Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna

Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna Chapter 90

Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna Chapter 90

Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna Chapter 90

The Reason

“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve called this meeting,” Alpha Ulric said. “There are several reasons. Chief among them is the possibility of building and maintaining alliances. I’m sure many of you have heard about the massacres back east. Entire packs desolated overnight. As of yet, no one knows who or what is doing it. Yes, we’re on the other side of the country, but that doesn’t mean they won’t make their way out here. I think it’s important that we start a discussion about this.”

“Here, here,” many of the Alphas said, raising their glasses.

Alpha Ulric nodded, taking note of the people who showed interest. Thea took note of their feelings and intentions.

“Next item. It has come to light that the packs which use slaves have been mistreating them—physical abuse, sexual abuse, denying food and basic necessities of life, and much more. We’ve all turned a blind eye in the past, assuming they treated their slaves humanely. Now that we know differently, we feel it’s our responsibility to do something. We have offered to take in anyone who leaves their pack due to abuse. Is there anyone else willing to take a stand with us?”

Alpha Sharpe and Alpha Knight immediately raised their hands.

“We’re with you,” they said together.

Alpha Darwin from Syzygy and Alpha Lexington from Crater also raised their hands. “We’re with you,” they said.

“I don’t believe we should get involved in another pack’s business,” Alpha Chaste from Chaste Moon said.

“Normally, I would agree with you,” Alpha Ulric said. “But someone from another pack tried to rape my daughter-in-law and future Luna under an Alpha tone command.”

Gasps from everyone at the table. They all looked to Thea, who sat tall with her shoulders back, face revealing nothing. Not even when she felt Alpha Jones get hard as he fantasized about getting Thea in bed under an Alpha command.

“Watch the information you give away,” Thea said to Alpha Ulric in mind link. “Alpha Jones is a Trojan horse.”

“We discovered many people in power are hurting others outside their own packs,” Alpha Ulric said out loud. “So you see, they made it our business. I’m willing to bet if you went through every member of your packs and gave them an Alpha command to tell the truth, you would find that quite a few of them have been raped and forced to be silent under Alpha command. It’s not just she- wolves that are being abused.”

Alpha Ulric let the men talk amongst themselves while they took in the information.

“What packs are doing this? What Alphas and Alphas-to-be are doing this?” Alpha Reese from New Moon said.

“At least Cold Moon, Eclipse, Far Side, Storm Moon, Mead Moon, and Crescent Moon. I suspect there may be more,” Alpha Ulric said.

More murmurs and talking.

Thea felt that Alpha James was drunk enough she could try something. She felt into him, found the dead zones in his brain, and sent her magic into him. He didn’t look any different. A little glassy-eyed, but not suspicious. She kept going. She felt around

and healed whatever she found that wasn’t right.

“My eldest son was one of the Alphas-to-be that abused his power,” Alpha Knight spoke up when the discussions started to die down. “When his crimes were uncovered, I removed his canines and tied him to a silver pole. He died this afternoon.”


“My next son is a better fit to take over Moonlit pack. We won’t tolerate leaders abusing the powerless.”

“We’ve been allies for a long time,” Alpha Reese of New Moon said. “I’ve respected you, your pack, and your values for a long time. You’ve helped my pack when we needed it. I won’t break faith now. You have my support.”

“Same here,” Alpha Lee of Harvest Moon said.

“I’m in,” Alpha Adams of Moonrise said. He could see the tide was turning in New Dawn’s favor, and he didn’t want to be on the losing team. 1

“My pack will join with you,” Alpha Collins from Blue Moon pack said. He turned to Alpha James, who was sitting next to him. He hadn’t spoken in a while. “What about you?”

“Huh? Uh, I don’t know,” Alpha James said. He decided he needed to save face. “Is this all some kind of power play? Parading us through your massive pack house, showing that you have ten times the numbers any of us have individually. I think it’s time for me to go.” He stood up clumsily and knocked over his wine glass. His security detail rushed over and assisted him out the door, where two Delta members escorted them out of the pack house.

“Did you finish?” Alpha Ulric mind linked Thea.

“Yes,” Thea mind linked him. “I think it’s going to take some time for his thoughts to clear up. He’s been living his life a certain way for a long time. Plus, he’s drunk. Let it percolate.” NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“Anyone else need to make a dramatic exit?” Alpha Ulric said out loud.

The Alphas at the table laughed.

“An Alpha that can’t hold his liquor. What is the world coming to?” Alpha Richardson said, drinking more wine. Thea felt him thinking that Alpha James was weak. Their packs were close to each other. He might be able to take over Supermoon with a simple challenge. Expand his range. Thea could tell he had never considered it before, but he was confident that it was a good idea now.

Thea felt the urge to feel into Alpha Richardson more deeply while everyone continued eating the main course. There weren’t dead zones like in Xavier or Alpha James, but there were imbalances.

They were subtle. She funneled her magic into his brain, and she felt things adjusting. She didn’t know if it would make a difference. She hoped it would. It dawned on her that the old Alphas may be stuck in their ways regardless. Young people’s brains were more plastic and malleable.

She made another pass through the Alphas. Nothing else seemed off, but she got caught on Alpha Jones. She was surprised that his brain worked fine, but she felt those dark intentions in him. She had naively thought people were only bad if something was wrong with them. It seemed Alpha Jones chose to be evil or maybe he was raised that way. Thea didn’t know what caused him to enjoy hurting others, but it wasn’t a malfunction in his brain.

Disappointed, she realized she wouldn’t be able to fix everything the way she fixed Xavier.

Soon dessert was served.

The younger Alphas, Alpha Ford from Moonbeam, Alpha Ledger from Waning Moon, and Alpha Stoll from Near Side, all deferred to make a decision. They weren’t dark like Alpha Jones. They were younger, unmated Alphas with smaller packs. They weren’t confident they could take a stand. They didn’t believe in having slaves, but they didn’t want to risk their packs’ safety fighting for people who weren’t part of their pack. They may not be enemies, but they weren’t exactly allies.

Alpha Jones from Ice Moon also deferred, but Thea could tell he was against it. He was abusing omegas and had no intention of stopping. He knew he was outnumbered here, and he didn’t want to out himself in front of what could quickly be his enemies.

Alpha Richardson and Alpha Chaste also deferred. They didn’t want to commit to anything.

“I intend to start having regular meetings as allies,” Alpha Ulric said. “We can discuss being a united front against the mistreatment of slaves and omegas, and start making plans for any threats that come our way.”

“We look forward to it,” most of the Alphas said.

After everyone was gone, Alpha Ulric had the triplets and Thea come to his office.

“That was a good start,” Alpha Ulric said. “Our former allies are with us, and we have a few new ones. We know Ice Moon is against us now, and the rest won’t get involved either way unless they’re forced.”

Thea made a mental note to seek out Ice Moon omegas at school and inform them of their options.

“Tangent, sir,” Thea said. “Do you want me to wear a gown like this every time we have an Alpha meeting?” 1

“Yes,” the triplets said together. Their eyes flickered black as they stared at her lustfully.

“Yes, Thea,” Alpha Ulric said. “If the Alphas are distracted by you, they’re more malleable, less able to deceive. It also camouflages your strength and powers.”

“I understand,” she said. “Maybe Lizzy knows where I got this one. She can help me get more.”

“We had Doris make this one for you,” Alaric said. “We’ll visit her tomorrow and hire her to make more.”

“Okay,” Thea said.

“Back to the meeting,” Alpha Ulric said.

“Supermoon’s Alpha seemed against us,” Alaric said.

“Thea said his brain was like Xavier’s, so she fixed it,” Alpha Ulric said. “That’s why he was out of sorts. We’ll give it some time to see if he comes around.”

The triplets looked at Thea and smiled.

“Can you guys feel anything when I’m using the gift? Is it noticeable that I’m doing something?” Thea said.

“I haven’t noticed anything thus far,” Alpha Ulric said.

“Not unless you’re doing something to us,” Alaric said.

“Okay,” she said. “I also did something to Alpha Richardson. His brain wasn’t like Xavier’s. There were imbalances, not dead zones. We’ll see what happens there.”

“Okay, that’s good for now,” Alpha Ulric said. “You did well tonight, all of you.” 1

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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