The CEO Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter Twenty-One; Going Crazy



The round table is brought alive with bubbly laughter as glasses were raised in the air to give a loud toast, celebrating the success of my award. I forced a smile and brought my glass to my lips. My colleagues had taken the time to surprise me with this nice get-together, there was tasty food, nice drinks, and even a cake.

But despite the happiness that radiated from everyone, it never reached me. I was there, sitting among them physically, but I couldn’t take part in their joy.

I jolt in my spot as Kendall points at me, demanding a speech. I wanted to brush him off since they had already heard most of it at the gala, but that wouldn’t be right. So I stood to my feet, and everyone gave me a soft round of applause as I did so.

“Thank you all. I appreciate your endless support and companionship. This award isn’t just for me, it’s a collection of everything we’ve put together, it’s an award that recognizes our team as a whole.” My throat worked as tears clouded my vision, but it wasn’t because my heart swelled with gratitude. Instead, it was because I was scared out of my mind. They don’t notice this, and I’m grateful for that as I sit back down, blinking back the tears that threatened to roll down my cheeks and break my facade.

I still couldn’t believe it. I wanted to deny it, to act like it didn’t happen. But it did. It fucking did.

What happened in the office continuously played in my head like a bad song on repeat, torturing my subconscious and backing my sense of reasoning to the corner. I was sure that I was close to losing my mind. I might have already gone insane.

My gaze shifts to my phone on the table, zeroing in on the blank screen. I hadn’t gotten another text. Hours have passed, and I was too much of a coward to take any useful action. Not when a video of me masturbating was sitting pretty in an unknown man’s phone. A video that I took against my will.

I had a stalker. There was no doubt about it, because how else would they know where I worked if I hadn’t been followed? My grip on my glass unconsciously tightened as I chewed on my bottom lip. I continuously asked myself why I was sitting here, drinking, when I should be on my way to the nearest police station. Even with the fact that this stalker had a substantial reason to blackmail me.

Why the heck did I follow his damned orders! I knew I didn’t have any other choice, but it didn’t make it any less frustrating.

And that isn’t what ticked me off the most. Why did I lose myself to pleasure despite the dire circumstances, how could I have possibly enjoyed such an act, coaxing my fingers with my arousal as I threw my head back and released, aroused at the fact that I was currently being watched? Was that a kink? Or had I crossed all lines of normalcy?

Yes. Without a doubt….

I brought my glass to my lips and drank it in one gulp.

I have lost it.

“She’s just being modest guys. She’s only referring to me of course-OW!” Kendall’s words are cut off the moment Olivia’s palm strikes the back of his head, causing him to groan and shake his fists at her. They all laughed at his expense, while my smile stretched tighter, almost robot-like. Olivia actively ignores Kendall and turns to face me. She grins, showing perfect rows of white teeth as she raises her glass once again.

“Let me make one more toast.”

My brows arch in question as she winks at me, looking between me and Caspian. It took me a minute to realize what she was insinuating, but before I could do anything she’d already beat me to it.

“A toast to the newest couple in town.”


“What? Who?” Mrs Juniper straightened up in her seat, almost spilling her drink as she leaned forward, curiosity evident in her gaze as she turned my way. “You and Caspian finally crossed the friend zone?!” Her excitement was clear in her tone. Mrs Juniper threw her head back in laughter, her shoulders quaking.

I’m taken aback by her reaction, my eyes rounding as my mind goes blank for a moment.


“It was about time.” Came Matthew’s subtle remark, and I whipped my head towards him.

Matthew casually shrugs his shoulders as he sips on his can of beer. “It was pretty obvious.” He adds, and this causes my mouth to part in awe.

What the hell? They all knew that I had a crush on Caspian? For how long?

I shook my head and faced the man in question. Caspian leaned back in his seat beside me, his expression unreadable, and I expected him to debunk their claims, to say that It was all a misunderstanding and we weren’t together. But instead, his lips split into a knowing smirk. Caspian raised his hands in playful surrender and let out a soft chuckle.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I guess the secret’s out,” he said, meeting my gaze. “Right babe?”

The fuck?

The table exploded with hollers from our colleagues cheering us on, but I was far from amused. My brows furrowed, and I gave Caspian a look that demanded an explanation.

He flinched under my intense glare, his proud demeanor cracking.

I was annoyed, but then I remembered what he said earlier today.

“Do you think I’ll give up on you so easily Aurelia?” His declaration was clear, and maybe this was what he was referring to.

I kept quiet, choosing to confront him about his little stunt later. I hated being thrown under the bus. I already had so much on my plate, and- My heart jumped to my throat as my phone buzzed awake. It wasn’t subtle, but I heard it despite the noise of the room.

The world stood still as I glanced at the screen.

MASTER; Goodnight darling. Make sure you lock your home doors properly before going to bed.

I swallowed hard, my mouth going dry as I unconsciously held my breath.

I jolted in my seat as I felt a cool sensation sting my cheeks, snapping out my daze to see Caspian nervously offering me a can of beer.

“You alright?” He asked softly, and I just stared. Worry was etched on his features at my lack of response. “I’ll explain everything later. So don’t be mad at me please.” He added, mistaking my silence as annoyance towards him. When in reality…I was terrified.

I wordlessly snatched the beer from him and drank. I wanted to forget, to forget the looming danger hovering over my head, to replace this overwhelming feeling of fear with something else…anything else.

“Ooh, trouble in paradise?” Kendall teased, but I hardly registered what he said. I was going numb as a result of the alcohol, and soon everything blurred against each other.

I needed more.

Once the can was empty, I took two more shots of tequila, taking each in one straight gulp. Everyone clapped and cheered me on, all except Caspian who continued to watch me with concern.

I poured myself another glass of beer, at the same time signaling for the waiter to bring more alcohol.

Caspian stopped me by holding onto my wrist. He pulled my hands down, his brows arched in question as his gaze searched my face. “Don’t you think you’re drinking too much?”

I merely shrug my shoulders in response, my lips spreading into a wide grin as the alcohol settles in my system.

“I’m fine,” I tell him, but he doesn’t look convinced. I pulled back from his grip and raised my glance once again, turning to face my colleagues. “Cheers!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, a deep laughter bubbling in my chest as I drank some more.

I drank and drank until I couldn’t process a single thought.

The night ended on a good note. I giggled heartily as the world spun around me, making it hard for me to tell which spot to place my next footsteps. I tripped and swerved, but before I could fall and faceplant into the ground, a pair of sturdy hands clasped my waist to steady me.

“Easy there.” Caspian’s breath fanned against my neck as he ushered me out of the restaurant. My back was pressed against his chest as he made sure I didn’t lose my footing. “You shouldn’t have drank so much.” his tone was reprimanding, lined with a hint of remorse.

I laughed, my voice filling the night as I tipped my head heavenward. The stars looked brighter than usual, almost blinding, and I was immediately transfixed, reaching out to touch them. Caspian’s steps slowed to a halt, and it was then I realized that I was looking into his eyes instead.

“Pretty,” I muttered, smiling a goofy grin as my words slurred. Caspian’s cheeks burst into scarlet as he met my gaze. My hands moved to caress his cheeks with child-like wonder, and Caspian stilled as my tongue darted out to lick his skin. “So pretty.”

I heard him take a deep breath. Caspian squeezed his eyes shut and muttered something under his breath, almost like he called for patience.

I yelped as he suddenly swept me off my feet. My hands slide to his shoulders. I clung unto him for my dear life as he carried me bridal style.

“Come on Aurelia. I’m going to take you home.” He said, and I wanted to tell him that I didn’t want to go home.

I didn’t want to be alone. I wanted to tell him that I didn’t feel safe and that I dreaded what waited for me there. But alas, my lips refused to obey me. I nestled against Caspian’s chest as my eyelids grew heavy, listening to his heartbeat. His heart was beating so fast, thundering against the shell of my ear.

My eyes fluttered close, my body going limb as I was embraced by soothing darkness.

The next morning.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I gasped as I jolted up from the bed, instantly regretting it as my head throbbed in pain. I could feel the color drain from my cheeks as my heart rate quickened, thumping loudly against my chest as my gaze bounced about the unfamiliar room.

I gulped my spit, anxiously pulling my bottom lip between my teeth as I strained my brain to remember the previous night. I knew I had drank till I blacked out, but everything else was hazy.

Damn it! I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping it would help me envision something…anything, but all I got was another wave of piercing pain. But then, an image flashed in my mind, and it was far from pleasing.

it was the last text I got on my phone, the message remained prominent in my mind, and my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I felt my blood run cold.

‘Goodnight darling. Make sure you lock your home doors properly before going to bed.”

Now I realized it wasn’t a threat. But a warning.

“Oh no.” My hands trembled as I covered my mouth. Panic settled in my bones, and my chest heaved as I struggled to steady my erratic breathing. “Oh no no no.”

There was only one clear explanation, one that I didn’t want to accept. The stalker, it all came down to the stalker.

I’ve been kidnapped.

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