Taming His Heart

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


As I walk across campus I am reminded of how invisible I am. Everyone notices my sister but never me. I’m fine with it really. At least that is what I tell myself. It’s fine that they all notice her long blond hair, which is dyed by the way and don’t notice my shorter brown hair, it’s not even that short. It’s fine that they notice her slender body, but never take notice of mine. I thought when we got to college that things would change. They haven’t.

My sister and I are a year apart, but we managed to get in the same grade because I was bumped a grade before my parents started showing their true colors and let me. After fourth grade is when things started to change. She’s older and was always treated as the special one. It wasn’t until I started to make her look bad that they put me down.

Now, I am not a person with a big head. I don’t think I am better than my sister, but just as good. Just no one else sees it. Even my parents seem to think I am just the extra. My sister is perfect, they had no need for me. Even if I did anything better than her, I was told to stop trying to make her look bad. I wasn’t, I was just trying to do my best and be me. I never wanted my sister to feel bad, but also I wanted to be the best me that there was.

So, we are both at the same college. Not that I wanted to be, but my parents refused to let me leave the state. They still control my life in a way. I didn’t make enough in scholarships to pay for more of college, so I have to go where they say in order to get the rest paid for. I guess I am luckier than some. Some still have to work and stuff. I don’t have to, but I choose to. I want to do things on my own. Especially since I am told all the time what a waste I am. I even have to share an apartment with my sister, because my parents didn’t want to have to pay additional for housing. Which is a stupid thought because they have to pay more for a bigger apartment. But who am I to question them?

So back to being invisible. I have been bumped into at least three times and I have only been here for fifteen minutes. They don’t even seem to notice that I am here and they ran into me. Not that I make myself really known. I wear this oversized hoodie that practically covers my body. I keep the hood up even. Maybe they don’t even know I am a girl at this point. Maybe they think I am a small guy.

I almost made it to my class when I was bumped into again, this time it was hard. At least the person turned and acknowledged me this time. “Woops, sorry.” A pair of strong arms reach out to steady me. “I didn’t see you there.”

I look up into a pair of chocolate brown eyes. “It’s alright, most people don’t.” I give him a small smile and continue on my way. It was nice to be noticed for once.

“Hey, what’s your name?” He calls out to me.

I turn and he is talking to me. Holy crap, he’s talking to me. “Um, Danny.” I fidget with my bag a little. “What’s yours?” I know we are probably never going to talk again. I just asked to be polite. I am invisible after all.

“Jordan.” He gives me a nice smile. “Maybe we’ll see each other around. I’ll make sure not to run you down next time.”

“Yeah, sure.” He isn’t drop dead gorgeous or anything, but he is attractive. He has a pretty well toned body. His dark hair is short but it looks good on him. He has that country boy charm. I wave bye and head into my class.

I guess one thing hasn’t changed either: the teachers notice me. They always like the work I turn in. My professor smiles when I come in and take my seat in the front. It’s the first day of this class and I am not sure how he knows about me but he seems to. Like the other professors told him about me. That has happened too. He gives me a slight nod when I sit down. He’s slightly older than usual professors. He looks close to retirement. I am getting out my things when the seat next to me is taken.

“Well, look who we have here. I swear I have seen you somewhere before.” The voice calls out in humor.

I turn to look, kind of curious, because God knows they can’t be talking about me. Only when I look it’s Jordan. He gives me a friendly smile. “Um, Hi. You’re in this class?”

He chuckles a little. “Well, I sure hope so or I am in the wrong room.”

I laugh a little too. “That would really not be good.”

He leans towards me a little. “So be honest. Are you good at this stuff?”

I’m confused. “What stuff?”

“School. Cause I can tell you, I suck. I don’t even know how I got into college, half the time.”

I chuckle. “Sort of, I guess.”

“Good, you are my new study buddy.”

I am shocked. He didn’t even ask, he just demanded. “Um, what?”

“I want to study with you. It’s perfect we even have the same class. Give me your number.” Again he just demands.

I don’t know if I like this side of him or if I should just cut my losses. Maybe he is just being overly friendly and assumes I will study with him. “Sure.” I jot down my number and pass it to him. A thought occurs to me, maybe I am being duffed. It wouldn’t be the first time that someone has done this. Offered to be a sort of friend to get in with my sister. Only they don’t realize that my sister doesn’t care who I hang out with. There is no in with me.

Or it could be he assumed I was some nerd and he could get me to do his work for him. Guys have done that before too. Last year it happened at least with three different guys. It didn’t happen. I am not a pushover. I may be invisible, but I am not desperate. They went back to forgetting I existed after a week.

I hate to be pessimistic, but there it is. I just won’t get too comfortable with this guy. He might not stick around long.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

He takes my number and quickly puts it in his phone. “Awesome, you know I am kind of glad that I met you. It’s like kismet or something.”

I laugh. “I don’t think anyone has ever said that to me.”

“Well, then I am in luck. I get to be the first. You want to grab a coffee after this or something?”

I shake my head. “I can’t. I have to be in another class after this.”

He looks disappointed. “Well, another time then?”

“Sure, you can text me.” I start to get the rest of my stuff out and the professor interrupts any further conversations.

I don’t know what it is, but all through the class it seemed like Jordan was looking over at me. Guys don’t do that. I am confused. Maybe there’s a bet or something. That would make sense. You hear about those things in books and movies. You know the bet to see who can land a virgin. Let’s face it, if anyone looks like one it’s me. But do they really do that? Again I am being pessimistic. It is a possibility though. I mean how could this guy be interested in me? No one else is.

At the end of class I pack up. I have ten minutes to be in another building for my next class. When I stand, Jordan is standing next to me. “Hey, can I walk you to class?”

“Uh, if you walk fast.” I smile to let him know I’m not being rude, but I really have to hurry to get there.

He smiles back. “Great, I’ll be your buffer, make sure you don’t get tackled on the way there.”

I laugh. “I think the only person who came close to tackling me today was you.”

“Well, then good we are in the clear, if I am walking with you, I can’t tackle you.”

I roll my eyes, but still there is a smile on my face. It’s nice and kind of cute. I start kind of speed walking to my next class, because I really don’t want to be late. Jordan stays right with me. “So, there is this party on Friday, do you want to go?”

I scrunch up my nose. “I’m not really a party person. I am pretty sure my sister will be there and she doesn’t like it when I am in the same place as her for any extended amount of time.”

He looks shocked. “You have a sister that goes here?”

“Yeah, most people know her. Courtney Baker.”

He nods. “Well, I never heard of her. So, she’s a bit mean huh?”

“Not really, she just doesn’t want me around. I cramp her style or something. Not really sure. Do you have any siblings?” I would much rather take the attention off me.

“I have a little brother, but he’s like way younger. He’s eight.”

“That must be hard being so spaced out. You don’t really have much in common.”

“Actually it’s kind of nice. My dad’s pretty busy, so I get to teach him all the cool stuff. You know, fishing, camping, throwing a ball. We bond a lot over stuff like that.”

“That sounds cool. I’m glad you do that stuff with your brother. That’s awesome.”

He shrugs. “I wanted more siblings, but my parents took so long to have Ethan, there just isn’t enough time to have more.”

“Were you a lonely child?” I kind of meant it as a joke, but I am starting to think it came out mean.

“No, I mean, I was always busy and hung out with my friends. I wasn’t lonely, I just always liked the idea of a big family.”

“I never really got along with my sister, so I am not really sure about the big family.”

He smirks. “Ah, but you see, if you had more than one sister, you would be more likely to have at least one that you got along with.”

“I am not sure that is how that works.” I laugh a little at his statement.

“Don’t ruin my logic. I’m on a roll here. I got you to smile like five times.” He gives me this cute sideways smile that makes me smile too. Is he flirting with me?

“Well, don’t ruin your track record.” I giggle a little. What is wrong with me? He is not a guy that talks to girls like me. There has to be something else going on, yet I like talking to him. He’s funny and doesn’t seem to be mean at all.

“Ah, I think I lost it. Damn, I’ll have to start all over again.” He nudges my arm.

When he nudges my arm, I kind of don’t pay attention to where I am going and bump into someone. I turn to say I’m sorry, but it’s too late. “God damn it Danielle, watch where you are going.”

I blush, because she just yelled at me in front of Jordan. “Sorry Courtney.”

She groans. “You should be. Oh, and by the way we are out of juice again, get some after school.”

I just nod. I don’t even drink the juice, either her or whatever guy she’s with does. I look over to Jordan to see what he is doing and I am crushed. I see it, he has noticed Courtney and now I am a nonexistent blip on a radar that stopped working. Well, it was nice being noticed by Jordan. He is staring wide eyed at Courtney in her barely there clothes. I would never wear what she wears. She dresses like a stripper. Booty shorts, crop tops that are too small, heels that would break a leg on a normal person. Yet the boys love it.

I just trudge around Jordan. He isn’t even going to notice me anyway. Sure enough he stayed there and started up a conversation with her. Guys are so dumb.

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