The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 9

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 9


I attack Declan in the middle of the garage after he shows me the birthday present he got for me. I can’t believe he bought me my dream car. I’ve only been talking about wanting one when they first displayed the new model. The fact that he listened and paid attention to me tells me so much. I can only hope that my own mate will do as the Alpha does for me.

Thinking of my future mate as I make out with Declan should make me feel bad, but it doesn’t. I can’t get enough of his soft but demanding lips, or of the way he tastes. I’m throbbing between my legs, and I know he can smell my arousal, but I simply don’t care. We’ve both had a hell of a day, and we need this distraction.

I feel us moving and then I’m being placed on the hood of his Tesla. This puts me so my core is up against his hardness, and oh my Goddess, he feels monstrous! It’s a good thing that I’m not his mate, because I don’t think I’d be able to take it. It doesn’t stop me from rubbing against it, though, as tingles begin to form, and I moan.

“That’s it, sweetheart, rub yourself against me and come for me. I want to see what you look like when you fall apart in my arms.” His command washes over me and I come instantly.

“Oh Goddess! Yes please Declan..yes!” I ride out my *wave after wave as he uses his hands on my *to rub me against him. Just as I finish mine, he picks up the speed.

“Goddess Quinn, you’re too * I’m going to shoot my load inside my own pants, and that’s something that I have never done.” He bites down on my shoulder, not enough to draw blood, but enough to toss me over once more and we come together.

“*, baby!” He jerks against me while I ride the waves once more.

The fact that we just made each other come while being fully dressed is so freaking hot! I’m panting as he lays me back, and if I were bare, would probably look like a smorgasbord for him. I feel sexy as fuck laying before him as he drinks me in from head to legs. His hands rub my bare thighs as they dangle over the side, and it all just feels so right, but I’m not sure why when he isn’t my mate.

I’m coming back to my senses, and even though I don’t regret any of it, I know that we need to both go back to our own rooms before this does go too far. I sit up, grab the back of his neck, and bring his lips to mine. Yeah, I’ll take what I want, life is way too short for anything else.

I pull away and smile. “Thank you for the wonderful day, Declan, and thank you for the car.”

He tucks some of my hair that has fallen out of the comb, back behind my ear, “Any time, sweetheart. I’m glad you had a great birthday.” His smile is sad, and I vow to try and figure out a way to get him out of his predicament. Something just doesn’t seem right about this whole


“Goodnight, Alpha.” I hop down and only make it a few steps before his voice stops me.

“Quinn, wait a minute,” I turn back around to find him holding out an envelope, “This is another vital piece of your birthday. I waited to give it to you so you could read it in private and have plenty of time to deal with whatever it may say.”

I look at him strangely but take the envelope from him anyway. Once again, I freeze in my spot. My name is written in my mother’s handwriting and underneath it says, ‘Open on 18th Birthday’. Holding it against my chest, I mouth the words ‘Thank You’ to Declan and then go inside.

I sit on my bed staring at the envelope that Declan gave me. I can’t seem to bring myself to open it, afraid of what I may find written down. There was a reason that my mother felt she should write me a letter for my eighteenth birthday, but then again, it may be nothing. It’s not like she knew she wasn’t

going to be here when this day came and went. Finally, after about twenty minutes of sitting here staring, carefully open it, making sure that I don’t rip more than I need to. I want to savor the envelope with her writing on it; I miss her so much. Unfolding the piece of paper, I begin reading.

To My Beautiful Daughter,

Hello Quinn. Unfortunately, if you are reading this, it is because I am no longer there with you, and neither is your father. I’m sure you are missing us today of all days and I am deeply sorry that we weren’t able to keep ourselves alive for you and your brother.

It’s an important day for you, huh? A she-wolf turning eighteen means finding their mate, the other half of their soul. Please don’t be discouraged if you do not find yours right away. I did not find your father until the age of twenty, which is not unheard of in our family. Have faith and continue living your life without worrying about romance.

You are, and always have been a strong female, and I hope you continue to be strong after whatever it is that has happened to your father and I. Know that we are together in the afterlife, standing by Goddess Selene, watching over you. Know that you are never alone as you go

through life and always remember where you came from. You are an Alpha’s daughter, and you should be treated as one.

Please be weary of any outsiders that may want to get close to you, not everyone is a friend. Our family has enemies that would wish us harm, so be watchful. Learn to take care of yourself and not have to depend on a male, because they won’t always be around. One final word of advice, be kind always, because you never know what the other person is going through.

This is my farewell but watch for one more letter to come your way. I pray that it isn’t lost, because it is a particularly important letter, in which you will have to read when you are alone. You will receive this

letter on your 20th birthday, but until then, please stay safe, and know that your father and I love you so very much, and we are so proud of who you have become.

With Love,


I barely see the words by the end of the letter because of the tears rolling down my face. What does she mean by our family has enemies? wonder if Declan would know anything about it since our pack were allies. My mother never said that people couldn’t read this letter, so maybe I will show him the letter tomorrow and see what he makes of it. Until then, I carefully tuck the folded sheet of paper back into the

envelope and place it in the drawer of my nightstand to keep it safe. All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I decided to kidnap Cici and take a drive over to my old town. In remembrance of my family and old pack, and after reading the letter from my mother in the wee hours of the morning, a little nostalgia kicked in and I needed to take this drive. I haven’t been back since that faithful

day. I didn’t want to remember, but now, I can’t get there fast enough.

It’s a nice day to have the top down as I fly down the highway in my new car. Since my old town is a ghost town, the highway between Storm River and Dark Moon is usually dead, so I open her up and let my new baby show us what she can do. Cici sits beside me with her arms in the air as though we are on a rollercoaster of some sort, as she either laughs or screams at certain times.

I can believe Alpha bought you a freaking car!” She says for the tenth time since I showed it to her.

“You and I both! I don’t know how to repay him, or even come close to something like this when his birthday rolls around.” I reply.

“You know Alpha doesn’t do anything just so he will get something in return, Quinn. So why are you stressing about it?”

I shrug. “I feel bad, I guess. Technically, I’m of age to move to back to my own town and take over as Alpha if I wanted to.”

“Yeah, too bad there is no pack to actually lead, though. I’m not saying that to make you upset either. I really wish you could take your rightful place, it’s yours by birthright.” She reaches over and squeezes my hand.

“You and I can always move over here and start anew.” 1 joke.

“That actually doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” my friend says, “We can put an ad out in the Shifter News’ Wanted ads.” She giggles.

“Oh sure! It can read, ‘Looking for werewolves to join my pack. Plenty of housing to choose from and jobs are available… apply at Dark Moon pack’.” I roll my eyes at the absurdity of it.

“Okay, maybe that does sound a bit silly, but maybe we can get word out to some of the rogues. You know not all rogues are evil, right?

I flinch at the title, only because a lot of rogues helped take out my old town and pack. I’m not sure if I can trust any of them. I’ve met a few nice ones in the last three years, but I don’t know if it’s enough to stop the fear I have deep down.

We roll into the outskirts of town, and I have to whistle, alongside Cici, as we take in all the pristine buildings. It does look like a ghost town, but it also looks like a model town, you know, a town that they build just for show. I have to admit that Declan did an amazing job rebuilding this for me. Just another thing that I will never be able to repay him for.

İslam on my breaks the moment it appears in front of me. Cici grabs hold of the dash before slamming her forehead into it. She glares over at me, A little warning would be nice!”

I don’t respond to her, though. Instead, I let the car roll up slowly until it’s right in front of the packhouse. Every detail looks the same as it did before the attack. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I get out of the car and walk up the familiar steps that lead to the front door. The wraparound porch has different furniture, but that is to be expected.

Reaching the front door, I go to open it, but it’s locked. Well *, why didn’t I think to ask Declan about the keys? A thought comes to my mind though and I glance back at the car. Cici is sitting in the passenger seat checking her hair and makeup.

*You do know that we are the only ones here in town, right?” I call out to my friend in amusement.

Her reply is to flip me the bird.

“How about you make yourself useful and shut my car off, so you can bring me the keys.” I tell her, earning me another bird, but she does as I ask and brings me my keys.

It’s what I thought; there is a house key on my keychain, but I assumed it was to the Storm River packhouse. Now that I think about it, why

would he put another key on my keyring for his packhouse when I already have one? Pushing the silver key into the keyhole, it turns easily. unlocking the front door.

“Well, isn’t Mr. Alpha pants sneaky!” I chuckle as I glance back at my friend.

“You have lived with him for three years and you haven’t figured out how he prepares for everything? He probably put this key on the ring the second the keyring was in his hand.” She rolls her eyes. She knows Declan very well and she doesn’t even live at the packhouse!

I’d like to think I know him, but then there was our time together in the early hours of the morning where I didn’t think anything like that would ever happen. I’ve never thought of him that way until he kissed me first. I’ve always found Alpha Declan to be a good-looking guy. with his dark hair and deep brown eyes. He always sports a trimmed-up beard, and has a gorgeous smile, but I had never thought of him romantically, not until now anyway.

Thinking about the Alpha, gets me thinking about his little issue and my mood turns sour. I want to say something to Cici about it, but it isn’t my place to tell anyone, so all I can do is wait until the cat is out of the bag. I’m walking through the packhouse without even thinking about where I’m going, when I realize that I’ve walked to the back of the house and I’m now staring at the spot that I last saw my mother and brother. I remember the day as though it was only yesterday. Walking up from the saferoom, only to see them facedown, covered in blood. They were almost to safety, but someone decided that their life didn’t matter anymore, and snuffed it out of them both.

A chill runs through me just as I hear Cici let out a scream towards the front of the house. Taking off at a dead run, i skid to a stop when I see my friend standing at the bottom of the steps, staring at the front door. When I turn towards where she is looking, my mouth drops open in shock. It can’t be…can it?

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