Sorry Sir I Don’t Want You Back by Little Angelic Devil

Sorry Sir I Don’t Want You Back Chapter 29

Looking at his ex-wife sitting across from him arrogantly, Hudson felt something stirring inside his heart - something he had never felt after such a long time.

The feeling of wanting to win and bring her down, for her to submit to him again, but at the same time, it annoyed him how she was able to bring all those feelings to him. A feeling that he finally found a worthy opponent in the business world. Even though he was not influential in many countries, his name and the Amery Group were still well-known all over the world.

In every business he conducted, in every meeting he had been to, the representatives of the companies or even the CEOs were always trying to please him, afraid of saying the wrong things in case he decided not to work with them. That worked both locally and internationally.

For those who were in the same league or more influential than him, such as the Jennings Group and the Alster Group, they were always cordial to each other. Some sentences are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on NovelDrama.Org. Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the complete chapters for free. That was always the case until he divorced Cherise, and she became Julian's lover. Now, he didn't even think he could be in the same room as Julian without feeling like punching him.

But back to the business aspect, he had never felt the rush of excitement when dealing with other business associates or even when just being in social engagements with them.

He was Hudson Amery-a cold, control freak and ruthless businessman who never felt or showed any emotions. Everyone in the world knew that. Everyone knew the Amery Group wasn't that influential internationally, not because they couldn't, but because Hudson, as the CEO, was very picky with his partners.

Even though the partnership could benefit the Amery Group, he would rather gather individuals who were professionals in their fields and create a subsidiary company. That was to ensure everything was always under his control.

This was always the case, except when he couldn't find some professionals in their fields, such as jewelry designers, and once he knew that Angel, the most sought-after jewelry designer, was the main designer of Angelworld Jewelry and they proposed a partnership with him three years ago, he didn't hesitate to sign a contract with them.

Everyone always respected and looked up to him because of that, but that wasn't the case with his ex-wife, who had been timid for three years. She was the first to challenge him, and he always loved a good challenge, which he last felt when he lost a bet with his brother when he was a teenager.

Alas, this was a business deal. If he asked for too much, the Amery Group's name would be dragged down by his impulse just to win against his timid-turned-domineering ex-wife.

He tapped his fingers against the table, creating a silence that seemed to stretch forever - an act of intimidation, but his ex-wife just sat there, her eyes fixed right into his, not feeling intimidated at all, and there was a ghost of a smile on her tempting red lips. So that was how she wanted to play, Hudson thought and smirked inwardly. Game on, then...

His fingers stopped tapping against the desk, and everyone seemed to let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"How about this, then, Miss. Cherise..." Hudson purposely put emphasized on her name. "Since you've been given the authority to ensure this meeting runs smoothly, I'd like the compensation to be ten times the initial amount. How's that?"

Both the lawyers turned to look at Hudson in shock but managed to maintain a calm facade. If they were not professionals, they would already be gawking at him in disbelief.

Before coming down from the shock, they heard a choking sound, and they turned their heads to look at Cherise, who seemed also to be shocked by Hudson's request.

Cherise, who suddenly became the center of attention, pretended to cough to cover the uncontrollable giggle that escaped from her mouth when she heard Hudson's demand.

Neil quickly poured a cup of water for Cherise, and she needed to take a sip to maintain her pretense.

"Too much for the Angelworld Jewelry?" Hudson asked with his own arrogant smirk.

Cherise patted her lips with a tissue and cleared her throat. "This... I have to ask for our CEO's thoughts first."

"I thought you were given full authority?" Hudson raised an eyebrow, an obvious challenge to Cherise's previous challenge.

Cherise so wanted to glare and punch Hudson's handsome face and arrogance right now, but instead, she gave him her sweetest smile and took her phone.

"I do, but I'm merely a personal assistant who is still learning. I'd better ask her as you are quite greedy with the amount of compensation you asked for, Mr. Amery." Her sweet smile was still planted firmly on her face, but everyone could hear the slight sarcasm in her words.

"I don't think I'm being greedy, Miss. Cherise," Hudson shrugged. "We've been working together for three years, and you can imagine the loss La Jewel will incur if we suddenly dissolve our contract."

"You can always find some other companies to work with. I'm sure they will be begging on their knees to have a cooperation with La Jewel," she deliberately paused before continuing, "And I heard your fiance has a talent for designing jewelry, too."

Now, there was no mistaking the sarcasm in her words. Emely did have a basic of jewelry design and used to win a national jewelry competition only to be disqualified because she was found to be plagiarizing from another, more well-known designer. "That is not the matter at hand, isn't it?" Hudson cocked his head to one side before adding, "But thank you for the suggestion. Maybe I'll ask her to do it."

Trying hard not to glare at Hudson, Cherise looked at her phone and found Julian's name. "Well, I'm glad to be of help, Mr. Amery. Let me message our CEO and see what she has to say about the amount."

Cherise: [That jackass asked for ten times the amount of breaching the contract.]

Julian: [Just give it to the greedy scumbag. La Jewel won't be able to survive without Angelworld, and we can get that much and more through our next collection. As long as it is what you want, just give it to him. It won't put a dent in our wealth.] Cherise couldn't help but soften and smile when she read Julian's reply. She already knew she could give Hudson what he demanded, which was why she let out a giggle a while ago.

No one noticed the changes in Cherise's demeanor, but Hudson's hawk-like eyes took in the changes - the way her smile and gaze softened, and her whole body loosened up.

It was everything she reserved for her loved ones, just like the one she used to show him and now Julian.

Without realizing it, Hudson clenched his fist on the table tightly and ground his molars. "In the end, you still asked Julian about it, huh?" he asked, sarcasm dripping from his every word. Cherise looked up to see him and knitted her brows together. How did he know? It didn't matter though. She wouldn't tell him the truth, anyway.

"No, I'm sending a message to our CEO regarding your shameless request," Cherise replied before scrolling through her phone again to find Logan's name while Hudson was getting more enraged by her.

"Shameless?" he laughed in anger. "Your company is the one who wants to dissolve our partnership, and it will affect La Jewel's reputation and profit. Both companies have already advertised our next collection, and you said I was shameless?" "It depends on what my CEO says about it," Cherise replied lightly and sent a message to Logan, not caring about Hudson's anger, and Hudson could only calm himself down while waiting for the CEO's response. Cherise: [Where are you?]

Logan: [A minute away from your building.]

Cherise: [Good. That jerk arrived earlier than scheduled. Come up as soon as you can. I want to get rid of him as quickly as possible.] Logan: [Got that.]

With that, Cherise put her phone on the desk and smiled at Hudson. "It seems our CEO agrees with your condition, Mr. Amery."

She agreed? Hudson's eyebrows shot up for a split second before he resumed his calm composure.

Ten times the amount of penalty wasn't small. He deliberately said that to ensure their partnership would still be in place.

How could such a mid-size company such as Angelworld Jewelry just agree to pay for it? Either Julian was backing it, or... "Everyone out," he said calmly, yet with authority no one could question.

Cherise raised her brow at Hudson's audacity in giving an order in her office and to her people, but she kept quiet. Miles and Hudson's lawyer were used to such command, and they went out immediately without asking any questions.

Neil and Cherise's lawyer looked at her, seeking her approval, especially Neil as he was tasked to protect Cherise by Julian, but Cherise just nodded at them, letting them know that she agreed with Hudson's request and they could leave the room and leave the two of them alone.

"What do you want? Just spit it out. I have other engagements after this," Cherise asked impatiently once Neil, who was the last to leave, closed the door behind him.

"Are you sure your CEO does not mind paying ten times the amount for breach of contract?" Hudson asked rather in disbelief, though his tone and face remained calm. Cherise shrugged, took her phone, and waved it in front of Hudson. "That was what she said. I'm just a messenger."

"Are you sure you are not the CEO?" Hudson narrowed his eyes, making sure he wouldn't miss any sign of his ex-wife lying to him. Was she secretly wealthy and hid it from him?

It was impossible for him to believe that she was just a personal assistant with the way she carried herself and how the lawyer and Neil, Julian Alster's trusted assistant, were asking for her approval to leave the room.

Cherise smirked just like before and spread out her arms. "Do you really think an orphan like me, who always stayed at home, with no business training before, always waiting for your beck and call, and bullied by your mother and sister, would have the ability to manage a company?"

Hudson couldn't see any signs of lying from her, and so he sneered. "Are you sure your CEO will not regret dissolving our partnership?"

"Oh, she won't," Cherise smiled.

"She seems confident about it," Hudson sneered again.

"Because she already has a backup plan," Cherise's smile widened, and at the exact moment, there was a knock on the door before it opened.

"And here is our backup plan," she said as she stood up to welcome another gentleman into the room.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

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