The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 29 Snarky Attitudes and Douche-bag Dudes

The sound on of knocking on my bedroom door drifts into my state of unconsciousness, desperately trying to pull me back into reality. No, I’d much rather stay in my dreams of being a perfectly coordinated girl with minimal chances of embarrassing herself.

Knock. Knock.

“Go away,” I groan while burying myself further in my pillows. Thanks to Drew, I didn’t really get enough sleep yesterday. Not in that way, I meant that we had to wait for Adrian to stop laughing his ass off and come pick us up. We got home way past midnight and Drew still thought he could sleep in my room. A door in his face is what that theory got him. I kind of feel bad but I think it’s better for me to show him who wears the pants in this relationship.

Me, that’s who.

“Khloe, open the door,” Lady Gaga, is that you?

“Khloe! Hurry up!” this is the reason why people move over to the dark side, imagine the power to eliminate anyone who disturbed your sleep. I don’t even worry about putting my slippers on and just stomp over to the door, glaring at whoever’s behind it.

“Finally,” Kim huffs when I do open it. She practically shoves me aside as she rushes into my room with Sammy and Ruby in tow. Why is Ruby over here so early? Why is anyone in my room this early? I close the door and stop in my tracks when all three of them give me amused looks.

“What’s so funny?” I grumble.

“Why are you wearing my brother’s shirt?” Sam pipes up with a smirk on her face. I look down at myself and take notice of the shirt that covers me down to my thighs, an unwanted blush creeps onto my cheeks.

“Th-that’s not relevant here, what is relevant is why you guys are banging on my door so early in the morning,” I place my hand on my hips and give them that chastising look that all mothers seem to have down.

“It’s noon Khloe, and I think you and Drew were doing something last night that definitely kept you up,” Ruby giggles as she finishes her observations. Sammy, in true Adrian fashion, begins to do obscene gestures with her hands.

Very classy, Sam.

“Considering it’s Saturday and there is no school, to me it’s still morning,” I glare at the smiling girls.

“Yes, well considering Drew’s uncle is coming to your house I would expect you to at least dress up and greet him,” Kim gives me a stern look. Why does it seem like people are treating me like a child? Wait, did she just say what I think she said?

“Mr. Pine’s coming here?” I repeat.

“Yes, and these two have conjured up the idea that they must look good for my uncle, which to me is completely awkward and weird. What are you doing?” Sammy explains and no later was the confirmation out of her mouth that I had bounded into my closet in search of something to wear. Not that I think Mr. Pine is like some eye candy, it’s just in the good nature of greeting my favorite English teacher.

Who just happens to be hot.

“I’m getting ready,” I call out to her while rummaging through my clothes. Once I’ve chosen an outfit, I head to my bathroom to wash my teeth and fix my hair. It’s not like I’m dressing up, I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard, you know. Then, people will start expecting my best all the freaking time. I throw on my white-knitted tunic over some black jeans and head back out into my room.

“I’m going to tell my brother that you’re dressing up for his uncle. Let’s see how he takes that,” Sammy quips. For someone as small as her she sure has a lot of mean going on, which only leads me to further believe that Adrian’s bad attitude is contagious.

“Maybe I am dressing up for Drew, you don’t know my life,” I give her an innocent look.

“Oh please, Drew can see you in sweatpants and a t-shirt and he’d still think you’re the hottest thing in town,” Ruby rolls her eyes. I’ve got to admit I did score the jackpot in the boyfriend pool, but it’s not like Drew’s a saint. I mean half of the time it’s like you’ve got to keep a bomb from going off, you do not want to piss that dude off.

“I’d say the same thing for Lucas,” I reply and smirk in satisfaction as a blush colors her cheeks.

“Let’s not talk about him,” she shakes her head quickly causing me to raise an eyebrow.

“What did he do?” Kim chuckles, as if already perceiving the stupidities her cousin is capable of committing. Well, Lucas can be a pretty big goof ball. After debating with herself on whether to tell us or not, she begins to speak.

“He may have asked me out and my dad may want to kill him,” Ruby replies sheepishly. What on earth could Lucas have done to cause her father to want to end his life?

“Seriously, what kind of shit did he pull?” Sammy leans down intrigued by our dear friend’s actions.

“He sent a stripper gram to my house while he waited outside for my answer. Do you know how embarrassing that was? My dad was livid, he seriously wants to kill him,” Ruby runs a hand through her hair in frustration and who can blame her? What was Lucas thinking?

“Was it like a girl stripper or a hot guy?” I pitch in. The three girls turn to give me indescribable looks. Personally, I think it’s a valid question.

“Why does it matter?” Kim gives me an amused look.

“Because if it’s a guy it’s clear what his intentions are with his daughter, if it was a girl then you guys can just say he was giving your dad a treat,” I shrug. Sammy, who’s been shaking with laughter all this time, sobers up.

“You don’t seriously think you can explain this,” she giggles.

“Yeah Khloe, my dad even got out his shot gun which I didn’t even know he had,” Ruby adds. “The worst part is that I’m pretty sure Lucas was pulling out a gun as well before he decided to drive off peacefully.”

Now that I can believe.

“So, is Lucas that much of a catch anyway?” I retort once I realize that there really is no way of making this any better. We stay quiet for a while, lost in our own thoughts, before the sound of a doorbell ringing has the three of us bolting for the door. I glance back at Sammy and notice she’s leisurely following behind. I wonder if she’s gotten another chance to talk to her dad, when we got back I heard the guys let him settle in one of the guestrooms. Hopefully, there will be no further mishaps.

“Who’s at the door?” Kim asks casually as we slow our way down the stairs. Apparently, all the guys decided to gather around the living room early this morning, the only person missing seems to be Drew’s dad.

“The mailman, he dropped this off for you,” Kohl holds up a small box. I take it from him as I hit the bottom steps and place it on a nearby table, which can wait for later. “You guys are up early for a Saturday,” he observes.

“You know me, I’m all about being productive,” a series of chuckles seems to erupt throughout the room at my answer. I could protest this reaction but I really wouldn’t be helping anyone.

Trust me.

“Hey,” I don’t even need to turn around to know who that is whispering in my ear. Drew’s arms wound around my waist from behind causing a series of butterflies to flutter oh so delicately in my stomach. Does that feeling ever get old?

“Hi,” I mentally curse myself as I stumble over the ‘I’ prolonging it more than necessary. His minty breath hits my neck as he chuckles at my antics, that’s great Drew laugh it up.

“You guys are obnoxious,” and there’s Adrian, always ready to ruin the moment. Don’t think I missed that blush on his cheeks when Sammy reached up to place a kiss on his lips.


Just as I was about to walk towards the door at the sound of the doorbell, I’m knocked over as Claire rushes to get to it before me. If it weren’t for Drew, I would’ve crashed into the small lamp table. The package I placed on it wobbles precariously before Drew grabs it with his other hand. The perks of being coordinated.

“Hello Mr. Pine, I heard you were coming,” we all listen as Claire greets my teacher. I know she’s met him before since she’s the one that handles the teacher meetings, but if I didn’t know any better I’d say she’s smitten. I mean, you have to be to practically ram your charge just to answer the door. “Would you like some coffee, tea, anything?” she questions as she leads him into the living room. I think all the girls in the room heard heavenly chorus as the blue eyed angel walked in. All except for Sammy, though I am pretty sure she hears Green Day in her head whenever she sees Adrian. I guess the blue eyed gene in Drew’s family originates on his mother’s side.

Bless them.

“Hey guys,” he greets. The guys all seem to give him a head nod while the rest of us just smile dreamily. “Khloe, how’s that essay coming out?”


“What essay?” I shake my head out of that dreamy daze and focus my gaze on the pimple on Kohl’s forehead instead of my teacher’s pretty eyes.

“The one on overcoming certain obstacles in life,” he replies slowly.

Oh, that essay I have not heard of. How the hell did I space out in class, I’m seriously losing my mojo.

“Yep, I’m almost done,” I lie through my teeth.

“Well Drew, can we talk?” he directs his gaze over my shoulder.

“Yeah, that’s why we’re all here, that way we can all be in the know of what’s going on,” Drew grabs my hand before we move around and sit on an armchair. Well, I plant myself on the chair and Drew sits on the arm.

“Okay, well I got a tip a couple of days back that there’s a new teacher coming into the school,” Mr. Pine moves over to the couch, causing Kohl to wrap a possessive hand on Kim’s waist. Yeah brother, like you can compete.

“So, we have to worry because there’s a new nerd on the block?” Adrian shrugs. I don’t know why, but I take offense to that.

“No Adrian, we have to worry because he’s working for Mason,” Lucas replies. Why couldn’t he have found a cool and calm way to ask Ruby out like this?

“But why at the school?” I pipe up.

“Because that’s the one place you all have to go to, but I also think he’s gone into the drug business and who doesn’t get high like high school teenagers?” I remember that one time I got high on complete accident.

Never accept a brownie that’s coming from Adrian.

Never, there’s a video floating around that he refuses to hand over.

“Does he think my dad’s out of the picture, Kris?” isn’t it weird to hear your teacher be addressed by their first name. I mean, are we friends, homies or something?Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“What do you mean ‘thinks’ isn’t he dead?” the growing tension in the room suddenly becomes palpable.

“So, do you have a girlfriend?” I try to make light of the situation.

“I’m not dead for your information, Kris,” damn it, couldn’t Damian have waited for Kris to answer my question. Drew’s dad walks into the room in jeans and a black t-shirt. Did someone just turn up the heat, in more ways than one too because suddenly Kris doesn’t look so chill. “He’s never liked me,” he explains to the rest of the crowd.

“With good reason,” Mr. Pine scoffs. Well, I’m going to go on a limb here and just say that there are definitely some underlying issues here.

“You don’t seem surprised,” I whisper in Drew’s ear.

“They don’t really get along,” Drew states, as if I haven’t already gotten that from the rising macho contest. Aw, why can’t we be friends, why can’t we be friends…

“What are you doing?” there’s always someone trying to cramp on your mental singing skills, like why be such a party pooper? I don’t even know who asked the question because by this time I’m into full chorus mode in my head, and I’ll be damned if I don’t let it finish and fade out. I let myself come back to reality as the last musical note hit.

“I’m sorry, what?” I ask, looking around the room trying to figure out who spoke to me. Only to find that all attention’s on me like I just did some Beyoncé type of dance number. I’m good, in my head of course, but I’m not that good.

“You just sung that song, off key, out loud,” Kohl pats my shoulder in some stupid way of comforting. I jump away from him and lean into Drew’s side. This is the life, he could be a pillow. Or I could be Dylan O’Brien’s pillow, that’d be awesome.

“So, now that I’ve provided today’s entertainment, is that all that we need to know?” I direct my question towards the teacher. Mr. Pine chuckles before shaking his head.

“No, I also heard from one of my contacts that some kids are under suspicion for selling inside school grounds.” What kind of contacts could an English school teacher possibly have? This just further proves that in Drew’s family anything is possible. Next thing you know, we’ll all be part of some grandiose crime family.

“I’m not on that list am I?” Kohl suddenly asks, making all eyes in the room drift over to him.

“Should you be?” I retort. No one says anything in response causing for a long awkward pause, broken by Mr. Pine, who excuses himself and practically has to pry Claire off his arm before making his exit. The rest of the weekend goes by with Lucas constantly calling Ruby with a long list of apologies, claiming that the stripper gram had all been Kohl’s idea. It also consisted of Adrian following Sammy around like a lost puppy after making an ‘I’m stronger than you’ remark towards her. He really needs to keep his mouth shut. All that got him was Sammy hurling a frying pan at his head which managed to cause a very noticeable bump on his forehead. Drew and I spent our weekend together with Lucy. Although there was a moment in which I’m pretty sure he wanted to attack me verbally with every word in the book possible because I let Lucy spend some time with her father.

Drew really needs to work through those daddy issues.

Sadly, Monday came way too soon and with it the morning ritual of walking dead for my arrival to school. I’ve probably not talked much about my days at school, but there’s a specific reason for that. My days at school are no longer filled with hatred and paper balls aimed at me. No, the student population did not have some sort of evolution process where the outcome eradicated all hate towards one another. But, since the guys arrived and our friendship bloomed I don’t find myself constantly repeating every comment in my head. Worrying about the next time I’ll be cornered in the hallway, the comments and stares come, but they remain at a distance. With all the glaring that my boyfriend does, it’s like nobody dares to piss off the blue eyed angel.

A silent agreement has been formed, you don’t mess with me and Drew doesn’t mess you up.

“Come on Khloe, we’re going to be late,” Lucas stomps his foot like a petulant child, eager to get to English class. I really don’t know what the hurry is, Mr. Pine might be Drew’s uncle, but that doesn’t stop Lucas from falling asleep for the duration of the period. Then, he blames me for the marks on his face caused from leaning his head on his backpack for a long time. Idiot.

“Do you really think it was a good idea to leave Lucy with my dad?” Drew ignores his friend and settles his inquisitive gaze on my face, alert for any expression that may contradict my answer. My eyes roll on their own accord, we’ve had this conversation too many times in a matter of days but his worries don’t seem to settle. The care he has for the little girl is heart-melting, but he has to give his father a chance to make amends. He must also remember that we still don’t know the full story of exactly what happened.

“Yes,” I nod my head affirmatively before pecking his cheek and making my way over to Lucas. Before Lucas manages to drag me away I give one last glance at Drew, who hasn’t removed his eyes from my figure. That boy can make coffee blush and boil over. With a minute before the bell rings, we storm inside the classroom and rush over to our seats in the back. And for a brief, very brief, moment the coordination ninjas decided to have mercy on me as I jumped over a foot that was intended to trip me. I take my seat and pull my notebook out, but I don’t miss the snickering coming from Mike from the front. I haven’t seen this fool in such a long time I thought the elves decided to take him away from us. I was mistaken.

“Hey, small dick, do that again and I’ll smash your face,” Lucas, the ever fierce angel, growls out.

“It’s okay,” I shrug towards Lucas, he shakes his head in contradiction but takes a seat anyway. Mike turns back in his seat as well, but I can see the red has reached his ears by this point. There’s no way to embarrass a guy than by hitting his ego. Mr. Pine arrives in his usual timely manner and begins his lesson, though my head seems to drift to a million things all at the same time. So loud does the ringing in my ear get that I’m startled back into reality by the loud shrills coming in through the speakers.

“Fire drill,” Lucas motions at the other students who are in too much of a rush to even gather their things, all rushing out the door while ignoring the ‘don’t panic’ message coming from the teacher. I get up and begin to head out the door with Lucas on my tail and his hand grabbing onto my arm, keeping me in his line of vision, when all the lights go out simultaneously. The new event arousing panic in the students causing them to scatter like an ant farm being drenched by water. Lucas’s hold on my arm slips but is replaced quickly as he drags me faster towards an unoccupied staircase. Or, the person I thought was Lucas because once the heavy door slams shut I’m face-to-face with the dark eyes of my arch nemesis, Mike.

“Holy muggles,” I grumble.

“Ugh, I can’t believe I’m actually helping you,” he rolls his eyes before dragging me down a couple of stairs.

“Then don’t,” I snap, trying to remove his hold on me.

“Remember what I told you?” he barks out as we reach the bottom. He sets his unmovable frame in front of the door, blocking my escape.

“That I’m a nerd or the way you professed your blatant hate for me?”

“At the house,” he corrects impatiently, making my mouth snap shut, the process making me bite my lower lip. I freeze in place as my eyes roam over him, but his eyes, I remember those eyes from the blackout at my house. I’d thought they just seemed dark due to the lack of light, but in reality it’s due to the lack of soul.

“You’re working with Mason,” I state.

“Not quite,” he rebuts.

“You said we were family,” I make a face at that because seriously, the dude’s a douchebag.

“Indeed,” he nods but makes no clarification as to what we are.

“Please tell me you’re not my brother,” just the idea seems to nauseate the both of us.

“Cousin, you idiot. I’m Mason’s son. By the way, he’s the ‘new’ teacher in the school. No one will recognize him and I don’t think you remember your uncle, but be very careful. You specifically,” he warns in a gravelly voice.

“Why me?”

“He’s seen pictures of you, says you remind him too much of her,” he shrugs. I know who the ‘her’ in that statement is, and just the reminder that that man killed my parents makes a wave of fury wash over me.

“Why are you helping now?”

“All my life I’ve been conditioned to hate you, he was always so hung up on your family that when I did meet you, that hate personified. But, I’ve realized that it’s not your fault and if there’s one way of giving back for what I’ve done, it’s by helping you.”

“You still tripped me in the morning,” I scowl.

“Force of habit,” he smirks.

“I don’t trust you,” I blurt.

“And I don’t like you,” ah, this might be the beginning to a beautiful alliance.

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