The Alpha's Mysterious Mate ( The Fate Series Book 1)

Chapter 32: Transformation

Chapter 32: Transformation 

Serena's POV:

After agreeing to Peter's proposal, we now had to hold a Mate Ceremony soon.But there was another important thing that needed to happen before that.There was going to be a full moon in three days.

On that night, I needed to have my first transformation.

Three days had passed.

"Honey, come on.Let's go."

Peter took the whole day off from work today.

He had worked hard to have everything arranged for all that would happen tonight.

The mountain behind the Maple House had been locked down, and more guards had been dispatched to patrol along the perimeter of the territory.

By the time the sun had set, Peter and I changed into comfortable hiking clothes and started our trek up the mountain.

"How much farther do we have to go, Peter?" I asked while panting.

We had already been hiking up the mountain for about an hour.

It had gotten dark and the eclipse had begun, the white moon starting to lose its perfect circular shape.

"We're almost there, honey.Just a little more."

We finally came to a flat grassland.

Aside from a tall maple tree in the middle, there were only some bushes surrounding it.

To the side was a still, small lake.

The water was clear and sparkled under the remaining moonlight.

By this time, the full moon had already become crescent-shaped and the light was getting dimmer.

Using some dry firewood, Peter ignited a small bonfire by the lake.

"We're here.This is where I had my first transformation.All the elders and my parents witnessed it."

Peter then started taking off his clothes and folding them neatly into a pile.

Under the dim light, his toned body appeared like a beautiful bronze sculpture that was carved by a masterful artist.

I fought all the desires to touch him.

Just then, the crescent moon had fully disappeared, leaving only the blood moon on the night sky.

I had only ever seen full moons in my lifetime, but never a blood-red moon.

I then began to feel some burning sensations within my body.

"Honey, I'll show you how I transform first.I'll go slowly, so that you can closely observe."

Peter's body gradually started to transform, starting from his head.

His body began expanding and black fur was growing out of his smooth skin.

His extremities grew thicker as a tail sprouted from his behind.

With one final leap, Peter had finished his transformation and landed on the ground as a wolf.

I had seen Tessa, Kate, and the other she-wolves transform, but they did it so instantly that I could never process what was happening.

Obviously, Peter could transform much faster if he wanted to.

But since he wanted me to observe so that I could learn, he did it slowly.

Finally, I had seen what Nate looked like.

He was a handsome wolf with a pure black coat.

He definitely looked like an Alpha.

In terms of size, Nate was also much bigger than any wolf I had ever seen.

He could easily deal with eight to ten wolves alone in a fight, probably.

Nate walked toward me and nuzzled gently on my face.

I could feel Molly getting restless, eager to finally come out.

Nate stared at the sky and howled at the blood moon, echoing throughout the valley.

A few moments later, several more howls coming from the direction of the Maple House responded back.

"Now, it’s your turn.Just follow your instinct and focus on releasing Molly.Let her take control of your body."

Peter mind-linked me.

My bones started to creak.

Molly could not hold it in any longer.

I closed my eyes and focused my energy on Molly's presence.

Just like Peter, the transformation began from my head.

I felt my skull change its shape, and a hot sensation burned on my face.

Other parts of my body had also begun their transformation process.

The bones inside my limbs stretched themselves on their own.

The itch on my skin had turned into fur.

I then felt a tail grow out of my tailbone.

"Relax, Serena.Don't fight Molly."

Peter's voice rang in my head.

When I finally opened my eyes again, I looked down and saw claws in place of my hands and feet.

Snow white fur had covered my claws.

"Congratulations, Serena.You did it.God, you are beautiful."

Molly raised her snout to the blood moon in the sky and howled out loud for the very first time.

Nate turned around and affectionately licked Molly.

"They seem to really like each other," I giggled.

"Of course, they do.Our wolves are mates, too."

"Molly, let me see what you look like," I told Molly.

Molly walked over to the lake and a beautiful white wolf in the reflection stared back at me.

She looked just like my toy Fluffy.

She was exactly the wolf that I had dreamed about since childhood! Molly's pure white fur perfectly matched Nate's completely black coat.

They played with each other for a while, jumping around on the grassland.

Naturally, Molly was smaller than Nate.

They nuzzled their heads together and licked each other's ears lovingly.They seemed very busy with all this licking.


"Yes, Serena?"

"Maybe we should give Molly and Nate some private space."

"You're right.Let them enjoy this time with each other."

Molly and Nate were overjoyed to be with each other.

All night, they ran, played, and even made love to each other.

Peter and I had to wait for them to stop before we could finally change back to our human forms.

A few hours later, the eclipse had finished and the blood moon had disappeared.The moon was full and white again.Peter hugged me.

"Let's make love on this grassland, too."

"Forget it, Peter.What if someone catches us here?"

I blurted to Peter while putting on my clothes.

Peter scooped me up in his arms all the way back to the Maple House.

I could tell that everyone was already tired from staying up very late.

It was a good thing that Mrs.Brown had brought in some midnight snacks to wake us up. NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

In my mind, Molly was still reeling from her exhilarating experience.I understood perfectly.

After all, it was the first time I had ever let her out to meet her mate.

"l really like Nate, Serena.I had such a great time with him."

"I'm glad you do, Molly.Don't worry, I will let you out more often to see Nate in the future."

"Really? Don't you think it'll take away your private time with Peter?"

"At this point, Peter and I have made love so frequently that I almost can't stand it anymore! Don't worry about it, Molly.I'm sure Nate would also want to see you more often."

"Ha, of course.Thank you, Serena."

Kate's POV:

A few hours past midnight, when it was quiet, I snuck myself into the banquet hall of the Maple House.

Tomorrow, there was going to be a huge party.

Serena's seat was already set up in the banquet hall.

The future Luna of the pack would always have a special seat just for her.

Above Serena's seat, a beautiful chandelier hung right on the ceiling.

It was a great decoration, but an even greater tool for my plan.

I immediately transformed into a wolf and carefully jumped onto the chandelier.

With my sharp claws, I scratched at the ceiling, chipping it little by little.

Soon enough, cracks had started to appear.

Once the ceiling started to creak and dust began to fall, I jumped off the chandelier.

I looked at my work with satisfaction, smiling to myself.

Just above the banquet hall, there was a corridor that was usually bustling with people during the daytime.

If that cracked ceiling would be walked on by many people in the corridor, it was definitely bound to collapse.

When the chandelier fell, it would undoubtedly land right on top of Serena's head.

Last time on the tennis court, I recalled how she could control the racket from afar.

As far as I knew, this was a power only vampires possessed.

Either Serena had something to do with vampires before, or she must be a vampire herself.

But it seemed that I was the only one who saw her power that day.

I didn't have any evidence or witnesses that could back me up.

This time, it was going to be different.

Tomorrow, the banquet hall would be surely filled with people.

If the chandelier fell and Serena tried to control it from afar, everyone would see.

According to my research in the library, all hybrids must be killed on sight.

If my suspicions were right, Serena was a hybrid herself.

But even if Serena refused to use her super power tomorrow, she would still be crushed to death by the chandelier.

Either way, I was happy with whatever result would come out.

With a grin on my face, I snuck out of the Maple House, excited for the show that was about to take place tomorrow.

Oh, Serena was definitely doomed, all right.

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