The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

Twenty - Six: Research

Twenty - Six: Research

Twenty-Six: Research


I have been in the library all day trying to find anything to explain Mykayla. There must be at least a

dozen books on the table around me. I have not been able to find anything at all. I have even asked

mom several times, but she has no idea either. I know that Mykayla has to have fae blood in her. Her

eyes match Mykenzie and Kylani’s. That particular colour comes from their fae blood, and only a few

families have that eye colour. Dustin has voiced his suspicions about Mykayla and my sisters and the

family resemblance. I had already noticed her resemblance to us, but I was surprised that he noticed it

as well.

“Hey, where did you get that picture of great-great-grandma,” Danniylla asked.

I turn around and look at her, then at the picture. That’s when I see it, the resemblance in the man.

Mykayla showed me this picture of her parents just after they married. Her father's mother was in the

picture. That’s when it hits me Nyalia. There is something about her mother and father that I can't

place. Especially the man, he seems very familiar, and I swear I have seen him somewhere. Shit, how

did I not see it before? I got up and walked over to Daniylla and kissed her cheek. She, of course, gave

me a look as if I was crazy. I go and return the books to their original spot and go to find everyone. I

have at least solved one mystery about this pack. I know this pack is special, but I cannot put my finger

on why. I walk down the hall with Daniylla and we head towards the rec room. It’s the only room that all

of us can fit into comfortably. I was worried when Natalya first approached us about help with rouges or

whoever was causing the problem. I was afraid that they would not understand or accept us. The fact

that we are the children of their moon goddess and also god and goddesses ourselves. I guess it

helped that Kylani was a mate to the Beta of the pack. We get to the rec room, and it looks like

everyone is there.

“Well find anything?” Dustin asks.

“Actually yes.” I declare.

“Actually Daniylla figured it out. Her great great great grandma Nyalia fell in love with a human and

asked Mykenzie Kylani to remove her immortality so she could spend their lives together. Well, they

obviously had children and so on. Mykayla, your father was her great-great-grandson.” Chris explains.

“I have fae blood in me. I always wondered because dad could touch things that would have burnt

everyone else's hands. He could also grow anything. He also had this strange obsession with water

and could control it as well.” Mykayla states.

Control and an obsession with water that is strange. Very few can control water and bend it to their will,

but everything else made perfect sense. We will talk some more about it. She asks if she has any

powers or if Bree has any powers. I tell her that I don’t know but that Mykenzie and Kylani can help

explore her powers and what they might be. Then she asked about Dustin turning her. I tell her;

unfortunately, that is not possible. I explain that since she has fae blood, it would kill her if he tried to

turn her. I tell them that no one can turn a fae, but since she has fae blood, she will have no issues

carrying and birthing this pup or any future pups. I can tell that this makes Dustin happy and calms

Mykayla down. That’s when I realize that Mykenzie and Kylani aren’t there. I instantly become


“Where are my sisters?” I ask, concerned.

“Don’t know. Haven’t seen them for a couple of hours now.” Natalya says.

I am not sure if I should be worried or not. They are more than capable of taking care of themselves.

They do have a knack for getting into trouble, though, and after recent events, I grow more concerned.

I know it’s snowing outside, so I would be very surprised if they were outside. They hate the cold and

the snow. I am just about to ask Kaleb since he seems always to know where Kylani is. I know he can

smell her, but it also seems as if he can sense where she is. Another strange thing about this pack that

I can't place yet. I notice that he seems to be receiving a mind link, as I will ask him if he knows where

my sister is. If I can find one, I can find the other. They are together 99% of the time. The other one per

cent is when they are with their men.

"What's the matter, Kaleb?" Dustin asks, concerned.

“Not sure, that was one of the patrols. Apparently, a few of the patrols have been coming across

several large paw prints. I guess a couple of the prints belonged to wolves but these are even larger

than if we were to shift. The others look like cat prints but apparently, one set is fucking huge. Dave

said even twice to three times the size of a werebear track.” Kaleb explains.

Large wolf tracks and gigantic cat prints, I bet I know exactly who is leaving those. It makes sense as to

why my sisters aren’t there. They have their damn animals running the perimeter of the pack's territory.

I bet the animals are done with their perimeter check, and now my sisters are using their powers to

make some kind of invisible fence. Those two are something; they protect their own. Then something

popped into my brain that I completely forgot.

“Were all the wolves in this pack always in this pack?” I ask Dustin.

“No, some were absorbed into the pack and some have joined from other packs,” Dustin replies.

Well, this raises all-new questions. I do already have my suspicions. However, that pack split over 200

years ago, and very few of its members survived the initial split. Guess I will have to dig deep to find



It has been a week since the attempted kidnapping, and everyone seems to have moved past the

incident. So all those big paw prints belonged to Mykenzie and Kylani’s gigantic immortal pets. What do

two goddesses need with two wolves that are twice the size of my wolf when I shift? They also have

three humongous fucking big cats. I do have to admit that they have been handy to have around. There

are still rogue sightings but apparently, having a humongous white tiger and a gigantic black panther

and leopard wandering around seems to keep them from trying to enter pack territory.

“Ok, you two, should I expect any more surprises?” I ask Mykenzie and Kylani.

“Let's see, obnoxious brother and friends, pets, and powers. Nope, not that we can think of.” Kylani


“For now.” Mykenzie snarks.

I give them a glare, but obviously, it does nothing. Apparently, even though I am the Alpha of this pack,

it means nothing when it comes to those two. I still wonder what those assholes wanted with Mykayla. I

still believe we are being watched when not in the pack territory. Mykayla says that she doesn’t feel like

she is being watched anymore. This makes me wonder what or who they might be after now. I have a

weird feeling that whoever they are, they have chosen a new target. I just don’t know who it is.


Natalya and I are visiting Dustin’s parents today. It has been a week since the incident, and nothing

else has happened since. Lani wanted to talk to me about the baby shower. We have decided to wait

until the weather gets better. We are still not sure how long my pregnancy will be. We did an ultrasound

two days ago at the pack hospital. I am happy to say that there is one pup. I was actually afraid there

might be two. It was still too early to tell if it was a boy or girl, but the smile that spread across Dustin’s

face when he saw the baby on the screen was perfect. We did have some pictures printed out at the

appointment. I am showing Lani and big Reece. We had to figure out a nickname since we have Reece

(Dustin’s dad) and Reece (Mykenzie’s husband). To be honest, they actually resemble each other as

well. So it was just easiest to say big, Reece. While we are looking at the pictures, Lisa (Kaleb’s mom)

walks in. I smile at her, and she sits down by Lani. Lani passes her the ultrasound pictures. I can see

that Lisa is happy but sad. I know she wants a grand pup too. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“I know for sure that Kaleb is working on a grandpup for you,” I tell Lisa, grabbing her hand.

I noticed an absolutely amazing bracelet on her wrist. It is titanium and has this centre stone

surrounded by what looks like diamonds. I have never seen a stone like that. It is green as it gets to the

centre of the stone; it becomes what one would say is hazel. It is the size of a quarter and set into the

bracelet so it won’t fall out. The surrounding diamonds have a blue or green hue to them, but the

colours are very subtle. It is a stunning bracelet.

“Lisa, that bracelet is absolutely stunning. Where did you get it.?” I ask

“My father gave it to me when I turned 18. It has been in my family for years.” She answers nervously.

I can tell there is more to the story than she is telling. I wonder what she is not telling me. Anyway, we

continued planning for the baby shower. I really hope that Kylani is carrying a pup. Plus, it would be

awesome if we had pups close together.

When we got back to the packhouse, all seemed quiet. We headed down to the rec room, where the

chaos was. The guys were playing pool or the Xbox. I went and sat down on Dustin’s lap. He kissed my

neck and resumed playing his game. I don’t care about that. All these grown men act like teenagers. I

look around and notice that Mykenzi, Kylani, Bryn, Alexis and Jailynn aren’t around. I wonder where

they are. I also notice that Chris isn’t there.

“Where are…” I asked

“Family meeting, I guarantee Mykenzie and Kylani are not happy about having to go.” Tarlek answers

without looking.

Weird, I think, but apparently, no one else seems to care. I sit there a while when Chris reappears. He

tells us about the meeting and that all Mykenzie and Kyani did was whine about having to go. Which

apparently is normal. I sat there for a bit longer, but I am getting tired easier now. I give Dustin a kiss on

the cheek and head up to our room.

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