The Playboy Alpha is my Mate

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Why don't you just reject me?

Sarah pov

“We should get back to work. We have just one hour for our break.” Cheryl told me.

I nodded and stood up.

“I also have some unfinished work that I have to attend to. Better get it done of I don’t want my ass

whooped by our boss.” I mumbled making Cheryl giggle. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ass whooped.” She chuckled. “If I didn’t know that you have found your mate, I would have thought

that you might catch his eyes.” She smiled at me, but all I could do was scoff.

“I mean, you are really pretty and our alpha has a weakness for pretty girls.” She stated.

“Maybe you haven’t realised that he only gets with the ranked wolves. I come from a low ranked home.

Which literally means that I’m rankless.” I told her.

“non c’è modo! Don’t speak nonsense, Bella! You are hot and beautiful. Any male would have fallen for

you. You have this charm... I don’t know how to explain.” She uttered and looked at me as we walked

out of the café.

“You know what? You deserve better than a cheating mate. You are strong and mature. You are

intelligent. Don’t let this asshole of a mate make you question your worth.” She said, making me feel a

thousand times better. I didn’t realise that I needed to hear those words from someone but she had

done exactly what I needed.

I hugged her as we approached the entrance of our office.

“Thank you, Cheryl. You don’t know how much those words mean to me.” I told her.

“Anytime honey. I know that you would do the same for me.” She replied as she patted on my back.

“Of course I will.” I agreed firmly and bid her goodbye as we both went on our separate ways.

The lunch break was truly a breath of fresh air. I returned to work feeling refreshed and energised.

Cheryl was right. Having some food and some chit chat did prove too good for me. Not to mention the

motivation she had filled me with. She had no idea that my mate was our boss and alpha. But that

didn’t matter. When the time came for me to tell who my mate was, she would be among the first ones

that I do.

I walked up to the cabin, humming happily, motivated to finish the rest of my work. But as soon as I

reached my office, I was welcomed by what I didn’t need at the moment. The alluring scent of

sandalwood lingering in the air only meant that he was most probably in there.

I was right.

Alpha Michael was waiting for me in my cabin. He didn’t have to do that. I mean.....who does that? I

thought the employees always had to attend to the employer. Not the other way round. I fought against

the urge to roll my eyes and scoff when I saw him going through my work as he sat on my seat. I felt a

great sense of repulsion when I saw him, seated at my desk as if it was his place.

Wait he did own this place. Sighing in exasperation I entered the cabin and waited for him to

acknowledge my presence. However, as I waited, once again I remembered how he made me feel.

How he disregarded our bond. How he referred to me as ‘nothing important' and once again I started to

feel sore all over again.

I swallowed my hurt nonetheless and faced him with pride. I will show him, that I was not the weakling

that he thought I was. I will show him how strong I was. And if I have to, I will prove to him that I don’t

need a man to keep myself happy. At least not a man like him.

“I see you’ve done a pretty good job, mate.” He voiced, still going through the papers that I had been

working on.

I scoffed. Mate? He had the audacity to call me mate after refusing to acknowledge me in front of that

slut? I chose to ignore him. What a pimp!

“I must say, you are pretty intelligent for a rank less wolf.” He glanced at me. I felt uneasy as his gaze

rested on me for longer than a little while.

What does he think of us? Just because we were born into a lower ranked family, does that mean that

we are dumb? Or just less than any normal wolf? This time, I didn’t stop myself from scowling at him.

What does he think of himself? Just because he was alpha, that doesn’t mean he had the right to be


He narrowed his eyes at me. I guess me scowling at him was something he didn’t like at all.

“Why the hell are you making that face at bitch?” he growled. “Don’t you dare think that you have any

priorities just because you are mated to me! You are nothing except a lowly, rank less wolf who is

nothing but a waste of space! And don’t you dare think that just because my wolf yearns for you, I will

give in just like that. I won’t! And I will make sure I train that horny wolf just the way I want him to be.

This is my pack! My business! And you are my mate! I will treat you however I please! Got it?” he

snarled at me making my heart pound hysterically.

Of course, those words pierced daggers in my already bleeding heart. But I gathered all the courage I

could muster and faced him, like the sassy wolf I had always been.

“If you don’t want me, why don’t you just reject me?” I stated boldly, my voice quivering slightly. But I

didn’t want his words to get to me and I refused to cower under his death glare.

My bold statement seemed to have hurt his ego. He growled and slammed on the desk, but not hard

enough to break it. What took me by surprise was when he grabbed me and pinned me against the

wall. He held me so tight that it was hard for me to move. I tried my best to wiggle out of his hold, but it

was useless. He was a fully grown alpha. What could a meek wolf like me do against him?

No! I am not weak! I am strong! That is the only reason that I was mated to him. Because I was the

only one compatible with him. Not those slutty ranked wolves. Once again I bent my right knee, landing

it perfectly in between his legs.

Jackpot! I’ve hit him twice in one day! I smirked internally and quickly stepped away from him.

He howled in pain and bent over as he covered his groin with his thick hands and stayed in his

crouched position for some time.

“I’m sorry alpha. I don’t allow any male wolf to touch me without my consent. Mate or not, you will have

to earn my trust. And with what I have seen earlier, I think you have a long way to go, Mr Alpha.” I

stated glaring daggers at the growling wolf.

He stood up, giving me a death glare, but I had decided that I was not going to back off. Either he

respected me as his mate, or simply rejected me so that we could live however we please. From the

looks, he doesn’t seem the type to be worried about being cursed to being mateless for the rest of his

life. He could have as many flings as he wanted. What I understood from his lifestyle was, he would be

happier if he could fuck every she wolf who was ready to warm his bed.

“What. The. Fuck. Bitch!” he growled through his gritted teeth, stressing on every word as he slowly

straightened himself up.

“You heard me, alpha.” I wasn’t going to back off.

He watched me silently for some time as if he was studying my demeanour. Suddenly he started to

laugh. It started as a low toned menacing laugh, but gradually increased in volume. I frowned at him as

he laughed hysterically as if he had heard the funniest thing in his entire life. What the hell..... has he

gone mad? I was damn serious! How dare he laugh at me.

I stared at him, now uncertain about what he was thinking. I most certainly loathed the fact that he was

laughing at me.

“Feisty, huh? I like that. But you are nothing but a rankless, waste of space. So stay within your limits.”

He stated as soon as he was able to control himself.

Oh yeah?

“Of course I am a waste of space. So why don’t you reject me?” I repeated, hoping that he actually

would do it.

But as soon as those words escaped my lips, his green orbs turned darker and his face suddenly was

void of any emotions.

“And why do you think I would do that? Mate? I always wanted my Luna beside me. I just didn’t expect

that my mate would be from the weakest of all.”

He huffed and I rolled my eyes.

“You wanted your Luna beside you and fuck every she wolf who would spread her legs for you? How

absurd!” I mumbled, finding it easier and easier to taunt him. Well, he was my mate and I believed I had

the right to talk back.

I might have respected him before because he was my alpha. But all of that had simply gone down the

drain when he deliberately enjoyed someone else’s body in front of me after he had realised that I was

his mate. At first, I was hurt. But now, all that I felt was anger and pure disgust.

“You.....” he was trying to keep himself under control. I saw his jaw muscles clench and unclench. Was

it a bad idea to provoke a fully grown alpha male? Maybe. But right now, I just couldn’t care less.

To my relief, he stomped out of my cabin and slammed the door shut behind him. I let out a huge

breath which I didn’t realise that I was holding in. Well, that went pretty well. I had more sass in me

than I realized I did.

Good. Because there was no way that I was going to let him or anyone push me around. Not even my


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