The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

Five: Fire

Five: Fire

Five: Fire


After I got out of the car, I walked around the corner and leaned against the wall. I stay there for a few

minutes to compose myself before I keep walking to the apartment. I unlock the door to find all three of

them sitting on the floor, deep into playing monopoly. I wonder how they talked Shelly into that. I refuse

to play that game. It always causes a fight among families.

“Who’s winning?” I ask as all three of them jump.

“Oh hey Mykayla, honestly I am not sure,” Shelly admits.

I laugh and walk into my room to change. I pull on a pair of pyjama pants and a tank top. I look at

myself in the mirror. I have thankfully been able to cover my tattoos. I have my belly button pierced.

Thank god I wear a lightly padded bra, or my nipple rings would have been on full display in the car

today. OH GOD, THE CAR RIDES!!! My mind was still screaming with everything that had happened. I

composed myself again and went to the kitchen to fix the girl's dinner. I asked Shelly if she would like to

stay, but she said that she had already made plans. I thanked her again for watching the girls and

walked her to the door. After she left, I locked the door for the night and went back to cooking. After

dinner, I let the girls stay up a little later so they could finish a movie.

As I lay in bed that night, my mind was still racing. I am still in shock at what happened between Dustin

and me today. I am not sure how I am going to face him come Monday, but I’ll figure something out.

Maybe I should transfer to a different department. I have decided to think more about this tomorrow. I

fall asleep that night thinking of feather-light kisses and hands roaming all over my body.

I woke up a few hours later to a loud banging on my door. I look at the clock, and it's 2:30 am. Who the

hell is at my door at this hour? I slowly get up and walk to the door unlocking the lock. I look through

the peephole and see my landlord, and he looks frantic. I open the door, and he grabs my arm and

drags me out of the apartment.

“John what the hell,” I asked angrily.

“Where are the girls Mykayla?” He asks as the volume of his voice increases.

That’s when I smelled it: SMOKE! I turn around to see that the building is on fire and smoke

everywhere. I start to panic and shake. Not again, I think. Not another fire to take away more of my

family. I suddenly feel someone shake me, and I look over to see John saying something to me, but I

can’t hear anything. Then reality snaps back at me, the girls!!! FUCK WHERE ARE THE GIRLS?

“John, they are still inside. I have to go get them,” I scream and run back towards the apartment.

“No, you stay here. I will go get them,” John orders me.

I just stand there shaking, and I can feel the tears welling up. I feel so helpless as I just stand there.

After what seems like forever, John comes back with the girls, and the tears start streaming down my

face. I grab them and pull them into my arms. The three of us stand there and watch as the building

goes up in flames. I feel Bree sob and shake in my arms. TWICE THIS HAS HAPPENED TO US

TWICE NOW!! My mind screams. Why is all I can ask? Suddenly I heard a familiar husky voice. I turn

my head to look, but it’s hard to see through my tears. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.


As the bus pulled into the school, I noticed a car that I hadn't seen in a while. It was my dad's friend

Dimitri. I begin to wonder what he is doing here. I start looking for my parents, who should've been

there to pick me up. We had just got back from our basketball tournament in the town next over. I get

my stuff and get off the bus. I walk over to Dimitri.

"Hey what's up?" I ask him.

"You need to come with me. I need to take you to your grandmother's house." He answers me

He has a sad look on his face, and I know something is wrong. I get in the car with him, and we drive in

silence to my grandma's house. When we get there, I see my sister Bree bawling hard. I get out of the

car and run to her. I look at grandma, and she also has tears in her eyes.

"What is going on," I ask loudly.

"There was a fire in your house, and no one survived." My grandma tells me.

My parents are dead. What are Bree and I going to do? Grandma explains that we are to live with her

for as long as we need to. I didn't even realize I had started crying until Dimitri wrapped his arms

around me. He explains that he will help me get through school and help me keep custody of Bree. He

promises me that everything will be fine. I still can't believe this has happened, but for some reason, I

completely believe him


“Dustin?!” I shakily ask a blurry figure in front of me.

“Mykayla, are you three ok? What happened?” He angrily asks.

“John, my landlord.” That is all I get out before he storms off to find John.

“Don’t worry about his honey; we’re just glad that none of you was hurt.” A woman says soothingly to

me and starts walking us towards a car.

I have no idea who this woman is, but she reminds me of my mother and the way she would keep calm

through anything. I follow the woman and the car, and the girls follow me. Bree and Araya have

stopped crying, but small sobs still escape. My tears have stopped, but I am still in shock.


I am sitting on my parent's couch drinking Pepsi when my mom and dad come in. Thankfully the twins

are asleep.

“So what did you find out dad?” I ask eagerly.

“Well, I found out that they did indeed move here from Nevada about 2 months ago. Bree is her

younger sister and Araya is her cousin. They are both 8-years-old.” My dad explains.

“There is more son and some of it is not going to be easy for you to hear.” My mother states suddenly.

“Did someone take advantage of my mate or one of the girls?” I get pissed even thinking that.

“No, nothing like that son.” My dad hurries and says.

I audibly let out a relieved sigh. To even think that someone did anything like that to any of them.

“Mykayla and Bree’s parents died in a house fire two years ago. Neither of the two was home at the

time. Mykayla was out of town at a basketball tournament, and Bree was staying with her grandmother

that night. Araya is Mykayla's mother’s sister's child. However, she has had many problems with drugs

and the wrong guys, and I was told she never wanted children. Araya’s father died of cancer six

months after the fire. Mykayla took Araya and was able to go through legal ways to be able to foster

her. From what I understand, her mother hasn’t even noticed her daughter is gone. The three of them

lived with the grandmother until Mykayla graduated high school and started working. Mykayla moved

the three of them here to get a fresh start.” My father finished explaining.

I didn’t know what to say. My mate, Mykayla, has been through so much in the last two years and is

now raising two children on her own. That’s when something hit me.

“How old is Mykayla's dad? And how does she afford to raise those two on her own.” I asked slowly

“Mykayla is only 20. Her parents had a very sizable inheritance that Mykayla received when she turned

18.” My mother added

I sat there in shock and awe. My mate has the strength to be able to get through everything she has

and pick up and move 1000 miles to a town she doesn’t know to make sure the girls have a normal life.

This makes me love her even more than I do. The three of us turned towards the door because we

heard someone running down the hallway towards the room. Kaleb bursts into the room and looks

absolutely frantic about something. I start to ask what the fuck is wrong, but I don’t get the chance.

“Mykayla’s apartment building is on fire and it’s spreading fast.” Kaleb practically shouts.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” I boom out.

“Son, Kaleb, stop screaming and let go. Nina, can you watch the twins.” My mother states and looks at

one of our omega housekeepers.

She nods yes, and the four of us are out the door and in the car within two minutes. We are speeding

down the road my father is driving. We make it to the apartment within 20 minutes. When we arrive, we

are all shocked. The entire building is encased in both fire and black smoke. We can see a crowd of

people standing where the tenant's park, but I cannot locate Mykayla or the girls. I begin to lose my shit

and want to punch someone or something. All I can think is they lost their parents this way. How can

something like this happen to them again? My mother tugs on my arm, and we walk over to the group

of people. That’s when I see her standing there in a pair of pyjama pants and a dark grey tank top. She

has one of the girls attached to her legs on each side. I look at my parents and Kaleb, and they follow

me to where Mykayla is. I can see that she is in shock and just standing to stare at the burning building.

I call out to her, but I don’t think she hears me or has closed off everything at this time. She finally turns

toward me, but I can see that she’s been crying and probably can’t see clearly.

“Dustin?” I hear her say in a very shaky voice.

“Mykayla, are you three ok? What happened?” I ask her. She slightly flinches at the angry tone of my


“John, my landlord.” That is what she starts to say before I go to find John.

I find John not too far away and ask him what happened. He is also in shock, and all he can say is that

he noticed some smoke from one of the empty apartments in the next building. He says that he called

the fire department, but it had spread to the two buildings on each side by the time they got here. I

thank him for getting Mykayla and the girls out, and he says that he has a soft spot for them because

they remind him of his daughters. I thank him again and walk back to where my mother has taken

them. They put the girls in the back seat and have fallen asleep, probably due to the stress and crying.

Mykayla is still standing there staring at the remains of her apartment. I gently touch her arm, and she

turns towards me. I can see the panic start to set in.

“It happened again. What am I supposed to do now? We have nowhere to go….” She starts yelling at

the air.

She starts to a panic attack, and I can only think to wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. She

grabs onto my shirt and starts crying hard. I just stand there and hold her and rub her back soothingly. I

carefully walk her to the car and place her in the back seat on my lap. My dad starts the car, and we

drive away. Not five minutes in, she has fallen asleep. Small sobs are still escaping but lessening as

time goes on. My dad drives us back to the packhouse, and I carry Mykayla up the stairs to my room. I

tell dad and Kaleb to put the girls in the room across the hall. They go and put the girls to bed in that

room. I place Mykayla gently down in my bed and cover her up.

“Dustin, please don’t leave me.” I hear her mumble in her sleep.

I turn back to her, lean over, and gently kiss her temple. I have no plans to leave as I make a bed on

the floor.

“I am not going anywhere, beautiful. You and the girls are safe now.” I whisper in her ear.


I lost my shit when Kaleb came running in and said that Mykayla's apartment was on fire. The drive

there seemed to take forever, but we got there fast. There was a huge crowd there when we arrived

and four fire trucks. I immediately started looking for Mykayla. I was searching the crowd when I

spotted Kaleb searching frantically as well. I didn't have time to think about this right now. I was starting

to get angry when I finally found her in the crowd. She was standing there just staring at the burning

building. I pushed my way through the crowd until I was beside her. I gently touched her arm, and she

turned to me, and I knew she couldn't see through the tears. This was breaking my heart.


I lay down in my makeshift bed and fell asleep.

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