Trouble : Boston Bolts Hockey

Trouble : Chapter 23

“Please,” I beg, my voice raspy, my heart beating wildly.

Cade’s grin is devious as he drags his attention down from my face to my dick. “I like when you beg. Tell me, Dec. What do you want me to do to you?”

My hips buck of their own accord. My cock is so hard it’s painful. We both watch as arousal drips from me.

Cade licks his lips. He’s hungry for me, and fuck if I don’t want to know what it feels like when he runs that tongue around my tip. I watch him, taking in his blue eyes and the thick black lashes that make them seem impossibly bright.

“Come on, Dec. Just say it, and I’ll give you exactly what we both want.” He grins so wide that his dimple pops.

A groan rumbles from deep in my chest as I buck my hips again. He pulls back slightly and flattens his palms on my thighs, holding me still.

“Tell me. Tell me you want this as much as I do. Tell me you want me to suck your cock.”

“Now who’s the one begging?” I grumble. The words are rough, raw, as I force them past the fire burning me alive from the inside out.

“Is that what you need, Dec? You need me to beg?” He swipes his tongue along his lips again. Then, squeezing my thighs, his grip almost brutal, he tugs me closer. When he looks up at me again, the air between us sparks with electricity. “I’ve dreamed of sucking this cock for far too long. Please, Dec. Let me make you feel good.”

Catching my lip between my teeth, I cuff the back of his neck and tug him down. “Open,” I growl.

Without hesitation, he obeys, and I thrust into his mouth. The moment his hot tongue touches the underside of my shaft, we groan in unison, in desperation. I fuck his mouth with abandon. I’ve never been so hungry for another person. Never been so unhinged. I buck and grind against his face and⁠—

At the sound of a feminine whimper, my heart lurches, and my eyes fly open. It takes several seconds to register the sight before me. Her dark hair is fisted in my hand. Her body is fitted between my legs. And it’s her lips that are suctioned around my cock.

My lungs seize. Shit. I’ve been brutally fucking her throat. Not Cade’s.

“Fuck,” I mumble, releasing her hair. “Fuck, Melina, I’m so sorry.”

She rolls her neck and smiles at me. “Don’t apologize. I liked it.”

I gasp for air, my heart pounding and my cock impossibly hard and wet. From her, not him.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I can’t wrap my head around the dream I was having. Cade.

What. The. Fuck?

“Cade,” I rasp. Not an admission, but a warning. He’s not here. We shouldn’t be doing this.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

Melina wraps her fingers around me and rolls her thumb over the head, eliciting a groan from me. “What about him?”

I close my eyes, forcing air in through my nose and back out again, willing my heartbeat to steady. Willing my mind to focus on the woman between my thighs and not how my best friend is the reason for my raging erection.

Though if she was giving me head, then she caused this, right?

Even as I rationalize my hard cock, I know this is a stupid game.

“We can’t,” I grit out.

“Can’t what?” she asks, the words a throaty rasp I’m sure has little to do with sleep and everything to do with the way I was just aggressively fucking her mouth.

I swell in her hand at just the thought. There we go. All about her. I imagine the way she must have climbed over me and positioned herself between my legs. Was I already hard? Did she lick her lips in anticipation?

My heart rate quickens again. Okay, definitely still attracted to Melina.

The dream must have been caused by the games we’re playing. The fucking around on the phone last night. The way Cade uttered my name. It’s all in my head. Anyone would be confused. Even turned on.


“You’re his,” I reply weakly, my resolve weakening with every roll of her thumb across my swollen tip.

She dips down and licks up the salty mess I’m making, moaning and bucking against the bed. “Then call him and tell him that his girlfriend is about to suck his best friend’s cock.”

Heat flares inside me, hotter than the fire my crew put out yesterday. Holy fuck.

Without waiting for me to pick up the phone, she circles my cock and sucks, moaning in a way that almost steals all rational thought. How the fuck am I supposed to think, let alone talk, when she does that?

I grab the phone beside my bed, hit Cade’s name, and put the call on speaker. It rings once, and then he picks up.

“You’re up early,” he says, his tone chipper.

“Uh, yeah.” I fumble for words as I study Melina, who sits up and pulls off her shirt.

Her perky breasts bounce as she crawls up my body, a hand and a knee on either side of the mattress, until she straddles my hips, her pussy hot against my hard cock.

And wet. She’s so goddamn wet.

When she rolls her hips, her clit teasing the tip of my cock and her pussy opening for me, the silky feel of her exposed heat pulls another groan from my chest.

“Hey, Cade,” she says as she grinds against me again, her tone deceptively light.

“Hey, Trouble. I should be there in twenty.”

“Great. I’m naked and straddling Declan, but he wanted to make sure you were okay with us getting started without you.”

Cade groans. “Is he hard?” That sound, those words, send a bolt of desire shooting up my spine.

She hums, the sound deep and sultry. “So hard. I had my lips wrapped around his cock, but he made me stop.”

“God, Dec,” he practically curses. “How’d you stop that? Her lips are magic.”

Grunting, I drop the phone to the mattress and throw an arm over my eyes. These two are going to be the death of me. “So is that a yes or no?”

Cade laughs at my misery. I can picture the mirth in his eyes, the dimple coming out to play. “Yeah, make her scream for me. If I can’t be there, I want to hear every sound. She tastes delicious when she comes.”

I still haven’t tasted her, but instantly, it’s the only thing I want to do. Without warning, I grab her hips and pull her up my body. “Grab the headboard, sweetheart.”

“Oh, fuck,” Cade mutters. “Is he going to eat that perfect pussy?”

“God, I hope so,” she says as she settles with her thighs on either side of my head and clutches the headboard.

Digging my fingers into the soft flesh of her hips, I pull her down and lick up the mess she made while she ground against me. The taste of her, sweet and tinged with arousal, has me lapping and licking and grunting.

With her head thrown back, she moans and bucks against my face.

Okay, definitely more than attracted to Melina. Her whimpers, the taste of her against my tongue, her scent, every detail, every part of her, is magic. I’m obsessed. The ache building inside me as I continue working her over isn’t from my need to fuck her. No, it’s from this desperate need to keep her. For this to be more.

Whatever the fuck that looks like when she’s dating my best friend.

“You enjoy his tongue, Trouble? Like knowing that I won’t make you choose? That the idea of you riding my best friend’s face has me rock hard?” he taunts her.

She eats up every word, her clit pulsing. When I guide her hips a little higher and slide two fingers inside her, bending them until they’re at just the right angle, she shatters around me, squeezing my fingers tight as her warmth drips down my hand and coats my tongue.

“I need your cock, Dec. Need it so bad.”

Cade laughs. “Hear that, Dec? She needs your cock. Your cum. She needs you to fill her up.”

Cheeks burning, I slide her down my body. I will myself to ignore the way my every cell heats when Cade talks to me. Not just talks. Dirty talks. Filthy.

He’s such a filthy boy.

And I fucking love it.

Melina peers down at me, green eyes dark and needy, and for a moment, everything else fades away. My thoughts. My confusion. My stress.

Silence blankets us. Even Cade, who isn’t here to feel the palpable connection tethering us.

Lips tilted slightly, she presses her mouth to mine. It’s a soft kiss. Gentle. We remain like that, our breath one shared, singular thing. Finally, she slides her tongue between our lips and licks at mine, tasting herself on me.

I bite down gently, holding her tongue there. Her green eyes widen and ignite. Still holding her tongue in place, I give it a lick. She wiggles her hips, trying to roll herself in a way that’ll force me to slide inside her, each move more desperate than the last.

She’s certainly wet enough for it to happen. And I’m definitely hard enough.

“Holy fuck, what’s happening over there?” Cade pleads, like he can feel the tension growing thick in this bedroom.

Before she can respond, I press my lips against hers hard, keeping this moment between the two of us, and buck up into her heat. She grinds down, taking me inch by desperate inch until I hit the most inner part of her.



My best friend’s girl.

The woman I intend to make mine.

Releasing her hips, I still, waiting for her to fill him in.

Tell him that I’ve taken her bare. Or maybe that she’s taken me bare.

Either way, I’m inside her, thrusting up slowly, every inch of my cock surrounded in her warmth.

Her pussy flutters, and her eyes gleam.

She loves this silent game too.

“You guys are killing me. I’m taking the turn now.”

The image of him walking in and finding her riding me almost sends me over the edge. Fuck, it’s impossible not to create visions of the three of us. Him in the doorway, her coming with my cock deep inside her.

What will he do when he realizes just how fucking gone I am for her?

Will he pull his own cock out and thrust into his hand as he watches? Will he rush in here and rip her off me, then fuck her too? Will he allow her to keep riding me and grip her hair like I did earlier, forcing her mouth around his cock, so we can all find release together?

Bliss blurs the lines in my head, and I swell at the memory of the way he thrust into his hand last night. At the way his voice broke as he came calling my name. That single image has me growling out a curse and fucking her brutally, gripping her hips hard, my cock swelling and jerking until I paint her insides. Melina rolls her hips while I hold her tight against me, her tits bouncing, and then she’s arching back and crying out with her own release.

“Holy fuck,” she murmurs as she falls against my chest, panting just as violently as I am.

I’m not even remotely satisfied. Not because it wasn’t the best sex of my life, but because I want more.

Like Melina last night, I want to know when we can do this again.

The front door slams, causing the house to shake and my eyes to fly open.

With a kiss to Melina’s forehead, I slip out of her. “Let me get you something to clean up.” Fuck, I need to get out of this room. I can’t be lying here a puddle of want and need when my best friend walks in.

It was one thing to imagine Melina as mine—as ours—last night. Even in the sleepy haze this morning.

But in the light of day, I know that can’t be a reality.

I roll her onto the mattress and head for the bathroom, disappearing before he opens the door. Their conversation is muffled, but if I focused, I could make out their words. I don’t want to make out their words, so I turn on the tap to drown out all sound. Palms on the counter, I hang my head and close my eyes, trying to wrap my mind around what the hell we’re doing.

I should go to work.

I should make myself scarce, like I originally planned.

Nothing good can come from spending time with the two of them in this bedroom.

Forcing myself to straighten, I glare at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks are flushed, and my eyes bright, the typical stressed-out bags under them missing.

It’s Melina.

I know it’s Melina.

I sleep like the dead when I’m with her.

Cocooned in her warmth. Pressed against her back. Surrounded by the sweet smell of her coconut lotion.

I cup my hands under the faucet and splash cool water on my face. Then I set it to warm and grab a washcloth. Once it’s soaked, I wring it so it won’t drip, steel myself, and leave the bathroom.

“I got a towel for—” I stop abruptly when I find Cade between Melina’s legs, lapping at her.

He pauses his work and gives me a lazy smile. “I’m taking care of the mess.” His words are like expensive whiskey, husky and smooth. The smile he’s directing at me is the one he gave me in my dream. Lazy and sinful, his dimple popping. With a quick lift of his chin, he turns back to Melina and slides his tongue through her drenched lips.

The lips drenched with my cum.

Hers too.

Instantly, I’m painfully hard. The sight of him sucking my cum from her body while moaning in pleasure is too much of a turn-on to ignore.

And I don’t know what the fuck to think of that.

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