Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Six: Alliances

Chapter Six: Alliances

Silence filled the room, the tension in the air palpable as Jacob's last words hung heavy in the room.

The pack members exchanged glances, their eyes filled with a mix of shock and disbelief. Whispers

spread like wildfire, carrying the news of Rebecca's survival and her affiliation with the Bloodmoon


Lydia, her voice trembling with emotion, was the first to break the silence. "How is this possible? How

could Rebecca have been alive and living within the Bloodmoon pack after everything that happened?"

Aria looked around the room. Everyone was thinking. There was a story that ran deeper and she

wanted to know what it was more than anything.

Knox stepped forward with a stoic expression on his face, masking the emotions that were coursing

through him, "If Rebecca is mated to Nikolai then that means there is nothing left of our bond. That is

all there is to it. This discussion is over and I don't want to hear anymore of it."

He addressed his sentinels, "Anyone that enters the territory, kill them on the spot."

Aria stopped herself before the gasp flew out of her mouth. She watched Knox walk out of the room,

Ryder and Jacob following him behind.

Her mind raced with a flood of questions. What had driven Rebecca to align herself with their rivals? NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

How had she managed to deceive them all these years? Why did she hold so much importance to the

pack? And most importantly, what did this revelation mean for her?

Lydia cleared her throat, turning all attention to her, "Knox dismissed the matter so that will be the end

of it."

Sophia hissed before walking out while muttering under her breath.

Lydia turned to Aria, "I know you are hurting right now but know that whatever happens, you are part of

the pack now."

There were some sighs. Aria knew it wasn't going to be an easy task gaining their trust. If there was

one thing about wolves it was that they didn't like intruders and outsiders.

They bound themselves together and would always stand as one.

The girl with the melodious voice smiled at her, extending her hand, "I'm Melody."

Aria smiled back while thinking her parents must have been psychic.

"Aria", she took her hand.

Sarah scoffed, making Lydia turn to her",Sarah do you have a problem with Aria being here?"

Sarah kept quiet.

She addressed the entire room, "Does anyone have a problem with Aria being here?"

The dining room filled with over fifty wolves, excluding the pups that were now playing outside, no one

said a single word.

Lydia smiled, "Good."

She turned back to Aria, "Like I said Aria, you are one of us now."

Aria smiled at her in appreciation even though deep down she knew the truth.

Lydia's words couldn't make them accept her, she was going to have to earn their trust and from the

look on majority of the pack members faces, it was going to take a lot.

She raised her hand to tuck her hair behind her ear, the mark on her wrist glowed under the light in the


Gasps filled the air.

Sarah was the first to speak, "You were marked by the moon goddess."

Aria quickly pulled down the sleeve of her shirt covering the mark.

Stories have been told over time of the few selected wolves that were marked.

The extraordinary power they possessed. She hid the mark because the moon goddess made a


She was ordinary, maybe even less than ordinary.

Sarah continued, "I have only heard but had never seen it in all of my time."

Aria watched the shift in her eyes. The skepticism was still there but then there was a new found

respect shining through.

Aria felt like a fraud. She was undeserving of the mark.

She cleared her throat, "I need some air."

"Would you like me to give you a tour?" Melody offered.

Even though Aria wanted to be alone, one of the pack members was making an effort and she knew

she had to meet her in the middle.

So she smiled, "Sure."


Knox paced round his study. Ryder and Jacob stood quietly watching him.

Questions flooded his mind. He felt it all, anger, pain, betrayal and confusion.

The first time he had seen Becca, he had felt the connection. His wolf liked her scent and over the

years, her scent became so familiar. She was his mate beyond a doubt.

Within months they had formed the bond.

"Knox. Maybe you need to go for a run."

Knox turned to Ryder, his eyes flashing black. Ryder took a step backwards.

There was a reason people feared Knox, it wasn't only because the man himself oozed power and

authority, the wolf that lied within was dangerous and lethal.

"I apologize Alpha." Ryder bowed his head.

The room seemed to close in, suffocating him with memories that held both sweetness and betrayal.

The bond he had formed with Rebecca felt like a phantom pain, a phantom love that had left an

indelible mark on his soul.

How had it all come to this? The question echoed through Knox's mind, reverberating off the walls of

his thoughts. The answers were elusive, dancing just out of his reach. He tried to piece together the

fragments of their shared history, searching for the missing puzzle pieces that would bring clarity to the


He clenched his fists, the ache in his chest growing stronger. His emotions seeped through him. The

wolf growled within him. It wanted blood.

Wanted someone to pay for Rebecca's betrayal.

"Ryder." Knox finally raised his head to face his beta.

"As your beta, I will always tell you the truth. You cannot go and see Rebecca. You don't need to tell

me, I know that was what you were about to order me to arrange."

Knox glared at him but he knew it was the truth.

Nikolai would be waiting with his conniving mind, going to see Rebecca would be simply playing into

his hands.

"Let him out, Knox." Jacob said.

In seconds bones cracked and the black wolf stood as a fierce snarl erupted from Knox's throat,

echoing off the walls of the study.

He prowled around the study for a few minutes, silently communicating with the wolves in the room.

Ryder opened the door to the study and with a loud howl, his wolf dashed off.


Melody and Aria ventured through the pack's territory, the sun cast its warm glow over the sprawling

landscape. Melody pointed out various areas, from the training grounds to the communal gathering

spot where pack members would convene for important meetings and celebrations. Aria took in the

sights, everything reflected beauty.

As they continued their stroll, wolves passed them, many of them shooting Aria curious glances. She

wondered if it was the news of her rejection, or the fact that she was marked by the moon goddess that

made them stare.

She was curious too. She had so many questions.

Finally, she couldn't contain it any longer.

She stopped walking, "Melody, can I ask a question?"

Melody sighed, "You want to know about Rebecca don't you?"

Aria nodded.

Melody began her voice filled with fondness and caution, "Knox belonged to the Bloodmoon pack. That

was where he and Becca met. It was undeniable, their bond from the very first moment. Then there

was a battle, Victor, Knox's father didn't survive. Knox was supposed to be next in line but then his best

friend Nikolai made a claim to be Alpha. Knox refused to fight and so he was banished, some of us,

loyal to him, went with him and we formed the Nightshade pack with him as our Alpha. Becca didn't

survive, we were at the border waiting when Knox finally made it, covered in blood. Becca's blood. He

told us she died in his arms"

Aria blinked, taking it all in, "Why didn't Knox want to fight?"

Melody ran her hand down the bark of a tree before gesturing that they sit underneath it.

With the leaves of the three shading them, Melody continued, "Nikolai and Knox were more than

friends. They were like brothers. Knox was going to make the best alpha, but he couldn't bring himself

to fight Nikolai when he issued the challenge. Nikolai's wolf was strong but it is nothing compared to

Knox's wolf. I don't know if that is the reason but I'm guessing Knox couldn't bring himself to kill

someone he considered a brother."

"You sound really fond of Knox."

Melody smile, her features brightening making her even more beautiful, "I am obligated to. He is my

brother after all."

Aria's eyes widened, making Melody laugh.

"Not my biological brother. Victor took me in when my parents died, raising me as his own. Knox

became family and he protected me fiercely."

Melody's eyes turned sad, "I hate that he is going through this. I don't understand how Becca could be

alive and not come find him, what's more? She is mated to that son of a bitch."

Aria kept quiet. She couldn't answer her when she was still filled with so many more questions.

"Well I guess whatever it is, we are going to find out eventually." Melody finished.

She wiped the escaped tears from her eyes, "I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be giving you a tour."

Aria smiled at her, "I think I have plenty of time to finish that tour."

Silence followed.

"What does it feel like, bearing the Silvercrest mark?"

Aria paused, contemplating whether to share a piece of herself with the wolf that sat beside her.

Melody had not held back when she was answered her questions so she could do the same.

"I cover it up because I feel like a fraud. All the stories I've read talk about how extraordinary the

bearers of the mark were. People see it and expect me to be this all powerful werewolf but I cannot

even shift."

Melody placed her hand on Aria's, "Some people just take longer to shift. You don't have to be so hard

on yourself."

Aria groaned, "I feel her. We are so strongly connected. I try so hard to set her free. Sometimes I think

she might end up hating me for not being able to let her loose."


"Now I need to be the one to say sorry."

She wiped the tears from her eyes. Melody laughed, the beautiful sound floating into the air as the wind

carried it.

"Aria?" She called.


Melody smiled, reaching to tuck her hair behind her ear, "I think we are going to be friends."

Aria smiled. Relief coursed through her. She didn't realize how much she needed to hear her say that.

Suddenly there was a shift in the air. Aria stilled, "Melody. I think there is someone watching us."

A low growl sounded from the trees. In seconds a brown wolf leaped from behind the trees and lunged

at them.

Aria froze waiting for the impact but after a few seconds nothing happened.

She opened her eyes as giggles sounded beside her.

Melody pushed the girl off her, "Shana, I've told you to stop doing that."

The girl laughed, pulling herself off the ground, "You know you love me and you know it."

Sensing Aria's presence she turned to her, "What do we have here? I'm gone for a few days and you

replace me with someone so beautiful?"

Shana placed a hand on her naked chest but her eyes glinted with mischief, "I'm hurt."

Melody stood up, "Aria, this is Shana, my best friend and also the most annoying wolf on the planet."

Shana smiled as Aria stood up too, "My my. Men would kill just to have a chance to fuck that body of


Aria blushed.

Melody jabbed Shana at the side, "Stop it, you are making her uncomfortable and where the hell have

you been?"

Shana waved her hand dismissively, "I know you missed me but try to hide it. You know I hate being

caged in and so does my wolf."

Shana turned serious, "Where is Knox?"

"Is it about Becca? Jacob told us already."

"I know."

"Then why do you want to see Knox?"

"I spoke to Becca."

Melody's eyes widened, "You what?"

"I had to confirm that I wasn't going crazy."

Aria stood silently listening to their conversation.

"What did she say? How is she alive?"

Shana shook her head, "I don't know what happened to Becca but that bitch that stood in front of me is

nothing like the Becca we knew. She is mated to Nikolai."

Melody nodded, "We know."

"There was something else, her scent was different and not just because she was mated to him. I think

she is carrying his pup and I need to find Knox because she asked me to deliver a message to him."


"The Bloodmoon and Silvercrest Pack have aligned and they are coming for the Nightshade's territory.

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