The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Clayton's POV Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

After breakfast Damon and I had a meeting about a rogue attack on a pack just to the north of us. It

was only a couple of rogues that attacked that pack and the rogues were killed by the pack, but they

most likely were put up to attacking. Since it was only two rogues against a whole pack they knew they

would be killed, so they had to be working for someone.

I soon got distracted as I smelt the wonderful scent of my little Rose right before Damon opened my

office door to leave.

I stay in my office and just listen to Damon talking to Rose, her voice brings me comfort when my mind

is hectic with thoughts of rogue attacks and if my pack is going to be targeted on my first whole day

being the alpha.

After awhile I hear her run off and my wolf gets sad that she isn't near. I still smell the sweet scent of

candy and roses though. I then lean back in my chair as I go over everything in my head; I don't know

how I am supposed to tell Damon that his daughter is my mate, I don't know how I am supposed to tell

anyone that I, an alpha, is mated to a girl no older than 6.

Damn, I don't even know how old she is yet.

After an hour of planning to protect my pack and sending border guards out I noticed I could still smell

Rose's scent, which is weird.

I stood up from sitting behind my desk and walked over to my large office doors being opening one.

There on the floor lays a small brown teddy bear. I bend down and pick it up knowing it belongs to


Without thinking I start to head down the hall with the bear in my hand, following Rose's scent to find

her and give her the bear. I follow her trail to the pack play room where most pups are during the day. I

scanned the room but I don't see her anywhere in sight.

I then catch her scent again, near a door, but it's mixed with another young pup's. I go out the door and

look around, she isn't anywhere in sight. My wolf starts to get anxious and worried.

I continue to follow the scent of Rose and the other young pup until the trail leads me to the Northern

Woods. I sigh; pups know they are not allowed in the woods especially without an adult. The reason we

have that rule is because of rogues.

Rogues are the most dangerous thing to packs, or any werewolf in general. To go up against a rogue

by yourself, especially when you aren't an alpha, is stupid because you will most likely lose.

I run my fingers through my hair as Damon's voice rings in my head,

'Alpha, three of the pack guards you sent out to make sure no rogues come in our territory were just

attacked by rogues.'

Just as if it was on cue.

I mind message him back,

'Are they alright? Which border were they guarding?'

'Two were killed, the other injured badly. The one that survived says they were guarding the Northern


Well if shit couldn't get any worse.

I don't know why but I immediately punched a tree near me as I answered back, 'Your daughter and

another young pup are somewhere in the Northern Woods, by now those rogues have crossed the

border and are most likely deep in the woods.'

I start to shake with anger as I stare into the woods straight ahead of me.

'Five pack fighters are coming with me now, we'll meet you at the Northern Woods edge for a plan.'

Being how I am, I shift into my grey wolf and I run in the woods to search for Rose by myself. I'm not

waiting for anyone's help, my mate could be hurt!

I mind message Damon as I run through the woods after Rose.

'No plan. Just get your asses into these woods!'

'Alpha, that's not a good idea to go up against rogues without a plan. That is suicid-' I growl madly and

cut him off, 'I'm the Alpha! Do as I tell you!'

I cut the mind-link so he can't continue talking to me so I can focus on following little Rose's trail; she

went far into the woods. Great.

My wolf starts to worry more and soon my ears hear everything, from a little butterfly's wings flapping to

the thudding of my paws against the ground. My vision turns everything red when Rose's scent is cut-

out by the smell of rogues.

I've never been so mad, I've never wanted to rip a rogue's head off so bad in my entire life, oh god, I

swear if they so much as touch Rose I will make them suffer throughout their entire life day by day.

I stop running when I hear a little girl scream, I then run in the direction it came from.

In a couple minutes I reach where Rose's and the rogue's scents are the strongest. I look from behind

a bush to see at least nine rogue wolves, and one of them were circling around Rose and the other little


With rage filled in my body I jump out and run towards Rose, but a couple of rogues try to take me on

before I can reach her.

One jumps at me and I quickly grab on to his throat, sinking my teeth in until I taste blood. The other

rogue growls and jumps at me while I drop his dead friend.

I get him pinned down and bite his neck like I did to the other. When he's dead I let go and get off of

him. The other seven rogues turn to me and growl and right when they did Rose tried to make a run for

it. After she got a few feet away from where she was, the wolf that was circling her and her friend,

jumped at Rose and bit her arm.

Rose screamed and that pissed me off. I let out a growl so big and deep that it felt as if the ground was

shaking. The rogue that bit her turned back to me with wide yellow eyes, as if he was scared of me.

I stood even taller to show the wolves that I am superior and they all backed up slightly, before three of

them decided to jump on top of me. My red vision stayed on Rose the entire time I fought them, and I

don't know how I did it but I killed all three of them.

The rest of the rogues growl and start to move in close on me, but I run and jumped right over their

heads, landing right in front of Rose so she is behind me.

Rose's friend then ran over and hid behind my large grey wolf as I give the rogues a threatening look.

I can hear Rose's un-easy breathing and her fast beating heart as she is scared to death. I look over

my shoulder at her to see her holding her little bleeding arm and her eyes locked on the wolf that bit


I growled and moved away from in front of the girls before I grabbed hold of the wolf that bit Rose. The

other three wolves growled at me when I got ahold of him on the neck with my sharp teeth. I sunk my

teeth deep enough to cause him pain, but not enough to kill him. Him — him I want to torture.

He whimpers and I then feel a wolf bite me on the neck. I turn over on my back and kick the rogue that

has hold of me, causing him to release. When the wolf that bit me is off I pin him down and rip his head

right off.

Rose and her friend scream when his head flies off. I turn and jump back in front of the girls when I

hear more wolves running in our direction.

Soon Damon and five of my pack fighters come out of the woods and surround the rogues.

'Don't kill the injured one.' I mind link to my pack members that have the rogues surrounded.

I then turn around to face Rose and the other little girl as the rogues each get killed. They stare at me

with wide eyes and pale faces as they both tremble with fear.

I then walk past them and behind a large tree before shifting to human form and sliding pants on that

my pack sets out around in case clothes is needed.

When I walk out from behind the tree, Rose jumps into my arms. She hides her face in my neck as she

starts crying her big blue eyes out.

"H-he b-bit me." She chokes out, pulling her face from my neck so she can look at me.

I soften my voice to calm her as I speak, "Nobody is ever going to hurt you again. You'll be okay." I

pause and wipe the tears from her cheeks with my thumb.

"I'll always protect you." I then add.

Damon then shifts, behind a tree like I did so he can put clothes on, before he walks over to us. Rose

hurries out of my arms and hugs him. He picks her up and kisses her arm that the wolf bit while I walk

over to the other little girl.

Tears stream down her face as she looks at me with her brown eyes. "You alright?" I ask the young

pup. She nods her head yes as even more tears start to pour out of her eyes.

I hug the girl and when we pull away I wipe her tears like I did for Rose. This little girl isn't my mate, but

she is part of my pack. I am the alpha, I have to look after my pack — they are my family.

"What's your name?" I ask her,

She sniffles her nose and says "Alexa."

"Well Alexa, you're safe now." I smile at her before I pick her up and set her on the back of one of my

pack fighters to bring her home.

I look over at the other pack fighters while they get rid of the bodies of the deceased rogues and bring

the injured one, that bit Rose, to the pack house to be questioned and tortured. I turn back around to

see Rose walking over to me as her dad shifts back into wolf form.

"Alpha, can I ride home on your back? Daddy said I have to ask you if it's okay."

"Of course you can." I say before shifting into my huge grey wolf. I bend down so she can climb on

before we start heading home.

My wolf is happy now that she is safe and with us. I now know what it's like to have a mate; you would

do anything to keep them safe, even if it means getting yourself killed.

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