The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 11


Within a few days of taking the new pills Emmett gave me, I was already noticing a huge difference. Keres was silent, like usual, but this time felt different. It felt more like she was sleeping than anything else. I felt like I had my mind and body back to myself. I was on cloud nine. I just prayed that it would last.

“You’re late.” Thorin scolded me, tossing me a sword to train with.

“Sorry…I just feel great today…I went for a walk and lost track of time.” I admitted, catching it and twirling it around. “I got some new meds this week.”

“This is good then.” Thorin nodded in approval.

“I want to let her out. I want to see how she is.” I blurted out, putting my sword into the dirt.

“I will call King then?” He asked.

“No, I don’t want him to be disappointed if I’m wrong.” I shook my head. “Do what you have to to get her to stop if need be.”

“If you say so…” He shrugged.

In just a few minutes, Thorin had gathered up everything needed to stop Keres if she got out of control and I was undressing in the middle of the field. I didn’t mind being naked in front of Thorin, he had seen me naked plenty of times now. If my father were here though, I would leave at least my underclothes on. Wolves or not, it was weird being naked in front of my father.

“Ready when you are,” Throin said, his eyes to the sky.

“Alright Emmett. Don’t fail me now.” I said to myself before letting myself shift.

This time felt different. It wasn’t painful. It wasn’t painful! Oh thank goddess!! I was in control too! Or kinda anyway. I noticed right away that Keres was basically asleep. The most I could do was open our eyes. Thorin came over to me, a perplexed look on his face. He kneeled down next to me and petted my head. That was the first time he was able to do so. It felt so nice.

Finally, things were starting to turn around! This opened up a world of possibilities! I didn’t have to live in fear anymore! I felt giddy with excitement. Maybe if Emmett lowered the dosage, then Keres might be awake enough to walk but not enough to take control. I would need to talk it over with him but this was amazing news! I shifted back, tackling Thorin to the ground in my excitement.

“It worked!! It really worked!!” I exclaimed.

“I am proud of you, Solnyshko.” Thorin smiled, taking me by surprise.

Thorin’s smile was a very rare occurrence. I guess today was a day for miracles to happen. Thorin and I stared at each other for a bit longer than normal, something passing between us.

“Kelly?” Kelsey linked.

“What is it, Kels?” I asked, slightly annoyed.

Thorin saw my eyes change and quickly pulled back, clearing his throat and getting back up.

“Mom is being taken to the hospital.” Even through our link I could hear her broken voice.

“I’m on my way.” I linked back.

“I have to go, my mom is heading to the hospital.” I blurted out as Thorin approached me with my clothes in hand.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I will escort you?” He asked.

“No, its fine.” I shook my head. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“As always.” He nodded. “Give my regards to the Queen.”

“Thanks Thorin!” I said, breaking out into a sprint for the hospital.

I can only imagine how much faster this will be when I am able to control my wolf. Maybe this will reopen the ‘me becoming queen eventually’ discussion. My father hasn’t even humored talking about the subject since Keres showed up over four years ago. I still had some years before he would be forced to relinquish his title, but hopefully it wouldn’t come to that. Ideally, he would retire sooner rather than later so he could spend more time with his very ill mate. I have spent years studying everything he has asked me to. I train daily. I would say I’m doing pretty good for my age, all things considered. I wouldn’t be the first young ruler either. King Edward took over at eighteen, and King Derek in his early twenties. If they could do it, why couldn’t I?

“Kelly!” Kelsey exclaimed, giving me a hug upon my arrival.

She had her pup on her h*p and a worried expression on her face. I still found it odd that she was a mom now. She was always my little sister, and now she was a mated woman with a pup. Her daughter Amelia snuggled into her shoulder, sucking on her pacifier, looking well overdue for a nap.

“Hey, where is mom?” I asked.

“Away for testing.” Kelsey sighed. “We were having lunch together and she said she felt lightheaded and then was on the ground before I knew it.”

“And dad?” I asked.

“On his way to the Northern kingdom to meet with King Edward.” She sighed.

“Alright, I’ve got her.” I nodded. “I’ll keep you posted.”

“Thanks Kelly.”

“Any word from the spawn of Satan?” I asked.

“No, I haven’t seen Kylie.” She huffed. “You should be nicer to her.”

“When she starts caring about our family, maybe I will.”

“For Luna?” The nurse asked, pulling our attention away from our current conversation.

“Yes, is she alright?” I asked.

“She is resting right now. We are going to keep her overnight for observation. If you’ll follow me I’ll take you to her.” The nurse said, heading back from where she had just come from.

I gave a quick look to Kelsey who was standing helplessly in the waiting room. “I’ll keep you posted.” I nodded. She wiped her eyes and nodded back before snuggling into her pup and heading back home. We have played this game enough times now to know when we should all be present, and when we don’t need to be. Thankfully, today we didn’t all need to be.

“Mom?” I whispered as I entered her room.

“Kelly…” She said softly, relief in her voice.

I made my way over to her bedside, giving her a gentle hug before taking my seat next to her and striking up a conversation. She hated it when we asked how she was doing. Of course she wasn’t alright, she knew it, we knew it, the doctors knew it. We could hope that someone would find a cure one day, but until then she told us not to ask how she was doing, especially when she was in a hospital bed.

“I think Dr. Barbato may have found something that will solve the Keres problem,” I said, starting at the TV screen that was giving off a soft glow across from her bed in the otherwise dark room.

“Oh?” She lit up excitedly. “That’s wonderful news.” She said, squeezing my hand.

“Its only been a few days, but I’m hopeful that it will be a long-term solution.” I said, unable to keep the smile off my face.

“I am so happy for you.” She coughed, taking a few deep breaths through her oxygen cannula. “Your father will be overjoyed.”

“I’m sure he will.” I laughed. “Thorin even got to pet her today.” I boasted.

“Thorin…he is quite an interesting man, don’t you think?”

“Thorin is quite interesting, there is no doubt about it.” I shrugged.

“He seems very fond of you.” She mulled over.

“You think so?” I asked, wondering where she was going with that.

“I am not blind, my dear. Sick, but not blind.” She said, patting my knee. “You have avoided love since your rejections happened. I cant blame you, but as my daughter, I want what’s best for you.”

“Mom, I’m fine without a mate.” I said unconvincingly.

“Perhaps, for now. But the daughter I know used to dream about spending her life with someone who would cherish her. She used to take her dolls and pretend they were fated mates meeting for the first time. You used to draw pictures of what you thought your mate would look like, what he would smell like. You may very well be hurting still, but I encourage you to open your heart to love again.”

“Maybe one day,” I sighed. “When I’m sure Keres is under control and I am on the throne.”

“Life is short, don’t wait too long.” She coughed. “You’ll blink one day and wont be young anymore.”

“I wont.” I nodded.

“That doctor is very easy on the eyes, and Jonas is fond of you also.” She added animatedly.

“Mom!” I laughed.

“What? I’m just letting you know you have options.” She coughed again.

I laughed and we continued talking until she said she needed her rest and fell asleep. I curled up on the stiff plastic couch next to her bed and stayed there through the night, ready at her beckon call. She was discharged the next morning. Her doctor gave her some new medication and told her to stay on bedrest for the rest of the week. Nothing new about that.

I stayed with her until my father returned, erked that he wasn’t there for her, again. I thought about what my mother said about opening myself up to love. I wondered if it was even worth it. Seeing how often my father had to sacrifice his family for his kingdom, if I picked a mate, it would have to be someone who would understand the sacrifices that would come with being my mate. They would have to be accepting of an alpha female. They would have to be accepting of…me.

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