Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Welcome to Red moon pack

Sofia’s pov

I did my best to stay strong in front of my family. I know if my mum saw me crying, she’ll get hysterical and try to save me which may probably lead to our deaths. And he’s definitely going to get away with it because he’s a mafia Lord.

All my life, my parents have hidden me away, trying to shield me from the harsh reality of life and everything that concerns the underground. Yet here I am, being led away by the mafia Lord himself.

“Fate has just dealt with me.”

I had to stay strong. If I behave properly he may decide to keep me as a slave and not sell me to traffickers. Selling me off would be the end of my life because I’ll be forced to do a lot of nasty things. I’ll prefer to be kept as a slave than to be sold into such horrible place.

I followed him out and got into the car, lost in my own thoughts. I did not look back as we drove off because the tears that I was struggling to hold in may spill out.

“Why are you dressed like that? Are you some kind of a nun or something?” He asked me calmly.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t answer him immediately. I could not believe that he’s talking to me calmly. From what I heard he’s a ruthless and fearless mafia Lord and he treats everyone like trash.

“No Sir, am not a nun.” I finally answered after shaking the shocked expression out of my face.

He looked at me in a way I don’t really understand before he spoke again.

“Am Damien. I’d like you to address me by my name.” He said as he kept staring at me.

I had no words to describe the way I was feeling right now. This cannot be happening!

Is he testing me? Why would he ask me to address him by his name?

“Am definitely not falling for into his trap.” I thought to myself.

“If you’re not a nun, why are you dressed in a habit and veil?” He asked me again.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

I answered him truthfully, telling him that it’s just a requirement in my school. I told him I won’t be allowed to leave the school premises if am not dressed this way. I tried as much as possible to avoid looking into those eyes, those eyes that draw me in like a magnet.

I decided to push my luck further, seeing that he’s being nice to me, I should take advantage of it and see if I can get him to keep me. I struggled with it for some minutes before I summoned the courage to ask.

“Can I please beg for a favor?” I asked him sounding almost like a whisper.

“Go on,” he said with a huge smile plastered on his face.

Seeing his calm smile gave me the courage to make my request.

“Please don’t sell me off to human traffickers. I’ll serve you obediently I promise. I’ll never disobey your orders and I’ll never try to run away. Please.” I begged him eagerly Hoping he would be moved to have mercy on me.

He stepped on the brakes immediately which made me jerked forward immediately. I would have bumped my head on the dashboard if not for my seatbelt.

He looked at me angrily and I quivered at the extent of his anger. I wish I could hide from his burning gaze as he glared at me.

“Why did I ever open up my mouth to make such a ridiculous request?” I question myself.

“Now I’ve provoked him and he’s going to sell off as soon as possible.” I thought as tears threatened to spill out.

I put my head down so he wouldn’t see my tears.

“Am sorry to offend you, I’ll never make such requests again.” I apologised in a pleading tone.

He pulled over and turned off the car and I shivered a little because I was expecting him to scold me for telling him what to do or worse still, lock me up in the truck of the car.

But he spoke to me with so much calmness and care that thrilled me and melted my heart.

“Look at me Sofia.” He said.

I love the way he calls my name. It sounds so sexy coming from him. How I would love to hear him call my name always.

I looked up at him and our eyes held for some seconds as we stared at each other. His eyes held warmth and other beautiful feelings that I cannot explain.

“Let’s get this straight, You’re mine Sofia and no one is taking you away from me.”

I was shocked at his words. What does he mean when he says am his? Does that mean I’ll be his slave? Will I be a domestic slave or a sex slave? I asked myself.

I got my answers when he leaned closer to me. So close that our lips almost touched.

“You’re mine alone.” he said and I couldn’t help but swallow saliva because he just made it clear to me that am going to be his sex slave.

To emphasize his point, he brought his lips down to mine and gave me a slight peck that made me shiver a little.

I think he did that to let me know that I can’t resist his charms and seduction and I know he’s damn right because am kinda attracted to him which is so weird, considering the fact that he just took me away from my family.

He turned to face the road and drove off but I continued to stare at him, trying to read him. I looked away immediately when he caught me staring.

He took me to a mall to buy some things for me saying he wants me to meet his family. “I guess they are all in the mafia business otherwise he wouldn’t be taking me to meet them.”

I would have told him I have other clothes that I can wear but I wanted him to decide on what I’ll wear to meet his family. I just want to know what he likes so I can dress to please him seeing that am going to be his sex slave.

When we got to a clothing store, he picked some clothes for me and I relaxed a little because he didn’t make me dress up like a whore. The clothes he picked are decent to a certain level and they fit me perfectly as if they were made just for me.

A sales person assisted me in the dressing room and I tried the clothes. After trying them all, I settled for a red dress that clung to my body and showed a little cleavage in front. It highlights my curves and I took off my veil and let my hair fall down my shoulders.

“Shit!” I heard him curse out loudly when I stepped out, and I stepped back a little thinking that he doesn’t like my dress.

Then I saw him stripping me with his eye and his eyes turned pitch black in lust as they wandered on my body, falling on my cleavage.

“Is it normal for his eyes to change color this way?”

“Leave ” he screamed at the sales person and she ran for her dear life because he looked so right now like a predator stalking its prey.

He walked up to me and I kept moving backwards in fear until my back touched the wall. He held me in his arms and kissed me so gently, using his charm to steal my first kiss away, and I fell for his seduction and I relaxed in his arms as he murmured sweet words to me and kissed me fervently.

He soon intensified the kiss as he sucked on my lower lips, exploring my mouth. I don’t know how to respond to his kisses seeing as this is my first kiss, so I just kissed him back as eagerly as he kissed me.

He pulled away from my lips and brought his lips downwards and dropped feathery kisses on my neck.

I moan and let out a gasp as I felt sparks of electricity course through my whole body and I felt like I was going to faint from so much pleasure.

I got weak on my knees as he pulled out his tongue and lav at one very sensitive spot before taking it between his teeth as he gently bites that very spot. I moaned out louder as my hips moved on their own accord towards him, seeking more pleasure.

My whole body was burning and I felt lost and dazed. I never knew I’d feel this way from just kissing. This feeling is heavenly!!

“I doubt I’d have felt this way if I was kissing someone else because this felt a lot different than I’ve ever imagined.”

“Not here and not now my love.” He whispered in my ears when I kept grinding my hips against him.

I was so embarrassed at my reaction that I blushed bright red and I kept my head down, avoiding his gaze.

I felt so ashamed of myself. My family will still be brooding and feeling sad for me and here I am making out with my new master.

Gosh! This is so wrong but I won’t deny that it was quite pleasurable.

We visited the saloon next to give me a makeover, then we headed to our destination.

I must have fallen asleep at some point during the drive. Don’t blame me, am super exhausted.

When I woke up, we were pulling up into the driveway that led to his house or should I say his town.

“We’re home.” he muttered to me and I turned to stare at him with mouth agape.

I looked around in awe at his home. I know that I’ll be drooling right now because I just couldn’t shut my mouth.

It looked like a big and modern community surrounded by a deep forest. The modern buildings look carefully planned and beautifully designed. But that is not what caught my eyes. I was starring at a five story building that seemed to be made of a mirror. Looking at the building, you can see the reflection of the surrounding buildings and the deep green forests. it was so breathtaking and I marveled at the wonderful sight.

We walked into the glittering building and I was enveloped in a tight hug by two girls that looked quite alike. They share similar facial features as my master and I knew instantly that they would be related.

They looked to be around the same age with me and they spoke so freely with me telling me how happy they are to have me here. I clicked and connected with them already and I relaxed my nerves a little.

They teased him and made little jokes that made me laugh involuntary.

His mum and dad also came out to welcome me, making me feel important and welcomed. They treated me like an important guest which got me thinking,

“Has he told them that am just a commodity that he purchased with his money?”

Well I guess he’s going to break the news to them sooner or later. At least, I get to be welcomed like a guest before I begin my duties as a slave.

I felt more relaxed and free after interacting with his family. They seemed like a normal family and I felt very comfortable with them.

He took me to a beautifully furnished room on the top floor and told me to rest for a while because I’ll be meeting the rest of his family later today.

He kissed me gently on the lip and gave me a warm smile before leaving me to rest.

I wanted to explore this room but am still uncertain about my fate here so I just curled up on the bed and slept off.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping but I felt a familiar presence with me on the bed and I jerked up immediately and saw him cradling me on the bed.

“Am sorry, I thought it was someone else.” I said guiltily so I don’t piss him off on my first day here.

“It’s fine. We are the only occupants of this last floor. Nobody comes up here without my permission so you have nothing to worry about.” He said calmly as he pecked my forehead.

I nodded in response and made a move to get off the bed but he held me so tight that I couldn’t break free.

“Just let me hold you for some minutes ” he said huskily.

“Am sorry sir but I need to pee.” I said as I rubbed my thighs together, trying to hold it in.

He finally let me go and I ran in the direction of the restroom and stopped halfway when I heard him chuckle and say,

“Wrong door.”


I turned and looked around and noticed that there was another door and so I ran the other direction immediately and I heard him laughing at my predicament but I ignored him because he is still my master.

When I came out I saw him standing at the other door which happened to be a walk in closet. I also noticed that he’s no longer wearing the clothes he wore before now when he came to pick me from my father’s house.

He has changed his clothes and he looks more casual and more boyish in his jeans and white shirt. I love the new look because he doesn’t look like a mafia lord right now, he simply looks like a normal young guy, and a very cute one at that.

“Go freshen up, I’ll get you something to wear, We’re going for dinner and you’ll be meeting my whole.” He announced with that warm smile that he always flashes at me.

I did exactly as I was told and few minutes later, he held my hand and led me to a very large dinner hall that accommodated almost ten thousand people.

They all stood up as we made our way through and they welcomed me with warm smiles and light gigles. I noticed a lady glaring daggers at me but I ignored her and continued smiling at everyone so I don’t look rude.

“What the hell is going on here and why we’re they treating me like a queen instead of treating me like a slave, just like I imagined?”

I kept my head down all through the dinner as I kept thinking about everything that has happened since I got taken away. I couldn’t help wondering to myself,

“Is this really the mafia Lord that scares the shit out of everyone?

Why the hell is he treating me nicely?”

All this people were staring at me and sizing me up which should make me uncomfortable but I felt comfortable with them. I felt at peace and a certain joyous feeling course through me, making me feel like this is where am supposed to be, like this is my rightful home.

I looked up at him and caught him staring deeply at me, admiring me with that same smile plastered on his face.

For some reason, I couldn’t look away until he leaned down and kissed me passionately in the presence of everyone and I blushed deeply when they applauded us.

I said a silent prayer to the virgin Mary, praying this nice feeling never comes to an end. I pray he remains this nice and loving so my stay here would be less unbearable.

After dinner they waited for him to leave the hall first. I think they see him like a king or some kind of monarch because they treat him with so much love and respect.

He held my hand and led me back the same way we came, making me feel like a queen in the arms of a king.

I couldn’t wipe off the blush on my face as I smiled and followed him out of the dining room.

Something tripped me when we walked through the crowd and I almost fell down but he caught me before I landed on the floor and lifted me in his arms whispering in my ears.

“Sorry love, I’ve stressed you so much today. You need to rest properly and regain your strength.” He whispered softly in my ears.

I hid my face in his shoulder feeling so shy and embarrassed. I decided to look back to see what I tripped on.

I saw nothing on the floor that could trip me, just a very angry lady glaring daggers at me with an evil smile plastered on her face.

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