The Fated Match



Just as I began to get comfortable i was served a variety of foods as Theo finished up with his work. Taking the last bite from my plate Theo returned.

“how is it” Theo said coming out from the back and watched me as I continued to eat from the plate, he had served me personally. I appreciated the special attention he was giving me.


“you weren’t lying about how good this is, but I also feel like I’ve gained major calories being here “I said motioning to the very generous portion he served me.

He only laughed at me serving me a glass of ice-cold water to cleanse the flavours with.

Theo checked his watch before removing his apron, which isn’t the best fashion statement.

I narrowed my eyes with what he did next.

“c’mon let’s go burn these calories off then” he said spinning me around and pulling me out of the restaurant. I didn’t even think twice before following him as he raced over to my car.

“you’re not driving my car “I said crossing my arms over my chest.

The next action made me feel really stupid when he simply pulled open the door for me motioning for me to get inside. Right, he was just opening the door for me to get in.

I followed his directions as we drove down the road.

We soon found ourselves sat outside a stadium, a football stadium at that.

“come on” he urged me jumping out of the car when I finally parked into a vacant space.

He grabbed my hand and led us through some double doors that led us into a tunnel. When we finally got into the stadium, I noticed that it was literally empty apart from the few guys kicking a ball around.

I just watched as Theo ran up to them saying something.

“you in?” Theo shouted over to me motioning to the ball between his legs.

I ran up “yeah sure” I said not really thinking about it.

I stood near the middle of the pitch pretty much just watching as the guys did there thing. I couldn’t take my eyes off Theo as he worked his way to get the ball from the others. As soon as the ball was in his possession, he kicked it through the other guys legs and made a run for it.

Oh shit.

He was running towards me. I had watched enough guys play football to know the basic rules. He passed the ball to me and ran towards our goal.

I dribbled the ball in between my legs for a few seconds before noticing that Theo had his hand held up. Some of the guys caught up and attempted to get the ball from me but I was quick enough to kick the ball over to Theo only for him to score into our goal.

For the next 30 minutes we played, I had managed to trip only two times with little concern from Theo which was greatly appreciated.

“I’m okay” I huffed as I stood up from the spot and ran towards the ball. I could feel his eyes on my butt when the ball was near him, but he quickly got back to playing.

I was casually running towards our goal again when Theo decided he wanted to end big time. I wasn’t ready for it, but I had no other choice.

He kicked the ball towards me right in the middle of the pitch. I did a quick touch before dribbling to our goal again.

“shoot it” I heard him yell.

I panicked slightly but ended up trying my shot only for it to go straight into the goalies feet. He smiled triumphally.

I barely saw what happened next. Theo was right at the goal and got the rebound successfully shooting it into the back of the net.

“aaaaaah” I screamed jumping around. I didn’t even realise what I was doing before I practically jumped onto Theo not even caring about how sweaty he was. I mean I was sweaty too, so it didn’t really matter.

Theo immediately grabbed my legs keeping me up as we both celebrated.

Theo was good in keeping me up which didn’t surprise me considering how strong he was.

“your girl’s not that bad you know” one of the guys who I know as Luke said coming over to us. It caused me to release my hold on Theo and slowly slid off his body back onto the ground.

We waved them off as they left the pitch leaving me and Theo alone.

“sorry about that I got a little excited” I said giving I’m a weak smile. I didn’t think about what I was doing.

Theo decided to just wrap his arm around my shoulder “don’t even worry about it” he said leading us away from the pitch. It was 9pm and the pitch would be getting ready for tomorrow when there is a game.

Our walk back to my car was silent and peaceful and I really enjoyed it.

I needed to drive him back to the restaurant since his car was there.

“you haven’t asked me why I’m not with the others” he decided to say when we were walking back into the restaurant.


It did cross my mind. “it’s not really my business unless you want to tell me why” I told him honestly. Unless he wanted me to know why.

He seems to be in thought “it felt like some double date situation and I was not in the mood for it” he says going behind the bar and grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge.

I grabbed it, unscrewing the bottle and taking a healthy few sips.

“but you were in the mood for working?” I asked with a light laugh at the end.

He smiled “you could say that”

I finished my water bottle just in time for when Theo was closing up. We both exited and went to our cars.

“see you later” I called over to him as he dumped a box in the back of his car.

He shut the boot and smiled over at me. “see you later Elle”

I drove off with a smile on my face thinking about Theo and our building friendship. To think it started off so rocky and weird and now we were friends.

I drove my car into my driveway and made it up to my room. I started peeling off my shirt and pushed my leggings down my legs. I showered with my favourite shampoo and thought about a good ending to today.

Moving here was something that scared the living shit out of me and moving alone was even scarier but I’m glad I did.

April was just around the corner which meant it was getting close to the trip I’d organised with the team.

I stepped out of the shower and headed over to my wardrobe picking a vest top and some shorts. The nights have been getting warmer and the heating in my house is already great.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

My phone pinged when I was heading to the kitchen. I don’t know what I expected but when Netflix popped up, I wasn’t even surprised.

Well I guess I know what I’m watching tonight. New seasons have been released.

I ran to the kitchen making myself a hot chocolate and finding a packet of Oreos, the ultimate combination.

I finally relaxed myself into my sofa which I don’t regret investing £300 in. Many mornings I’ve woken up here after working all day.

Half way through an episode someone was at my door.

What kind of crazy person is knocking on my door at 10 at night? I shoved the blanket off my lap and made my way over to the door not even checking to see who it was.

I didn’t even consider that it could be some creepy guy.

“what are you doing here” I said to Theo as I found him standing looking so fucking good and innocent on my door step.

I stilled instantly when I realised the little amount of clothing I was wearing right now. Now I kind of wish it was someone else not Theo, the ex pro football player turned sexy restaurant owner.

“are you going to let me in? “he asks. Only then did I realise that it started to rain, and Theo decided to only walk out with a t-shirt and joggers. Not the brightest of ideas.

I stood back opening the door for him.

I watched him walk into my home quickly taking his vans off and placing them neatly at the side of my door.


Must have got that from the Asian influence from his dad.

He was about to walk further into my house being the nosey man he is, but I had to stop him.

“Theo, what are you doing here. Its late” I said folding my arms to restrict his view from my over exposed body.

Finally, he turned around to face me.

I watched as he stepped forward completely invading my personal bubble. “I wanted to tell you why I didn’t go out with everyone” he finally spoke up instead, just staring at me with that intense gaze.

Not that I minded he had a pair of mesmerising eyes that I could look at for forever.

I shook my head “you don’t need to explain Theo” I replied as I shook my head.

Why was he so adamant to tell me this?

He instantly grabbed my arm pulling me towards him. This left my body to be connected to his in such an erotic way with my breasts barely covered in this summer vest top.

I could feel his body quite easily with the way the rain had caused his shirt to act like a second skin to his muscles.

“Oh, I do Elle, I want you to know that the reason I didn’t go out was because you refused to. I’m sick of everyone thinking that me and Michelle are in a relationship when Id rather have you. Is this making sense in that sexy brain of yours” he was basically panting by the time he finished.

“people think that” I stupidly said even though I’ve heard it many times from people around.

Even jenny says it and she know more about her brother than any of us do.

What surprised me more was that I brushed past him complimenting my brain as sexy.

He pulled me even further, wrapping his arms around me. “so, to answer your question Elle, I’m here because I fucking like you and I really want to kiss you right now” he confesses moving his face impossibly closer to mine.

“I, uhm “I stuttered not really prepared mentally for what this was.

What scared me more was the sinful smile he gave me as he brought his hand to the back of my head and moving down to trace the lines of my tattoo. Unlike the other times this felt far more erotic.

I let out a small moan which seemed to influence his actions even more.

“you seem to be more comfortable with me touching your tattoo” he whispered.

Theo pushed at my hip turning me around. He gathered my slightly wet hair balled it into his hand and traced the deep lines of my tattoo.

“Theo, we can’t….” My words were silenced when he placed his lips down and moved them over the sensitive area.

Well that shut me up.

“what was that?” he said breaking apart for only a few seconds.

Fucking hell, I haven’t had this much action since school. I snapped turning around and facing Theo.

I didn’t think twice before moving in and letting him do exactly what he came here for.

Our lips met immediately. His lips gliding with mine tugging slowly on my bottom lip. I grabbed his neck wanting a lot more than just a simple kiss.

“jump” he whispered moving down to kiss my neck. I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist just like how I did earlier when we were playing football.

He didn’t do anything too crazy, but I think he liked this new angle as we were level with each other. He kissed my lips more, adding tongue and making me feel good.

Nobody ever kissed me like this.

When we finally broke apart, I didn’t think either of us could hide our stupid smiles.

The rest of the night I kept replaying the moment in my head. Michelle can kiss my ass, I thought with a genuine smile

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