The Cursed Human

Chapter 28

“We need her, you know that!! Then why are you being a douche bag and ruining all this!!” Her nose flirted with anger.

Her voice rang all around the room, shaking the walls with it. She was visibly angry, he could tell.

He sat there, in his throne unbothered, sipping his wine and twisting his face now and then, not liking the taste.

“Are you even listening, Perseus!!” She snarled angrily, stomping her heels on golden carpet made of pure gold.

“It tastes like shit,” Perseus again twisted his mouth in distaste as he take another sip.

“Ugh…” She groaned in frustration trying to get his attention.

Perseus looked at women, standing in front of him, trying to get his attention but failing miserably. He smirked at her as he saw her chocolaty orbs turning violet with furiousness.

“Calm down, darling. Anger doesn’t suits you,” his words adding fuel to her anger. She sighed deeply trying to regain her composture, her eyes turning to their original color.

“Please, Perseus. Try to understand. I’m not going to lose her,” she said as she walked towards large couch and sinked herself in. “Not again”.

She gulped hard remembering the traggic incident, the incident which take her heart away from her, that take her daughter away from her.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Perseus put his glass down on table and stood to his full height. His blue cloak drapping down his back, ends touching the floor.

“Neither am I,” he said as he take seat down next to her, pulling her into his arms. She nuzzled her face into his chest.

“I want to see her, I want to see the women she has grown into,” her voice cracked as she tried hard not to cry.

“I bet she will be more like me,? with my hair color and with same eyes as me,” Perseus rubbed her back soothingly, trying to lighten her mood.

She quickly pulled away and looked up at him, frowning.

“No!! You are ugly!!” She wrinkled her nose in fake disgust. Perseus narrowed his brows and smiled at her childish comment.

“And you, my dear, love this ugly man,” he said as he pulled her onto his lap. She gasped as she was taken aback.

He looked into her eyes, admiring the beauty she possessed. She truly did justice to her name, KYLEIGH.

“No, I’ve changed my mind. I want her to look like you,” she blushed hiding her face in crook of his neck and embracing him.

“She will recognise us. Didn’t she?” She asked sounding broken.

“I’m afraid, love.” Perseus said sounding sorrowful. His mind drifted back to conversation he had with Cassian. He unknowingly squeezed her in his arms. Perseus body stiffened.

“What are you hiding from me?” She said rubbing her hands on his chest, trying to soothe him.

“I know where is she.” He said lowly afraid she might get angry again.

She stilled, her hands stopped their movements, his words echoed in her mind.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier,!” She said coldly. Perseus knew this would happen. He didn’t said anything, but kept his arms securing around her. She unwrapped her arms and stood from his lap, softly.

“Where is she!” She asked, narrowing her eyes. Her voice oddly calm.

Calm before the thunder.

“You wouldn’t like to hear,”

“Tell me!” She growled loudly.


She looked at him startled, her eyes widened, mouth parted slightly.?

“It can’t be,” she whispered, looking into his eyes, hoping he is just bluffing.

“It’s true, Kyleigh” he said breaking her hope. He didn’t wanted to tell her, he knew that it would break her.

Reyes kingdom.


KING OF SHAPESHIFTERS, a Hybrid— wolf— vampire, ruthless creature.

“She… she won’t survive there,” she panicked as she paced around around the room, like pacing around will bring her back.

She was well acquainted with that place, how can she forget those terrible incidences. Her mind goes back to that horrific day when her son was killed by Lucifer.

And she was not able to save him. His horrific screams of agony still ringed in her ears. Those nightmares never left her.

And worst of all, her daughter, her Safina, was there.

“You…. you have to talk to him!! You have to bring her back!! He….. he w.. will kill her, Like….. liek he killed Raemann!!” She shrieked. Tears flowed through her eyes. Thinking of her dead son always being rage in her heart. Tears descended down her face, and turned crystal as they reached her cheeks.

These thoughts didn’t bring any peace to her mind, her panicked self roamed around the room, breathing rapidly. Perseus stood there looking at his wife, acting like maniac. Heaving in anger, and worry.

Something has to be done!!

Someone has to save her!!

He looked at her as she suddenly stopped in her steps and abruptly turned towards him.

Something was going on in her mind, something which he won’t like.

Her eyes glowed violet.

He sighed as he understand that whatever she was going to say will not be going to please him, not even a bit.

“I’m going there to get her, and you are not going to stop me,” she pointed her finger towards him and stomped away towards the door.

Before she could grab the knob, she was pulled away by hands on her arms.

“No, you are not!!” Perseus growled, his eyes darkening with rage.

She coldly pulled her hand away.

“I have already lost my one child, I am not going to lost another!”

“Stop me, I dare you!” She gritted.

Perseus clenched his jaw. But didn’t do anything to stop her. He didn’t stop her as she abruptly turned around and left the room in hurry.

“I take my words back, I don’t want her to be like you!” He shouted angrily.


Her eyes opened, taking note of her surroundings. She groaned as she tried to turn around. Every part of her body screamed in pain. Her wrists, neck, legs were sore.

She felt something move behind her. She didn’t get shocked. Infact she remembered every single detail of last night. Every touch, every lick, every kiss.

And she felt disgusted of herself? for that.

She wiggles out of his hold as she tried to free herself.

His arms were possessively wrapped around her small waist as he pulled her impossibly closer to him. She tried to pry his arms off her.

“Sleep, its too early!” He whispered hoarsely in her ear. Her breathing hitched. She laid there completely still.

She could feel his naked body engulfing her bare one. His arm wrapped tightly around her waist and hand resting on her breast.

He was not sleep, she knew. How??

Because his fingers were teasing her nipples, twisting them, pinching them, playing with them.

She tried to think of something else, something good, something that could help her to divert her mind. But what, what could she possibly think of? Nothing was left for her to think about.

“Sleep,” he huskily whispered, “or we can do something which can help you to stay awake,”

A deeply manly chuckle escaped his lips as she quickly closed her eyes.

How can he see her? Sudden thought came into her mind, but decided to answer herself as she opened her one eye and peeked around the room.

A large mirror was standing tall in front of the bed.

She closed her eyes shut again as she saw Lucifer looking at her with narrow eyes, through mirror.

Lucifer again chuckled at her response, finding it amusing. His whole body tingled with excitement and desire. Her mere presence was powerful enough to? awakens the beast inside him.

He heard her heart beat getting steady and slow, indicating she was asleep. He leaned in and nuzzled his face in her luscious cushion of hairs, inhaling her sweet aroma. His handsome playing with her soft breasts.

His jaw clenched as he think about Matthew, his blood boiled with rage.

“Bloody bastard!” He muttered.

His arms unconsciously tighten around her body, making her whine.

He immediately pulled away and get up from bed.

‘She will pay for letting him touch her!’ He thought.

He covered her body with sheets and moved towards the closet. Taking his clothes, he moved towards the bathroom to take a nice cold shower.

He ripped his boxer amd get in the shower. His eyed closed as cold water fall onto his head.

He put his hands on adjacent walls as he leaned in against the wall, letting the cold air Cascaded down his body.

His whole body shivered with thoughts of last night when her naked body was beneath him, writhing in pleasure.

“Two days! Two more fucking days!!” He growled.


“I don’t think it’s a good idea!”

“Shh…! No one will notice,”

“No one!! I think you have lost your mind! Don’t you even remember what happened last time!” He whispered yelled.

“Shut up, Cassian. Let me focus!” She growled lowly.

Cassian closed his mouth, knowing very well nothing can stop his mother, no one can dared to.

And who would like to get strangled by her to death?

Kyleigh closed her eyes, muttering something in unknown language. The huge castle gates opened immediately. She smirked in victory.

Cassian sighed in frustration. But did not said anything. He jumped when Kyleigh pulled him up and dragged him along with her.


She said as she reached the other side of gate. Cassian following closely behind her. Groaning in frustration.

“Let’s go, we don’t have any more time!”

Ther run towards the thick forest surrounding the castle. Their steps fast and cautious. After running through forest for ten minutes, Kyleigh heard neighing of horses.

“Cassian, come with me!” Kyleigh pulled him towards her and pushed him forward, making him half in his steps.

His eyes widened as he saw two white horses eating grass near the edge of lake.

“No, no, no!! Don’t tell me you stole them from stable!”

“Well, you can’t expect me to walk there by foot,” she smirked, walking towards the horses.

“Ugh.. you’re unbelievable!” Cassian slightly shook his head and walked towards her.

After helping her getting on horse, he himself get on one and patted the horse’s head.

“I always wanted to ride them, but you know, your father won’t let me,” Kyleigh said, caressing the back of horse’s ear.

“They are beautiful,” Cassian said with pure admiration. His eyes taking in all the beauty of their beautiful golden hairs.

These were phoenix, rare species of horses, magical one. Their beauty was beyond this world, with white skin and golden hairs, they beauty could amaze anyone.

“You sure, he won’t know?,” he asked.

“I’m ready to risk anything for her,” Kyeligh said with determination, putting hood on her head, hiding her brown locks just barely peeking out of her hood.

“Me too,” Cassian promised, riding his horse alongside Kyleigh.

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