Sold To The Gangster Billionaire

Chapter 48 Faint voice


” Alright Luna, you ready? ” Gray asked me while Collins stood behind us watching.

” This is the last phase of my training right? And you sure you’re satisfied? “I answered him with a question and when he nodded, I turned to look at Collins too who nodded also making me take a deep breath and smile.

” Alright, yes I’m ready” I said replying his question.

” You have a tracker being kept somewhere in your car, and another on you which would be hardly noticeable, because it’s in your wrist watch. We’ll both be close just in case anything goes wrong ” Gray said.

” What do you have to do again, just brief it “. I replied him trying to keep my hands from shaking.

” Just make sure to take a path you know they would easily locate you, and when you’re sure that you’re being followed, then you can text Collins and I. Don’t just let them take you so easily, at least beat up some before letting the others take you along, that way it shows you never knew you were being followed. But Luna please be careful, when you see they’re becoming too much to handle don’t fight back anymore, you might get hurt.” Gray replied me.

I took in a deep breath and collected my hair band from Gray using it to band my hair properly.

” I’ll do just great Gray, trust me.”I said.

Collins who had been standing without uttering a word suddenly came up to me.

” Be careful okay” He said and I nodded.

” I will thanks, you too. And make sure you bring back Gray safe, at all cost “. I whispered to him silent enough so Gray would’ve hear me.

” You have my word on that Luna “He replied and smiled.

We all walked outside the house to the garage, standing close to my favourite red car, Gray brought out a gun and handed it to me.

” Use this when you need to, but be careful with it okay”

I chuckled hearing him say such.

” Gray, I know how to use a gun perfectly now, so you don’t need to worry about anything okay “.

” Alright, text immediately anything happens okay, and don’t let anyone hurt you even if it’s just a scratch, also please don’t….”

I didn’t let him say more as I leaned closer to him and kissed him passionately with my hands behind his head and his hands on my waist.

” Gray, I’ll be fine okay, don’t worry. You have more important things to do, so go get ready with Collins”. I replied after breaking the kiss.

I waved at him and got into the car igniting the engine and then I drove out of the house.

Let’s go this, and end this once and for all.

Still driving, I really didn’t notice anything suspicious no matter how much I looked.

Getting tired, I parked my car at the front of a store and walked in, as I climbed down from the car, I turned back only to see a black car being parked a bit far away from the store.

I gave it a good look for about 5minutes but it wasn’t even suspicious and besides there was absolutely no single soul in there.

I grabbed my bag and walked in.

” Soft drink and can I get that over there “. I said to the attendant who nodded and brought it out for me with a sofa drink together and handed it over to me.

” $15″ She said

I opened my bag and brought out the cash to hand over to her, but when I turned my back to leave, I could swear a guy standing close to me wasn’t there before I walked in and he definitely looks so strange.

Besides what’s with the cap and outfit.

I decided to act natural and just walk away like I didn’t notice anything.

Immediately I came out, be followed behind me, but when I got to my car, he continued walking making me sighed.

Surprisingly he got into the black car behind mine making me hit the wheel of my car.

” Shit!! At least they would have given me some time before all these….” I dropping my bag and the thing I had bought at the back seat after taking out my phone from the bag.

I need a lonely road, where so many people won’t be gathered, but also a place they wouldn’t suspect I was purposely driving towards.

I turned my head back to look, only to see more than one cat behind me.

” Wait, did they Inform their boss already? This fast?”. I questioned myself and increased my speed limit.

I took and phone and unlocked it to dial Gray’s number instead of texting and when he picked my voice sounded shaky.

” Gray, they’re after me already, I think it worked. you and Collins start speeding right now, make sure you aren’t being watched okay. I won’t be able to call you again but be careful, and I love you “. I said to Gray.

I took my hands off the wheel making the car drive itself and opened the back of my phone to take out my SIM card. Immediately I did this, I whined down the glass of the car and threw the phone out of the car.

I was sure they would overtake me and stop me because this would be a perfect spot to do what they actually came to do.

Even before I could hold the wheels back, a black car parked at the front blocking me from moving further which made me forcefully hit the breaks.

” Shit !” I cursed pretending like I was angry and waiting for them to get the hell out of their car first.

When they began coming closer to me, I climbed down from my car leaving my handbag and every other things in there except my gun.

Before they could reach me, I turned left and began running as fast as my legs could carry me.

Shit, I was so scared, but I just had to stay bold and strong.

I looked back , and slowed down a bit purposely making those fools catch up to me .

Finally a dead end , I had gotten to a dead end .

I stopped and waved my hands at them to come closer and get me if the could .

I least before I hand myself over to them , I wanted to have just a little bit fun

When the first one came towards me rushing like a wild dog, I quickly dodged his blow and released mine on him , sending him to the floor immediately.

He stood up with a shocked expression on his face which was so clear .

” What ! Wondering how a lady can fight so good ? ” I asked him

In anger he rushed towards me and before he could hold my hand , I lifted my feet up using my left feet to give him a nice hit right on his head .

Though he didn’t fall , but it made him stagger backwards .

I rushed towards him and punched his face .

” Fool ” I said landing another hard blow

” Stupid” I said another yet giving another blow

” Bastard” I finally concluded and bent a bit, using my elbow on him .

I dusted my two hands and waved at more to come towards me.

” Don’t tell me you all are scared of a lady ” I asked

Though Gray had warned me not to use my fist too much and just strictly follow the plan , but I just couldn’t help it .

At least I just wanted to have a little bit fun before letting them take me .

They all gathered at the same time and overpowered me , with two of them holding my hands .

I smirked , making the first one that I had trashed so badly on the floor stand up.

He stood up and came towards me , dropping a very hard slap on my left cheek .

I felt so furious, and wanted to just bit off his fucking ear , but I just held the anger in and decided to just listen to Gray

” Take her away !! ” He said making them hold me roughly .

” Ouch ” I winced I pain as my hand were being forced tied to the chair.

” Take it easy you damn bastard!” I shouted giving him a death look while closing my fist tight.

He smirked looking at me.

” You ain’t seen nothing yet ” He said Increased the grip if the chains on my hands.

I closed my eyes tight, not wanting to scream in pain again.

” I swear to God, you’re the first person I’m gonna fuvking kill when I get the hell outta this thing “.

He laughed sarcastically which made me more angry, but that moment I was so power less, I just had to wait till Gray and Collins arrive.

Somewhere a bit darker and farther from where I was being tied, I could see the figure of two people, I guess they were actually hugging each other .

But who they hell are they, and why haven’t they showed their faces.

“Maybe that’s truly their boss, the real person behind all these” I said to myself looking towards their direction.

” Come out already you damn bastard”.

” Hey, who’s that over there?”I questioned the idiot who tied me.

At first, he didn’t wanna reply me, but then I laughed out loud making him furious.

” Wait, don’t tell me you’re scared of talking? Well it ain’t like I’m gonna leave here alive and I’m gonna soon die anyways right?. That’s right, get me someone else to talk to me, you seem like a weakling to me”. I said getting him so angry.

He roughly grabbed my chin and was about punching me when I heard a familiar voice.

” Stop it, she’s mine to deal with and not yours fool”.

I turned around to look and found out it was Lisa with a guy walking beside her.

” Woah, think of the devil and it appears right in front of you”. I said getting her so angry.

” You should be sorry for yourself, since Gray doesn’t want you anymore but me. Too bad for him because i now have someone that I love and loves me back. So fuck Gray, fuck you both” Lisa yelled.

I scoffed without even uttering a word to her.

” Oh , and guess what he told me, that you’re just a freaking desperate whore who wanted nothing than to get screwed over and over again”.

This words really got to me, it really made me so furious.

I screamed so loud making her laugh out loud.

” You bitch, speak about yourself first. Seeing that you came with someone, I guess he’s also planning on abandoning you after screwing you till he gets satisfied. Just get it straight into your head bitch, you’re only gonna remain a used up piece of trash “. I yelled at the top of my voice .Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Lisa tightened her fist so hard, even her breathing became so loud. Her eyes had become so red like she was really dying to kill me.

The stupid fool she calls a boyfriend held her hand to stop her from coming closer to me, but I guess her anger took the better part of her as she rushed towards me and held my throat, choking me.

” How dare you, how dare you talk to me that way. You have no fucking right to say that after being used too whore”

Though I was choking real bad from her grip on my throat, but I managed to force two words out of my mouth.

” Fuck you ” I said and in rage, she landed a hard slap across my face letting go of my throat.

” You’re lucky it isn’t time to kill you yet, but I swear when that time comes, I’m gonna waste you like an animal and feed your remains to the street dogs out there ” Lisa said and before she could slap me again, the door immediately barged open with Force.

” Gray…”. I called with a faint voice even though he wasn’t the one standing there but I knew he was also somewhere around .

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