The Cursed Human

Chapter 22

I woke for the fifth time, or was it sixth……. I difn’t knew, I had lost count. I thought fainting had became my new routine. My eyes were still puffy from all the crying, my head was hurting, my heart ached, my whole body was trembling.

I was up from last few hours but as soon as my eyes opened, all the memories of morning came crashing down. That was the clue for my eyes to shed tears. But now I was silent. I’ve had ran out of tears. Instead of my eyes, my heart was crying.

I had been sitting on floor with knees closed to my chest, arms wrapped around myself, seeking warmth, comfort.

Everything seemed so heart breaking. The memories of my childhood no more brought sadness, but a feeling of betrayal. I couldn’t brought myself to believe that everything I thought was not true…… that it was all lie. Angie’s words ringed continuosly in my ears.

My eyes staring at door in front of me.

I didn’t even realised that the sun was already setting down. The warmth of sunrays was gone, leaving me alone in this cold room.

Well it’s like everyone wanted to leave me.

The coldness of floor was making my feet numb, at this point I couldn’t feel anything. The void in my heart was filled with sadness, anger. Sadness that my whole life was a lie and anger that the one whom I trusted with my heart left me alone.

My thoughts were disturbed, when door opened and Sandra came in. Looking at her made me questions her identity.

Was she a human?

Or she was a monster too……. Just like them?

“Your dinner, My Lady,” she placed the tray of food on table beside bed. My eyes calculated, observing her every move. I didn’t say anything.

My only reality was that I was officially alone.

My mind wanted to fall into dark abyss and stay there for eternity. I was in pain…. not physically maybe, but emotionally, I was in lot of pain. It was that kind of pain which made you still, immobilized and no matter what you do, you would end up with feeling of dejection. Colours no more soothed my soul.

And nobody could made it stop, it was worsening by passing breath.

She didn’t moved from her spot, instead started looking at me with…. was that Sympathy, concern? I didn’t knew… Neither did I wanted to know.

She was expecting me to eat. Well, I was not hungry. My appetite was long gone. Eating was last thing on my mind.

“I’m not hungry,” I said, lowly.

“It’s not a choice, my lady. You are suppose to eat. Otherwise, you will get weaken.”

In other words.


She was ordering me to eat.

Why did everyone thought that they could order me around. What did they think of me…. A mere slave, who would listen to everything they wanted me to do.

“I said I don’t want to, didn’t you hear!” I snapped angrily. Why was she pulling my strings. I was already on verge of running out of patience. I already have had enough in my plate, I didn’t wanted anything else.




“I SAID GET OUT!” I gritted. I didn’t wanted to see her, I didm’t wanted to see anyone! Why couldn’t they leave me on my own!

I heard door being opened….. And then closed. She left the room.

Tears welled at bottom of my eyes. It didn’t took them long to descend down. A soft sob escaped my lips.


All broken.

It hurts.

Everything hurts.

I looked up as I heard the click of door. A chill ran down my spine as I know who it could be. The atmosphere of room suddenly became more gloomy, more dark.

It was him.

How did I knew? Because suddenly the surrounding air had became so cold, the room become awfully dark. I didn’t bothered moving as I heard the door being opened and then….. closed.

Fear installed in me as my breathing become rapid. My eyes involuntarily looked up and immediately froze in shock at the way his eyes were glowing…… red.

His irises were blood red with golden glow surrounding them, the veins of his arms and neck were protruding out……. Making them looking black. He was looking terrified, more dangerous than ever.

“What was that, little one?” He asked, no amusement, no softness but a trail of coldness behind his words as he took a step towards where I was sitting. I looked up at him in terror as he grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, my body started trembling. He was looking like that day, when he almost killed me.

Was he here to kill me?

“Didn’t I told you to obey me.” He snapped as he roughly grabbed me by my throat. Breathing became difficult, my eyes involuntarily locked on his face. His finger slowly tightening.

Wave of terror hit me, my eyes drifted off to door as idea of kicking him in his balls and run for the door came in my mind…. but as soon as idea came, with the same speed it vanished when he tightened his hold on my throat and growled like a beast.

My eyes widened as supply of oxygen lessened in my lungs. My eyes started rolling back as he loosened his grip and pushed me roughly towards the bed. My fingers unconsciously moved towards my throat and massaged it in circular motion.

He choked me, again.

I heard his footsteps but didn’t dared to look at him. I heard some shuffling but kept my eyes closed.

“Come here.” He ordered. His voice stern, demanding. I swallowed. I didn’t felt safe with him, he made me feel so vulnerable, and this vulnerability didn’t felt right.

A loud growled erupted from his chest as my heart raced in anticipation and dread.

“I said, come here.” He gritted. A shiver of fear danced down my spine. I gatgered my broken thoughts and unshed tears, and turned on my side and get up from bed. I could feel his eyes piercing through my soul. I looked up and saw him sitting on couch at far end of room. The room was dark, only light was there from lamp beside the couch. My feet involuntarily carried me towards him, once I reached him, he leaned back on couch with his legs spread and patted his thigh.

“Sit.” He demanded and my eyes widened.

Was he expecting me to sit on his lap?

I tried to step away but before I could take a step back, his hand clutched my wrist and yanked me forward. I gasped as he grabbed me by my waist and settled me on his lap. I tried to get away but the grip of hands on my thighs were making it impossible. I sloped on him, face flushed and eyes looking everywhere but him. The memories of last time with him came crashing down.

“Pl-pease let me go.” I said shakingly.

He grabbed my chin and made me look up at his furious, still, frustrated but aroused eyes. His other hand smacked around my waist, keeping me in place.

“Is it that difficult for you to obey me?” He said. His voice held so much disappointment, displeasure. My voice got stuck in my throat, speaking suddenly become impossible for me. I was sitting on his lap but he still towered over me, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on my cheek. My hands involuntary found their way to his chest to push him away. He pulled away and looked down at me, my eyes run down his face, this was the first time I ever dared to look up at him. His eyes were back to normal, the veins that were covering his body like black roots were gone, replaced with his icy blue eyes with a red lining surrounding them. He was beautiful….. a beautiful monster. But his darkness overpowered his superficial beauty.

He turned his head my way as if he sensing my gaze on him.

“Kiss me.” He ordered as I felt my heart beat faster than usual. His words echoed in my head endlessly. His grip tightened as I gasped. Without giving me time to process his words, he smashed his lips on mine. He moved his lips in aggressive manner….. urgency. Before I could push him, he pulled away and he leaned in me and put his head in crook of my neck, sniffing me. He put a? soft kiss on my windpipe. A jolt of electricity ran through me. My fingers unknowingly curled against his chest. Wave of pleasure rippled through me. I was not supposed to feel this way, but the way he was planting soft kisses on my throat brought out something different of me.

His arms loosened as he reached behind me and suddenly he pulled away and place a bowl of banana with peanut butter, between us. My eyes shot opened as reality hit me hard. He is going to feed me.

He grab the fork from table and rolled it in bowl and place it in front of my mouth. Aroma of Banana hit my nostrils, making my mouth water.

“I don’t want to do this, but if you want me to shove this down your throat, I won’t mind.” He said making my body shiver with terror. His grip tightened around my waist. I opened my mouth and he placed the fork in my mouth. Bananas were never my favourite but at this time it tasted delicious. I chewed and gulped it down. He repeated it few times unless everything was finished on bowl.

“Open your mouth.” He ordered and I? obeyed thinking he was going to put another piece of banana in my mouth but instead he leaned in and shoved his tongue in my mouth in a passionate, possessive, ardent kiss. My eyes rolled back in pure ecstasy. I never felt like this. I couldn’t stop myself from feeling this. I couldn’t control it. I tried to replace it but nothing seemed to work.

My eyelids felt heavy as my vision started blurring. He pulled away sensing my body going limp. I was not sleepy, then why was I feeling like this. He picked me up, and started moving towards opposite side of room. My head was not able to process anything. Suddenly, his embrace felt so safe, so warm. All the thoughts slide down my mind. I felt something cold hitting my bottom, that’s when I realised we were in bathroom and I was sitting on cabinet near sink. He put his both hands on either side of me and looked down at me.

“Don’t move.” He said and moved away. I nodded unconsciously, giving in to his command.

When did I become so obedient?

I gripped the edges of cabinet, stabilising myself. My eyes moved towards him. He was filling the tub with water. He grabbed a bottle from corner and put few drops of whatever it was, in water.

His muscles bulging out from soft fabric of his button up whenever he moved his arms. His shoulders were big and broad. He was a man, not some boy.

He approached me and leaned over, gripped the edges of my dress. Reaching underneath my dress, he hooked his fingers on hem of my panties and pulled them down. I gasped as cold air hit me there. I scrambled away to cover myself but his rough hands grabbed my wrists and pinned them behind my back.

My mouth remained closed, unable to speak anything. My mind hazy. Talking seemed difficult. Dizziness took over my body. I felt drunk… and confused that why I was feeling so warm with him. Why I was giving into his touches?

I breathed out as he lifted up the dress over my head. A shiver dance down my spine when cold air hit my body.


I was all naked in front of him.

Covering myself suddenly become irrelevant for me. At this moment, I did not care if I was naked in front of me. His eyes dropped to my chest, his eyes held intense hunger, invade his gaze. He gulped…. like he was trying to control himself. He put his hand underneath my knees and picked me up and carried me to tub.

Warm water hit my body as he put me inside the tub and he grabbed the body wash and put it on rug and start rubbing my body with it, in gentle strokes. His hands remained away from my intimate parts, which took me by surprise. I was in my vulnerable state, if he wanted he could do anything with me. But why was he being so gentle all of sudden?

He again lifted me off tub, making sure I was bathed, and put me on cabinet again. He pulled out towel from cabinet and wrapped it around me. And again carried me towards the bedroom. He put me on bed and disappeared. My body was limping, I was feeling weak, vulnerable.

Out of nowhere, he was again in front of me holding a piece of cloth. He removed the towel and dressed me in long white button down shirt, which I think was his because it was huge, the edges of sleeves hit my knuckles, the hem of shirt hit my mid thigh. He put underwear on me. By the time he was done, my eyes were dropping. He gently picked me up and moved towards the door. Confusion flashed through my eyes.

Where was he taking me?

I was too weak to argue with him and let him carried me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and inhaled his manly scent. My nose touching his neck. I could feel his body heat. My lips itching to touch his neck. I didn’t knew what came over, I planted my lips on his neck.

“Don’t!” He growled.

“Why?” I giggled innocently. My voice was muffled. I heard him groan as he tightened his arms around me.

I was drifting off when a sudden thought ran across my mind.

“What is your name?” I asked sleepily.


I heard opening of door and then loud thud……..

He closed the door.

I felt myself being put down as softness of mattress hit my back. I heard some shuffling as my brain my too tired to conclude anything.

“Why am I here?” I asked as my eyes gave up and started drifting off to sleep.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

I heard him chuckle as large arms smacked around my waist and I was being pulled into hard chest. My hands rested on his chest, tracing black marking on his chest. My eyes closed as I let myself being engulfed by sleep.

“Because you are mine, little one. And I don’t plan to let go of you any time soon.” I heard him loud and clear as he pecked my forehead.

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