The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 27

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 27



I’m not sure what is going on but there have been whispers all day long, starting up after Luna Jenna had been dismissed from the kitchen. Eyes follow me everywhere, and the omegas that are in charge of bathing and dressing me each day seem even more hostile towards me. I try to ignore it all but it’s hard when you are being held captive in a strange place and you can sense that something bad is about to happen.

Four of the Omegas are escorting me to yet another part of the pack house, when I hear bits and pieces of their conversation. I’m not sure if they are trying to be quiet or if they want me to hear what they are saying, but they must know that my hearing is rather good, even if Tala is still asleep somewhere inside.

“Why does she get to go in there? I don’t understand what’s so special about her!” A blonde she-wolf exclaims to another.

“it’s not like they are **her. They can’t do that just yet, so we still have time. We just have to try harder.” One of the two brunettes responds to the blonde.

“He hasn’t touched us since she’s been here, so I doubt we will get him to change his mind.”

The redhead speaks up, not caring that I can hear her as she sneers, “Well, I for one, hope they use her good. Maybe then she will stop thinking that she is better than the rest of us and start acting like the **she is now.”

“What didn’t you hear, Rae?” the blonde asks the redhead, “He’s taking her as his Luna, so she will be above us.”

**Yeah, well he won’t want her if she is hideous. We can hire someone to **her face up.” The vicious redhead snickers.

“And chance the Alpha finding out?The brunette asks while the others gasp, Are you crazy?”

The redhead shrugs, “It was just wishful thinking.”

“That kind of thinking is going to get you either locked up or killed!” The second brunette finally speaks up. When I glance over at her, she has a familiarity to her. She tries saying something through our eye contact, but I don’t know what.

When they stop in front of a closed door, the blonde produces a key and unlocks it. Shoving me in ahead of them, I glance around and stop in my tracks. They brought me to a****sex room or something! It looks like one, almost, but it also looks like a torture chamber from a different era.

There is a chill in the air even though there is a fire going in the fireplace. I continue glancing around, and taking everything in. To my surprise, one of the Omegas takes the mouth gag off, letting me close my mouth for the first time since this morning. I can’t talk even if I tried because my jaw is too sore.

When one of them begins to untie the belt around my waist, I start to back away and shake my head no. Two others grab me and hold me while the Omega strips me of the only coverage I have, which isn’t much since the thing is sheer. I whimper and try to break free of the she wolves grip, but I’m getting too weak. I haven’t had a real meal since I left Dark Moon that faithful morning. I get water and I get a slice of bread twice a day. Jasper says that I would get more if only I would submit, but that’s not happening.

“God, look at her! Why do they want her, she’s so boney.” I hear one sneer.

“It’s only until she realizes that she’s never leaving here. Once she submits to her new mate, she can have whatever she wants.” Another explains but still has a nastiness to her voice.

“Come on, we don’t have much time before he gets here, and she needs to be ready.” The redhead says right in front of me.

They push me down to my knees on the cement floor, and while two of them hold me down, the other two take my wrists out of the shackles and they each stretch them out to the side, cuffing them in a new set of restraints attached to posts on each side. My head hangs down, because my strength is waning, and it takes too much to hold it up.

“You’re so** pathetic! You have the Alpha and Alpha heir wanting you and you continue to deny them both! You’re either * or dumb!” the blonde snickers.

“Really?” I whisper, my jaw aches with the movement. I glance over at the others, silently asking if the blonde is really that ignorant.

The redhead is the one that speaks up. “Shut up, Bridget. You’re making yourself look dumb!”

The blonde huffs, but takes a step back, getting in line with the others. I wonder what they are doing, but then I hear it; footsteps coming towards the room, multiple footsteps. My heart races, not knowing what’s going to happen.


19:18 1


Father and son walk in together. As soon as they see me in all of my naked glory, they both break out in big grins. They circle me like **vultures circle their prey, but I refuse to show them my fear. I won’t let them break me no matter what.

“Isn’t she magnificent?” Luther asks his son, “Her mother was the same way. Had it not been for that **mate of hers coming along. I would have had her myself.

“She is a beauty, Father.” Jasper licks his lips,

“Remember,” the Alpha addresses his son, the only thing you are allowed to stick your **in is her mouth. Otherwise, you can have at her, but first let’s give her our mark.

Wait, what? I snap my head up, and around, but neither are coming close to me yet. The Alpha snaps his fingers towards the Omegas, “Summer, be a doll and bring me that syringe that I gave you earlier.”

I watch the she-wolf pull a small syringe from her apron pocket and hand it to the Alpha. Once again, she makes eye contact with me, trying to tell me something. The Alpha called her Summer. I knew a Summer once, she was one of the she-wolves that used to crush on my brother, Dylan. Could it be? Could this wolf be from my old pack? Did Luther take prisoners when he attacked us?

“That’s a good girl. Come to my room tonight, Summer. I want to watch my mate make you come again.” Luther winks at the poor Omega.

I can see the repulsion on her face, but she still responds with. “Yes, Alpha.”

Luther turns his attention back to me, “Here, here, we can’t have your wolf waking up just yet, can we?” He brings the syringe close to me.

spit on him as he bends down to stick the This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I jerk away the best that I can, but it doesn’t deter him, so I do the only thing that I can do needle in my neck.

He jumps back, dropping the needle in the process. “You ***!” He backhands me so hard that I see stars. “Look what you’re making me do! Now I have to mark up that pretty face of yours!” he hits me

again and again. I can taste blood in my mouth, but he doesn’t stop there. He yanks my head back and to the side by my hair and stabs me with the syringe. Aside from the sting of the needle going in, don’t feel anything.

Jasper buckles the mouth gag back onto my mouth and then let’s my head hang down, but Luther isn’t having it, “Bring the branding iron over here!” He orders his son and then looks down at me, “You can thank dear old Stacia for our treatment of you. Had she stayed with me, then you could have been mine, but no, she dropped me for that piece of ***father of yours, now you get to have our pack’s mark on you and my** inside that mouth of yours!

I hadn’t even realized he had pulled himself out until he tries shoving himself into me. I shake my head back and forth, but it does no good, especially when he backhands me again. I go limp, but it matters none to him as he uses me for his own gratification.

“Do it now!” I hear Luther say as he plunges himself into me. A searing white pain erupts on the side of my neck, right where my mate is supposed to mark me, and then all goes black.


When I wake up again, I have a throbbing pain in my neck, and I’m chained to a bed that isn’t Jasper’s. I can smell the faint scent of Luther and Jenna, so I’m assuming I’m in their chambers, but why? By the looks of it through the window, it’s late afternoon. How long was I out for? I try taking stock of all the aches and pains that are wracking my body, and thankfully, they have kept their word so far, and did not take my virginity.

I feel a stirring inside of me, and shockingly, I hear my wolf whimper, ‘Tala! Are you okay? I’m so glad you’re waking up!” I cry out to her.

“I’m here, Quinn, but i’m so tired.’ She yawns, “Let me nap and I will be good to go.’

‘Tala, you do know that we were kidnapped, right? The Desert Sand Alpha has us.’

‘What? How did you manage that?’ She asks, fighting the sleep that’s trying to take her.

“Me? His son snuck up on us, so the way I see it, you were the one that wasn’t doing their job.’I lecture.

“Oops, my bad. Let me take a quick nap and then we will figure out a way to get out of here.’ No sooner does she say it, I hear loud snoring coming from within, and I have to block it out.

The bedroom door opens, but it’s Summer that comes in. I can only see out of one eye, but I can still see the concern in both of hers. She closes the door and hurries over to the bed with a tray. I was hoping for food and water, but there are medical supplies on the tray.

“Summer,” I whisper, “You’re from my pack, aren’t you?”

She glances back at the closed door, “Yes,” she whispers back, “There were five of us taken when they attacked. My friends and I were at the pond when they came. They took us right from there.”

“Who else was taken?”




it doesn’t matter right now, there are only two of us left her voice **, “Me and Veronika, but she was claimed by one of the warriors and she’s got a pup now

“We need to get out of here.” I say trying to remain calm, “I’m not going to last too much longer if I stay. I will kill myself before I let them use me like they want.”

She gnores my statement, “Has your wolf woken up yet?”

“She stirred but went back to sleep.” I reply sadly.

Summer nods “it’s going to take a little bit, but I was hoping she’d wake up soon. I switched the syringe with the drugs for one with saline in it Hopefully, she wakes up by the time help arrives.”

“Help? I make a hissing noise when she goes to clean the mark on my neck.

She nods, but then the door opens, and she changes tactic, “Stop refusing to submit. You will love giving yourself to them.”

shake my head. “No, I won’t!”

“Ah, I see you’ve had no luck with the ***either, huh?” The Luna comes walking over to Summer, brushing some of her hair back and then leaning in to kiss my pack member on her neck.

I can see Summer’s expression and can tell that she’s holding the vomit back as Jenna touches her. When the Luna stands back up, she keeps her hand on the other she-wolf’s shoulder.

*Alpha told me to meet him in here, and that you would be here too. Does that mean Luther wants another show?” Jenna asks softly. She seems to really like Summer, by the way she fondles the she- wolf’s hair as she talks to her.

Summer nods and smiles up at the Luna, “That’s what he told me earlier, but then he brought her here. I don’t know what plans he’s got for her, but I’m not touching the **.” Summer pretends to sneer at me.

“No worries, baby. I’ll make sure he doesn’t make you touch her.” Jenna pushes Summer down on the bed, across my legs and starts making out with her.

*Starting without me? A booming voice comes from the doorway.

The Luna glances up at her Alpha and wipes her mouth, “No, just warming up a little.”

“Good. Now that we are all here, the fun can begin!” Alpha Luther claps his hands together and licks his lips at me, giving me a very bad feeling about this.

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