want more berries and that summer feeling

It's so wonderful and warm


"What have you been up to Sage." She asked eying each moment skeptically.

"What?" I played innocently.

We were sitting at The eat. A diner I discovered on one of my late nights on the Job. Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

"You've changed...... I can't put a finger around it.... I feel like I don't know you anymore." She said

thinking thoroughly over each word.

"Silly you." I mused. "You know me better than anyone."

Honestly, she knows more than anyone but she doesn't know all of me. No one does.

"You seem more matured and rough." She continued. I watched as she looked at me like a mystery she

needed to solve.

I don't want her to solve me. I like that she knows the goods sides only and I want to keep it that way. I

want her to be proud when thinking about me.

"Enough about me. Let's talk about you." I popped my elbows on the table and supported my head on

my hands. "Tell me what about your Summer."

Her face immediately lit up and a grin spread across her face.

"Summer is awesome and it just started." She beamed and my heart grew warm. I absolutely love this

woman. "Last weekend we were at the Bahamas. It was glorious but I hated the plane ride."

I listened to her with a huge grin on my face. She told me every details. I couldn't help but though how

much she was born for this life. She seems happy.

"We had to come back because Wren had a big meeting yesterday and Zac is suppose to tag along

since he'll take over the business."

She adds an eye roll which caused me to chuckle. I love brunch date with her.

"Enough about me. How is your Summer so far?" She asked.

"Nothing interesting. Parties here and there. Hanging out with Sebastian." I told her.

"And Alora." She rolled her eyes when she said that.

I arched my brow at her.

"I called her last weekend and she didn't pick up and when she did I heard kissing and Ew." She


My lips immediately turned a thin line in attempt to keep smiling.

I fought the urge to clench my jaw and storm over to her house and demand an explanation because

I'm sure as hell haven't seen her in a while and that wasn't me kissing her.

But I don't own her. We agreed that there were no strings attached, no jealous and our relationship was

never exclusive. And I can't demand that of her because I don't think I'll ever be her boyfriend even if

she asked.

"Are you okay?" I heard Eve ask and I force myself to smile and I realised that in my attempt to not look

angry I ended up looking like I stuck a stick up my ass.

"Yeah, I am." I lied and my eyes drifted out the window. "Just saw something that that made me angry

out the window."

She turned around to see the non-existent thing that made me angry.

"They passed." I rushed out and she turned back to me.

"Oh." That's all she said.

I quickly thought of a new topic. I don't want to discuss Alora right now.

"So what are going to do after the summer?" I asked even though I knew she's going to study


It fascinate me how she has her life all figured out while I think I'll just follow dad's foot step.

:Play college football and study law.

That's the whole plan. I don't know how that will work out. We'll just see.

"Uhhhm...... I don't know." She looked away.

"Why?" I couldn't help but raise my voice and I saw her flinch like she expected it some how.

"Why Evernly?" The anger just rolled off each word. "What happened to studying Psychology and

becoming a psychologist or therapist or that shit?"

She looked away not replying.

"I mean you had everything planned what happened?" At that moment I was downright pissed at her.

"I have all Summer to figure something out." She mumbled.

"To figure it out?" I asked her not really believing her.

We talked so much throughout the years what she wanted to do. The answer was always the same.

She had it all figured out. She even took that class for smart kids. That AP shit for second years


"Make me understand Evernly." I said through gritted teeth.

I ignored everyone's eyes in the diner.

"Wren wants me and Zac to take over the business. So I thought I'd major in business." She muttered

under her breath.

"And that's what you want?" I asked still pissed.

She looked away giving me my answer.

"Are you going to do it?" I stared at her silently waiting for her answer and her silence spoke volumes.

"So what do you wanna do Evernly? You don't wanna do psychology anymore, you don't wanna do

business. So what do you wanna do?"

God fucking help me. People might see my anger unjust but I have every reason to be angry. I don't

want her to throw her future away.

"Sage please calm down." She whispered looking around. I know for a fact that she doesn't like public

humiliation and what I'm doing right now is that.

"I don't know what I want anymore and don't pressure me because the past year has been hard on me.

So excuse me for not knowing what I want anymore. It hasn't been a breeze or walk on the beach. It's

been hard."

The sarcasm dropped in each word but she got her message across.

In my pissed state I forgot everything she went through this year. Of course it would be too much for

anyone. I seem to forget how fragile she really is because she seem to be okay all the time and I forget

how she pretends sometimes.

My heart clench and I dropped my face and looked at my lap.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled feeling ashamed.

"It's okay. I understand." She reached for my hands and squeezed them. I'm suppose to comfort her

not the other way around. "I may be confused now but I will have it figured out by the end of the


She told me and I nodded amd we stayed silence for a while just thinking.

How could I have been so delirious than to forget that she's so fragile. I'm so pissed at myself ri__.

"It's okay Sage." She reached for my hands again and I lifted my head and met her gaze.

It so warm and it forces me to focus on her again. I nodded at her again.

"Now I gotta finish this milkshake." She beamed like a new person. Not a trace of what we just talking

about evident in her eyes.

She took a huge sip on her milkshake and groaned muttering 'so good'. I smiled and shook my head. I

forget how she can change moods before I could even blink.

"Now you have to tell me how you found this place. I thought the milkshakes at the diner I worked at

were good but this one are heaven."

She rambled and I chuckled. We talked for a good ten minute. Soon she had to get back because she

promised to babysit today.

I didn't complain and I accompanied her to her car which was parked next to mine. I opened the door

for her and she giggled.

She's so cute. "Same time Sunday?" I asked.

"Yes." She beamed and broke a huge grin. "I love you Sagie."

"I love you Evie." I teased her and she frowned then shook her heard and smiled brightly. Weird.

"Drive safe okay." She told me and I nodded and I watched her pull out the door and beeped at me and

drove off.

I chuckled and open my own car and got in and before I had a chance to start my car my phone rang.

I see Sebastian's name flashing and groaned. Lately I dread talking to him because the air between us

is thick and strained.

Nonetheless I picked up.

"Hey man." He greeted and the car automatically connected with my phone and I pulled out of the

parking spot.

"I'm outside your house." He sounded hesitant. "Dimitri is dead."

He hurried up and said it and my blood turned cold.

"What?" I asked even though I heard exactly what he said.

I couldn't believe he's dead. He may have been an ass but he was a good boss.

"Get over here before we miss his funeral." He hissed and I immediately pressed on the accelerator

and speed off.

I get that Dimitri is dead but I couldn't help but ask myself questions like, what woul happen to our gang

now? I know we are a part of a cartel but what will happen now. Will they bring us a new gang leader?

And if so how will he be like? Will he be like Dimitri or will he be cruel? Or will they choose among us to

be the gang leader?

What the fuck will happen?

I pulled next to Sebastian's car and got out and marched towards him.

"What happened? Was it another gang attack?" I rushed out. He was pale as I was.

He was more close to Dimitri than I was. And he has been in the gang longer than me.

"No." He whispered. I could see the pain in his eyes. "There was a raid at the warehouse and Dimitri

and a few other guys were there sorting out the merchandise and the cops busted the place. There

was a shoot out and no one survived except a few cops."

She finished and I tried to process his words. This shit is really dangerous. This is a slap on the face to

remind me what I've got myself into.

"What now?" I asked him. He seemed to have all the knowledge.

"His body is at the police station. I've been tasked to give his girlfriend some money and the families of

those who got shot." He paused and took a shaky breath. "When his girlfriend gets the body a funeral

will be held for him. Then we forget. His lucky he had a position and a reputation in the cartel otherwise

he'll be forgotten like the others."

After his explanation I helped him deliver the money to their families, some we left it on their doors.

Lastly we went to Dimitri's house and his girlfriend was sobbing uncontrollable.

She cried her eyes out until she had to get Dimitri's body at the police station. I've never seen

something so heart breaking like her sobbing.

Dimitri's funeral was short. There was no pastor just the gang and his girlfriend. Guns were short three

times and we went our separate ways forgetting that Dimitri existed.

The mole was caught and dealt with I'm Dimitri's honor.

I know it's weird that his funeral would wanna make me work harder to climb the ladder in the gang

then the cartel.

But that's what I wanna do. The cartel is scary as shit but exciting at the same time.

"Man." I snapped my head to Sebastian who's shaking me. I arched a brow at him. "I've been talking

alone and you're thousand miles away."

He groaned and I smiled a little.

"Sorry." I told him. "What were you saying."

"I was saying that we already have a knew leader and you won't believe who it is." She started and I

arched a brow at him again but he doesn't say anything waiting for me to say something.

"Who it Is?" I humored him and asked.

"The Godfather ." He replied and my breath hitched.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I can't believe that. The Godfather is high up there in the cartel ladder.

"Yes I'm sure." He beamed and his sadness over Dimitri's death no more. That's how much of a big

deal that guy is.

He's not the second hand but word has it that he will take over from the one who's leading now.

He's just a big deal and for him to be our new gang leader is a big fucking deal. Someone from the top

is coming to us.

With his help our gang grew insanely. He's just a big deal. He can make shit happens.

"Apparently he's pissed at himself that he didn't see this coming." Sebastian explained.

"He couldn't have seen it coming." I defended him. "He's not a God. He should take it easy on himself."

"That's exactly it. He is a God. He should've seen it coming. He always see it. Do you know how may

raise he prevented and how many moles he discovered. Since he was with the gang the police have

never busted us once. That's why the cartel moved to Miami because he wanted it to move. That's how

much of a big deal he is and how good he is."

I just stared at Sebastian. That guy is almost inhuman. Does he predict the future or does he have

some powers or shit.

"Wow. Just how old is he?" I gushed.

"I don't know man. No one truly knows him. He's just a ghost and recently he decided to step out of the

shadows and this is his chance to make his presence known and it's not like it wasn't known before."

"Aren't we lucky."

"Let's go before we're late and that wouldn't be a good first impression. Beside this is the Godfather not

Dimitri. He might not let us be like Dimitri did. He may not tolerate our tardiness."

"I'm so fucking excited to meet this guy." I beamed.

I didn't feel like I was the one driving to the Location because I felt like I couldn't get there fast enough. I

was so excited to meet this guy that I was driving so damn slow.

When I parked my car I jumped out so damn quick and I mentally laughed when I saw Sebastian doing

the same.

This guy had us behaving like girls going to see their crush. He better be everything they say he is.

"He's here." Everyone hissed in a whisper and the atmosphere changed. Everyone was so damn

excited to see this.

"Yeah I have all their information. You can rest easy." We heard a voice coming from the hallway and

the room went dead silence.

"Send it to me. I want to check for myself." Another voice gave an order and you can tell he had power.

I felt like I knew it somehow.

"Yes boss." The other one said.

"Good. Now let's meet this people." He said before he appeared. Still looking at the guy but I felt like I

knew they guy.

He looked like.........

He turned around and by breath stopped. He couldn't be here. Sure enough he was him. In an all back

suit like he always wears. Standing in front of me.

"Like you already know. I'll be your new leader. I don't tolerate bullshit. I don't forgive. At all."

He looked different like the other times I saw him. He seemed to be in his world. In charge and oozed


"Isn't that__." Sebastian started and I cut him off.

"Yeah it is." I said as I clenched my jaw.

"Now that that's out of the way shall we get down to business." He confidently said.

He moved his eyes everywhere around us. Still he didn't see me.

I pushed through the people and stood in front of the people and his eyes immediately widen bit he

composed himself quickly and he stiffened but you wouldn't have realise if you went looking.

"Styles." I said through greeted teeth.

I can't believe the guy we idolized so much was my sister's boyfriend. I feel cheated.


Wow. They finally met.

What do you think will happen? Will they beat the shit out of each other? Will they shout at each other?

Will they pretend they don't know each other? Or will they join forces or some shit?

Song: Harry Styles - watermelon sugar

I'd love to hear what you think.

Anyway vote, comment and share

I love you all


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