Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Always and Forever

Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Always and Forever

"I want these. They look better," Melody argued, her fingers delicately holding a bouquet of bright,

colorful flowers.

Shana, equally passionate about her choice, stood her ground with a frown. "They look ugly, Mel, and

you know it."

In one corner of the room Jacob and Jackson observed the exchange between their soon to be mates

with smiles on their faces.

Jacob chuckled and leaned in closer to Jacob, their eyes never leaving them. "When do you think it's

time to step in and separate them?"

Jackson, equally amused, glanced at his friend. "Definitely when Shana starts growling."

Sophia, who had been watching the exchange with Aria, couldn't help but join the good-natured

teasing. She playfully scolded the two males, "The two of you are like children."

Sophia laughed before she continued, "I wonder why they decided to have their mating ceremony

together if they were going to keep arguing about everything."

Aria laughed softly, her eyes twinkling with fondness for her packmates. "Because they love each other.

They want everything to be perfect for each other."

As Shana and Melody continued to debate the merits of their chosen flowers, Sophia decided to step in

and play mediator. She picked up the two different bouquets they had been bickering over and

combined them into one beautiful arrangement.

Turning to Shana and Melody with a sly grin, Sophia presented the bouquet to them. "Look at these

flowers," she exclaimed. "Omg, they look beautiful."

Shana and Melody turned to inspect the new bouquet, their eyes widening in mock surprise. "They look

absolutely wonderful," they chimed in unison.

Aria, who had been standing alongside Sophia, wrapped her arm around her friend's shoulders, a fond

smile on her lips. "You certainly have a knack for diffusing their little disagreements."

Sophia chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's a talent that I've only recently discovered,

thanks to these two."

Their attention briefly shifted as Eirene, the bundle of joy in Aria's arms, let out a small, heartwarming

cry. The baby's tiny hand reached out towards his loving aunt, seeking her embrace. Aria, ever the

doting mother, hesitated for a moment before reluctantly handing her son over to Seraphina, her brows

furrowing in mock jealousy.

"I think he likes you more than me," Aria confessed with a playful pout, her eyes sparkling with humor.

Seraphina couldn't help but laugh as she cradled her nephew in her arms, feeling an overwhelming

sense of adoration for the little one. "It's just the aunty effect," she teased, her voice laced with


Sophia couldn't help but glance at Shana and Melody. Their animated discussions seemed to have

taken a more harmonious turn, and the squabbles had transformed into shared laughter and a sense of


.With a gentle smile, Aria turned to Seraphina, her eyes filled with warmth. "Could you watch Eirene for

a moment?" she requested, her voice soft yet filled with meaning.

Sophia and Seraphina exchanged knowing smiles, understanding Aria's unspoken intentions. "Of

course," Sophia replied, her voice a reassuring echo.

"You missed me?" Aria inquired playfully, her voice carrying a teasing undertone that was laced with


Knox's response was swift and heartfelt. He leaned down, capturing her lips with his in a tender kiss,

as if sealing the unspoken longing and the deep connection they shared. When their lips finally parted,

he smiled at her, his eyes reflecting the depths of his emotions. "You know I always do."

The sensation of being wrapped in Knox's arms was a comforting one for Aria. She rested her head

against his chest, reveling in the steady, reassuring beat of his heart. His fingers traced soothing circles

on her back, creating an intimate rhythm between them.

As the world outside their room faded into the background, Knox's hands began to drift towards Aria's

clothing, an unspoken invitation lingering in the air. But just as the intensity of their connection

deepened, Aria gently halted his advances with a soft, breathy utterance.


Knox, ever attentive to her wishes, paused, his eyes locking onto hers with an inquisitive expression.

"What is it?"

Aria's eyes met his with a mixture of love and concern. Her next words carried a weight of

apprehension, revealing a vulnerability she shared with him alone. "I don't want another pup just yet,"

she confessed, her voice quivering with sincerity. "I cannot deal with another Malachi coming."

Knox's laughter filled the room, a resonant and reassuring sound that dispelled the lingering tension.

"Me too," he admitted, his eyes twinkling with humor and understanding.

Hours later, they laid in bed as Aria's fingers traced lazy circles on his chest, her grin playful as she

broke the comfortable silence that enveloped them.

"That was fun," she quipped, her voice laced with mirth, eyes sparkling with shared delight.

Knox's smile deepened in agreement, his eyes locked onto hers with a glint of playful recollection.

"Indeed it was," he concurred, his voice reflecting their shared satisfaction.

Aria, her fingers still tracing those mesmerizing circles, couldn't help but indulge her curiosity. "So, how

are things going with the pack? The humans and all."

Knox sighed, his expression growing more serious as he contemplated the challenges they were

facing. "Definitely not been easy," he admitted, his tone tinged with a hint of weariness. "They have

different ideas from us, but Nicholas is helping us bridge that gap."

Aria nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the complexities of merging the humans into the Nightshade Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

pack. "Who would have thought?" she pondered aloud, a sense of wonder coloring her voice. "From

not letting outsiders enter your territory to this. You've really come a long way."

Knox shook his head in humble agreement, his gaze softening as he regarded Aria. "No," he corrected

her, emphasizing the collective effort that had brought them to this point. "We have really come a long


Aria's smile warmed, a testament to the strength of their bond. "I love you, Knox," she whispered

sweetly, her eyes revealing the depth of her feelings.

Knox reciprocated with equal fervor, his voice a reflection of the profound affection he held for her. "I

love you too, Aria."

Their intimate moment, however, took a humorous twist when Aria's stomach chose that exact moment

to make its presence known with a thunderous rumble. Knox couldn't help but chuckle, a soft and

tender sound that filled the room as he sat up.

A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he teased, "Are we going to keep pretending we had a

mating ceremony?"

Aria responded with laughter, the melodious sound filling the room as she indulged in the humor of the

moment. "Let them have this time," she suggested with a playful wink, a trace of mischief in her eyes.

"Ours would be the grandest."

But just as she was about to continue, her traitorous stomach rumbled once more, and Knox didn't

miss a beat. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer as he declared, "Come on. Let's get

some food in you."

The dining hall was a lively gathering of the Nightshade pack's members, filled with laughter, chatter,

and a sense of camaraderie that had become their new norm. A large, long table was laden with

delicious food, and everyone had found their place.

In one corner, Nicole cradled Kael, Rebecca's pup, with a motherly touch. Seraphina couldn't help but

coo at the adorable sight as she held Eirene in her arms. Sophia and Mark sat together, sharing tender

glances and occasional smiles.

Melody and Shana, Jackson and Jacob, were paired up, their laughter filling the air as they exchanged

stories and inside jokes. Tyler and Kira, inseparable as ever, found their own little corner, with Kira

enthusiastically recounting her adventures as the pack's messenger.

Isolde and Sarah shared a moment of laughter,

Aria and Knox entered the dining hall, and as one, the pack members bowed their heads in a show of

respect. Once the formalities were observed, the room buzzed with chatter and laughter once more.

Ryder cleared his throat but before he could address the pack, Lydia, with an unmistakable glow of

happiness, beat him to it. Her voice rang out with joy as she shared her news. "We are having a pup."

The announcement was met with cheers and applause. Shana, sitting beside Melody, cleared her

throat, and when all eyes turned to her, she made her own announcement. "I've decided to remain in

both packs," she declared, her voice filled with conviction. "Because I have so many people I love


The room erupted in a chorus of excited responses, and Knox couldn't contain the wide smile that

graced his face. He turned to Aria, his eyes reflecting gratitude and warmth. "Thank you," he said


Aria raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eye as she asked, "For what?"

Knox's smile remained, soft and genuine. "Before you got here, we were a shadow of a pack," he

explained, his voice filled with sincerity. "So, thank you for bringing us light."

Aria's response was equally heartfelt. She smiled, her love for Knox and the pack evident in her eyes

as she replied, "Always and forever."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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