Then I went to my room.

I feel like sleeping, so I laid down on my bed.

Suddenly, I realized that I missed my menstruation cycle.

Oh! no, what if I’ll be the thing that I never wanted to be.

I ordered a pregnancy checker tool kit from my maid.

It was night, and she excused that all the shops will be closed by now,, but luckily, she had a share one with her, so she gave it to me.

I went inside the washroom.

There I checked it. I did all the procedures and waited for the result. It was nail-biting situation.

I was nervous. After 2 minutes as the time prescribed I checked the tool and founded something disgusting. My guess went correct. I was pregnant.

I asked my maid another tool kit, and luckily, she had one left which she gave to me.

Furthermore, I went again back to my rooms’ washroom.

Furthermore, I gave it another try, and it again showed that I was pregnant.

It was a really, really disastrous moment.

I went terrorized, tensed.

I decided to go to the hospital, as I still wasn’t to be living on tool kits.

That whole night went in tension.

I spent the entire night in impatiently.

In the morning, straight away

went to the hospital, hiding myself from my grandmother.

I just don’t want to explain her things.

I tiptoed out from the mansion and later went to the hospital in my car.

There in the hospital, I waited for the doctor.

Later when she came she invited me to her checking room and there after checking she said that I am 4 months pregnant. I asked her for abortion, but she started that I can’t as the baby is now four months, and at this moment I have to keep the baby anyway.

I begged her if there is any way out from this,, but she started on and prescribed me medicines to keep the baby healthy.

Here I want to avoid keeping the baby and here she’s prescribing me medicines to keep the baby healthy, oh God….

I went to other hospitals too, but doing all was vain as every doctor stated the same.

I really was panicked plus tensed.

What on the earth will I do now?

I didn’t sleep with anyone except Daniel from a year. The baby’s dad will be surely Daniel.

Oh, God!….

I was tensed as hell…

I had no other option but to keep the baby.

Furthermore, I touched my stomach.

Furthermore, I was hating that things which is inside it.

Pregnant at the age of 22.

I have further dreams, ambitions.

I have several things that want to do, but here I am pregnant now.

Furthermore, I went back to my car and from there I went back to the mansion.

Not only that, but I didn’t want Daniel to know about the baby.

Furthermore, I hate him and his, if he’s shadow too, will fall on my baby, the baby will get polluted.

Furthermore, I went to my room. Their granny was already there.

What happened sweetheart, you look tensed” granny questioned.

Well, granny you will be shocked, but I must tell you” I am pregnant”….. and do you know I cannot even do abortion as doctor has started…. anyway I have to keep the baby..?

What baby…. wow, so I will be great-grandmother now… do Daniel knows about this…she asked.

No…. and I am not telling him even…..

Why? He should know about this…he is the babies’ daddy….

Please granny stop making me feel irritated…kindly get out and for God’s sake don’t tell this news to anyone else…. Emma said.

Granny is a bit nosy….

She at the phone without realizing told Daniel everything….

Daniel in past days was the person who was too close to granny.

So, they used to text each other plus use to call each other…..

From granny, only Daniel used to know about Emma.

Author POV{}

Daniels’ happiness had no boundaries.

He came to Emma mansion.

He begged her in front of her to forgive him and go with him to his house and to live with him a beautiful life.

But Emma denied, saying that he’s a bad guy, and she doesn’t need him.

Please, Emma, come with me.

Now we are parents…please don’t snatch your babies father from him….

Sorry, Daniel, but I can’t continue with you any more….

Please leave….

I will take care of you and our baby….. please don’t say no” Daniel begged.

No means no….

She threw Daniel out from the gate of the mansion by the body guards and went inside.

Daniel was in tears.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

He really wanted his family back.

He really wanted everything back together with Emma.

As he started earlier, he loves Emma.

After the news of the baby the love grew wider. Daniel begged on Emma phone,, but she didn’t reply.

She went cruel for no reason.


Daniel was in tears. He was crying for his baby. He wanted to streets a livelihood with Emma. Furthermore, he wanted to give their relationship a fresh start. Therefore, he asked her in the date night.

There in date night things were different, but here things are different. Now they have a baby, and he really wants to take care of his baby and his babies mother together.

Daniel stood in front of Emma house the entire day. He was standing there the entire night….

At night there was running, but Emma didn’t melt down…so in disappointment Daniel went back to his house in a hope that one day Emma will forgive himTo the next day, Emma packed her stuff. She told granny to do the same.

She sold her all possession and decided to leave the place.

For her, Daniel was troubling her and in future he’ll trouble her baby as well, she thought.

So, she had decided to leave New York silently without letting Daniel know it.

At night only, she booked their tickets to Canada.

When granny asked, she said that they are going on vacations.

Emma’s took grannies phone and rebooted it, so Daniel’s number could be vanished in it and granny will not call him. Plus, she rarely remembers things how she’ll remember his number.

She threw SIM cards there only in the house as Daniel knew hacking.

Later, taking their luggage, they both set off for the airport.

They were waiting on the airport.

Daniel POV{}

I was tensed as Emma plus granny, both people’s phone, was showing switch off.

I decided to go to the mansion.

I reached there, and I noticed that the main door was locked. When I asked one of the servants there, he informed me that the entire family is leaving the place and going somewhere else.

I quickly set off for the airport.

I was tensed and was sweating plus distressed.

Furthermore, I started driving last and to my bad luck, a police officer caught me.

Besides, I parked my car to a side and apologized for crossing a red signal. They asked me penalty and I paid quickly over there.

Later I set again for the airport. I knew I was late, but I didn’t lose hope.

After some time, I reached the airport. I quickly started searching there after parking my car in the parking area.

I went inside the airport.

The security guard stooped me therein.

They checked my ID and then asked about the ticked. As I had no ticket, they weren’t letting me go inside. But when I requested them a lot, then they allowed me to go inside but only for 19 minutes.

They did my scanning and later I rushed inside.

I went everywhere. I ran to see every corner of the airport but all in vain. There was no trace of Emma and her grandmother.

I rushed to every corner of the airport, to everywhere, but she wasn’t there. Then after that, the security came inside and dragged me outside the main gate of the airport. I requested them to give me more time, but they didn’t hear.

In disappointment, I went back to my car.

I called granny, but it was showing still switch off.

I called Emma, but it too was sowing switch off.

Furthermore, I thought to myself that tearing those contract papers were my biggest mistake, at least because of it, Emma was close to me.

Besides, I just wanted to give her freedom. No one can continue a relationship by keeping your partner caged and forcing him to love.

Daniel was in tears. He called James to ask if his mother know anything. Maybe granny could have said her that where they are going. But they didn’t know anything.

I searched Emma phone history, but the phone was locked, by hacking.

I felt like dying, suicidal thoughts were coming inside my brain.

Furthermore, I decided to hack the server of the airport, but it’ll be illegal, and they will trace me soon.

But for my baby, I wanted to take that risk.

I went to my office, which was in my house only.

I took up the software in my computer.

After about an hour, I successfully hacked the server of the airport.

The timer started. The police can reach any time to my house as I was hacking the airport’s confidential information.

I searched today date with the name of Emma, but I didn’t find her name.

Then I searched in the Netherlands slot, but she wasn’t there too….

I loosed hope when suddenly someone banged my door and rushed in. It was police.

They were finding me when they find me in my office. The caught me. Told me to move my hands up and later handcuffing me took me in their car.

From the mansion, they took me to the police station.

For about eight hours of spending in Jail, they allowed me to call my lawyer.

Beside all this, I was tensed about my family, Emma.

In an hour, the lawyer and James reached.

Are you baffled…who told you to hack airport data…. do you know how serious the case is filled on you…they are not giving you bail either…? James yelled?

I was disappointed, but my half of the mind was thinking about, about where she would have been taken my baby.

Then on bail I was left.

Police gave me warning not to leave the city.

I agreed.

Later, James took me to a bar.

I was still in thoughts of Emma.

I was crying from inside.

My heart was distressed plus aching.

James ordered some bear bottles and we both drank it one after the other.

My heart was painting. I was in remorse that if I shouldn’t had torn the contract papers, then Emma would had been with me.

I wondered about where she would had gone.

Is she OK, is she fine?

Even granny didn’t tell me about it.

Is she in any kind of trouble?

I heard from James that she had sold her entire possession, even her company.

Maybe she wanted to get rid of me; therefore she did all this.

Possibly she didn’t want the baby to see me.

I was astonished that she sell her parent’s entire possession.

Possibly she went from here for her entire life.

I was angry on her now.

She could have gone, but at least she had given me my baby.

That baby is not her only,, but it’s mine as well. I, too, have full rights on the baby.

How could she do this to me?

How could she take my baby away from me?

She’ll pay for it…

I swear…

I’ll find her anyway and will take my baby back from her…

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