The Headmaster Alpha's Mate

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Are you sure I look okay?" Nicola asked for the tenth time as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Yes, you look lovely, the red of the dress looks great against your tanned skin and brown hair" Chloe smiled, for all this was not her type of outfit, it suited Nicola perfectly.

"Chloe, you look stunning, and fierce, I am really jealous of your hair, my parents would never agree to me dying my hair vibrant colours"

Nicola smiled "Thank you, I can tell you, mine where not over happy with me when I did it, but it is my hair, and so if I want it with purple and lilac streaks, I will have it like that"

Chloe shrugged and smiled "You are so bad ass"

Nicola laughed "Not really, just know my own come on, else we will miss our lift and I am sure Josh will love your dress"

Chloe grinned and winked as Nicola’s cheeks went as red as her dress at the mention of his name.

The two girls headed out of the Eclipse house block and made their way down the corridor towards the entrance to the Full Moon house block, where Josh stood in a pair of black tracksuit bottoms, and a black Henley t-shirt that strained against his large muscles, as he saw Nicola approach his eyes dilated, making the "You look stunning Nicki"

Josh breathed out, clearly happy with what he saw.

"Thank you"

Nicola blushed "Come on, let’s go"

Josh grinned, never taking his eyes off Nicola.

Chloe grinned to herself, feeling that she had accomplished something, as Josh placed his hand on the small of Nicola’s back and led her down the staircase.

They walked to the black range rover parked at the front of the school.

Chloe widened her eyes.

"Nice wheels" she complimented "Thanks, it is practical to have a four wheel drive around these parts, especially in the winter"

Josh smiled at her.

Chloe went to get in the rear seats, and as she attempted to close the door, Nicola quickly jumped in beside her.

Chloe rolled her eyes at her friend, she was clueless, she should have rode shotgun, and Chloe whispered into her ear.

"You should have sat beside him" her voice low so Josh could not hear, however, as she said it, she was sure she heard a small chuckle from him.

Brushing the thought that he had some sort of super hearing out of her mind, Chloe looked out of the window as they made their way down little more than a small country road, for a few miles, before turning left between the trees, the road little more than a dirt path, and unless you knew exactly where it was you trees there was one with some sort of scratches on it, clearly some animals lived in the woods, and she shuddered slightly.

Being a town girl, wild animals roaming around wooded areas was an alien concept to her, and she was not sure she liked the idea.

As they pulled up in front of a huge white house, which looked to have four or five floors, and had large long windows, along one side, the building square, Solar panels covered the roof, and the double doors at the front were black.

"Here we are"

Josh smiled "So do you live here?"

Nicola asked her eyes wide "Yeah, it is my bothers house, he occupies the top two floors, I have the third floor, however, we also have a large area on the ground floor dedicated to members of the village, so they have somewhere to go, some of the guys who are not staying at the school stay here on the first and second floor.My brother likes to protect the villagers"

Josh explained as best he could.

Chloe looked at the house and thought about the logistics of housing people from the village, and again her first thought was it was part of some crazy cult, and the headmaster was probably the cult leader.

She shuddered slightly at the thought, but as soon as Josh opened the door, the faint smell of musk and sandalwood hit her nostril’s, and a peace descended over her, replacing her initial fear.

As they walked in the house was huge, to the left were a series of wooden doors, Josh opened the single door to the "This is the kitchen, snacks are in the cupboards on the far side of the wall you can help yourself, Drinks are in the first fridge"

Josh smiled Chloe stood open mouthed gaping at the huge kitchen with stainless steel cupboards and work tops, it had two American style fridge freezers stood side by side, the four floor to ceiling larder cupboards stood, then a two full sized sinks sat under the long window that looked out to the front aspect of the house, underneath were two large dishwashers, to the opposite side was a long wall filled with overhead cupboards, and under counter ones, before the wall was finished off with two large built

in ovens, then to the right were two large stainless steal hobs, then leading back to the door were more under counter cupboards the wall having a double door hatch that was currently closed.

"Bloody hell a family of four could live just in this kitchen" Chloe said to Nicola who just nodded her head as she looked around.

"Yeah, it is big, but as it is a safe place for the villagers, a lot of people come to hang out or eat" Josh shrugged.

Leading the girls out of the kitchen, Josh pointed to a door on the left hand side.

"That is the downstairs bathroom" he smiled then walked to the large double doors on the right hand side and opened them.

The room was huge with two large dark blue corner sofas, thethem, red being the primary colour to each piece.

There was a large TV hung on the wall opposite the sofas, a glass coffee table sat in the centre.

"We will hang out here tonight, but there is a games room just down the hall" Josh smiled

"Make yourself at home" He smiled.

Chloe and Nicola sat together on one of the large sofa’s that could easily fit 10 people on it and looked around wide eyed.

The far wall had floor to ceiling windows which looked out over a large garden area, that was surrounded by trees.

To the right was a large swimming pool, along with slide.

Then just beyond that was a massive wooden playpark.

"This place is huge" Nicola stated

"I know!"

Was all Chloe could answer before the doors to the room opened, and members of the Full Moon house descended, most of them stopping in their tracks as they looked at Chloe and Nicol with confused looks on their faces.

Ursula was laughing with one of her minions Chloe had yet to learn the name of, when suddenly she stopped and glared at Nicola and Chloe.

"You have got to be f*****g kidding me" Ursula growled out

"What the f**k are you doing here? you are not wanted" the minion stated hands on her hips.

Chloe shook her head at the pair of bitches, choosing to intimidated.

"They are my guests Ursula, and you should remember your place" Josh stated, then quickly went to sit next to Nicola.

"Guess we are wanted after all" Chloe laughed at them as both girls instantly bowed their heads in response to Josh.

"PIZZA" one of the guys who was from the full moon house shouted as he walked into the room with his arms stacked high with Pizza boxes.

"Put them on the coffee table Gav" Josh told him as he went to help his friend with the boxes.

Placing them all on table and opening them up, Josh smiled at both Chloe and Nicola.

"Help yourselves, don’t be shy" he smiled, then handed Nicola a huge piece of peperoni pizza and a small paper plate.

"Hey new girl, I am Gavin Gray, Joshua’s bet… best friend" Gav introduced himself

"Hi, Chloe Handcock, new inmate at the school" Chloe grinned.

"And already thinks she owns the place" Ursula hissed.

"will not tell you again" Josh said his eyes boring into Ursula’s Chloe noticed how every person in the room, apart from Nicola and her, instantly bowed their heads and went silent, and she wondered what the heck that was all about.

The members of the school obviously took his head boy status very seriously choose"

Josh stated then sat next to Nicola, his hand gently resting on the top of her thigh.

"Oh, s**t not a f****"g chic flick, please" Gav sighed out, and the three other guys with him agreed

"Do I look like a chic flick type of girl?" Chloe laughed at them

"She has got you there Gav" one of the guys laughed

"So, what is it going to be?" Josh asked NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

"How about SAW" Chloe grinned, as Ursula’s face paled, and Nicola looked at her as if she had grown another head.

"f*****e brilliant, now we are talking"

Gav grinned, and ran to the large black cabinet at the side of the room, and took out the DVD.

"SAW, really Chloe?"

Nicola whispered, her voice nervous, clearly she was not a fan of horror films, but Chloe had a plan, and a horror film was just what she needed to execute it.

"Yeah, if you get scared you can hide on Josh" Chloe whispered and winked at Nicola.

Suddenly Ursula stood up, glaring at Chloe and Nicola then with her arms folded across her chest she announced to the room.

"We are not staying here"

Ursula looked around at the others who were all sat with their pizzas, as if waiting for everyone to follow.

When nobody other than her minion moved Ursula stormed "BYE THEN".

Around half an hour later, Nicola was nicely hiding in Josh’s chest, making Chloe grin in triumph, as he held her close whispering words of reassurance to her.

The guys were all laughing and joking about the film, when Josh’s eyes glazed over and he paled slightly, the room fell eerily silent, as he excused himself leaving the room, looking around the room she saw the others all had a concerned look on their faces, and she wondered if they were all scared by the film.

A few moments later Josh walked back into the room.

"Sorry girls, I am going to have to take you back to the school, there is a problem with some less than nice people who like to try and attack the house.They can get quite nasty, I need you both safe whilst we sort this out"

Josh stated, then quickly taking hold of Nicola’s hand he motioned for Chloe to follow him back to the car, as the other members of Full Moon house all quickly began to mutter and seemed to be itching to

get out of the house.

"I will drop them off at school and come straight back, Robin will be here soon, follow his commands"

Josh announced, rushing out of the house and into the car then bundled the girls into the back and sped off towards the school with a very confused Chloe and Nicola sat in the back.

Suddenly in the distance, Chloe heard what sounded like howling, and she looked at Nicola, and whispered

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