The Soldier Next Door

Chapter 31 One Foolish Man

If ever there was a face that I did not want to see again, he would definitely be one of them. I obviously did not hit him hard enough the last time. But that is not the problem; what is the buff dumbo doing on my doorstep in the first place? Did I not make it quite clear to him that I never wanted to see his ugly face again.

Now, if he thought that he would get a warm reception just showing up here, well, he can be glad I am not punching him in his face again.

“What do you want, Paul?”

“I came here to see Ana.”

“Well, Ana does not want to see you.”

“She does. Can you just call her for me?”

Has this man indeed grown even more stupid than his last beating. He obviously does not understand what a simple no means. I can think of one way I would like to refresh his memory, but I know that Ana shall slap me instead. So I will get him to move along instead.

“Not going to happen. What are you doing here in any case?”

“I told you, I am here to see Ana.”

“Well, you are not. How did you even know she is here?”

“That is none of your business now. Can you call her for me?”

“It is my business when she is my fiance. Now can you kindly fuck off cause your face is already annoying me?”

“Well, my annoying face is not going anywhere until I have seen Ana.”

“Are you really so dumb? Did I not tell you to fuck off the last time? Well, if you did not hear it then, I am telling you now again. You are not seeing Ana; now get your buff dumbo ass off my doorstep before I really lose my temper.”

Oh, then he dares to mock me in my face; now, once again, if it were not for Ana, this man would be flat on his face.

“Oh really, Paul, what are you going to do?”

“Do you really want me to show you, Paul?”

Not even having to consider it for one second, I step back and slam the door shut in front of his ugly face. I think it has even perhaps hit him, which makes the satisfaction so far greater. If it could only knock out some teeth, then I would be happy that I did him a favor. He is already goddamn ugly; it would not make any difference.

But as I chuckle at myself and make my way back to the lounge, I find Ana walking up to me. With nothing but a big grin, I look at her. She knows full well that I have just been up to no good.

“Who was at the door, soldier?”

“Just some buff dumbo that is lacking one too many brain cells.”

“Soldier who was at the door?”

“That idiot Paul.”

“Paul? Really? Did he leave?”

I take her by the hand and chuckle to myself. But yes, just as I thought, she does not find this funny at all.

“Soldier! You can’t do that.”

“Well, I just did. Hopefully, he got the message and left.”

And just as I say that, the persistent asshole rings the doorbell again. And it is not only once; he has got his damn finger on it continuously.

“Boo, please just ignore him; he is just here to cause trouble.”

“You know that I can’t do that.”

…Ana POV…

What is Paul doing here? How did he even know I was here? Now he has gone and pissed Ethan off again. The last time they met, it did not go off so well, and something gives me the idea if I let Paul in here that the two Hunter boys will not hesitate to rip him apart.

Now I know I should not even consider entertaining Paul’s company, and I know that it is upsetting Ethan. But I really need to know what he wants and how on earth he even knew I was here.

“Soldier, let me talk to him; otherwise, he is not going to go anywhere.”

“Boo, I don’t like this, not the least bit. I do not like this guy; he is just here to cause trouble again.”

“Well, I am going to talk to him and see what he wants.”

Not wanting to start an argument, I pass Ethan to go speak to Paul, who is now buzzing the doorbell persistently. As I open it, I can see him standing there with that stupid look on his face.

“Hey, Ana.”

“Paul, what are you doing here?”

“I heard you were on base, so I thought that I would come to say hello.”

“I am not even going to ask how you heard, but you can’t just show up here.”

“Well, you were not answering your phone.”

“Yes, cause I am busy, and Ethan’s family is here.”

“Busy making wedding plans? I heard you are marrying this… this asshole.”

I move closer to Ana and put my hand firmly around her waist. I get so much pleasure as it makes the damn asshole cringe in his pants. But he better watch that foul mouth of his.

“Paul, that is not necessary. Just tell me why you are really here?”

“Do you mind if I come in?”

“Do you really think that is a good idea?”

I know exactly why this man is here; he has heard through the grapevine that I am on base and that I have been seen with Ethan. He is probably going to try and convince me how bad Ethan is. If I am even completely correct, he will even go as far as proclaiming his undying love to me. He has been nothing but a constant thorn in my side since the day that Mark died. If he thinks that I will drop everything and shack up with him, then he has a very big surprise coming his way

“Please, will you just talk to me outside then?”

“You have ten minutes, Paul; then I am coming back inside.”

I watch as Ethan’s once happy face now turns into a complete frown of disappointment. I know I should not be doing this, but if I do not speak to Paul, then he will never leave. So it is with a sad heart that I watch Ethan plead.

“Boo please?”

“Soldier, I will be finished in a second.”

He turns and hesitantly closes the door behind them. I go to sit on the steps outside, and Paul comes to sit down next to me.

“Why are you going to marry this guy?”

“Because I love him, Paul.”

“What about Mark?”

“Mark is dead, and it is time for me to move one.”

“But you have me.”Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, I know, but you are my friend; I need more than that in my life.”

“But why can’t we just try.”

And just as I thought, I am right. He is only here to cause trouble. I need to say my mind and get him to leave, for Ethan is going to come out here and rip him to shreds. I know that he is standing and watching us through the window as he is not being very discreet. If he were outside here with another woman, I would be doing the exact same thing.

“Paul, I am with Ethan, I love him, and we are getting married on Saturday.”

“Have you completely lost your mind, Ana? This guy is not worth it.”

“Exactly why is he not worth it? Because he has an amputated leg? If I can recall, you had the same comment the last time you two met. Now, if you think I am not going to get pissed off, then you are wrong! Do not ever refer to Ethan as being half a man.”

“But I did not Ana, all I am trying to say is that you belong with me.”

“And what seems to give you that idea?”

“Because I love you more than this man will ever do.”

And just as I thought, he says exactly what I knew he was going to. I am not going to sit here and listen to this.

“Paul, you need to leave.”

“Wait, Ana!”

He reaches out and grabs my hand a bit more tightly than it is really necessary. I do not say a word, for I know that Ethan is listening to everything we are saying. If he has seen Paul grab my arm, that I do not know. But then he goes a bit bolder and yanks my arm and pulls me closer to his chest.

“Paul, let me go!”

“Ana, please.”

And before I am even certain to what happens myself, he has grabbed me even more tightly around my waist, but he does not stop it there; he moves in faster than I can think and places his lips against mine

“Ana, I love you, please.”

Then all of a sudden, I hear the front door open behind me.

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