Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Eighteen: Rescue Mission

Chapter Eighteen: Rescue Mission

Knox raised his hands and slashed. A gasp flew out of Rebecca's mouth just as his claws met the tree

behind her.

He stared down at her, his eyes conveying just how much he hated her, "Since you are so fond of

Nikolai, tell him to stop. I am the Alpha of the Nightshade pack. I won't be part of an unprovoked attack

and in as much as my wolf wants to watch you bleed out here, I won't do it but this isn't the past, if he

doesn't stop, there will be blood. His blood."

He backed away from her. His wolf lunged to the surface as he looked back at her one more time, "If I

see you again Rebecca, that will be the last you will ever breathe."

He shifted.

Aria sat on her bed staring at the mark. The door to her bedroom opened and Melody entered.

Melody stood at the door staring at Aria who sat rubbing circles around her wrist.

"Do you hate me?"

Aria finally looked up at her, meeting her eyes, No Melody. I don't hate you."

"You should."

"I know."

Silence followed.

"Why did you do it? What did Julian offer you that would make you betray Knox? I don't know all of you

that well but it doesn't seem like Knox would have turned you away if you told him you needed

something, blood or not."

"I know."

"So why did you do it?"

Melody sucked in a deep breath, "Knox's father brought me into the Bloodmoon pack when I was

seven. He found me in the woods covered in blood, my parents' blood. They gave up their lives so I

could survive and a few months ago I found out."

She cleaned the tears from her eyes before she continued, "I found out that my mother was still alive

all these years. Julian was keeping her captive and that was how it started. He never let me talk to her

more than a few minutes, but everytime I told him something useful, he would let me see her."

"It wasn't until a few days ago that he asked me to give you the necklace. I should have gone to Knox

but I wasn't thinking. He said he would finally grant me my freedom and with my freedom came hers.

But then he didn't keep to his words."

Aria stared at her for a moment. "Did you know?"

"Know what?"

"What it would do to me."

Melody nodded.

"And you still gave it to me?"

"I just wanted to be with my mum. I'm so sorry." She wiped her eyes as more tears fell.

"Why didn't you just tell Knox for fuck's sake? It seems to me that you have a lot of wolves that would

have matched into the Silvercrest territory to fight for you."

Aria paused, realizing something, "A few months ago, I was part of the Silvercrest pack. My father was

still Alpha. Why was he interested in the Nightshade territory then?"

"I don't know."


No one said anything again. Melody's hand turned the handle of the door. "I'm really sorry Aria."

Faint voices whispered in Aria's head.


Melody stopped, "What?"

"Where in the Silvercrest pack is he keeping her?"

"In like a cave like dungeon."

"That fucking son of a bitch. My father banned all wolves from going into that place. That's why it must

have been so easy for him. What are you doing now?"

Melody played with the door handle, "I don't know. I'm waiting for Knox."

"Okay. Let's go."

"Go where?" Melody blinked as Aria stood up straightening her back with her Alpha vibes coming out in

waves, "To the Silvercrest pack. We are going to get your mother."

"Are we there yet?"

Sophia sighed in irritation, "For the one hundredth time Kira, no we are not there yet. But then Shana

wouldn't it be faster if we were in our wolf forms?"

"Yes..But if we are all in our wolf forms, how would we carry the bags? We can't hold with our teeth.

That would even slow us down more."

Sophia sighed again, "You are right."

They continued walking in silence.

"What's it like? Shifting."

Shana looked down at the teenage wolf, "You've never shifted before?"

"No. I feel my wolf pacing like she wants an out but everytime I try nothing happens."

"Maybe you are latent just like Aria."

Shana hit Sophia on the arm, "Stop being so inconsiderate." She turned to Kira, "Don't listen to her. I'm

sure your wolf just needs a little more time. You will wolf out eventually."

"Okay..Who is Aria?"

Shana smiled, "The person we are trying to save and also Knox's girlfriend."

Sophia frowned, "She is not his girlfriend. She is an annoying wolf that no one likes."

Shana laughed, "Really? That's Aria? Are you sure you don't have it all mixed up?"

Sophia glared, "Don't remind me of the hundreds of reasons why I don't like you."

"You two don't like each other?" Kira asked, confused.

"Shana has a tendency to be a stuck up bitch."

"Sophia has the tendency to just simply be a bitch."

The two of them glared at each other before they burst out laughing.

Kira blinked.

"Don't worry Kira.. You will love Aria. She is really nice."

Sophia scoffed, "She is trouble. Maybe I have an extra amount of hate because of the attention Knox

pays her but really we were peaceful before she crashed into our pack."

"Sophia you can't tell how things might have played out. Nikolai was always going to come. I knew he

was a greedy bastard right from the first moment I saw him."

"Besides, if Aria hadn't come into the pack, we wouldn't be where we are right now. I would have still."

Shana stopped, "Well it still hasn't changed. I still think you are a bitch."

Sophia laughed, "Don't worry honey. I share the sentiment."

"Are all the wolves in the Nightshade pack like you two?"

"Like what Kira?"


"You haven't seen anything. Wait till you meet Mark." Sophia laughed.

"Mark with the really big dick?"

They turned to her at the same time, "Male wolves-"

"Are completely off limits for you Missy." Sophia finished.

Kira smiled, "I think I'm going to like the Nightshade territory."

She walked past them still with a smile on her face.


"Yes Shana?"

"I think we have our work cut out for us.

Rebecca burst into the room, "I told you."

Nikolai glanced at the two wolves by his side. Without a single word, they exited. He turned to his mate

with a frown. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

"I was in the middle of something Becca."

"Knox came to see me."

His wolf stood letting out a growl, but Nikolai's face remained calm.

"What did he come to see you about?"

"What else? He threatened me." Rebecca placed a hand on her stomach, "He threatened our pups."

His wolf growled again, lunging for the surface. The temperature in the room drooped as his eyes



He stood staring at her.

"I want to talk to Nikolai." His wolf waited a few seconds before giving way to the human.

Nikolai's eyes returned to normal but still his wolf paced angrily in his head.

"I see."

"That's all you are going to say?"

"What do you want me to say Becca or what do you want me to do? By this time tomorrow we won't

have to worry about Knox anymore. But I need to plan Becca."

Nikolai stepped forward, pulling her towards him knowing he had upset her. He placed his lips on hers.

She moaned as his hands grabbed her breast and he squeezed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered in her ear as his hands went lower.

She parted her legs and his fingers entered her wet flesh. She moaned.

"I promise you. Knox won't be a problem to worry about soon enough."

Another finger entered her and she moaned louder.

Nikolai went to his knees, he parted her legs and then he fucked her with his tongue.

Knox went into his room when he returned to the pack ground. A few minutes later, Ryder knocked on

the door.

His beta stood quietly at the door post.

"If you have anything to say Ryder say it. Your stare is starting to irritate me."

Ryder sighed, "Did you go to the Silvercrest pack?"

"Last time I checked I was the Alpha which means that I don't answer to you."

"You are being defensive so I have my answer."

There was a pause before Ryder asked,"Is Julian dead?"

"No. Unfortunately."

"So why were you there?"

"My wolf wanted blood but I came across Rebecca first."

"So Rebecca is dead?"

"No. But she will be if I ever see her again."

"So no one is dead?"

Knox glared at him, "What's your problem with death? Do you want to die?"

Ryder smiled, "Someone is in a mood."

Knox growled at him, making Ryder raise his hand in surrender.

"Where is Aria? I need to speak with her."


"What's with all the questions Ryder?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to know why you would want to meet with her. Your wolf should be angry. She

challenged you in front of the whole pack."

"He is and so am I but then he can't stay angry at his mate."

Ryder's eyes widened, "What?"

"Yes Aria is my mate."

"But Becca-"

"Is a lying she wolf that I had better never see in my life again."

"But didn't Aria find her mate already?"

"That's why I need to see her. That's what we have to figure out."

Knox hand stopped on the door handle, "Oh and Ryder. Send an invitation to Nikolai."

Ryder blinked, "An invitation to what?"

The corners of Knox's lips turned up, "An invitation for dinner tonight."

Aria and Melody made their way quietly through the Silvercrest territory.

Melody turned to Aria with her voice low, "Why did your father ban people from going into the cave?'

"Originally, the cave was where they took wolves when they were shifting for the first time but then

some wolves started abusing it."


"Instead of using the cave as intended, these wolves turned it into a makeshift prison. That was a long

time ago. During the time of my grandfather, as soon as my father became Alpha, he banned entry to

the cave."

As Aria and Melody cautiously approached the entrance to the cave, a chill ran down Aria's spine,

sending shivers throughout her body. There was a reason why she hadn't let her curiosity get the better

of her. The place had always creeped her out. The low voices still whispered in her head fueling

her.Taking a deep breath, Aria steadied herself, she turned to Melody, "Are you ready?"

Melody gave her a nod and Aria led the way, her footsteps barely audible.

The scent of damp earth and the distant sound of dripping water filled the air.

Aria's eyes adjusted to the dim light, scanning the cave's entrance for any signs of danger.

"There are a lot of tunnels. Can you remember the one he usually takes you through?"

Melody shook her head negatively, "But I could try to track her scent."


The air grew colder as they descended further into the depths of the cave. Aria's breath formed misty

puffs in front of her, adding to the eerie atmosphere. They could hear the distant sound of dripping

water echoing through the tunnels.

"Anything yet?"

"No. The smell down here is awful."

"Maybe you can shift. Your senses will be more heightened in your wolf form."

Melody looked down, "I can't shift."

"Why not?"

"My wolf has been silent. She just seats in my head staring. She won't answer my call."

"Well she does have a really good reason doesn't she?"

"I know."

"We will figure it out. I'm going to get this fucking necklace off my neck, we are going to get your mother

and then you are going to fix things with Knox. I promise you."

Melody nodded.

"Now. I need you to focus your energy and call out to her."

Melody closed her eyes. Her wolf growled at her in annoyance. She tried again.

The wolf stood up, pacing in circles.

"I'm sorry." Melody whispered.

Immediately bones cracked and Melody's wolf stood proudly. The she wolf raised her head at Aria

acknowledging her with respect.

Aria smiled as she ran her hand through the wolf's beautiful brown fur.

She scratched behind her ear and the wolf purred at her.

"Alright then, let's go find your mother."

The wolf dashed off with Aria running behind.

They went deeper into the cave, weaving through the tunnels and suddenly Melody's wolf stopped. She

shifted back into her human form.

"What's wrong?"

Melody glanced around, "There is someone here with us."

Suddenly, a low growl reverberated through the darkness, causing both Aria and Melody to freeze.

The wolf emerged from the shadows snarling at them.

Aria's gaze hardened. Even if she was dreaming she would know the wolf anywhere.

The wolf shifted and Seraphina stood in front of them with a menacing smile on her lips, "You couldn't

just stay away could you, dear sister?"

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