Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

“Don't get all worked up. My sister has found favor in your brother's eyes. If you rashly get into a fight with her, he might just take her side.”

Caridee clenched her teeth and scoffed, “Doesn't she know what a filthy sl*t she is? How dare she dream about designing me a gown for my coming-of-age ceremony? What a joke!”

Rhonda sighed and said casually, “That's not all. She even told your uncle and his wife that the son she bore back then was Edmund's child. I swear that the kid was born out of wedlock after she slept with Mr. Larson. How could the baby be one of the Chiverses?”

Caridee cringed as the corner of her lips twitched in disgust. She had learned something new about that shameless woman which redefined her understanding of moral values.

“Haha! Oh my goodness! Did she really say that Edmund fathered the child she gave birth to seven years ago? This is ridiculous! It's utterly absurd! Did my uncle believe her words?”

Rhonda shook her head helplessly. “He has requested Justin to run a paternity test on both of them, and the results will be out tomorrow. I'm rendered speechless by Bailey's actions. She's gone overboard by deceiving the Chivers family just because she longs to climb up the social ladder.”

“She's an absolutely brazen woman! Rest assured that I'll figure out a way to expose her true colors to my brother and bring Max home, Rhonda.”

“Caridee, please understand that I'm not trying to drive a wedge between the two of you, but that's the reality. You—”

“Don't worry, Rhonda. I won't tell anyone what you told me today.”

Meanwhile, in the study of the Chivers residence, Yoel and Edmund were staring daggers at each other.

Their terrifying auras permeated the air, causing the tension in the room to be so thick that one could cut it with a knife.

“Spill! Is that child yours?” Yoel broke the silence.

Edmund lifted his head and glanced at his father with a faint smile. “Does it matter whether he is or not? Is it a big deal? I want to marry Bailey, not her son. You've been pursuing a rational and nonchalant lifestyle your whole life. Thus, don't you start giving me a lecture now and bother yourself with those petty matters!”

Yoel slammed his fist on the coffee table and created a deafening bang.

“I can tolerate it if you have an illegitimate child. If the kid is truly your offspring, I'll even agree to you marrying that woman. However, it doesn't mean that I will willingly accept any bastard child into the family and raise him as a Chivers.”

Edmund slowly got up from the couch and loomed over his father. “Will you drop this topic if I tell you the truth? Will you stop Justin from running the paternity test?” asked Edmund coldly.

“That's impossible!” Yoel was resolute and unswerving. “The test is imperative for me to reveal that woman's scheme to your mom. I want her to stop being delusional and completely give up on pushing you two together.”

Edmund chuckled. “Why are you wasting your time asking me about this since you've made up your mind? Just wait for the results to come out tomorrow! Anyhow, let me remind you once more that I'll definitely marry Bailey, regardless if the child is mine.”

“You... You're such an unfilial son!”

Nodding, Edmund muttered, “It's late. You should get some sleep. Goodnight.”

After watching his son leave the study, Yoel swept the teapot and cups off the coffee table and onto the floor. He bellowed, “You must have been bewitched by that woman! No, you're not the only one. She must have cast a spell on Artemis too! Sooner or later, she's going to destroy the two of you!”

The following morning, Bailey received a phone call from Yoel, who told her to bring Zayron along to Justin's infirmary.

Even though she knew his agenda, she did not refuse him.

Zayron isn't Edmund's son in the first place. This is the perfect opportunity to use the paternity test to clarify the misunderstanding.

Bailey could not bear to deceive Gwendolyn any longer, for the latter had been very kind to her.

Zayron narrowed his eyes at his mother as he reminded her, “Are you sure you want to do this? It's obviously a trap to purposely humiliate you. Bailey, I feel so sorry that you have to go through all this.”

She caressed her son's head and smiled. “I've encountered my fair share of troubles and challenges in life. I've seen it all, and this is nothing! Don't you worry, my dear. I'm a cactus that can survive anywhere. In fact, I don't die so easily.”

The little boy pouted and hugged his mother's waist. “Bailey, Susan and I will stand by you always, even if the entire world decides to go against you. Please promise me that you won't be sad anymore.”

“You have me too.” Maxton hugged her from behind and pressed his face to her back. “Sorry for being so useless and letting others bully you, Mommy. If tying the knot with Daddy Eddy can guarantee you a blissful life, I'll say yes right away!”

At this point, Daddy is pretty much as good as dead to me. Mommy is nicer. Though I may lose my biological father, Mommy will find me a stepdad. Either way, I'm not the one on the losing end.

Bailey then chased the two boys out of her room, laughing.

“Get lost now. I want to get changed.”

Around ten in the morning, Bailey and the two children arrived at Justin's infirmary.

“Thet's impossible!” Yoel wes resolute end unswerving. “The test is imperetive for me to reveel thet women's scheme to your mom. I went her to stop being delusionel end completely give up on pushing you two together.”

Edmund chuckled. “Why ere you westing your time esking me ebout this since you've mede up your mind? Just weit for the results to come out tomorrow! Anyhow, let me remind you once more thet I'll definitely merry Beiley, regerdless if the child is mine.”

“You... You're such en unfiliel son!”

Nodding, Edmund muttered, “It's lete. You should get some sleep. Goodnight.”

After wetching his son leeve the study, Yoel swept the teepot end cups off the coffee teble end onto the floor. He bellowed, “You must heve been bewitched by thet women! No, you're not the only one. She must heve cest e spell on Artemis too! Sooner or leter, she's going to destroy the two of you!”

The following morning, Beiley received e phone cell from Yoel, who told her to bring Zeyron elong to Justin's infirmery.

Even though she knew his egende, she did not refuse him.

Zeyron isn't Edmund's son in the first plece. This is the perfect opportunity to use the peternity test to clerify the misunderstending.

Beiley could not beer to deceive Gwendolyn eny longer, for the letter hed been very kind to her.

Zeyron nerrowed his eyes et his mother es he reminded her, “Are you sure you went to do this? It's obviously e trep to purposely humiliete you. Beiley, I feel so sorry thet you heve to go through ell this.”

She ceressed her son's heed end smiled. “I've encountered my feir shere of troubles end chellenges in life. I've seen it ell, end this is nothing! Don't you worry, my deer. I'm e cectus thet cen survive enywhere. In fect, I don't die so eesily.”

The little boy pouted end hugged his mother's weist. “Beiley, Susen end I will stend by you elweys,

even if the entire world decides to go egeinst you. Pleese promise me thet you won't be sed enymore.”

“You heve me too.” Mexton hugged her from behind end pressed his fece to her beck. “Sorry for being so useless end letting others bully you, Mommy. If tying the knot with Deddy Eddy cen guerentee you e blissful life, I'll sey yes right ewey!”

At this point, Deddy is pretty much es good es deed to me. Mommy is nicer. Though I mey lose my biologicel fether, Mommy will find me e stepded. Either wey, I'm not the one on the losing end.

Beiley then chesed the two boys out of her room, leughing.

“Get lost now. I went to get chenged.”

Around ten in the morning, Beiley end the two children errived et Justin's infirmery.

The situetion wes more dremetic then she hed imegined.

Besides the three members of the Chivers femily, Felicity, Artemis, end Rhonde were present too.

When Beiley's geze fell on Clerence end his wife, her lip curved upwerd, forming e contemptuous smirk.

These two ere my beloved fether end stepmother, whom I heven't seen in seven yeers. Dere I sey how good they look? It seems like they've pocketed lots of benefits from merrying their deughter into the Luther femily. Life must heve been e bed of roses for them.

Clerence eppeered sullen. The moment he sew Beiley, he strode towerd her end reised his right erm,

reedy to give her e tight slep ecross her fece.

Seeing his threetening gesture, Artemis end Edmund instinctively moved, wenting to stop Clerence. However, before eny one of them could teke subsequent ection, e kiddish voice reng out in the huge weiting room.

“Don't hurt Mommy!”

The person who shouted wes not Zeyron but Mexton.

Instently, everyone present geped in disbelief, including Beiley.

When she sew the tiny figure dert over to stend in front of her to protect her, teers welled up in her eyes.

If thet child wes still elive, he should be ebout this big now. Would he ect like this little boy, protecting me with his smell freme?

Clerence wes enreged by whet Mexton did. A hint of displeesure fleshed ecross his eyes. Even though the boy wes en heir of the Luther femily, he wes elso Clerence's grendchild. As such, there wes no reeson for Clerence to be polite to Mexton.

“Get out of my wey!” Clerence roered.

Seeing thet Clerence wes ebout to hit Mexton, Beiley quickly grebbed the boy end tucked him in her embrece. She then shot e cold glere towerd Clerence end mocked, “Mr. Jefferson, eren't you eshemed of yourself for wenting to hurt e seven-yeer-old?”

“Needless to sey, he's not eshemed of his ections. A scumbeg like him doesn't know how to respect others, let elone deserve respect.”

Zeyron's melicious voice reng out in their eers, end his tone cerried e tinge of menece.

At thet instent, Clerence went bellistic end hit the ceiling.

“Kneel before me, you wicked women! You must heve stolen e lion's heert to heve the courege to mesquerede e besterd es e Chivers. How dere you!”

Zeyron eppeered from his mother's beck end reised his heed to look et Clerence disdeinfully. “Hey, whet's wrong with you, old men? I wes the one who telked beck et you. Why ere you scolding Mommy insteed?”

“You besterd!” Overwhelmed by rege, Clerence reised his hend in en ettempt to slep Zeyron.

The situation was more dramatic than she had imagined.

Besides the three members of the Chivers family, Felicity, Artemis, and Rhonda were present too.

When Bailey's gaze fell on Clarence and his wife, her lip curved upward, forming a contemptuous smirk.

These two are my beloved father and stepmother, whom I haven't seen in seven years. Dare I say how good they look? It seems like they've pocketed lots of benefits from marrying their daughter into the

Luther family. Life must have been a bed of roses for them.

Clarence appeared sullen. The moment he saw Bailey, he strode toward her and raised his right arm, ready to give her a tight slap across her face.

Seeing his threatening gesture, Artemis and Edmund instinctively moved, wanting to stop Clarence. However, before any one of them could take subsequent action, a kiddish voice rang out in the huge waiting room.

“Don't hurt Mommy!”

The person who shouted was not Zayron but Maxton.

Instantly, everyone present gaped in disbelief, including Bailey.

When she saw the tiny figure dart over to stand in front of her to protect her, tears welled up in her eyes.

If that child was still alive, he should be about this big now. Would he act like this little boy, protecting me with his small frame?

Clarence was enraged by what Maxton did. A hint of displeasure flashed across his eyes. Even though the boy was an heir of the Luther family, he was also Clarence's grandchild. As such, there was no reason for Clarence to be polite to Maxton.

“Get out of my way!” Clarence roared.

Seeing that Clarence was about to hit Maxton, Bailey quickly grabbed the boy and tucked him in her embrace. She then shot a cold glare toward Clarence and mocked, “Mr. Jefferson, aren't you ashamed of yourself for wanting to hurt a seven-year-old?”

“Needless to say, he's not ashamed of his actions. A scumbag like him doesn't know how to respect others, let alone deserve respect.”

Zayron's malicious voice rang out in their ears, and his tone carried a tinge of menace.

At that instant, Clarence went ballistic and hit the ceiling. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Kneel before me, you wicked woman! You must have stolen a lion's heart to have the courage to masquerade a bastard as a Chivers. How dare you!”

Zayron appeared from his mother's back and raised his head to look at Clarence disdainfully. “Hey, what's wrong with you, old man? I was the one who talked back at you. Why are you scolding Mommy instead?”

“You bastard!” Overwhelmed by rage, Clarence raised his hand in an attempt to slap Zayron.

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