His Retaliation

‘What did you just say?’, shocked Daniel, asked Edward.

‘I said I want a divorce. I am fucking tired of living my whole life just to please you. I don’t even love her. Do you know she is cheating on me?’, Edward yelled at his father.

‘And so what? I married your mother despite the fact that I didn’t love her but I did that for the sake of my father and the sake of the company. I abandoned the woman I loved just to be with your mother. These are some of the things you sacrifice for the sake of the company. Stop being immature and grow’, Daniel yelled back at Edward.

‘Is that why you and your mistress killed her? Immature? I am not the immature one here, you are. You wouldn’t have cheated on and betrayed my mother if you were mature. You wouldn’t have left the woman you claimed you truly loved just because of your own selfish interest. You chose the company over her, remember?’, Edward said back at his father. This got Daniel angry making him slap Edward on his cheek.

‘Don’t you dare talk to me like that. I am your father’, Daniel said, shouting at Edward.

‘Father? Have you ever been a father to me? Can you be considered as one? I can remember barely two months after my mother died, you decided to get married to your mistress……..’, Edward said, but before he could finish his statement, his father cut him short. Allison who was at the scene was already getting uneasy and scared.

‘Don’t call her that!!!!! Call her by her name’, Daniel yelled.

‘What? You must still love her a lot. You must miss your other son too. Why don’t you just go in search of them and bring them back to live with you? Even though she cheated on you with your brother, you still love her? Even though she caused my mother pains, you still love her? True love never dies like they do say’, Edward said with hurt and sadness in his eyes. Allison was shocked at the statement Edward had made. ‘How did he find out she cheated on Daniel?’, troubled and confused Allison had thought.

‘How did you find out about that?’, Daniel asked puzzled.

‘I just found out by chance. How did you say you met Allison, dad?’, Edward asked, turning his face towards the direction of Allison. Anxiousness was written all over Allison’s face and Edward could see through her that she was scared.

‘How does that correlate with what we are discussing? Like I had said earlier, no divorce is taking place and that is final’, Daniel said.

‘I asked the question because sometimes, people are not who you actually think they are. Just like you loved and still love Molie, I love Ellie too and nothing can bring us apart. If anybody should touch a strand of her hair, I promise not to keep the person alive. I never want to be like you. I will never forsake nor let go of the woman I love just like you did. As for the divorce, it will happen whether you are in support of it or not’, Edward said walking away.

Daniel stood still finding it hard to believe Edward’s sudden change in behavior. ‘He had always been obedient, what could have brought about the change?’, Daniel kept on thinking in his head. Allison on the other hand, kept on thinking on how Edward got to know about her cheating on Daniel. His statement, ‘People are not who actually you think they are’, kept on arousing her suspicion of Edward knowing about her identity. ‘But how?’, she kept on asking herself.

As soon as Edward left, Daniel called Sophia to his study room.

‘What do you intend on doing now? He is hellbent on divorcing you’, Daniel asked Sophia.

‘I am devising a plan to keep the lady away from him. If you can assist prevent him from filing the divorce as soon as possible, that would help’, Sophia responded.

‘Will try my possible best in doing that’, Daniel responded.

‘Thank you, dad. I will like to take my leave now’, Sophia said, moving towards the exit.

‘I know Richard has been warming your bed and you have his child growing in your belly. I am not doing this to help you, I am doing this to help myself and the company at large. The partnership with your father means a lot to me and I can’t allow a trivial issue like infidelity bring an end to it. Are we cleared now?’, Daniel said to Sophia, who had halted in her steps having heard Daniel’s statement.

‘Yes, we are’, Sophia said, exiting the study room, heading to her parents’ house.

On getting to the living room, she met Allison waiting for her there. Pulling her to a hidden corner, they engaged in a conversation.

‘Did you by chance tell Edward about my identity?’, Allison asked.

‘No, I didn’t. Why do you ask?’, Sophia asked Allison.

‘I just feel his words earlier were aimed at me. Anyways, that aside. Have you heard from Richard recently?”, Allison asked Sophia.

‘No, I haven’t. It’s been three weeks since we last spoke’, Sophia responded.

‘I heard about what transpired between you two. Seem like he hasn’t gotten over it yet’, Allison responded.

‘He will come around. I have to be on my way home now’, Sophia said, ready to leave, which showed she had no interest in the conversation.

‘Sure, we will catch up later’, Allison said, watching Sophia leave. Allison felt something was off about Sophia. She felt she had changed and had no interest in Richard again.

‘I wouldn’t allow this to happen. If Sophia should let go of him, we won’t be able o achieve our aim. I need to find a way to make Richard come around’, Allison had thought.

Ellie on the other hand was at the front door, pacing up and down; waiting for Edward to arrive.

‘He had said he would come back on time. Why is he not back yet? Have they gotten back together? Is he going to forsake me?’, different thoughts were running through Ellie’s mind as she was scared of losing Edward. Her eyes were welled up, ready to burst into tears. After waiting for hours without Edward’s arrival, Ellie broke down in tears, thinking Edward was no longer coming back.

‘He promised to be back. That’s what he promised me but he is nowhere to be found’, Ellie said, crying like a child who had just lost her mother.

Few minutes later, Edward arrived in his car to Ellie’s surprise. As soon as he got down from his car, Ellie jumped on him, crying.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

‘I am sorry I took so long. I told you I would be back soon. Have you been waiting for me for so long?’, Edward asked, hugging crying Ellie tightly.

‘I thought you had left me. I thought you wouldn’t be back. I was scared. I love you, Edward’, Ellie said, mixing everything up, amidst her tears. That was the first time of Ellie saying ‘I love you’ since Edward had confessed his love for her. Edward was taken aback by this.

‘I am sorry I came late and got you scared’, Edward said, patting Ellie’s back. With Ellie in his arms, Edward felt safe and he felt like he was at home. Ellie on the other hand realized that what she needed Edward for was more than revenge and she wanted him to be by her side forever and be hers and hers alone.

‘I promise never to leave your side no matter the circumstances. I promise to love and protect you with my life. You are my home and I will do anything to keep you safe and strong. I love you, baby’, Edward said, locking his lips with that of Ellie.

As they engaged in a passionate kiss, they both forgot about their worries, flowing with the moment. They decided to fan the flames of their love, not minding the obstacles ahead and where it would lead to.

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