The billionaire’s true love


Part 22

New home? Did he really just say that? Despicable man, I’d show him new home. Did he think that he would just tell me to stay here and I would agree just like that? He was mistaken, and I would make him realize that. He locked me in the midst of four turquoise walls, and expected me to sit and wait for him like a docile woman. He couldn’t be more wrong.

After dropping the impossible bomb which had my temper bursting, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door so hard, I thought it would fall off its hinges; leaving me combusting on my own. And combust I did.

The first thing I did was march toward the ornate lamp sitting on the right nightstand, grabbed the marbled decoration and smashed it against the tiled floor. Once I was satisfied seeing the scattered marble, I strode over to the dressing, took hold of the lone bottle of deodorant and hurled it at the wall of reflective glass. The sound of mirror being reduced to nothing but pieces was melodic. And imagining Trent’s face when he would see what I’d did to his room was even more enjoyable.

So for the next twenty minutes, I made sure to redecorate the room. I ripped the pillowcases, scattering feathers all over the place. Discarding the comforter was easier than I expected, since I thought the think material would be heavy. Once the bed was destroyed, I moved on to the gossamer curtains. Grasping the fine materials, I yanked the curtains with as much force as possible, ripping the thin cloth from the hooks. The ripping sound that resonated through the whole room as the fine threads separated gave me a new high.

When I looked around the room, a sadistic smile crept up my face as I eyed my handiwork. The room which screamed beauty and luxury when I entered was now weeping in result of the torture I put it through. I had successfully transformed beauty into horror; taken Trent’s hard earned money and ripped it to shreds.

And that fact had my heart jogging in victory.

Padding carefully, I maneuvered my way around the destruction that I caused and sat down on the bare bed. I had no idea when Trent would come, and I could do nothing but sit and sulk, and curse every living, breathing male in this entire world; except Jose.

Or maybe, I could do something else. Something that might just be my ticket to freedom. But what? What could I do that would help me get out of this freaky penthouse, out of this prison?

The windows.

Whirling my face in the direction of the windows, I eyed the paned glass which was barely shielded by the tattered remains of the curtains. Before logic made me reject my idea, I carefully walked over to the windows. I leaned forward until my forehead met cool glass. A strong wave of vertigo washed over me as I looked down, trying to see if screaming for help would get someone to help me get out of here. But after experiencing the dizzy spell, I knew I couldn’t do it.

Then what should I do?

Stepping around the remains of Trent’s expensive posessions, I tried to open the door again, but it didn’t budge. Damn the Benson to hell and back! Turning around, my eyes widened when I saw a cordless phone sitting on the dressing next to a shard of mirror. Hurrying over to it, I picked up the phone and tried to call Jose, only to find no dial tone.

Curse you, Benson!

I was about to slam the phone down when it begun ringing. Surprised, I looked at the caller ID to see Trent’s name. Glowering, I answered the call, it was time I gave him a piece of my mind.

“I am going to kill you, Trent!” I greeted.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Calm down my dear explosive, and calmly tell me, how are you doing?” Trent enquired, his tone calm.

Heat spread throughout my body, boiling my blood, igniting my nerve endings. This man was too cocky and I wanted to kill him! How could he be so ignorant and selfish?! If he claimed that I belonged to him-which I didn’t, the man was insane-shouldn’t he be more considerate of what I wanted, how I felt?

“Calm down?! You fucking locked me in a room and you expect me to calm down?!” I yelled into the speaker, as if my words could physically hurt Trent.

“Amanda, I said, calm down. I will not have you speaking in this way to me, is that clear?” His tone turned serious, telling me that I should tread carefully.

“I’ll talk to you however I want! You don’t get to tell me how to speak to you, especially when you don’t deserve the kindness and respect that you are demanding from me.” Why was it so hard for me to make him understand that I wanted nothing to do with him?

“Well I am not going to accept it. You either talk with respect, or you stay in your room and wait for me to come home,” he stated.

I laughed in disbelief. This man was fucking insane. “Why, are you paying me? And I will never sit at home and wait for you. But you know, there is one man I will wait for, and that is not you, that is Jose.” I had no idea why I said that; probably because I wanted to rile him up, get him as angry as I was.

The silence on the other of the line had my heart dissolving in dread. What did I just do? Did he hung up on me? Or was he just pissed because I missed Jose and not him? But I didn’t care. Trent pissed me off and he needed to know I would not accept his orders no matter what he did.

“Take that back,” he ordered, his voice soft, but carried the weight of fifty bulldozers.

“No. I don’t take back the truth.” I told him, feeling smug.

“Bumblebee, I said, take back your words,” he repeated, his words more forceful.

“Give me my freedom and I just might,” I replied.

“Amanda, take back your words or you won’t like the consequences.” The threat in those words travelled through the line, clawed out of the speaker and wrapped its deadly fingers around my throat, constricting me.

“Fuck you and your consequences, Trent,” I snarled before stabbing the end call button. Throwing the phone on the bed, I massaged my forehead with my fingers. Damn that man was exhausting. But I was strong and I would face his consequences head on. I was not weak, I would let Trent rule me or my life just because he felt like it.

Gazing at the bed had fatigue embracing me like a lover. With a yawn, I decided to sleep for a while. If I remained awake, my brain would go haywire coming up with thoughts of Trent and his consequences and I needed a break from that crazy man. Dragging my feet, I reached the bed and flopped down with my head landing on one corner and my legs dangling and fell into a deep, exhausting sleep.

My eyes bugged out of their sockets as I watched Trent stepping forward with a coil of chain in his hands. His lips curved in a sadistic smile, his eyes lit with dark intentions as he stopped mere inches from me.

“Do you know what this is, shady?” Trent asked, referring to the snake of metal chainlinks.

I shook my head, fear cooling my blood, causing me to tremble in his presence. “N-No,” I whispered.

“Chains. Bonds. This will bind you to me forever,” he answered.

“No. I won’t let you do this! Don’t you understand, I want nothing to do with you. Just leave me alone!” I turned around to run as far away from him as possible, but my feet wouldn’t move. Looking down, I gasped in horror as I saw a think coil of chain snaked around my ankles, locking my feet in its brutal grip.

Tears spilled as I struggled against the chains binding my ankles. Why couldn’t I move? What was wrong with me? Shouldn’t I have at least fallen over from struggling so much?

“Nothing will help you, shady. You’re mine now,” Trent murmured, stepping forward, eliminating the distance. He dropped the entire length of the chain that he was holding, the clinking sounds making my ears bleed as it fell. Taking my wrists in his hand, he bent down to pick the end of the chain and slowly begun wrapping it around my wrists.

“Trent stop it.” I tried to wriggle out of his grip but as the chain wound tighter and tighter around my wrists, it prevented them from moving.

“You’re mine now, forever.” He finished looping the chain around my wrists, effectively caging me in metal. Slipping his hands around my waist, Trent bent his head and inhaled my neck, running his lips all over my neck.

“Let me go, Trent,” I sobbed, hating my body’s traitorous response to my captor as it heated and pebbled under his touch.

“Never. All mine.” His lips travelled up my jawline and finally reached my lips. Trent captured my lips just like he captured my body, drowning out my sobs and screams as he kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

My eyes flew open and I sat up with a gasp. My heart raced against something unknown, my breaths coming out in short pants. Splaying my hand on my chest, I willed myself to calm down.

“My sleeping beauty is awake. Did you sleep well?” Trent’s voice tore through the strange fear in my heart, settling deep inside me.

Glancing up, my eyes landed on the man who not only owned my dreams but me in those dreams as well. When had he come? How long had he been there watching me sleep?

“Wh-What are you doing here? When did you come?” I questioned.

“I’m here becuase it’s my home and I came about forty five minutes ago. I saw you sprawled on the bed, so I had to lay you down properly. Although the mess you made pissed me off but we would discuss that later,” Trent answered.

The fact that he moved me while I was sleeping unnerved me. Trent was taking too many liberties with me, liberties that I was not comfortable with. When would he learn to keep his hands to himself? Would he ever learn?

Looking down, I saw the comforter covering the lower half of my body. But there was something different, an odd sensation on my ankles. Frowning, I tried to raise my knees only to be stopped when I felt resistance.

“Wha-What did you do?” Throwing the comforter to the side, my jaw dropped when I saw handcuffs surrounding my ankles, glinting at me.

“I told you if you don’t take back your words there would be consequences.” Trent made himself comfortable by sitting on the bed across from me. He had discarded his suit jacket, and the top three buttons of his shirt were undone. He looked exactly like the sexy billionaire the world portrayed him as, and I cursed my body for reacting to the stunning specimen which had the power to piss me off and make my heart flutter with just one curve of his lips.

“The fuck?! And this is suppose to be a consequence, you handcuffing my ankles?!” Oh my God, the clinking sound of metal in my dreams was real. It was real and not a figment of my subconscious or imagination. I dreamt of Trent binding me to him, when in reality he had done just that.

Trent nodded in response to my question. “Yes. This way, you won’t leave and go to your Jose. You’ll stay here with me. If you’d just taken your words back, none of this would’ve happened; you wouldn’t have lost your freedom,” he stated.

“You are the most disgusting, most despicable man I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting. I wish death comes to me, because living with you is not an option. And if keeping me tied up is what you’re planning to do, then I wish death comes for me tonight. It would be more pleasureable for me to kiss the grim reaper rather than you,” I hissed, my eyes narrowed.

His eyes mirrored mine, narrowing to thin slits. For a second I thought he would lash out, threaten me, tell me I would regret every word that I uttered. But he did none of that. His eyes went back to normal, a small smile graced his lips. Damn, I loved that small smile; it made him look so beautiful.

“Rest assured bumblebee, you will be a singing an entirely different tune soon enough. But we won’t talk about that right now. I have a little offer for you, something that will help you gain back your freedom.” Trent told me.

My curiosity piqued. What did he have in mind? It would be something big since my freedom was on the line, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued.

“What? What is it?” I queried, eager for him to tell me.

Trent blessed me with another stunning smile before speaking. “Two demands. I have two demands. If you agree to them, I will give you back your freedom. You can either choose to live me or go back to your apartment if that’s what you want. But if you don’t agree then you can kiss your freedom good bye forever.”

Two demands? That’s it? He only wanted me to agree to two things and I was free to go. I would be an idiot not to take him up on that offer. I just hoped the demands were easy to meet and not impossible.

“Okay. Tell me. What are your demands,” I said.

“Alright. My first demand. I want you to come back to work for me. I will pay you more and will promise that no trouble will come to you,” he responded.

That was not a difficult demand. He was paying me more and would make sure no one bothered me. I needed money to pay the bills, and if I had to work for him so be it. It wasn’t like there were fashion industries begging me to work for them.

“Okay. I’ll come back to work. As long as you promise to pay me more and make sure nobody bothers me. I agree.” I told him.

Trent grinned, happiness swimming in his gaze. “Excellent. That is what I wanted to hear.” He paused before continuing. “Now for my second demand.”

He slipped a hand in the pocket of his slacks and produced a black velvet box the size of an infant’s fist. Opening the box, he held it out for me to see.

My eyes bugged out as panic gripped my heart in its steel clutches. Nestled in the box was the one thing that had my body breaking out in goosebumps.

A diamond ring.

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