The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 32 The Boy I Love

“Is that all you got?” I stammer with a tired smile on my face. That’s how I feel now, tired. At first, anger consumed my body giving me the will to fight. After the anger drains out of your body the sadness takes over, leaving you to be nothing but tired. I wish I could just close my eyes now, wondering if I really do have anything to live for. Unfortunately, every time my eyes close different shades of blue flash through them. Lucy’s eyes, the various emotions that run through Drew’s.

“Shut up!” Mason backhands me harshly, almost making my neck snap with the force of it. Just another bruise to add to my already painted face. Hooray. “I swear if you don’t shut up I’ll put a bullet in everyone you love!”

“I guess you get to live,” I deadpan. His brown eyes flash dangerously, darkening until they look black.

I don’t get it.

He looks so much like my father, but that’s where the similarities end. I don’t even want to stare at his face because I feel that it will taint the image of my father. Their appearance is so uncanny.

Two days I’ve been stuck in this rat hole. Two days of being trapped in a room of some old warehouse.

How cliché.

Two days of getting beaten on because according to this dumbass, my brother and I are the reasons my mom refuse to leave with him. I kind of get the feeling is his morbid charisma. Correct me if I’m wrong.

A man walks into the room suddenly, making the heavy door whine. He walks over to Mason and whispers something in his ear before taking his leave without sparing me a glance. Yep, that’s right buddy. Ignore the tied up bloody mess on the floor.

I’m just chilling,

“Has my idiotic son been speaking to you?” He stomps over to my almost limp figure, I can feel blood dripping down the side of my face from when he decided to stomp on it. His question sinks in and I realize he could really hurt Mike for helping me. I could give him up right now in payback for all his douchebaggery, but I’m just not that type of person.

“Someone decided to procreate with you?” I respond. My humor’s not well appreciated if the blow to my ribs is any indication. Ah, what the hell is one more broken rib to add to the pile-up?

“Have you been talking to Mike yes, or no?”

“That’s your son? I guess being an asshole is part of genetics.” I should really shut up to avoid being hit so much, but if I’m going to die anyways, what’s the point? His eyes once again darken with anger, but instead of lashing out on me he gives me a malicious grin.

“You look so much like her, yet your personality is that of my brother.” My eyes narrow at the mention of my parents. He doesn’t have the right to speak about them. He doesn’t have the right to even think about them. “Shall I show you once again what happens when I’m not pleased?”

“No!” I blurt it out without thinking and it’s one of the biggest mistakes ever. Knowing that the last thing I want to watch is the plane that held my parents crash. The sick bastard had the plane going down in ashes videotaped and I was lucky enough to watch it on my first day here. It’s just another sick reminder of how cruel this world really is. What’s the point on saving my last breath?

For us, you have us, cupcake.

Drew, stop coming into my head. I don’t need anything to hold on to. My eyes shut close of their own accord when I begin to hear the video play. Their faces may not be on the video, but I can just imagine the moments of panic they must’ve lived before it all stopped. My mind unwillingly begins to form images in my head of what it must’ve been like and I just want it to stop. I want to erase it all.

“You know she wasn’t the only one to cross me.” My eyes blink open as the video stops and I blink curiously at him. A sick smile spreads across his face. “Drew’s mom, Mia, she thought she could outsmart me along with her husband. And now she’s nowhere to be seen, but buried six feet under.” I shake my head to ward of my incoming thoughts.

“No, she died naturally.” I mutter out loud, willing my words to become true. Drew doesn’t deserve to know that truth. Sure. He may be a temperamental and possessive asshole sometimes, but I wouldn’t love him if it were any different.

Whoa, Khloe, slow your roll.

Do you really love that temperamental asshole? The one that looks at you like you’re the only girl in the world? The guy that can kill you with one kiss? The guy that shows you what the rest of the world can’t see?

Crap, I do. And it only complicates things because now I have to fucking fight for.

Do you really think I’m not looking for you? Drew’s voice questions.

Okay imaginary Drew, no need to get pissy with me. I just realized I’m falling in love with a ticking time bomb.

It better be me, his voice responds.

“Why are you rolling your eyes?” Of course my little moment had to be broken by the villain in this wicked love story.

“Because I’m growing quite tired of your voice.” My rebuttal earns me another slap in the face. He should really be proud of himself. It takes real talent to be able to beat up a girl that’s tied up. Especially one that has the strength of a ladybug. Bravo, your strength could rival that of Hercules.

Note the sarcasm.

“I swear your little friends are going to pay for this.” His snarl is that of a lion’s roar in my face. Oh my god, he’s Scar from The Lion King.

Hey, you’re never too old for Disney movies.

“Is that because you lack them? Seriously, do you really have to pay for people to stand your presence? That’s sad.” My eyes point to the two men in the far corner, one who seems to smirk at my comment. I jump as the sound of a gun shooting, the smirking guy screams before falling to the floor, clutching his leg.

“If you don’t want to end up like your partner, get him out of here,” Mason bellows. This guy really is deranged. You have to be to shoot someone just because they smirked at my witty comment. “You’re really testing my patience,” he turns to me.

“And I’m guessing you didn’t do so well in school.” He raises his hand and this is the moment I think I’m finally going to leave this plane, but the gunshot never comes. The door opens and another two guys walk in, both of them wearing shades. For some reason, one of them looks eerily familiar to me. I shake my head, I must be having hallucinations. “Untie her and take her to the cell.” He gives me a look of disgust before retreating from the room. The two guys walk over to me cautiously, as if I’m the one that could jump at them at any time.

Maybe I’m just that ferociously fabulous.

The buffer one of the two crouches down by my side and begins working the knots with such a gentle manner that it piques my curiosity. My fists clench of their own accord as I’m able to move my hands of my own volition again. I hiss a breath when he moves to remove the rope from my ankles, I glance down and notice they’re almost purple from the first day I spent suspended by the hands. Lying on the floor had just been a glorious break on my feet. Pain seems to rush to every part of my body, even the right side of my face feels numb. I must look like an abstract painting right now.


The guy carefully slips an arm around my waist before lifting me up in his arms. That same familiarity I felt when I first saw him comes back to me. My eyes lock onto his face, looking for any clue to indicate his true identity. One of his hands moves to the back of my head before pressing it into his hard chest.

“Don’t give up now, sweetheart. Drew’s coming for you.” My eyes widen at the sound of Derek’s voice in my ear. It’s a very welcome change to that of Masons, evil incarnate. I try to move my mouth to say something but he quiets me by motioning to the guy walking in front of us. “Ssh, don’t blow my cover.”

Could he be undercover, I do remember him mentioning he was a cop. He was Mr. Pine’s contact to be exact. Does this mean Drew really is on his way?

What’d you expect, cupcake? An image of Drew smirking comes along with his voice this time, and I welcome it with open arms. I smile before curling myself further into Derek.

We walk into a dark room where the only light comes from light bulb hanging from the ceiling. A metal chair sits in the far corner, but that’s not what captures my attention. On the other side of the room sits an identical chair, but a figure is tied up to it. Derek turns my face away from the sight before sitting me down on the chair. His partner holds up some rope and I groan at the sight of it.

“We have to, otherwise they’ll know something’s up,” the other guy points out.

“That’s my partner,” Derek responds to my unspoken question. The other guy removes his shades to smile at me and his blue-green eyes light up a little bit.

“I’m Mikhael.” I nod and watch as they tie the rope around me, softly so that it doesn’t hurt the bruises I’m sure I wear under my clothes. “There you go. Guys, just stay put until we get backup to come,” he orders. When I look towards the chair again, I manage to make out Mike’s bloody face in the dim lighting.

“Is he going to be okay?” I question looking in Derek’s direction.

“He’s doing a lot better than you.” He pats my shoulder before walking away with Mikhael. When the heavy metal door closes behind them, I understand why they call this room the ‘Cell’. It literally looks like one of those solitary rooms in prison with only the two chairs as furnishing. I faintly hear the drip of a leaky water faucet but can’t place where it’s coming from.

“Mike.” I whisper his name in his direction a couple of time before getting a groan and a growled out, ‘what?’ “Are you okay?” I don’t know why I have to ensure that he’s okay, but I couldn’t bear the thought of him getting hurt to help us.

“I’m fine. You’re the one that looks like she went through a human shredder.” I stay quiet and grimace at the picture of what I must look like. Even grimacing takes a lot of effort and causes me physical pain. I think he realizes what my silence means because he decides to speak again. “I’m glad you’re fine you little pest.” That’s as close as an endearment I’ll ever get from him. I smile into the room.

“Thanks you jerk.” He chuckles before falling quiet again.

“Drew will find you soon. I sent him the addresses of where my dad might’ve been hiding you before I was caught. Knowing that boyfriend of yours, he’s going to rain hell on everybody here.” That statement makes me smile before I let it fade to lessen my pain.

We fall into a comfortable silence, as comfortable as it gets in our situation. The pain in my ribs begins to intensify causing my eyes to droop, my body seeking relief on its own. The darkness begins to overpower me and I feel my head bob as I slip into unconsciousness, hoping that there’ll be a time to wake up again.

“Everybody get up!” I wake up to loud voice outside the door of the cell. Footsteps thunder through the halls and I wonder what’s going on. I look over to Mike and he wears my same look of confusion. “We’ve gotta get a move on!”

“What’s going on?” I whisper, not really expecting an answer.

“They’ve been tipped off. The guys are on their way over here, and considering Drew’s men outnumber my dad’s it’s the smart thing to do.”

“Drew’s men?” I question.

“Well his dad’s men. Most of them stayed loyal to the Collins’ family when the gang broke apart. Your beau’s got some serious firepower.” Well there goes something you don’t hear every day. Relief courses through me knowing that Drew is coming to the rescue.

Did you ever really doubt that? A genuine smile softens Drew’s features as his image flashes through my mind.

The door to the room slams open and Mason storms in like the hounds of hell. I see men rushing around the halls from the open doorway. I guess they’re really on the move.

“So I guess your little boy toy is coming for you. Too bad he’ll only come to find two corpses.” I cock my head at Mason, wondering if he’d really kill his son for helping me out.

He’s a psychopath, Khloe, he doesn’t possess the ability to love. And suddenly, I feel bad for young Mike. Born into a world he didn’t ask to be thrust upon. Not feeling love from his father, never establishing that essential relationship. I’ve never heard anyone mention Mike’s mom around school and he’s never talked about her. As far as I know. But now, I see Mike in a different light.

“Yeah, yours and who else’s?” I call out to divert Mason’s attention back to me. Mike gives me a look that speaks volumes. By that I mean it yell’s about a thousand profanities in my direction.

“I’m really getting tired of you.” Mason walks over to me, waving the gun in his hand like a maniac.

“Maybe you should take a seat. We could be hostage buddies.” I smile a little too sweetly and this time, I expected the hit on the side of my face. The chaos outside begins to grow louder and my heart jumps in my chest when I hear gunshots being fired. My eyes fall shut and pray for Drew’s safety. If that is him out there.

“Do you really think he’s going to get to you in time?” Mason’s eyes are nothing but malice personified. They’re nothing but a dark storm waiting to consume everything in its path.

“Well, at least he came, but who would fight for you?” I taunt. Mike’s eyes bug out with the force of the slap his father gives me. I lick my stinging lip and cringe at the taste of blood. I must look like a bloody, inflated marshmallow. To top it all off I’m hungry, this evil bastard hasn’t even fed me. Who does that? That’s very rude.

“What are you gonna do to me, huh? You’re going to hit me, do it already. Don’t fucking drag it out!” Mike’s voice is angry scream but I can see the concern in his eyes when they lock on mine. I shake my head, trying to convey to him that fighting for me is pointless. We just need to drag it out to give the guys enough time to get to us. I wiggle in my seat and one of my arms manages to slip out of the rope thanks to Derek and Mikhael tying me loosely. I take the opportunity as Mason faces his son to release my other arm, ready to jump at the bastard at any second.Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

I’m so freaking badass it’s amazing.

Cue AC/DC’s Back In Black.

“You always were a useless son. I did you a favor by raising you myself and getting rid of your mother.” I’m left speechless by the sudden revelation and once again feel that same sympathy for Mike wash over me.

“Fuck you,” is Mike’s very smart response. The commotion outside grows louder and closer just as Mason raises his gun towards Mike’s temple.

Oh hell no.

Mike may be an asshole but if someone’s going to give him hell it’ll be me. I slip out of the rope and quietly get up from my chair. Mike’s eyes connect with mine and hastily move back to his father, trying not to bring any attention to me.

“Yeah? Tell the same thing to your mom when you see her in hell.” Mason’s fingers move along the gun, but just when I think he’s going to pull the trigger I launch myself at him. We both crash to the floor in a tumbling mess with me desperately trying to send the gun flying towards the other end of the room. I hiss when the bastard elbows my boob while trying to get up again. I move to elbow him in the chest as payback but accidentally get his nose. I wince when I hear a sickening crack causing him to howl in pain and the gun to slide a couple of feet away from us. Mike looks at me like I just made a stupid mistake, but I wouldn’t be me if I thought rationally.

Taking advantage of Mason cupping his bloody nose, I get up and grab the gun before heading over to untie Mike. I work the knots as best as I can and help him up from his seat. He motions to the gun as his dad begins to get up.

“Shoot him,” Mike orders. The gun shakes in my hand and I can feel the panic seep into my eyes.

“To death?” I squeak. I can honestly say that my cousin looks at me like he wants to wring my head off.

“Nooo, just poke him with it.” I give him a flat look. We turn around at the same time Mason scrambles up, sneering at the both of us.

“You’re dead.” He snarls his words while reaching into his pocket and pulling out a smaller gun. My eyes widen and without thinking, I fire my gun in the direction of his shoes causing him to curse and jump. I was so not born to be a sniper.

Sorry to disappoint you, Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

“Give this to me.” Mike snatches the gun from my hand with a scowl, making me pout. For my first shot I thought I did pretty well. Forgive me for not having murderous intent.

Without a second thought Mike raises his hand up, unwavering, before pulling the trigger. The loud bang I was waiting for never comes. Mike pulls the trigger again and again but it does not change the outcome. There are no bullets in the gun. Slowly, Mike turns to me with his jaw clenching tight and I wait for it. Surely, he’s about to blow up at me.

“You wasted our one shot.” It’s the calm with which he makes this statement that makes me smile uneasily and back away a step. I’m pretty sure Mike’s eye is twitching as he lowers his hand. Before he has any chance to make any further comment, laughter captures our attention.

“You truly are pathetic and weak. It was that weakness that cost your father his life. Can you believe he didn’t want to have me killed?” Mason mocks from across the room, silver gun in hand. I give Mike an apologetic look before straightening up.

“You call him pathetic and weak, I call him honorable.” I push my chin forward, pride seeping from my words. The commotion outside grows even louder and for a moment, I witness panic flash through Mason’s eyes.

“Tell him that when you see him.” Mason raises the gun in his hand and faster than I can blink a loud shot echoes around the room. I expect the pain to hit me, to overtake my body but I feel nothing. I wonder if I’m dying and that’s why I experience nothing, but when my eyes open I notice the figure lying at my feet. Mike’s brown eyes stare up at me, clutching his side with labored breath.

I crouch down to his side and I can feel the familiar sting of tears in my eyes. I can’t believe he took a bullet for me. I look up into Mason’s eyes but I can clearly see he has no remorse for his actions. Just as I’m sure I’ll be his next target, the door slams open and Drew barrels in like a dark angel. My heart jumps in my chest when his eyes land me. Those blue eyes harden before turning their wrath on Mason. Immediately, Drew rushes over to him landing a punch square on his jaw. They fall to the ground in a mess of fists and grunts.

Seconds later the rest of the guys barrel in, including my brother. Kohl rushes over to me before focusing on Mike. I explain to him that he took a bullet for me and Kohl immediately begins to press his hand to the wound, willing it to stop bleeding. Mike bitches and whines, but at least I know he’s alive. Derek and his partner walk in minutes later with Kevlar vests clinging to their chests. Why the hell did Drew decide to go without one? They separate Drew from Mason before cuffing the bastard and dragging him out. Adrian takes the opportunity and punches Mason a couple of times before deeming him to be ready to go.

“I’m sorry.” Those are the two words Drew mutters to me before pulling me into his arms and holding me close to him so delicately that I think I’m shattered glass. I don’t understand why he’s apologizing, so I just drown myself in his scent and in the guy he is.

The boy I love.

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