Stretching out her hand, Phoenix inhaled deeply before exhaling. With her confidence boosting,

” Abracadabra! ” She exclaimed, staring intensely at the door with her burning red eyes, waiting for it to barge open by itself magically.

Therefore, her face died in disappointment when nothing happened. Ellie nodded sideways, looking down in disappointment too.

” Abracadabra! ” Phoenix exclaimed again. Her red eyes went back to normal immediately.

” Why is nothing happening?! ” She groaned, glaring at her hand and the door.

” Abracadabra!! ” She yelled in frustration and anger this time around. Yet… nothing happened. The door remained closed.

Phoenix let out a deep sad sigh of defeat, turning to look at Ellie.

” Why didn’t the door break open? ” She threw her hands up in a dramatic manner. Ellie flew to her and perched on her shoulder.

” What reason do you think is behind it? ” He asked back.

” It’s simple… because I’m not a Phoenix like you said. I had my doubts and now it’s justified ” Phoenix muttered frankly. Ellie only stared intently at her.

” What? What’s with the look? ” Phoenix asked.

” Maybe… just maybe. The day you truly start believing you are a Phoenix, just maybe then… you will truly see what you’re capable of ” Ellie replied.

” What do you mean? ”

” Even the slightest and tiniest doubt in your heart will render you powerless. Have that at the back of your mind, Phoenix ” Ellie added, and with that, he flew away through the window.

” Hey! Wait, Ellie, you can’t just leave me here! ” Phoenix tried stopping him, but he already left. She let out a loud groan of frustration.

” I’m just so confused right now ” She buried her face in her palms.

Sighing out loudly, she decided to head upstairs. She went up the stairs and stopped on seeing a door. Thinking it was the guest room, she decided to knock first. When she didn’t receive any response, she entered.

Her heart almost jumped out of her chest when she saw Axion, lying on the bed, his head resting on the bed frame, arms folded and eyes glaring at her like he had been waiting for her.

” So you decided to come upstairs ” He spoke up.

” I thought this was a guest room, sorry ” Phoenix muttered and turned to leave…

” Where do you think you’re going to? ” Axion’s stern voice halted her.

” Come here ” He commanded and that made Phoenix press her lips together.

” Calm down, Phoenix ” She exhaled before turning and walking over to the bed.

” What do you want? ” She snapped with folded arms, only to receive a hard glare from Axion.

” I mean… what do you want? ” Phoenix corrected in a much calmer tone.

” Go take your bath, you stink ” Axion said, and it was now Phoenix’s turn to glare at him.

” And what do you expect me to wear after that? ” She almost hissed.

” Go take your bath Phoenix ” Axion snapped impatiently at her.

” But…

” Now! ” He cut her off.

Phoenix huffed, looking away angrily. Seeing the bathroom door, she headed to it and entered, slamming the door close.

Minutes later, she came out, tying a towel around her chest with frowning eyebrows.

Seeing Axion was still on the bed, but this time around he was flipping through the pages of a book, she walked up to him.

” What am I to wear? ” She demanded. Axion, without sparing her a glance, pointed to the couch. On it was a pair of pajamas. Phoenix rolled her eyes and grabbed the cloth and was about to head back to the bathroom when,

” Put on your clothes… here ” Axion said, his eyes not leaving the book. Phoenix swiftly turned, glaring at him.

” Excuse me? ”

” Put on your clothes… here… before me ” Axion repeated, still looking at her.

” Are you nuts? How can you tell me to do that?! ” Phoenix almost yelled and that was Axion sent her a dangerous glare. He kept the book on the bed and climbed down, walking over to her.

” Are you deaf? Or do you want me to do it for you instead? ” He was now standing very close to Phoenix, whose anger was starting to boil.

” I’m not doing it ” Phoenix hissed with a stern look.

” You can’t object, Phoenix ” Axion was trying hard to get angry.

” I’m still not doing it. Why should I dress up before you? What are you, my husband or boyfriend? ”

” Your master! ” Axion yelled at her face. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to himself.

” And as my slave… you don’t have a say in this. You’ll have to do whatever I say. So do it or I’ll do it myself ” He warned. Phoenix almost landed a slap across his face but he held her hand midair.

” Don’t… even… think of it ” He breathed out angrily as his eyes turned purple. Phoenix’s heart skipped in fear but she tried hard not to show it.

” I’m not scared of you, Axion ” She managed to say, glaring back at him.

” Some nerves, huh? I see ” He scoffed.

” What are you trying to hide anyway? I’m sure almost all the men in the city have already seen it all, so why not let me see it too? ”

” Why pretend to be a virgin? Or do you want me to pay before I can see it all? ” He grinned.

” I bought you Phoenix. You’re my possession, my thing, my toy, and I can do whatever I please with you and there’s nothing you can do about it. ”

Phoenix stomped on his feet hard, making him let go of her waist. Pushing him away from herself,

” You’re disgusting! ” She spat in disgust and stormed off to the bathroom, slamming the door even louder.

Axion let out a scoff, rolling his eyes.

After putting on her pajamas, Phoenix stepped out of the bathroom.

” Where am I to sleep tonight? ” She asked.

” On the floor ” Axion replied plainly. Phoenix’s eyes widened

” Why should I sleep on the floor? ” She demanded.

” Because I said so ” Axion snapped.

” What do you even think I am… a dog? ” Phoenix fumed in anger.

” A slave who should obey her Master ” Axion replied, before lying fully on the bed, turning his back on her. Phoenix glared at him with every hatred in her eyes, and her fist tightened.

” Calm down Phoenix, it’s only for tonight. First thing tomorrow… you’re leaving this fucking place ” She mumbled to herself.


Phoenix made sure to wake up earlier. She took her bath and put on her clothes, making sure not to wake Axion, who was still sleeping.

She tiptoed out of the room and headed downstairs, to the entrance door. After many trials to open the door, which all proved fatal, she let out a groan of frustration.

” I must get out of here no matter what ” She said, determined.

She headed back upstairs, trying to look for an escape route. She was entering every room she saw to see if she could escape through their windows, but surprisingly, none of the windows were open.

She came across a door with bold writing on it, saying ” PROHIBITED”.

” Why prohibited? ” She wondered. She wanted to skip the door to the next door but her curiosity was getting the best of her.

She twisted the doorknob and, surprisingly, it was open. Immediately she entered, her eyes widened greatly as a gasp left her lips at what she saw.

The room wasn’t like any normal room. There was a bed frame but no foam on it. There was a huge standing mirror beside the bed frame.

Littered on the floor were broken pieces of glass and blood drops that had already dried up. Lying on the floor too was an extremely long and huge chain that was covered with blood.

Yet on the floor was uncooked beef, lying around. The whole room looked untidy.

” What is this place? ” Phoenix muttered in shock.

” What are you doing here? ” A voice asked, startling her. She turned swiftly and fear ran through her on seeing Axion glaring at her with a tightened fist and clenched jaws. His purple eyes were dimmer and more terrifying.

” I… didn’t… mean… to… enter ” Phoenix stuttered, terrified at Axion’s eyes.

Before she could say anything else, Axion grabbed her by the neck, pinning her to the wall.

” What is wrong with you?! Didn’t you see the prohibition sign on the door?! ” He growled in rage and a wimp left Phoenix’s lips.

” I’m… sorry… ” She managed to say as Axion tightened his grip on her neck, almost choking her to death.

” I’ve warned you severely not to provoke me, Phoenix, but you just don’t listen ” Phoenix shut her eyes in pain as a strand rolled down her cheeks.

” Now watch what I do to you! ” Axion finally let go of her neck. Phoenix’s face was now all red as she coughed uncontrollably.

Axion grabbed her hand and dragged her roughly downstairs.

” I’m sorry Axion, I didn’t mean to enter the room, please let me go ” She pleaded as Axion dragged her, paying a deaf ear to all her pleas.

He finally stopped getting to the door. Grabbing Phoenix’s chin, he tilted her head forward for her to stare deep into his eyes.

” This is going to be your punishment for crossing your boundary. And also, from now on… don’t you ever call me by my name again. Call me… Master ” He snapped and with that he opened the door and threw Phoenix inside the room before slamming the door close, locking it.

Phoenix winced in pain as she fell to the floor, almost hitting her head. A louder wimp left her lips as tears rolled down freely.Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

She managed to stand up, rushing to the door.

” Please, Axion, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cross my boundary, please let me out, please ” She pleaded, banging on the door.

” Please ” She pleaded, breaking down in tears and slumping to the floor.

” Please ”

She managed to look around and fear engulfed her about how dark the room was. She hugged herself tightly, trembling in fear. If there is one thing she is scared of, then it’s darkness.

” Please, I’m sorry ” She mumbled, her lips trembling.

She closed her eyes, burying her head and hugging herself even tighter.

” I can’t take this anymore, I just can’t ” She cried.

Just then, a little glow of red light could be seen shining at one corner of the room. As time passed by and as Phoenix cried, even more, the light became ever brighter and before you knew it, it was now shining through the whole room.

Phoenix raised her head immediately when she felt a bright light on her face. She quickly crawled back in fear as the light became brighter. The light became so bright that Phoenix had to cover her eyes so she wouldn’t go blind.

” Phoenix ” A pleasant voice echoed the whole room.

” Who… are… you? ” Phoenix managed to ask, her whole body shaking in fear.

Her eyes spotted something which made them widen greatly.

Right in the middle of the room was a bird… a big bird almost the same size as an ostrich, rising from its ashes, with fire and flame revolving around it.

The bird was no ordinary bird. It looked like a peacock with red and golden feathers, and a tail that was rich red. Its body was scarlet and gold plumage, making it look extremely beautiful.

” Phoenix ” The bird called again.

” Who are you? ” Phoenix questioned, staring at the bird with awe and parted lips.

” A RED PHOENIX ” The bird replied, finally landing on the ground…

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