The Wright One

David 6


I worked all day on this report. I wasn’t even working on the marketing report when he asked for it, so I had to start from scratch. I made it as detailed as possible with every bit of information that he could possibly need. Even though I know it is a bogus report and he doesn’t actually need it, I want him to be blown out of the water. I even triple checked for spelling errors. This report covered the last five years of the marketing analysis. In my opinion there is more work that needs to be done in this department. The Chief Operating Officer seems to be slacking, a lot. Expenses are way too high for the amount they bring in on the campaigns. In the long run that is going to bring in a loss for the company. Because there was already a surplus from years prior, that is the only way they are getting away with it now. I am sure that David noticed, but he is just being thorough. At least that is what I think.

It’s the end of the day and most everyone else has left. I know that David hasn’t, simply because he would have been at my desk to gloat that I didn’t have the report on his desk already. I think of just emailing it and leaving the office, but I do not need him to give me shit for not delivering it to his office. He’ll say something like I don’t know how to follow directions. I am sure his jerkface would say something like that. Anything to make my work not as good as it actually is.

I pull the report off my printer and walk it over to his office. I know I could have emailed it to him, which I did too, but I wanted to look him in the face when he got the report. His assistant is already gone for the day. I knock on his office to be polite, I know he is already expecting me, so he should be ready for me.

His gruff “Come in” sounds through the door. Taking the handle I push in the door. I am really just hoping that he is in a better mood now. He was almost too much to handle earlier. I pretty much lost my cool earlier and I don’t want to keep doing that.

“I have that report for you. I emailed it, but I wasn’t sure if you were going to check your email again this evening, so I am bringing you a hard copy since you requested it be done by the end of the day.” I set the packet of papers on his desk and he stares at it in shock.

“You really went all out didn’t you?” I am pretty sure he is referring to the amount of pages in the report. I really was a bit excessive, but I will be damned if he will say that I didn’t do a good enough job.

“Well, you said it was a test. I wanted to let you know that you hired the right person. I don’t want you to have any doubts here.” That was part of it. The other part was that I wanted him to be proud of me. I don’t know why I felt this way. I have no reason whatsoever to want his approval, but I do. I think it might be some deep repressed issue that I will need to deal with, but I am not going to delve into that right this minute.

He leans back in his chair. “Give me a summary.” He looks completely relaxed and at ease. It reminds me of those teachers in high school who expect you to get up in front of the class and do an oral report without any notes. Just like they are waiting for you to get on with it so they can watch the horror unfold. Sadistic people if you ask me.

What the fuck, he had me write this report and he isn’t even going to look at it. He’s just going to have my summary. I grit my teeth. “My summary is that your COO is slacking and not paying enough attention to the marketing department. They are overspending and not bringing enough in with their expenses. You either need some new rules and outlines or some new people to bring it in line.” I don’t imagine that he is actually going to take my advice into account, but there it is. The report is far more detailed and has charts, but the man in front of me is pushing my buttons again.

He flicks the papers not really looking at it, but like he is lost in thought and debating what he should do. He opens his mouth a couple of times to talk but shuts it. When he starts talking it is nothing about what we were talking about. “How old are you?”

I am a little taken back by the question. I have no idea what that has to do with the report. Like nothing at all if I am understanding everything correctly. “I don’t really see why that is important.”

He chuckles. “Can you just answer the question?”

“Twenty one, I graduated a little early.” Actually I could have graduated earlier but I took a few extra classes to extend the time. I hate when people look at me like I am too young. I was in college at sixteen and I always got that look. That ‘you are too young to be here’ look. It didn’t matter that I was smarter and more skilled than the other students. They looked at my age and made the choice that I wasn’t good enough. So I extended college as long as possible to prevent that in the workplace. I wanted people to take me seriously. Yet, I am still getting it.

“And how close are you and my sister actually?” This line of questioning is just out in left field. It makes no sense at all.

I am so confused, this has nothing to do with work. None of these questions make sense based on the report. “Well, we were roommates in college and we stuck pretty close together.” The first roommate I had sucked. Thankfully I only had to stick with her for a couple of years before Jasmine came along. My old roommate got a place off campus. Jasmine and I hit it off right away. She is so sweet and nice. Adventurous but she respected that I wasn’t as into everything that she was. She would give me little pushes here and there, but not too much to be bossy. It was like she understood me and embarrassed all my quirkiness.

“So you went to all the parties that she went to.” That is definitely not in the report. It is completely off topic. David is not making any sense. He just sits there asking his questions with that damn smirk on his face. He is asking personal questions that have nothing to do with work.

I shake my head. “No, that really wasn’t my cup of tea. I don’t like parties.” I answer even if it seems stupid and pointless. I did go to a few of them, but not all of them. Jasmine went to almost every party. Like I said she liked to be outgoing and that just wasn’t me.

He still seems to be lost in thought. “So, you didn’t really date a bunch?” Now that definitely doesn’t have anything to do with work. Where the hell is he going with this? Is he trying to make a point? If he is, I don’t get it. Does the fact that I didn’t date a ton in college mean that I am not good at my job?

I narrowed my eyes on him. “What the hell are you talking about? What does this have to do with my job? What I do outside of here has nothing to do with work.” I do not need to discuss my lack of a dating life with my boss. I am pretty sure that is a no no topic. Plus I don’t need to be embarrassed twice in one day. I don’t need this man to laugh at my lack of a dating life.

He stands and starts walking towards me. His body seems to be this imposing force. I step back a few steps to try to keep some distance between us, but his stride is so much bigger than mine. He over takes the distance in a few short strides. “I asked because I am trying to figure out what kind of woman you are.” His voice seems deeper, his gaze needy and wanting. I can’t figure it out and I am usually really smart. This just confuses me. Who the hell is David and what does he want from me? Why can’t I figure this out?

He is looking at me with those smoldering eyes. David has that same look on his face that he did yesterday, before he found out who I was. I wish it was lust, but girls like me don’t get that look. Especially not from guys that look like David. At some point before I got in here he rolled up his sleeves and now all I can think about is those arms wrapped around me and pulling me close. “I don’t see that it matters. We will only know each other at work and occasionally you will see me with your sister. I don’t think it matters to you what kind of woman I am. I mean you are the type of guy that seems to hit on a woman until you get to know her then you shut down like a vault.” The look he is giving me is intense. It’s like he is trying to eat me with his eyes. Dare I say it, it looks like desire. I have to temper down my own thoughts. I can’t think about him like that. It’s just not going to work.

His arms wrap around me and I don’t fight all that hard. After all, I was thinking about it already. It’s like I’m in a dream state. My chest heaving from the feelings that are stirring inside me. His touch is doing something to me. I have never had a guy make me feel like this. “I was flirting with you yesterday. I shut it down because of my sister. But right now, I don’t think I give a fuck.” I give out a gasp at his words, but he quickly mutes the sound.

His mouth crashed into mine and I felt a fire inside me. It was like his lips had ignited an inferno that couldn’t be stopped. My hands reached up on their own and dug into his hair, pulling him closer. His arms wrapped tighter around me, practically pulling me off my feet. I feel small in his arms, compared to how I have felt my whole life, this is enlightening. He makes me feel desired. Wanted.

Now, I have been kissed before, I’m not saying that they sucked, but they were nothing like this. David’s lips move with mine. His tongue seems to be dancing the tango with mine. I feel breathless, dizzy with the taste of him. His masculine scent fills my nose and makes me slightly intoxicated. It is almost woodsy, which makes absolutely no sense, David doesn’t seem like a woodsy type man, still it works. Yet, my brain doesn’t care. I want him. I want him to consume me.

He lifts me up and pushes me towards the wall. Pressing my back against it. David pulls my legs up around his waist and I start to panic, I am not that light. David must sense my panic, because he moves his mouth off of mine, kissing and nibbling my neck. “Relax, I got you.”

I moan, even though I think he is full of shit. His hands start sliding up my thighs. Pushing my skirt further up. He presses his manhood into me and I grind back in response. God I am a hussy. It was a response, I didn’t mean for it to happen, my body just reacted to his. This is my boss. We are in his office. Yet for the first time in like ever I feel like a woman that a man would desire. That he could want me. And God help me I want him too. I don’t care where we are, or that this is a really bad idea, I just want it.

He reaches for my panties and I think I am going to faint. “We can’t tell my sister.”

It was like the words were a cold shower. Suddenly everything stopped. He wanted just a fling and that wasn’t me. “Stop, put me down.” My voice is stern and final. I will not be this girl. I am not this girl. I will never be this girl. I don’t care how much fire there was a minute ago, I will never be that girl.

He pulls back looking at me in shock. “What?”

“Put me down. I am not doing this with you.” I say in a voice that doesn’t even sound like mine. But there is no doubt in my tone. I am determined not to be this girl. I am not the girl to sleep with my boss. I sure the fuck am not the girl that has some secret affair. For one fleeting moment I let myself think that I could be that girl. That I was desirable enough for a man like David to actually want me. But he just wants a toy and that isn’t me.

David doesn’t put me down. “Wait, what did I do?”

“Just put me down, this isn’t going to work on so many levels.” I huff out in frustration. Can’t he see what he said would be insulting? That I would like to be some fling that he found one night late at the office. Hell, how many women has he done this with? I will not be one of those girls. If he thinks that he can get away with this then he seriously has some issues that I need to stir clear of. I will stay on my side of the building and he can stay on his.

He backs up to give me some space as he sets me down. “Can we talk about it? You seemed pretty willing a minute ago.”

“I let my hormones get the best of my brains for a minute. Don’t worry it won’t happen again.” I straighten my skirt. I am determined that it will never happen again. David will be my kryptonite and I will make sure that I never fall prey to it. There are just too many reasons not to. I would never be able to look Jasmine in the eye if I did this now. I couldn’t lie to her.

Taking a deep breath I stand tall and proud. Walking out of his office. I try not to make it look like I have my ass on fire, but honestly I can’t get out of this office fast enough.

“Megan.” His voice causes me to stop just outside the door.Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

“Mr. Wright, it is better this way. We stopped before we did something that we would both regret.” I don’t have the guts to look back at him.

I just hear him mutter. “I guess you’re right.”

It hurts to hear him agree with me like that, but it is for the best. I just need to get away from him. That is what is best for the both of us.

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