The Rise of the Omega Supreme

Chapter 17: Unlikely Allies

(P. O. V: Lukky) “Supreme?” We called, but seeing the door of his mansion ajar, Milly and I entered without knocking. “Supreme?” Milly called out again. Where could he be? “SUPREME!?” we called, but once again, there was no response. The house was silent. Milly and I made our way to the meeting room, which was in disarray with everything broken. We walked through the living room, kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms. But there was no sign of the Supreme. “Let’s check if he’s in the mansion’s backyard, Lukky,” suggested my sweet companion. Her voice bringing me calmness only by hearing it. “Let’s go!” I intertwined my fingers with Milly’s hand, and together we headed towards the mansion’s garden. When we arrived, we were taken aback. What was once the most beautiful garden in the entire region, belonging to the Supreme and meticulously cared for by the best gardeners, was now in a sorry state. The flowers were wilting and dying, the leaves were withered, and even the trees looked lifeless. The once vibrant green grass was no more. It was a depressing sight. As I looked closely across the expanse of the garden, I spotted a body beneath a tree, huddled in a fetal position, clutching what appeared to be a bottle of whiskey, with their head between their knees. I tightened my grip on Milly’s hand and we approached the body cautiously and hesitantly. “L… Lina, my love,” sobs echoed, “Come back to me, my Luna,” more sobs, “Come back!” he whispered soft. We recognize the voice, and if you also recognize it as the voice of the Supreme. You are correct. As I place my free hand on the Supreme’s shoulder, he raises his head. With red eyes, large black bags form below his eyes. It was frightening to look into those eyes, swollen and lost. He was looking at me, yet it seemed as if he couldn’t see me. “Supreme?” I called out, but he didn’t react. “Supreme!?” It seemed like he was in some sort of trance. “SUPREME!” Milly, losing her “great” patience, shook the Supreme by the shoulders. Still, he didn’t react. So, Milly did something that I, with all my naivety, believed no living being on this Earth, in this galaxy, or possessing the great wisdom of the universe would dare to do to the almighty Supreme Alpha Nicollas Hunter. She slapped him in the face. The Supreme’s face turned, and instantly, the side that was struck turned red, with Milly’s five fingers imprinted on his cheek. Immediately, he reacted by throwing Milly into the air, but I caught her before her body hit the ground and got hurt. Crazy woman, the moon goddess paired me with. But I’m extremely grateful; I love her so much. “H… How dare you, you disgusting o… omega…” “Watch your words, Supreme!” I said steady. Only because I owe him obedience doesn’t mean I will allow him to treat my companion like that. “And w… who are y… you to s… speak to me like that?” Wow! He doesn’t seem to be that sensitive, drunk guy from a few moments ago. Crying over the disappearance of his companion.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m Lukky Martins, former beta of the alpha from the Full Moon pack,” I puff out my chest, knowing well that I’m nothing compared to him. “And I’m a friend, brother, and trainer to your mate and MY Luna,” I emphasize the word “my” so that he knows I’m not only anyone (yeah, I’m appealing to his love for Lina). “Grr!” From his angry expression, I can tell that my ridiculous plan worked. (forgive me, Lina, for using you like this, but I value my life and Milly’s as well. I still want to have many more puppies). Nicollas turns extreme red with rage, running his hands through his disheveled hair. “Now tell me why you’re here…” I rush towards him and catch him before he falls, hitting his head on the ground. Holy moon! Man, this Alpha is heavy. It doesn’t seem like he’s only a few centimeters taller than me; he feels like he weighs around 270 kilos. How does that petite and slender girl handle this behemoth on top of her? Well, maybe she’s the one on top… Damn! I don’t want to think about it. My poor girl, so young (not indeed) and small, doing things that, by me opinion, she’s not ready for yet. Milly comes towards me and helps me carry the big guy into the mansion. With great difficulty, because our “supreme Alpha” is completely drunk and cannot stand up. We manage to get him to the bathroom of the nearest room we can find. “Get… get out of here!” he says while I try to remove his clothes. “Only my LINA can see me naked!” He pushes me, and I stumble backward, colliding with Milly, and as a consequence, we both fall to the ground. Argh! How infuriating! Look at what this idiot made me do! Hold on! It’s true! He’s absolutely right! “Milly, my beautiful, wonderful kitty and everything that is most beautiful in the world, please let me take care of him from here,” I say. I have to agree with Nicollas; I don’t want Milly to see any other naked men besides me, of course! “Okay!” She gives me a peck on the lips. “Good luck, my wolf!” She winks at me, and I understand why. Turning my attention back to the Alpha, I see him almost falling face-first into the floor of the shower as he tries to remove his own clothes. I approach him and reluctantly help him undress. As I’m about to turn on the shower with cold water… “I… I want hot water!” I give him a smug smile and turn on the shower at the lowest temperature. The almighty Alpha, upon feeling the water, which seems to be made of ice, against his precious skin, lunges at me. In a failed attempt to free myself from him, I slip inside the shower and get soaked. Oh, how infuriating! It’s like all my bones have frozen; I can’t move. Regret washes over me. Damn it! Yes, what you sow, you reap! Damn it! I just wanted to teach him a lesson and not end up in the same situation as him! Argh! With my bones feeling petrified and my teeth chattering, I step out from under the shower and increase the water temperature (only a little). Not waiting for him to finish showering, I leave the bathroom and head to a closet, which surprising has clothes. Both men’s and women’s. I grab a towel, remove my wet clothes, dry myself, take a gray pair of shorts and a black t-shirt, and get dressed. I also grab the same style of clothing, but in different colors, and return to the room, sitting on the bed, waiting for him to come out of the shower. Not long after, the Alpha emerges from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel around his waist. I stand up from the bed and hand him the clothes, then leave the room to give him privacy. Mmm, that smell… I follow the delightful scent and come face to face with the most beautiful she-wolf in the world. She’s bending over, retrieving something from the oven, her butt sticking up in the air. I walk apace towards her and embrace her from behind, lifting her off the ground. “Lukky! You idiot! What if I drop the food on the floor?” “Then you better be careful!” I spin around with her in my arms. Even with that annoyed housewife expression, I know she enjoys being carried. I stop spinning and place her in front of the table where she places the tray. “Good girl! I’ll reward you later,” I wink at her. “Hmm, I’ll hold you to that.” “I know!” I give her a quick peck on her delicious lips. Milly takes plates, glasses, and silverware, sets the table, and orders me to fetch our Alpha. It was… It was nearly impossible to get the heavyweight to wake up and come to eat something. Seated at the table, silence reigns. Nobody says a word, and it’s starting to annoy me a lot. “Alpha, you…” “From now on, you can just call me Nicollas.” “Okay. Fine! So, do you have any leads on Lina’s whereabouts?” “If I did, do you think I would be where you found me?” he responds gruffly. Yeah, I asked a stupid question, didn’t I? “Sorry, Nicollas, but have the trackers searched the Dark Forest for Lina?” “Since nobody has the guts to enter that forest, they might have taken her there!” Milly understands my reasoning. Have I mentioned how much I love this she-wolf? No? Well, I don’t only like her; I love her. “You’re right! Damn it! How stupid of me! Stupid! Stupid!” He smacks his forehead, and I stifle a laugh. “Those damn useless trackers would never enter the forest to find her, knowing that death awaits them!” “Well, then, what are we going to do, Nicollas?” Milly questions Nicollas. “Milly, right?” He asks. “Yes,” she responds. “I don’t know about you two, but I,” he points to himself, “will go after my mate!” “We will go too!” Milky and I say simultaneously. “Okay!” We all get up from the table, but as we’re about to leave the kitchen, Nicollas becomes ill and faints. “I guess we’ll have to postpone our search!” Once again, Milly and I nearly wet our pants trying to take Nicollas back to his room. Oh, what a heavy man. “I hope he wakes up soon!” “Me too. Must we go home?” “Leave him here alone and unconscious?” “You’re right. Well, since we can’t tell when he’ll wake up,” I say, looking out the bedroom window, “let’s spend the night here.”

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