Through You (The Hidalgo Brothers Book 2)

Through You: Chapter 7


A punch.

And another.

And one more.

My wrapped fists make contact with the leather bag hanging in front of me. I punch it again and again, every time with more force.

The sweat rolls from my neck down to my chest and abdomen. My biceps flex with every hit. Yet my mind is stuck in last night.

“I . . .” Claudia stopped hugging me and moved away, her eyes puffy from crying so much. She looked uncomfortable. “I’m sorry. I—”

“You don’t have to apologize,” I assured her with a warm smile.

She avoided my gaze and cleared her throat. “I have to go.”

As I punch the bag repeatedly, I recall her tense shoulders and stiff posture once she recovered from the shock. Most importantly, I remember how good it felt to hold her in my arms.

Her scent, so familiar, drives me crazy. I can’t let myself be interested in her. She’s part of my past. And I have a girlfriend.

“Claudia,” I called; she gave me a friendly smile as she started to leave.

“Thank you for . . .” She paused. “Thanks.”

And she went back inside the house, bringing our interaction to a close.

Why is she so uncomfortable around me? She acts as if we’re strangers. Sure, maybe that’s what we are now. But there’s history between us. I clench my fists tighter to deliver harder and more punishing blows. The bag swings as I pounce. I remember finding her with Apolo when I went to his room. She looked relaxed and comfortable in his company. Since when are they that close? Why is she at ease with him and so tense with me?

I have to stop thinking about her.

I quit my workout abruptly, grab the bag, and rest my forehead against it. My breathing is heavy and my entire body is drenched in sweat. I reach for a towel then make my way out of the gym with it wrapped around my neck, dressed in nothing other than athletic shorts.

I’m about to climb the stairs to my room but change my mind. I’m in the mood to tease Claudia, just a little. It’s the least I can do after spending this whole morning with thoughts of her stuck in my head. In the kitchen, I walk straight to the fridge for a bottle of water, which I proceed to drink.

Claudia has just finished washing a pan. She notices me as she turns around to dry it.

“Oh.” The pan slips from her hands and falls to the floor with a clang. “You caught me by surprise, sir.”

She has reverted to using the title when addressing me. I wonder why?

She bends down to pick up the pan. As she rises, she takes in my bare chest and my midriff. A flush spreads across her cheeks.

I keep quiet, though my lips turn up in a cocky smirk. She walks past me, glancing quickly and discreetly to check out my muscles—I’m certain of it.

I’m not being arrogant, but I’ve worked really hard to keep in shape. I love working out and I eat as healthily as I possibly can; and when I can, of course. In this regard, my brothers and I are very much alike. Ares has always been athletically inclined. And from time to time Apolo also makes use of our house gym.

After putting the pan away in the cabinet, Claudia walks by a second time. “Are you hungry, sir?”

She has her back to me, and I use the opportunity to watch her.


Her hair is styled in two braids that expose her neck. A few strands have come loose, making a nice contrast with her skin.

Claudia turns, and I look out the window instead.

“What would you like to eat?”

“A fruit salad would be nice.”Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

She nods. “Very well.”

I sit across the kitchen table and watch her prepare the salad.

I pay attention to how delicately she holds each piece of fruit before she skillfully cuts and chops it, how she bites her lip each time the knife slices through. And how the sunlight brings out the tiny freckles on her cheeks that are often difficult to spot. How can she be this beautiful? What is it about her that I haven’t been able to find in other women I’ve been with? I honestly want to find the answer to this question. Our eyes meet, and the depth of those black eyes makes me forget all about the strictly professional relationship we agreed to have.

“Are you doing okay?” The words come out before I have time to consider them.

“Yes.” She puts a plate in front of me. I notice the fruit salad doesn’t include strawberries. She remembers I’m allergic, and the gesture almost makes me smile.

“You did a really nice job with this.” I don’t know why I feel like I need to say this. Why am I trying to start a conversation with her?

She doesn’t respond. I put a piece of cantaloupe in my mouth, chewing slowly, my eyes following her every move around the kitchen. Why doesn’t she respond when I give her an opening? It’s frustrating. I never have to put in this much effort. Often, other people go to great lengths to break my many barriers to engage or interact with me. But with this woman, it’s definitely the opposite, and it unsettles me. I wonder if she behaves differently with Apolo. She was in his room, after all, and didn’t seem one bit uncomfortable. I need to stop thinking about that moment.

I’m about to get up and leave when I notice something on the floor has caught Claudia’s attention. Her frosty expression fades, replaced with an adoring look accompanied by a smile. I’m speechless. My stupid heart beats fast. I want her to look at me that way.

I follow her gaze to a furry white puppy that runs to greet her. It looks like it came in through the back door. Claudia kneels in front of it. The dog places its paws on her lap, starts to lick her hands, and she proceeds to pet it.

“Hi, cutie.” She smiles and love radiates from her eyes. Where did this puppy come from?

Claudia suddenly remembers that I’m in the room and shoots up. Her expression turns serious. She moves toward the sink to wash the dishes by hand. The puppy sticks close to her feet.

“I didn’t know we owned a dog.” And there I go again— another attempt to start a conversation. What has gotten into me this morning?

Claudia barely looks my way. “It belongs to Apolo. He loves to rescue abandoned dogs. He’s been volunteering at the dog shelter.”


Her voice softens when she mentions my brother’s name. It bothers me. I keep eating my fruit.

“How about that, quite the humanitarian.”

“He is.”

“I thought you stopped liking dogs.”

I remember clearly, when we were much younger my dad got us a puppy. We named him Fluffy. Unfortunately, a few months later, he developed an infection that the vet couldn’t cure, and Fluffy died. Claudia and I were devastated. We even held a funeral. From then on, dogs became a touchy subject for both of us.

Claudia looks at me with empathy. “I will never forget Fluffy.”

Her mouth curves down into a sad smile. “I don’t know. It’s hard to not get attached to the dogs Apolo rescues. They’re so cute and want our love so much.”

The dog comes around the table next to me. His fur tickles my feet.

I’m lost for words and don’t know what to do. I haven’t had contact with dogs since Fluffy. But then I catch the dog raising his left leg, getting ready to pee on my foot.

“Agh!” I stand up in a flash and move away from him. I manage to get away just as he pees. “What the fuck!”

Claudia’s laughter echoes throughout the kitchen. She’s laughing so hard that she’s gasping and holding her belly. I give the dog a murderous look when I notice him coming toward me.

“No! Stay back! Bad dog!”

I can’t believe I’m retreating to avoid an animal so little it doesn’t even reach my knees. Claudia has turned red. And for a brief moment, I forget about the dog and watch her laugh. God, I missed that sound. She stops when she senses my gaze on her, and tries hard to control her laughter by taking a deep breath and pursing her lips.

“Doggy!” She calls the dog to get him away from me. “Come here, Doggy!”

She leads the puppy out of the kitchen, closing the back door behind it. When she turns to look at me, she’s squeezing her lips tight, trying hard to suppress her laughter. The amusement I see in her eyes is refreshing.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“No, sir.” A giggle escapes her lips. It’s the first time she’s called me sir jokingly and without a hint of disdain.

Acting on an impulse, I walk around the table to get close to her.

“You are definitely enjoying it. Did you train him to do that?”

She laughs some more and tries to regain her composure while backing away.

“Of course not.”

I keep advancing and she keeps moving away until she has her back against the kitchen wall. Her smile has started to fade and she looks nervous. I corner her and place my hands on the wall on either side of her face. She lifts her hands in an attempt to push me away but stops herself when she realizes her hands will make contact with my exposed skin since I am shirtless.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

I raise one eyebrow. “What happened to sir?”

She licks her lips. “I don’t like calling you that.”

“Why not?”

She fixes her eyes on mine, and there is not a sign of doubt or intimidation in them. “You’re too young to be called sir.”

“Using the title has nothing to do with my age.”

“Right. According to you, it’s a way to show respect to the bosses in this house.” She rolls her eyes. “And as I’ve told you before, you’re not my boss.”

“Is that so?”

She raises her chin defiantly. “Yes.”

I tilt my head forward and closer to hers, leaving very little space between us. It allows me the perfect view of every single detail of her face.

“If I’m not your boss, then, what am I?” I can tell she’s hesitating. Her lips are so close. I just need to move an inch and I’ll find out how they taste, how they feel against mine. For too brief a second her vulnerability is exposed. She doesn’t seem as sure of herself or as in control as per her usual. She looks indecisive, and I have to admit that I enjoy seeing her like this. I want her to come undone the way I do whenever she’s near me. I simply don’t know why I say and do the things that I say and do to her. We’re breathing hard, and the heat from our bodies mingles. Claudia is looking directly at me.

“I’ve told you. You’re just my boss’s son.”

But the conviction in her tone has evaporated. She doesn’t sound as determined as the first time she made the same proclamation. She pushes one of my arms with her hand in an attempt to escape from my trap. Before she can run too far, I catch up and quickly take her arm. I trap her between my body and the kitchen table.

“That’s all I am, huh?” I grab her chin. “Just the son of the boss. I don’t believe you, Claudia.”

“I don’t care if you don’t believe me.” She frees her chin from my hold.

“If that’s the case, why are you always evading me? What are you so afraid of?” I’m not quite sure why I’m asking these questions, or where they’re coming from. I place my hands against the tabletop on either side of her waist. Our gazes are locked, and the urge to investigate, explore, and uncover creeps in. I used to know all her vulnerabilities but now she keeps me on the outside looking in. All I get from her is defensiveness and coldness. I don’t want that.

“I’m not afraid of anything. And I’m not evading you.”


She purses her lips, and her gaze leaves mine, moving to my chest.

“Artemis, you don’t matter that much to me,” she says.

“I want you to look at me in the eyes and say it one more time.” She looks at me and appears to hesitate. We are so damn close that her breasts brush against my bare chest every time she takes in and lets out a breath.

“You . . .” She can’t finish the sentence. I inadvertently brush my thumb against her lips, which she immediately opens to release short, rapid breaths.

Damn it, I am dying to kiss her.

The one thing stopping me is Cristina. She’s very special to me, and I don’t want to be unfaithful. It is inexcusable that I’ve let this interaction get this far. I don’t want to be like my mother.

Claudia is watching me in silence, unsure of what is about to happen. Or perhaps, in anticipation of what she hopes may happen.

And I know what I want; it infuriates and baffles me at the same time. I hate not feeling in control.

I don’t know how but I manage to separate myself from Claudia and make a quick exit from the kitchen before I do something I’ll regret. I foolishly believed I was no longer attracted to her, and now it’s clear I must proceed with caution.

Maybe I should be with her once so that I can finally leave her behind, in the past. Perhaps having always thought of her as unattainable presents a challenge, or something to that effect.

What is plain and clear now is that I won’t be able to move on until I have her. I need to possess every one of the groans, whimpers, and moans that must come out of her mouth in the throes of passion.

I always get what I want. That Fourth of July years ago, Claudia became the exception. But this time, she won’t be the exception. Not again.

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