Werewolf Committee

Chapter 15: Ch 14

Chapter 15: Ch 14

There was a pause and everyone just stared at Duncan not knowing what to do. The air suddenly changed and the tension increased by a thousand and Duncan-or should I say Adrian, had the courage to look back at us with a teasing smile.

"Brother?" Tom asked his voice shaky as he stared at his brother in shock.

Duncan just glanced at him and looked away, while Tom stood there with wide eyes.

"How dare you," Tate growled and hissed through his teeth, his fists clenched as he took a threatening step forward.

Duncan didn't move back, but laughed instead at Tate's attempt to scare him and wiped away a fake tear.

"Do you really think your in any position to intimidate me? I have an Elemental. What could you possibly do to me?" Duncan chuckled while his little army snickered.

That's when I started laughing.

"Wow, you guys really are idiots," I said laughing as Colin chuckled making Duncan and his army confused.

"I wouldn't say that Elina," Rufus said narrowing his eyes with a mocking look.

"You weren't chosen to go to the Werewolf Committee because you were special," Rufus sneered.

"Just a mere distraction," Duncan said grinning and Tom stepped forward and glared at his brother while I felt myself fume with rage.

"You have no idea what your getting yourself into," Tom spat and looked at Duncan in disgust.

"Oh but I do," he said and his fire Elemental took a step forward to stand next to him.

"My army of wolves will now go inside and well, perhaps kill everyone they can. I want this place wiped out," Duncan said and it sounded like he had rehearsed it several times.

I looked up at Tate and it was obvious he was trying to hold himself from killing Duncan right there. His body was shaking with fury and his fists were tightly clenched.

"Why?" Tate breathed out his voice rough and lacing with venom.

"Why? Well, Alpha," Duncan said empathizing the word as he said it with disgrace, making the Warrior wolves growl like crazy.

"I found Ryan here when he was a kid. Found out what he was and thought, you know what? I could put this to good use," he said and I scoffed making heads turn my way.

"To good use? You really are insane," I said shaking my head with disbelief.

Duncan sent me a glare and before he could open his mouth Colin bet him to it.

"He really is. And I thought I was the crazy one," Colin said with smirk, "-I guess not," he finished of with a snicker.

When sudden movement occurred our gaze snapped to Ryan, the fire Elemental who stomped forward angrily.

"Adrian! Why are they mocking you! Perhaps I should burn them right here, right now," Ryan said with a evil grin and expected us to me quaking in our boots.

Just imagine how he felt when we laughed.

I noticed Tate had relaxed. His eyes held hatred but a smile graced his lips as we noticed these guys were easy to tick off.

"Kind of hard when your six feet under, right?" Tate said in a teasing tone and everyone looked at him in shock.

Duncan-no, Adrian, had enough and growled.

"I'm going to send my men to the Committee and everyone will be killed. I will take over the building and it will be mine. Power will belong to me," he said every word in a low tone.

"Go ahead," I said shrugging my shoulders making them look at me in shock.

"You'll find no one there. They've fled," I said smoothly and part of it was true yet a lie. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

"Liar," the science teacher in the very back seethed and all our heads snapped at him, our death glares telling him to shut up.

Yeah thats rights buddy. No one asked you.

"Ryan over here will be glad to burn you all to death. After that I will have the throne and of course everyone will see me as a mere survivor," Adrian said looking thoughtful.

"Oh and their new Alpha."

Tate growled at that and his eyes shifted black showing his wolf.

"You will never be half the man I am," he growled and the warrior wolves growled in agreement.

While they had a mini growling contest I couldn't help as a thought came to my mind.

Why do the bad guys always reveal their plan? I mean you just basically told us.

Idiots. The whole lot of them.

"Now," Adrian called out and the brown wolves started running towards us. Instead of attacking us, they ran right past us and towards the Committee.

"Follow them!" Tate growled to the warrior wolves and they howled in response and turned around to follow. However the second they took a step, fire erupted up in front of them, making them stop in their tracks.

"Not so tough now are you," Ryan snickered his hand in the air.

I quickly looked around for water and spotted the river. Before I sprang into action I noticed something.

How come he gets to make fire out of thin air?

Slightly jealous, I put my palm behind my back and concentrated on it. Imagining a drop of water I felt wetness on my palm.

I looked up and caught Tom's gaze who gave me a small nod.

"This conversation was lovely. But it needs to end here. Ryan and I got some other people to burn in the building," Adrian chuckled.

"Your not burning anyone," Tate said in a calm voice.

"You sound so sure," Adrian said with an eyebrow raised.

The fire around us began to spread and it circled around us. The warrior wolves and everyone else took steps back as we bumped into each other.

Colin tried to run through it but it only made him hiss and jump back.

Now it was time to make my move.

"So long!" Rufus yelled as he trailed behind Adrian and Ryan who began advancing towards the building.

"Now Elina," Tate whispered in my ear.

Taking a deep breath I raised my arms up towards the fire. I opened up my palms and felt a surge of energy ripple through me.

It started at my toes and made its way through me as it reached my palms and a blast of water shot out, immediately making the fire sizzle.

The warrior wolves gasped and new hope entered their eyes as Colin pointed out I was an Elemental.

"Looks like were even," he said grinning.

I slowly circled around the fire and water mixed with air, hit the fire making it die down.

It only took seconds and the fire was gone, leaving behind burn't grass.

"Quick!" Tom yelled out and motioned towards Adrian's retreating back.

Once we were close enough I stopped in my tracks slightly breathless.


Adrian and his little groups heads snapped back to look at us.

The colour from their faces drained and they all looked confused.

Adrian signalled Ryan towards us and he held up his palms at ready, still looking very confused.

Fire again started with small flames and before it could get any bigger, I motioned my hands towards it and water shot out, successfully putting out the flames.

Adrian looked at us in rage and shock. Rufus shook his head in disbelief as Ryan looked at me in fury.

Tate took several steps forward and we all went forward so that we now stood face to face with the enemy.

"Your an Elemental too?" Ryan spat out his eyes burning with fury as he growled low in his throat.

"Impossible," Rufus said his mouth wide open while Adrian stood there unmoving.

I looked at Adrian my eyes in slits as he looked back at me.

And that's when a flash of fear went through his eyes.

"Whats wrong Adrian? Cat got your tongue?"

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