To Hate My Stepbrother

Chapter 8

Ava’s POV

The hustling and bustling of my mum moving the boxes we had packed together the previous night jolted me awake. I got up in time to get ready and assist with the packing. Getting ready to move, I made my way to the bathroom and freshened up before joining my mum outside to wait for Danny.

I took a side glance at my mother before clearing my throat. I really wasn’t happy about the new development, which is why I wished I hadn’t told her about my hatred for school dormitories, then she’d have definitely not have bated an eye at me asking her if I could go live there.

“Mum, just please. I’ll get a good apartment, I’ll move in with good people and you do know that you can trust me to take very good care of myself.” I tried to convince once again but I knew her mind was already made up when she let out a long sigh.

“Ava!” She called out in a small sigh and I immediately understood. My fate has been sealed and whether I like it or not, I’m going to have to accept Danny as my stepfather. I genuinely had no problem with that, the problem was Mason.

He has been the problem since the moment he collided.

The honking of Danny’s car when he pulled up in front of us brought me out of my head. I picked up the boxes and he’d instantly offered to help, wrestling it out of my hold immediately and making me chuckle a little. We loaded the boxes into the trunk of his car and soon we were bidding our house goodbye.

I’m going to miss everything about the house, especially the freedom I had when I still lived there but I shrugged and soon joined both of them in the car, hoping that I wouldn’t suddenly turn into a prisoner in Danny’s house, or that he wouldn’t ever stop loving my mum and treating her like a queen that she is.

I didn’t even pay attention to the ride until we arrived at our destination. I gasped when we stopped in the parking lot of a beautiful mansion. The house wasn’t only big, it was beautiful with aesthetic colours blending together perfectly. I couldn’t help but gawk at every single thing I saw.

Danny obviously wasn’t just rich.

He was rich rich.

“Welcome home.” Danny said, wrapping his arms around my mum and lightly placing his other free hand on my shoulder as he smiled down at me. We had all alighted the car moments ago.

“Thank you.” I smiled back before looking back at the house and we all began to walk in.

“I made sure your brother is home today, he said he had things to do but I insisted he stayed back to welcome the new family.” Danny started to speak, oblivious to what Mason’s name does to me.

He hadn’t even called his name this time, he called him my brother!

I wanted to puke.

“Brother.” I scoffed under my breath. Never will I accept the fact that he’s become my brother.

I didn’t know I’d said it out loud until my mother and her new husband exchanged a glance and bursted out laughing at once, making me roll my eyes.

Why were they suddenly laughing? What the hell is funny now?

“Trust me, you’ll get along well with Mason when you really get to know him and I’m sure it wouldn’t take long for the both of you to become inseparable.” Danny assured me.

Why do they keep saying that? If only they understood the magnitude of hate I felt towards him. I opened my mouth to say something but I snapped it shut almost immediately.

The most impossible thing that will ever happen on earth would be me getting along with Mason but no matter how hard I try to explain, they were never going to understand.

We continued our walk inside the house with Danny ushering us in and there he was, standing right there at the top of the stairs in all of his asshole-ish glory.

He slowly began to make his way down the stairs and I didn’t even bother to hide the scowl on my face, since no one could see my face right now but him.

A broad smile spread out on his face as he pulled my mother into a hug, and If I didn’t know how vile he really was, I’d have been instantly fooled.

“How was your trip?” He asked my mother in a warm voice as they broke the hug, outrightly ignoring me like I never existed.

“It was very pleasant. We couldn’t wait to get here and Ava right here, couldn’t wait to meet you again because –”

“She’s lying.” I chipped in without second thoughts and my mum and Danny chuckled light heartedly in response to what I had said, meanwhile, Mason look like he was attempting murder through a nonexistent telepathic ability with the way he was glaring at me over my mum’s head.

“Mason, could you please help your sister take her boxes up to her room?” Danny suddenly spoke, breaking the silence and I cringed at the word ‘sister’.

Mason was equally horrified because a disgusted expression has now settled over his face.

We both hated the titles.

“She’s a big girl, I’m sure she’ll be fine on her own.” Mason replied and I scoffed. I didn’t need his stupid help anyways.

“Mason?” His father called out firmly and it was easy to tell what he was trying to do. Danny and my mother were doing this intentionally so Mason and I would be able to bond or get to know each other better.

Over my dead fucking body.

“He’s right, I’m fine. I can carry my boxes myself.” I protested but one look from my mother made me immediately swallow my protests, reluctantly agreeing to Mason helping me.

I reluctantly handed some of the boxes to him and my skin crawled from just being that close to him. My palm itches and I wanted to either slap him across his face or punch him but I couldn’t do any of those out of the blue.

Finally giving in to my urge, I made sure I mistakenly stepped on him as hard as I could as I walked past him and I heard him let out a low curse that made me smirk satisfactorily.

We both headed upstairs to where my room was supposed to be and he roughly dropped the boxes in my room as soon as we were in it.

After that, he pinned me with a hard glare.

“You’re not welcome here.” He pointed out on a sneer and I rolled my eyes.

“Like I really want to be here,” I said on a scoff and then I folded my hands across my middle

“Don’t expect me to call you my brother or have any form of relationship with you because that will never happen!” I added and watched as he breathed out a laugh after that, making my glare at him get more intense.

“Never will I ever let that happen, no matter how bad you want it to, you dumb ass.” He commented and my jaw dropped open in shock while my eyes widened.

Did he just call me dumb?

“You know what, Shit face? I hate you so much. No one obviously likes you but they all pretend to, and you know why? It’s because you’re such an annoying stupid, asshole and a nonsensical human being!” I yelled and I could tell that he was taken aback by my retort.

“You’re just being bitter…” He began to speak but I shook my head, walking past him and tugging the bedroom door open.

“Get out of my room!” I ordered with a twist of my lips.

“Get out of my house!” He snapped back and I scoffed.

“How clever.” I sneered and then I pointed outside the bedroom’s door. “Get. Out. Of. My. Bedroom.”

His lips were set in a thin line as he made his way out of my room.

“Fuck you.” He threw at me from behind his shoulders.

“Fuck you too, asshole.”

He turned to say something else but I slammed the door shut in his face without missing a beat.

Jerk face.From NôvelDrama.Org.

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