The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Clayton's POV NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

After five years of Alpha Training, and partying, I can finally go home and take on the Alpha role of my

pack. It's hard to imagine that I now am in control of my father's pack. I hope I make him proud — and

my mom.

My father used to tell me that I was too immature to be an alpha, but I've grown up, a little at least.

As I stand and wait for my Beta to pick me up I hear someone yell out to me. I turn around to see best

friend Blake, just like me he is going to go home and going to take on the Alpha role to his pack.

"Finally going home." I say smiling.

"Yea. Can you believe it! We're Alphas now!" Blake says patting my shoulder.

"You're going to have to come visit my pack sometimes." He adds.

"And you have to visit mine."

Blake then sighs as he looks around at our surroundings. "You know, I'm going to miss this place."

I nod in agreement before I see my beta, named Damon, come to view as he pulls up and parks in front

of me in a black Cadillac. I chuckle to myself slight; It's weird to think he was my father's beta, but now

instead he is mine.

"Well this is it." I say to Blake as we do our handshake we made. "Later." He then says before walking

away. I watch as beta Damon gets out and starts loading my bags into the car.

I turn around to look at the place were all my firsts happened, including my first time having sex, my

first kiss, my first party, my first fight, my first relationship (which only lasted a week), just everything

started here for me at age 14.

I didn't realize Damon was done loading my stuff in the car until he cleared his throat. I turned and

looked at him as he bowed his head slightly, showing he submits.

"Alpha Clayton, I am your beta."

"Yea, I know. You were my father's beta too." He frowns when I mention my father before I walk over to

the car and get in the passenger seat.

"Well Alpha Clayton, ready to take on the responsiblities of caring and leading a pack?" Beta Damon

asks as he climbs in the driver's seat and turns the car on.

"I was born ready." I answer maybe a little too confidently.

When we pull into a drive way I see my pack house. Nothing's changed, still the same giant white

colored house, still the same dark woods, still the same wolves, just a new Alpha.

Damon eventually parks the car and we both get out. My first instinct was to inhale the air that I used to

breathe everyday as a pup, but instead of the smell of wolves and fresh air I smell something sweet,

like candy and roses.

My wolf gets excited and chants 'Mate' over and over again.

I can't believe it, I'm going to meet my mate. I hope she is as beautiful as I have imagined her to be —

long brown hair, bright blue eyes, full lips, around 5'7, and a nice fit body.

I try to act calm as Damon and I make our way to the front door, with all the pack members surrounding

around us. We stop when a little girl, wrapped in only a towel and has a patch of bubbles on her head,

pushes her way through the crowd and runs up to us before jumping in Damon's arms.

Her voice was soft when she spoke to Damon as I looked around for the smell of roses and candy

because it was stronger now, which meant my mate was close.

I looked around at all the females surrounding me, but none seemed to be my mate.

Then it hit me like a fucking truck.

I'm mated to a little girl?

I looked over at the small child as she looked over Damon's shoulder and her blue eyes made eye

contact with my brown ones, and in that moment, I swear nothing mattered. Young or not, she is still

my mate that the moon goddess picked for me. Most probably would've rejected the young child but for

some reason I just seemed to not be able to — just the thought of rejecting the innocent girl mad my

body hurt.

I saw my life with that young girl flash before my eyes as my wolf called out 'Mine.'

She smiled and I don't think she expected me to smile back because she blushed and hid her lovely

little face from my view.

As Damon holds her I feel jealousy fill every inch in my body, I want to hold her close in my arms and to

feel her little head rest on my shoulder like he is. I know I shouldn't be jealous of him because he is

most likely her father, but I can't help it — I just found my mate and my wolf is excited.

"Rosalind!" A woman then yells out. The woman then comes into view from behind people and walks

over to Damon. She grabs my mate and I take a step towards the woman, I swear if she harms my little

mate I'll rip that woman's throat out.

"You couldn't have waited until you were at least dressed to see daddy?" The woman asks my mate.

My mate giggles, "Sowwy mommy."

So the woman is her mom.

The woman looks at me and smiles, "Hello Alpha Clayton, I'm so sorry if Rose was a bother to you."

Rose, what a beautiful name. It keeps replaying in my head as I answer, "She wasn't a bother at all."

"Mommy, can you put me down?" Rose asks. Her mom sets her on the ground and Rose walks over to

me, "Hi Mister Alpha.."

She is tiny compared to me so I bend down to her height, now I am face to face with her.

"Hello Rose." I smile. She then giggles and runs back to her mom, hiding behind her mom's legs.

I stand back up as Damon starts talking to me, "Alright Alpha Clayton, let's go inside to your office so

we can get your paper work signed."

I look at him and nod before looking back at Rose. She is staring at me and really I don't mind it. I smile

at her again, causing her to turn around and run into the house with her mom chasing after her.

My little Rose must be a free sprited trouble-maker for her mom. I chuckle slightly and shake my head.

A young mate — an extremely young mate. Out of everything that ever happened to me, I never saw

this coming.

After the paper work is finished I went outside to walk over where I used to play as a pup. All of us boys

used to wrestle around while the girls laughed at us.

When I'm almost there I smell roses and candy before I see Rose sitting there staring into the woods,

dressed in a pink plaid shirt and jeans (instead of a towel) and her light brown hair dry without bubbles

on top.

I walk over to her and sit down next to her, she acts as if I'm not there and continues to watch the trees

blowing in the wind and the wolves running around.

I watch her. I watch every little breath she takes in and let's out as the light wind blows her hair around

her face. After a few minutes she speaks, "I'm going to be a alpha like you one day." She says turning

her head and looking at me.

I raise my eyebrows, "Oh you are, huh?"

"Yea," she pauses, "I will be a stwong alpha that let's pups hang out wiff the big wolfies in the woods."

"Sounds like you'll be the best alpha." She smiles as I say that.

"Mommy says I won't ever get to be an alpha, but wait until I tell her that the Alpha said I will be! And

that I will be the bestest!"

She yawns after she says that and lays her head down on my lap as a pillow. I hold my breath for a

second as I think of the mess I am in.

"Being an alpha will have to wait, wight now I'm tired." That was the last thing she said as she fell

asleep, using my lap as her pillow.

I just sat there and let her sleep on my lap as I play with the tips of her hair. I chuckle slightly as I think

of her as sleeping beauty.

When I know she is sound asleep I gently pick her up, so her head is resting on my shoulder, and carry

her into the pack house to her mom and dad's room.

When I reach their room door I knock quietly and her mom opens it.

"Oh thank you, Alpha Clayton." She says bowing her head in submission. She then reaches her hands

out to take Rose from me, but instead I push past her and walk into their room still holding Rose in my


Her mom looked surprised but she shook it off and pointed me to Rose's bed. I walked over to it with

tiny Rose in my arms before setting her down in it and tucking her in. I then bent down and gave Rose

a little kiss on the forehead before turning and leaving without saying a word to her mother or


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