The Devil Wore A Brown Suit

Chapter 9: Part One Pedition

Chapter 9: Part One Pedition

Chapter nine

“There are no children in the void,” I say as I open my eyes.

Mayhem places his hand on mine. “There were two, a set of twins. They were with you there. You

cared for them.” He says,

I feel like I am losing my mind. I feel like I am falling. What else are they going to tell me?

“Maybe we should stop and tell you before we get there?” Mayhem says to me.

“No, let’s just get Ryan and go from there. Okay.” I respond.

“It’s the next road up here on the left Mayhem. Turn off your lights. I am not sure if he is alone or if

Damnation is with him. We think Damnation is in the garden. I am not sure. Let’s just be careful.”

Sunnie says.

“I thought Damnation had him,” I ask.

“His followers took him. He got word to me where he was. I contacted Mayhem to help me get him

back. No worries. We are safe.” She tells me as she places her hand on my arm.

She looks worried. “One thing put this on. It will keep you safe.” She says as she hands me a bracelet.

“This is my mothers. How did you get it?” I ask as I put it on.

“The twins had it.” She responds.

Why did the twins have my raven bracelet? I know this was my mother’s I would've never given this up,

even when I was forced to take it off, the day I was trapped, the day it started burning my skin. I do not

trust her or this Raven bracelet!

Mayhem leads the way as we walk toward a metal building. Sunnie is behind me. I am not afraid. I am

not afraid. I am not afraid!

“Perdition keep walking you will be fine,” Mayhem says to me. The night air is so cold. It should not be

this cold.

I feel like my heart is going to burst. I feel very strange. I am cold.

“Mayhem the twins must be here. She can feel them.” I hear Sunnie tell Mayhem.

Her voice is fading out as two voices start to echo in my head. Help us help us. I can hear two children

screaming for my help.

“This was a mistake. I wish I’d left her at the farm.” I hear Mayhem speaking to Sunnie.

Their voices keep fading out. I only hear a few words. The twins, Why are they here? How did they


“Perdition the twins didn’t escape. They were taken out of the void by Mayhem. He left before you. He

took them with him to keep them safe from Damnation.” Sunnie says as she kneels in front of me.

“Listen to me those twins belong to Mayhem. They are his children. They are very powerful

descendants. Labith was planning to kill them. If Damnation gets them he can use them to open both

doors to the garden.” Sunnie says.

“If they are so important why would they be here with Ryan?” I ask.

This all seems wrong. I know Labith would never harm a child that is a lie.

“Sunnie, how did you know where Ryan was?” I ask her. She does not answer me.

“Mayhem?” I whisper. I turn to him and he is gone.

Sunnie smiles at me. “We know you cannot live Perdition. Venus will rise.” She screams at me.

I try to run but I cannot move. The bracelet she gave me has stopped me.

Sunnie is standing over me.

“You Bitch.” I scream at her.

“You are with them. Go ahead and kill me. Send me back to the underworld. I will come back for you.” I

scream at her.

She looks me in the eye and screams back at me. “I am not going to kill you. I am not going to kill you

yet. I want you to suffer first. I want Damnation to see you suffer.”

She grabs me and starts dragging me but I cannot see anything except a bright light. The voices are

getting louder. I hear them saying fight her. You are stronger than her.

“I don’t know how to fight her!” I scream.

Sunnie stops. The light is getting brighter. The bracelet must be messing with my eyesight and my

hearing. I am hearing Mayhem and the tiny voices. The night is becoming so bright.

A sudden burst knocks Sunnie to the ground. The bracelet breaks into three pieces. I pick it up and put

it in my pocket. I see Mayhem running with two children. My body starts to glow as they near me.

Mayhem hands me one of the twins. “Run to the truck. We have to get out of here.” He says.

He picks up the other twin and runs. We run through the woods, trees, bushes. I don’t remember all

this being here before.

“Just keep going. We are almost there” he says. “Follow the light.”

I am running with everything I have inside me. This tiny child is wrapped around me. She feels so

familiar. I don’t remember being her caregiver. I see the truck. I have to keep going.

“We have almost made it little one,” I whisper.

She holds me tighter to reassure me. As I approach the truck I can hear Mayhem behind me. Another

tiny voice coming from behind me is telling me I will be okay.

These twins are so concerned with me being okay. I feel like we should be the ones reassuring them.

We climb in. Mayhem starts the truck.

“Grab them and get as far down as you can. Protect them.” He says.

He starts pushing us into the floor as he drives away. ”Little ones do not use any power. Do not even

think. Go silent.” He demanded. The three of us curl up on the floor. We are silent.

I can feel every bump in the road. I try to keep my eyes closed. Both of the twins are so close to me. I

cannot hear anything from them.

“Mayhem, can I move?” I ask him.

He nods that it is ok. I slowly move from the twins. I sit up and look at him. He is worried. I dare not ask

if he is ok. I reach for him.

“Don’t try to listen to me. I am afraid the demons will hear us. I am not sure if we were followed. I am

unsure if we should go back to the farm. I think we should go to the pub. Are you ok with that?” he


“I trust you. If that is what you think we need to do then let’s go to the pub?” I reassure him.

“Perdition, What did you do with the bracelet?” he asks.

I reach in my pocket and get the three pieces. “I have them.”

He smiles. “Good. We got ammo against Venus.”

“I don’t understand how this bracelet can hurt Venus. Mayhem what does this bracelet do.” I ask.

I place my hand on him looking for answers. He smiles at me. “Think about it. Look what it did to you?

It immobilizes celestials. If we can get it on her or Damnation we can take them down.”

“But Mayhem it broke into three pieces. How can we use it now?” I ask him.

He reaches for me. “No worries we can use it as ammo. I promise you. We will take her down.” He

reassures me

I close my eyes and go to sleep. I can hear him singing as I drift in and out. I am so confused here.

Three days on the topside and everything is turned upside down. I have no idea what I am doing or

what is going on.

All I know is that Mayhem makes everything better. He is everything to me and the twins. I do not

understand everything right now but I will. I know in the end I will survive all this. No matter what

Damnation tries to do I will survive this.

I am not human but I feel so much for this amazing man. I am not sure that I should be having these

feelings for him. I have only known him a few days that I can remember. I guess in reality I have known

him for over 900 years. I do not remember those years. I guess it’s better I can’t. Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

When we get back I want answers. Why do I feel so close to these twins? Why does he feel like safety

and home? I don’t mean my home in the underworld. I mean he feels like my reality. He feels like


I need to sleep. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night. Now that we have the twins I am sure

Damnation and Venus will be on fire to get to me. I will be ready for them. I will protect these tiny

beings with everything in me.

My biggest worry now is that my brother has been here for so long with my mother. He has been here

on the topside. He has adapted. He knows his way around, and look at me I am just three days into my

journey. I have many amazing people to help me acclimate to this new world, but he is evil.

Can I be as evil as him? Can I be the person I was born to be? One of the twins makes a noise at my

feet. She looks up with her beautiful gray eyes

“Perdition you have a purpose.” She says. That is all I needed to hear. I have a purpose.

I touch her head, “Rest little one.” I lay my head against the window and drift off.

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