THREE DOORS: Chapter 2

“Get your ass up!” Shay barked from my bedroom doorway the next morning.

“What the fuck?” I yanked the warm blanket over my head and cuddled deeper against my plush pillow.

You’re the one who wanted the early appointment, Callie.”

Great. Mia had joined in, signaling that they were both up and fuckin’ raring to go. I threw back my white comforter to sit up in protest and quickly realized that I wasn’t wearing pants. Or panties, for that matter. Fuck. I jerked the blanket across my lap and scooted upright against the headboard.

“I just saw your cooch,” Mia casually informed me.

“Why are you both here?”

Shay laughed and pointed a smartass finger. “A better question would be why you’re all naked under there.”

“That’s not a better question.”

“Fine. Nail appointments?” Shay reminded me. “You insisted we do it early before the shop got busy?”

“Ugh. That’s today?”

“Yeah.” Mia grinned. “Now, back to the naked thing.”

“Let it go.”

Shay laughed and met Mia’s eyes before smiling at me. “I think Callie was tipsy touching herself last night.”

Mia giggled and glanced my way. “Ya think?”

“Definitely,” Shay teased. “Look, she’s blushing.”

“I’m not blushing,” I lied as my cheeks burned. It was common knowledge that my friends and I were in a sex slump, but I’d never offered up visual evidence of my frequent self-satisfaction.

“Damn, someone got you all hot and bothered,” Mia taunted with annoying amusement as she relaxed against the doorframe.

Shay wanted the dirt. “Alright. Who was it?”

“Just get the fuck out!”

“Fine. You have fifteen minutes.”

Mia pulled my bedroom door closed as they stepped out, and I slid from the sheets with hesitation, half expecting them to crash back in for more cooch roasting. I vaguely remembered wiggling out of my panties last night for better finger access, so I shook my bed linens until a purple thong landed on the rug below. I grabbed black leggings and an oversized hoodie from the laundry basket of folded clothes by the closet, then I shrugged my long gray robe over my bare bottom.

“Twelve minutes, Callie!” Shay called from the hallway. I rolled my eyes, jerked open my door, and caught her perky ass sashaying toward the living room.“And you’re still not dressed.”

I whipped around to the opposite side to find Mia palming her hips in front of her bedroom. “I need to shower first, ya fuckin’ stalker,” I bitched, gesturing to my tangled bedhead.

“No.” She shook her head. “Rinse off. No hair washing. Let’s go.”


Shay just had to inject her smug comment from the front of the apartment. “And don’t be playing with yourself in there! We’ll be late!”

“I hate you both.”

~ • ~

We strolled in the brisk morning sunlight to the nail salon a few blocks away. Shay and Mia looked like fuckin’ rock stars, apparently unaffected by the lack of sleep over the last two weeks. Shay’s jet-black hair fell in shiny, smooth streaks down her sleek coat. Of course, her simple, stylish flats coordinated perfectly, and her flawless makeup was practically camera-ready. Mia had straightened her silky brown locks and tucked them all to one side over her shoulder. Tight jeans hugged her ass just right, and her golden complexion always glowed in the sun. Yep, my best friends ruled the street like exotic goddesses.

I, on the other hand, looked like they’d found me in the gutter and picked me up as a project. I hadn’t attempted to sort my ratty blond mop, so I left it piled in a bobbing mess on top of my head. I’d unknowingly chosen leggings with a small hole in the knee, and remnants of last night’s mascara still shadowed my sleepy eyes.

Mia bumped my shoulder. “So? Whose dick were you dreaming of?”

I buried my freezing fingers in my hoodie pocket. “I don’t even know.”

“You can tell us,” Shay reassured me. “We had to burn ya, but we play in our own playgrounds, too.”

“Mostly Evan.” I gave it some thought as I squinted against the bright rays. “I think the other guys were up in there, too.”

“I bet Judge has the biggest shaft. That’s just how he carries himself.”

Mia laughed. “No fuckin’ way. He’s too cocky.”

Shay scrunched her shoulders as the wind whipped around us. “Well, if his dick matched his arrogance, we’d all be in line.”

“True story,” I admitted. “I would be.”

“Have you girls noticed Evan’s bulge?” Mia widened her big brown eyes as we approached the salon entrance. “Especially in those rich boy khakis he wears?”

“I’ve noticed it,” I sighed. “The outline looks hella promising, for sure.”

“Fuckin’ listen to us,’ Shay giggled. ‘We really need some action.” Mia and I agreed under our breath and stepped inside for some well-deserved pampering.

~ • ~

Later, after studying until my brain rebelled and showering away my earlier slump, I arranged takeout containers on the kitchen counter for our dinner company. We tried to reserve Saturday nights for breaks from the hectic weekdays, occasionally inviting the guys if they hadn’t mentioned plans. Considering the interesting revelations from last night’s venting, I was pumped to see where this evening would lead.

“My nails look amazing,” Mia said as she examined her nude polish.

“Mine, too. That’s definitely gonna be our new place.”

Shay glanced up from her manicure. “We should probably change.”


“Haven’t you checked your phones? When I texted the boys about the food, I asked them to wear pajamas.”

Mia’s eyes brightened. “Seriously?”

Shay tossed palms and laughed. “Sure! Why not?”

Well, this sounded fucking interesting.

Mia chewed her bottom lip with thought. “Wait. Sexy pajamas or comfy pajamas?”

“Whatever you want,” Shay said. “I’m hitting the middle with the pink slip nightgown.”

Oh, come on.

“That’s super sexy!” I told her.

“Not compared to my other stuff.”

“I have that white satin short set,” Mia suggested. “It’s cute, I guess. Shows some skin.”

Stop right fuckin’ there.

“Dude, those are both ‘fuck my friend’ kinda outfits,” I noted with dramatic air quotes. “What am I missing here?”

“Look, I know we’re all just friends, and nothing’s gonna happen, but if the guys wanna jerk off to me later, I’ve decided that I’m okay with it.” Shay smirked with a not-so-innocent shrug.


My plain ass didn’t own any sultry sleepwear like my girls, certainly nothing worthy of spank bank material. “Fine, but I don’t have hot pajamas. Any ideas?”

“Just grab something of ours,” Mia offered with a nod toward the hall.

“Yeah, help yourself.” Shay stifled a laugh with pinched lips. “You can’t be diddling yourself in my good gear, though.”

“Is that gonna be a thing now?”

“Yep. I’m telling everyone.”


“I have that black, stretchy nightgown. You want that?”

“Will it cover my ass?” I asked.

Mia grinned slyly. “Well, it barely covers mine.”

I was starting to dig the potential of this plan. If we weren’t gonna get fucked, we could at least dress pretty and play pretend. I wiggled into Mia’s form-fitting lingerie minutes later and watched my little tits jiggle in the thin black fabric. This certainly showed more than my boring study night sweatshirts.

“Bra or no bra?” I yelled from my room.

“No bra!”

“Fuck yeah, ladies!” Mia squealed. “Let those girls out to play!”

We were still primping when the guys arrived. They let themselves in after a brief knock, as usual, and I heard them shuffling around the space like they owned the joint. I was ready first, for once in my life, so I sucked in a nervous breath and joined them in the living room. We’d never blatantly flaunted our goodies for the boys before, but I was dying to see their reactions.

“Fuck, Callie. Look at you.” Decker eyed me with raised brow surprise. Christ, he was a fuckin’ treat, leaning against the sofa in plaid pajama pants, muscular forearms crossed over his chiseled chest. His happy eyes found my nips in the borrowed black slip. Nice call on the no bra.

“Hey, guys!” I smiled through a proud blush.

Evan and Judge crouched over a big gray cooler of ice on the living room floor. Judge paused and whistled at me, then ripped open a new case. Evan muttered a greeting under his breath as he buried red cans of beer.

Shay strolled in like a perfect porcelain doll, the satin pink nightie swishing over her shapely hips as she approached. “Why did you bring a cooler?”

“So we won’t have to keep running to the fridge,” Evan said without looking up.

“What the fuck?” Mia pointed at the project as she joined us, her flat belly peeking out from the crop top. “That’s the epitome of laziness.”

Evan loaded the last few drinks, then stood when he finally noticed our slinky sleepwear. “What the hell, girls? I thought you’d be wearing flannel and old lady nightgowns.”

Shay smirked. “Do I look like I own any flannel, Evan?” I was pretty sure her prissy ass did not.

I met his sexy blue eyes. “Are you complaining?”

“No,” Deck insisted. “None of us are complaining. Trust me.”

Mia fingered the sleeve of Judge’s pajama top. “I like your threads, mister.’ He glanced down at his burgundy button-down sleep set, complete with coordinating slippers, then tugged on the cuffs with pride like he was showing off a new suit.

“I think he looks like a douche.”

“Fuck you, man,” Judge scoffed at Evan. “Mom got these for me. I loved these pajama sets when I was little.”

Shay scoped Evan’s basic tee and basketball shorts. “Hell, at least he made a fuckin’ effort.”

Evan laughed and pointed to his pelvis. “This is what I sleep in. You’d know if you ever stopped by my bedroom.”

Well, damn. Here we go.

~ • ~

We stuffed ourselves with shared boxes of sticky rice and mystery meat as we finished the first case of alcohol. My orange chicken hit all the right spots, and my insides buzzed blissfully from the icy beer.

Deck relaxed back into the sofa cushions beside me and rubbed his tight abs. “I don’t know what all I ate, but it was fuckin’ good.”

“I sure as hell don’t look hot now.” Shay pulled the pink satin material tight against her lower belly. “Check out this food baby.”

Mia laughed. “Nah, you’re still hot.”

I kicked back beside Deck and tucked my ankles under my ass. “What did you guys do today?”

Evan lifted the cooler lid beside him and passed a fresh round. “Hit the gym. Studied all day. Made a beer run.”

Judge took a quick drink from his cold can. “Did you girls do anything fun?”

The three of us displayed our pretty fingers and toes to the room. “Manicures and pedicures this morning,” Shay explained, “then we crammed until the food came.”

Mia shot me an evil grin. “We were almost late to the salon.” I narrowed my eyes with a warning, but she continued anyway. “Callie was playing with herself and wouldn’t get outta bed.”

“Oh, get the fuck out!” I waved her off, willing away the inevitable blush that followed. I’d grown accustomed to the playful sabotage with my girls and had delivered hefty doses myself over the years, but the guys added an entirely new level of sexual tension. “I just overslept. It was innocent.”

Shay smirked in my direction and gathered empty plates from the coffee table. “Are you saying that you didn’t play with yourself, Callie? Cause I’m pretty sure you did.”

Red heat rushed to my cheeks. “I mean, yeah, but that’s not why we were running late. That was last night.”

“Last night?” Deck asked with interest beside me. “When we left?”


“Such a refreshing fuckin’ conversation,” Judge mumbled as the guys exchanged surprised smirks.

When Shay requested the next refill, Decker offered an alternative. “Do you have six shot glasses?”

“I think so. Check in the cabinet above the sink.”

Judge perked up. “Hour of Power? With the girls? Nice.” 

I’d never heard of it. “What’s Hour of Power?”

Evan grinned. “A shot every minute, on the minute, for a full hour.”

“Shot of what?”

“Beer,” Decker answered with a cocky grin.

Mia furrowed skeptical brows. “Who shoots beer? That’s weak as hell.”

“And for just an hour? That’s like three beers total,” Shay noted after quick mental calculations.

“It sounds mild, but trust me, it’s not,” Judge explained. “Just an easy way to get fucked up.”

I had to laugh. “It’s like eight-thirty.”

“So, maybe we’ll do another round later,” Deck said, tossing palms with a taunt. “If you girls can handle it, that is.”

Oh, come the fuck on.

We collectively huffed over Deck’s chuckles as he shuffled to the kitchen, adding bitchy, exaggerated brags about our undergrad days. He found our shot glass stash and distributed it randomly around the room, then stood before us and covered the logistics.

“We’ll set a countdown on my phone and shoot every minute, on the minute.”

Evan patted the gray cooler with pride. “I’ll be the beer man. Here, grab a cold one to start.”

I filled my frosted pink shot glass as nervous, horny energy hummed in my belly. We’d been tipsy with the boys before, but combining alcohol with both the pajamas and the admitted need for fucks? Christ, what are we doing?

Deck counted us down as he displayed the timer. “Three, two, one! Go!” We clinked and slammed as the Hour of Power began.

~ • ~

“I love beer,” I mumbled to myself as the quick buzz settled in.

Mia extended her streaky brown strands in front of her face. “Should I cut my hair?”

Evan laughed and shook his head. “Absolutely not.”

“How many is that?” Judge asked as he wiggled his empty can.

Decker checked his phone. “Twenty-two.”

“I love this game,” Shay sighed.

“Yeah, but this is tough for me,” Evan confessed, falling back against his big cooler with slumped shoulders.

I ruffled his blond hair and smiled down at him. “What’s wrong, mister?”

“We’re all best friends now. I feel guilty for wanting to fuck you girls.”


“Don’t feel bad,” Shay consoled him. “We’d probably fuck you guys, too.”



Mia refilled her serving. “I’ve never had guy friends like this. It’s awesome.”

I tipsy-giggled. “I know! And they’re all so fuckin’ hot!”

Shay called me right the fuck out. “So hot that you dream fucked all three, right?”

Judge shot me surprised brows. “Wait, what?”

I shrugged with unconvincing innocence, the beer fueling my confidence before the mouthwatering men. “I needed some inspiration, and I couldn’t decide.”

Decker scowled beside me. “I don’t know whether to be flattered or pissed.”

“Why pissed?”

“Pissed that I wasn’t satisfying enough by myself.”

“Drink!” Evan yelled.

Shay spilled the real stuff after another half hour of shots. “Truth? I’d screw any of you, but it would totally jack up our friendship.” She sprawled back across the loveseat arm, her pink nightie sliding to the top of her thighs.

“I know,” Judge sighed with a guilty peek at her panties. “We could never get back to this.”

Unfortunately fuckin’ true.

Mia hopped up and wiggled her sultry hips. “Dance with me, Callie!”

I scoped her moves underneath the shimmery fabric, accepted her extended hands, and then bailed after a few wobbly steps. “I can’t, girl. Dance with Evan instead.”

“Oh, alright.” She loosened her grip on my fingers, and I toppled back directly onto Decker’s lap.

“I’m so sorry!” I cringed, shifting my weight on his thighs and sliding over his impressive package.


“If this is the only way I can get you on top of me, Callie,” Deck whispered against my neck from behind, “I’ll take it.”

Chills of arousal rushed down my spine, then I clumsily scooted back beside him. “You’re such a tease.”

He smirked and nudged me with his knee. “You’re one to fuckin’ talk.”

Judge checked the phone and clapped. “Down to the last shot! Get your asses up!” We gathered around the coffee table and filled our glasses once more. Half of us were a second or two late, to be expected, but in the end, we were all still standing.

“Fuck yeah!” I cheered.

Mia was ready for the next round. “Let’s do it again!”

“Damn, girl. Really?” Judge looked at her with disbelief.

Shay nodded. “I don’t wanna lose this buzz.”

Mia licked her pouty lips with a grin. “Evan’s dancing made me all hot. I think everyone should dance.”

Evan raked his hand through his thick blond hair. “You’re killing me, Mia. Fuck.”

~ • ~

Overtime unleashed our frisky sides. After the third shot, the guys ripped off their shirts to prove who was more stacked. I cuddled with the girls on the couch, licking my lips as they flexed and posed in front of us. In the end, with our drunken, narrowed eyes, we decided that they were all fuckin’ winners.

After several more slams, the strictly timed shots started to slow. Evan piped some bumpin’ club music through our wireless speaker and added an extra layer of temptation to the wild evening. We jumped at the opportunity to touch each other, pairing off with no prompting and grinding like horny teenagers at prom. I became enthralled with the filthy action of the unofficial couples around me. Decker and Shay stole my attention first as they practically dry-humped near the hallway. My lustful eyes stared as she rocked against his groin, his big hands groping her round ass and urging her closer. Judge stroked Mia’s exposed abs from behind as they swerved together in time to the thumping bass. She chewed her bottom lip and rolled her head back against his chest as he thrust rhythmic pumps against her shorts. Fuck, watching alone was enough to dampen my needy pussy, but I had my own partner to quench my thirst.

“You look so sexy tonight, Callie,” Evan rasped against my neck from behind, his wandering hands roaming over my curves. “I can’t fuckin’ take it.”

I became quite familiar with the infamous bulge as he enveloped my small frame against his towering muscles. He teased with demanding fingertips, sliding my nightgown higher and scratching at my waist as I circled my perky cheeks against his steel cock. My core burned with a heated throb at the thought of our naked, sweaty skin clinging together a few steps away in my bed. I reached back around his neck and urged his scruff to my shoulder, displaying my writhing body for anyone’s viewing pleasure.

“You feel so big,” I whispered, the urge to french him thick on the tip of my tongue. “I love how you move.”

Evan inhaled sharply, but Shay interrupted our moment. “Drink and switch!”

We paused for a few beats to fill our glasses and slam another beer shot. I must’ve missed the whole ‘switching’ plan, but Judge stepped right up to claim his round. Fuck, I didn’t mind this series of events at all.

“My turn,” he demanded with that velvety voice, wrapping one rippled arm around my waist. I noticed a savory cologne that I couldn’t quite place.

“Are you as drunk as I am?” I blinked up at his warm brown eyes as we started moving to the music.

“I think so,” Judge assured me with a dimpled smile, the thin burgundy bottoms failing to shield his shameless desire as our bodies meshed. His stiff length grazed my lower abs and coaxed my curves closer, my center begging for that sweet, slick friction. I dragged fresh nails over his bare pecs and licked my lips with an invitation as our mouths hovered just inches apart. He looked straight down my black gown at the soft spot between my breasts, and the fantasy of him sucking my hard nipples came roaring back, sending a rush of moist heat to my aching slit.

Fuck,” I moaned under my breath.

“Drink and switch!”

Another pause, another shot, and another partner.

Deck strolled over with blazing confidence to enjoy the fruits of his friends, and my already throbbing pussy ignited with fresh sparks of heat. By that point, after Evan and Judge had worked their magic, I was ready to fuckin’ ride him. He brushed fingertips across my abs, then slid behind me and growled against my ear. “You ready for me now, Callie?”


“If we were alone, I’d show you,” I challenged with a lustful whisper.

Deck groaned through my blond waves with hot breath, shipping another wave of wetness to my panties, then guided me by the hand to the dining room. He pressed my round tits against the wall with his powerful chest, his hard cock riding firm against my ass. “I don’t want you watching them,” he rasped over my shoulder with authority. “I want you focused on me and only me.”

Deck’s selfish demand rocked me to my core. I yanked the black stretchy nightgown up over my hips, giving him full access to the tiny t-back underneath. He hooked his thumbs in the side strings, then pumped his pelvis against me with merciless grinds, his shaft sliding between my clenched cheeks as he tugged back on my bottoms. I flattened palms and parted lips against the paint, then moaned with desperation to feel him thrusting inside me. He upped the ante of our dirty secret and traveled north, massaging my tingling nipples in the hidden space against the wall. I eased my hand over his and forced one of his fingers deep in my mouth, licking and sucking as I imagined his smooth, thick tip tapping the back of my throat.

Fuck, Callie,” he groaned against my ear.

“Last shot! I’m fuckin’ dying here!” Evan shouted over the thumping music. Decker was kind enough to cover my ass when he peeled his body from mine, then we joined the tipsy group around the coffee table.

~ • ~

“This has been one hell of a night,” Mia sighed. She propped her smooth legs in my lap as we parked back in the big blue chair. Our party of six draped over the furniture like discarded clothing, still kinda drunk and reflecting on our dirty deeds.

Decker spoke up with concern from the sofa. “Does anyone feel weird?”

“I don’t,” I answered confidently. I couldn’t pinpoint my reasoning, besides my fading buzz, but as I looked between the satisfied smiles on the faces of my friends, I felt unusually fuckin’ comfortable.

“Hell, I had the best night of my life,” Judge bragged.

“And I’d do it all again tomorrow if we didn’t have class on Monday,” Shay said.

Evan was his usual skeptical self. “Yeah, we had a blast, but let’s be real. It can’t stay like this.” I tried to focus on the logic, but those bare, puffy muscles were quite the distraction.

Deck raked frustrated fingers through his shaggy hair. “I don’t think so, either. There’s solid reasoning that this hasn’t happened before, and we all know it.”

“Why not?” I pleaded on behalf of my confused puss. Of course, I realized the risk to our friendship, but I was willing to talk it out.

“Because we’re gonna need to fuck at some point,” Mia laughed and smacked my thigh.

“Hell, I’m at that point now,” Judge snickered under his breath. “Literally, right now.” I covered my giggles as he adjusted his junk.

“I mean, who doesn’t wanna fuck?” Shay fluffed her black hair and crossed her legs over the arm of the loveseat. “I get it.”

“I just don’t wanna screw things up,” Evan pressed. “I like our little thing here.”

Mia shamelessly spilled her thirst. “I like it, too, but I wouldn’t complain if one of you bent me over, either.”


The guys exchanged apprehensive glances. “I don’t know if I could fuck one of you and go right back to studying next week,” Deck reasoned with an uneasy voice of logic. “The whole dynamic would change.”

Tipsy me felt the need to speak freely, so I did. “It would’ve been nice to bang one out tonight, but I’m attracted to all three of you. I don’t even know who I would want. That’s just the truth of it.”

“Right,” Shay sighed. “That’s exactly how I feel.”

“I bet we all do,” Evan said quietly. We nodded in agreement like we were fucking geniuses.

Judge stood and stretched his muscled arms. “Well, regardless, I need to go home and take care of my business.”

“That’s some big business you’re involved in,” I joked. We all eyed the tent in the front of Judge’s special pajama bottoms, and he took a ridiculous bow.

“I have an idea before you guys leave,” Shay said. “Since we were up on each other anyway, let’s share goodnight kisses.”


Evan couldn’t hide his excitement. “You mean I get to kiss all of you?”

She shrugged. “Sure, if my girls want…unless someone will act all jealous and shit.”

Decker relaxed back on the sofa with a satisfied smirk. “Hell, no jealousy here.”NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Me, neither,” Mia said. “So, how do we do it?”

Judge laughed and gestured to the door. “I guess we’ll just line up like an assembly line of meat.”


Deck shifted to serious mode. “Let’s be clear that no one has to do this. No pressure.”

I took a deep breath and dove in. “Fuck it. I want to.” When had I last been kissed? Hell, I think it was by a random frat boy during graduation week last spring. Christ, I was dry.

Mia slid from her seat beside me and raised an eager hand. “Can I go first?”

Decker turned to Shay. “It was my idea, Deck,” she laughed. “Obviously, I’m in.”

The guys flexed back into their tops and helped pick up the party mess. We were starting to sober up, and all six of us were wearing cheesy ass grins of anticipation. Our “dates” lined up near the doorway, and I admired each of them through the lens of this newfound arousal. Evan’s cover-worthy, flirtatious smile begged to be kissed. Decker oozed sex as he fingered the waistline of his plaid pants with a wicked tease. Judge could coax me from my panties with only one lick of those luscious lips. They stood together in a trio of tall muscles, whispering and waiting for this unspoken line to be crossed. Fuck, I’d always thought they were appealing, but tonight had definitely opened my eyes.

I didn’t have a standout favorite, so I didn’t mind when Mia pressed her perky tits against Evan and stuck her wild tongue down his throat. Shay grabbed Judge by his button-down and reeled him in next.

Deck didn’t wait for my move, stepping forward and scooping me in his arms. He paused over me with frustrating discipline as the others got busy, fixated on my parted lips as I panted with anticipation. He finally slipped his fingers under the short hem of my nightgown and cupped my ass with appreciation, then smothered my hungry mouth with his. He taunted me with his determined tongue, stealing the breath from my aching chest second by second as my body begged him for more. I scratched at the back of his neck and urged him deeper, but he simply pulled away and winked as he waited with a cocky grin for his next kiss.


Evan didn’t hesitate to assume control as soon as I was available, grabbing my hips aggressively and crashing his open mouth to mine. He scraped his teeth against my lips and tugged at my blond hair with unexpected dominance that weakened my shaky knees. Sparks of longing pulsed in my pelvis as I submitted to his every whim. I whimpered with little resistance as he choked me with that hot, swirling tongue, then he eventually released me to his waiting friend.


In contrast, Judge offered the softest kiss I’d ever tasted. His tongue tip twirled skillfully against mine, inspiring fantasies of all the juicy, tempting ways he could cure my exhilarated pussy. Our mouths fell into a delicate rhythm of unspoken desire, the tension of the erotic evening melting in the inferno between our lips and legs. By the time we parted, I was considering slipping my naughty hand down his waistband for just one desperate caress of bare cock.

I wasn’t sure how the light of the sober morning would reflect on the dark deeds of this drunken night, not knowing yet if these first, memorable kisses together would also be the last. By the time the guys waved with actual goodbyes and slipped out our door, we were left somewhat breathless and quite confused.

~ • ~

Mia piled her hair into a high, loose bun as we gathered in the bathroom. “What the fuck are we doing, girls?”

I shook my head in disbelief and retrieved my toothbrush. “I have no fuckin’ clue, but it was hella hot.”

“Well, whatever that was, I loved it,” Shay said, whipping a brush through her long locks.

Mia smiled and squirted moisturizer on her fingertips. “I did, too, but we should hash this out tomorrow.”

I dribbled white, minty foam in the sink and grinned. “All I know right now is that I want more.”

Mia laughed with an enthusiastic nod. “So, so much more…”

“…with all of them,” Shay added.

After the traditional hug goodnight, we retired to our bedrooms to crash. It took about thirty seconds before my panties disappeared in the bed linens again.

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