The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 25


I woke up to my phone ringing off the hook, my worst fears coming to mind. Kelsey’s name was displayed on my screen. She never called, only ever texted unless it was an emergency. I quickly picked up and held my breath, waiting for the terrible news.

“Kels?” I asked.

“Mom is being taken to the hospital.” She choked out.

“Okay, I’m on my way.” I said, praying that it was a false alarm.

“Okay.” She sobbed.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Kelsey, it’ll be okay. I’ll see you soon.” I said before hanging up and immediately looking up flights.

I was lucky enough to find a flight that was leaving in just a few hours, non-stop. Even luckier that I was able to simply transfer my flights and only had a small fee to pay for it. Now to break the news to Derek. My father didn’t want anyone to know how sick his mate truly was though, so I had to downplay it.

“Hey Derek-” I began, going right into his office. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were with someone.” I said, turning to leave. I didn’t have time to wait.

“Jeff was just leaving. What’s up?” He asked, irritation in his voice.

“I hope you don’t mind, my mom just got admitted to the hospital. I was going to fly back home and check on her.” I quickly said. Not that his opinion mattered right now, my flight was already booked.

“By all means, please send her my well wishes.” He nodded. “Let me know when you are ready to go, I’ll drive you.”

“Thanks Derek.” I said, quickly heading back to my room to finish packing.

– – – – – – – – –

My flight felt like it took forever. By the time I got back home, my mother had thankfully been stabilized and was resting. They released her the next morning and I agreed to stay by her side the rest of the day and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow Kelsey and Kylie would take over, so I could catch yet another flight so I could go get to know my future mate.

I brought a slew of stuff with me this time, now knowing how busy Derek typically was. Wedding planner, some of my super-great-grandfathers scrolls, and a few books recommended to me by Jonas. I hardly had any clothes in my suitcase this time, though I did pack a few spicy pieces of lingerie, just in case. Derek was going to be my mate soon after all. I personally wanted to know if we had any chemistry at all before our ceremony. Maybe tonight could be the night.

“You never gave me your RSPV to Jessica and Jeff’s wedding.” I heard Dereks’ assistant Valerie say as I approached his office, wedding planner in hand. Of course, he didn’t tell me his beta was getting married. Why would he?

“A wedding? For Jeff? Why didnt you say something?” I asked, shooting Derek a look before looking at Valerie. “Of course we’ll be there.”

“Derek, I had no idea you and Kelly were seeing each other.” She said just a bit too sweetly. I guess she wasn’t the only one out of the loop. In all fairness, though, she was the only human here. She wouldn’t understand our complex relationship.

“Oh you didn’t hear the good news? Our ceremony is just two months away now.” I smiled, trying to smooth things over.

“Your ceremony? You’re getting married too?” Valerie asked.

“April 16th. I actually just came by to ask Derek which shade of blue we should pick for the napkins and see if he would join me for lunch. Which one do you think? The lighter or darker?” I asked, presenting two fabric napkins.

“The darker, definitely. If you’ll excuse me,” She said, hurrying out.

“Thanks for your help!” I yelled before turning my attention back to Derek. “So, free for lunch? I was thinking I could do some planning while I was here so we could at least spend a little time together, even if it was in silence.” I shrugged.

“I thought you were with your mom..?” He asked, confusion written all over him.

“I was, she was discharged and my sisters are taking care of her now, so I figured while she was squared away I would come and see you.” I smiled.

“Yeah, sure, I just need to go take care of something. I’ll be back.” He said as he left the room.

“Okay.” I sighed, setting my things down.

I made dozens of phone calls, making arrangements for our ceremony. Derek was very flexible, basically letting me have whatever I wanted, earning himself a point back. By lunch time, I had almost everything planned. All I needed was to find a dress for myself, but I planned on doing that back in my kingdom with my sisters.

I texted Kelsey mid-day and asked her how mom was doing. She texted me back saying she was still sleeping. I guess that’s a good thing. Going back out to the car, I replaced my wedding planner with a few old scrolls and headed back into Dereks’ office. He was on the phone, deep in conversation. I doubt that he even noticed I was gone.

Very carefully, I opened the first scroll of the three I had brought. If I took any more, I was sure my father would notice and flip that I took such old delicate words of wisdom out of the library.

Alright grandpa, what do you have for me today? I asked myself as I began to slowly intemperate his old handwriting.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Today is a dark day. My eldest son, Rupert, the heir to the throne, has contracted a nasty virus, unlike anything we have ever seen before. I consulted with my physicians and came up empty handed. In an effort to save my son’s life, I branched out, seeking help from anyone who could help. It took weeks, but I eventually came across a strange fellow; Herschel was his name. He wore odd clothes with trinkets around his neck. I thought he might be a wiccan, but he denied it. No matter.

He spoke of a legendary healing potion. He called it an ‘Elixir of Vitality.’ It almost sounded too good to be true. He claimed it had the ability to heal anyone of anything. Physically, mentally, emotionally, heck, he said it might even help one financially. Can you imagine that?! Ha!

I asked about its history and Herschel said it was crafted by the gods and goddesses themselves. The elixir is said to contain a potent blend of rare ingredients, so rare in fact that they are near impossible to find. A single sip of this legendary concoction accelerated the body’s natural healing process, it would heal broken bones in seconds, and it could cure any illness, rejuvenating the weary. It sounded like exactly what my son needed.

Herschel warned me though, that creating such an elixir was not a task for the weary. It was a fretful journey, filled with dangers not known to man. Only with the blessings from the gods and goddesses themselves could they successfully gather the rare ingredients which were hidden in the corners of the world. There were three ingredients to be specific. The tears of a moonflower, the essence of a rare healing herb that only blooms under a full moon, and a fragment of a fabled healing crystal.

If one could survive the journey to acquire these rare tokens, they would then need to go through a complex series of rituals and incantations, harnessing the powers of nature itself, and channeling it into the potion. The final product is a shimmering liquid that radiates a gentle teal glow, a testament to its otherworldly nature, or so I have been told.

Despite its remarkable properties, the Elixir of Vitality has only been crafted a handful of times, only in the most dire of circumstances. Many have gone on quests to find the ingredients, and most never come back. For those who do, however, for those who then successfully crafted the elixir, they claim to have full restoration of body, mind, and spirit. Some even said it gave them inner peace.

If I am being honest with myself, it all sounds too good to be true. But, despite my apprehension, I plan on setting out tomorrow morning with Herschel and several of my most trusted men. Anything to save my son. I will document my journey when I am able. I pray to the moon goddess that she will find favor with me during this journey. I pray that I will be able to find the ingredients and make it home in one piece. And I pray that I will do it before its too late. For my son, and for the future of my kingdom.

Until we meet again, dear reader.

– Alpha King Wallace III

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Holy s**t. I need to see my dad.

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