
Chapter 10

Elena povMaterial © of NôvelDrama.Org.

And he kissed me.

What I’m I doing?

It was like my body moved on its own. One moment, I was furious at him, the next, my lips were on his and my hands on his coat seemed a lot more intimate than they had a moment ago.

His golden eyes widened and for a second, I thought he was going to pull away. I didn’t know if I wanted him to pull away, or if I wanted him to kiss me back harder.

What the hell is going on with me? What’s wrong with me?

Then the world seems to kick back into gear, and he was kissing me back. His lips were hot against mine but so much softer than I had imagined. He tasted sweet, like whiskey and woodsmoke.?

I stumbled back, my back slamming against the wall. The stones were cold against my dress, the iciness seeping through and leaving me shivering.

But he was warm, he was so warm. He radiated heat as he pressed against my body and I melted right into it.

He smelt amazing, and I didn’t want to let go. I pulled him in, parting my lips as he kissed me harder, kissed me like he meant it.

This was crazy, I didn’t like him; I didn’t want him. I didn’t want any of this, did I?

And yet, I was the one who kissed him first. I was pulling him in not pushing him away. I was holding him close and letting it soak into my body, letting the heat and the pooling warmth my stomach combine.

For a second, my thoughts flashed towards the dream I’d. Then they were pulled back into the moment.

This was better. My first kiss and was with the Dragon Lord, with Dracul.

Pressed against the wall, my hand grabbed his coat as he kissed me like I was the air he breathed.

I moaned my head growing dizzy and foggy. I let go of his coat, my hand sliding around his shoulders. It felt neutral. It felt right.

I pulled him in, and his hand slid upward to tangle my hair. His hands threaded through my soft strands, pulling at the bobby pins that were still in place.

I was sure most of them had already fallen out today, but he got rid of the last ones in a few expert tugs. Then he grabbed my hair, pulling softly and I felt a rush of heat go straight through my body.

I’d felt desire before, of course, I had. I’d stared out of the window at the good-looking guard when I was a teenager and wondered what it felt like to be kissed.

I’d felt the burning heat between my thighs before, and I knew what it meant.

But this was something else, I had never felt passion like this. And it was just from a kiss, from a touch of his hands on my hair.?

Forbidden, dangerous. I loved it.

I loved this, even though I will never say it out loud.

I gasp into the kiss as his hand moves from my hair to grab my waist. Possessive and firm, he pressed the hard, firm line of his body into mine and I groaned.

He pulled at my waist, his hand sliding to cup the small of my back. It was startlingly intimate, even though he never once moved my clothes out of the way or kissed my skin.

That changed quickly. He broke away from the kiss, nudging my head to one side. I gave in, melting into his touch. He kissed my neck, his fiery lips burning my skin and intoxicating me like a drug.?

It just felt so good. He felt so good. He knew just how to touch me to set my skin on fire. He knew just how to touch me to burn the memory of him into my brain for good.

I knew, for better or for worse, there was no way that I could ever forget this. Not in a million years. And, how could I?

How could I ever forget this moment?

He sucked at my neck, pulling at my skin in a way that was almost possessive. I bit my lip and clutched his shoulders, digging my fingers into the fabric of his coat and grounding myself against the sweet, rising desire.

I was going insane. I was letting him kiss my neck, touch my skin. Not only was I letting him do it, but I wanted it to continue.

I didn’t want it to stop.?

Even though he was the Dragon Lord. Even though he’d pulled me away from my home and threatened my kingdom. Even though he’d done awful, horrible things and I’d just witness his brutality with my own eyes?.

Despite all that, I still wanted him.

It was sick, but I don’t care. I don’t care at all.

Instead, I pushed his coat off his shoulders. I wanted to feel more of him, feel my hands pressing into his skin, just like he was doing to mine.

I didn’t want another thick layer between us. Dracula shrugged it off, letting it drop to the ground. He barely broke stride.

He was lost in the moment and so was I. It was perfect, whatever was passing between us.

I was supposed to hate him, I thought I hated him.

But here I was, moaning as he kissed my neck, pushing and tugging at his clothes, wanting to close the gap between us, seeking something else, something more.

I was panting, gasping for breath and one hand slide down my dress. His hands stopped, his fingertips just brushing the hem of my skin. He pulled away as if poised to ask a question.

I didn’t give him time. I kissed him before he could speak, and he took my moans as the yes, they were.

His finger lifted my hem and I was surprised at how soft his hands were as they brushed my leg. I shivered, my body trembling as fireworks exploded in my brain. My skin was so sensitive to his touch.

It was like I was ready for this. It was like I wanted it.

“Dra.. cul..” I moaned. His name tumbled to my lips before I could stop myself.?

I wasn’t thinking straight, I didn’t care that I had broken the silence between us.

But apparently, Dracul cared. He cared a lot.

His hand dropped my skirts, the hem falling and brushing my skin again. He pulled away from the kiss, bracing is and against the stone wall instead.

We were so close, only seconds apart, only a moment away from kissing, only a moment away from me drawing him back into my welcoming arms.

And I wanted him back in my arms. At that moment I wanted him against me.

His cheek was flushed, the faintest flash against otherwise pale skin. His eyes were so beautiful, golden flecks rising through the irises and leaving me breathless every time I looked at him.

His pupil was dilated, and thin. Like the eye of a dragon. I didn’t feel repulsed. I didn’t want to pull away. I knew he was a dragon; I knew what he was, and I had kissed him anyway.

I knew the kind of person he was, and I had kissed him anyway.

I didn’t regret it, not right now. Maybe I would later, but right now, I was floating. I had never felt anything like this in my entire life.

I never knew a kiss will be this instance, this transcends. I never knew a kiss in a dark castle room, against stone-cold walls, could heat me like this.?

I had never in my wildest dreams realized that it could feel this vivid.

I had never imagined the Dragon Lord could have a lip so soft and a kiss so sweet.

“Elena?” He said.

His voice was softer now, hoarser. It was like it was a strain to speak. It was oddly vulnerable and not what I expected from the Lord of the dragons.

“You should.. get back to your bed chamber.” He said.

There was a moment of silence as I tried to process what he meant. Was he masking to join me? I didn’t understand why he had pulled away.

Dracula took a step back, and I could see the conflict in his eyes. This was a man who was used to getting what he wanted. This was a decisive man.

And yet now, he was taking a step back, he was walking away. I didn’t know what was going on. My cheeks were still flushed with desire like I had never felt before.

And he turned away.

“I’m sorry.” He said.

And then he was gone, disappearing into the darkness of the corridor outside. Leaving me alone to wonder what had just happened.

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