Where We Belong

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

1 year later...

Life couldn't get any better right now. I had finally managed to bag myself a job at the local hospital. 1 years had went by so fast I hardly had anytime to think. I didn't really think about the time I spent in NewYork well I tried not to think about it about him but no matter what he always made his way into my head every damn day for the last year. I hadn't been back to that place since but my dad kept to his word. Every 3 months one of the MC would turn up and stay the weekend. I would get worked up in case Blaze showed up on my doorstep but he never did and everytime I would feel hurt and disappointed. I guess he really was done with me but then again I chose for it to be this way.

Sitting in my office I glanced at the clock on the wall. 9. 30pm I had 15 minutes before I had to do my rounds and then I could finally go home. 14 hour shifts were slowly killing me but I loved my job and was very good at it.

"Dr. Mendez" April, one of the young nurses popped her head around the door.

"What can I do for you April?" I asked locking Blaze back up in the back of my mind.

"Do you mind if I go a little early tonight? I have do pick up my son from the childminder".

"Of course April, tell little Charlie I said hi" I smiled

"I will thanks".

April had worked here for almost 6 months now. Fresh out of college and looking for a job, she reminded me of myself. She was one of the few nurses that had a brain and we seemed to get on

like a house on fire. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Leaning back in my chair I grabbed the photo of my desk of me and my mom on my graduation day. I missed her like hell but she belongs where she is and I couldn't take that away from her. Smiling to myself I put my photo back and got up.

Leaving my office I cursed under my breath when I saw Adam coming my way. Another doctor from the hospital that had been trying to get in my pamts since I started. The guy just doesn't take no for an answer.

Putting on a fake smile I held my clipboard closer to my chest. Don't get me wrong he was a nice enough guy he just didn't take the hint that I would never date him.

"Evening Ava" He spoke as he approached me.

"Hi adam" I smiled checking the time on my watch. 20 minutes and I'll be home chilling on the sofa with a glass of wine.

"Still doing those 14 hour shifts I see. You must be knackered" He laughed.

"What can I say I love my job. No time to chat tonight. I have my rounds to do then I'm calling it a night" I said

"When are you going to let me take you for a drink Ava?" He grinned

See what I mean he just doesn't get it. Okay time to let him down as gently as I can. "Listen Adam you're a really nice guy but I'm not really looking for a relationship right now sorry" I said watching the grin fall from his face.

"I see. Well if you would stop walking around here like a constant cock tease I wouldn't be asking you out every night. You give all the right signals and then turn me down. The day will come Ava"

He snapped before storming of.

Feeling a little shaking up I went about my rounds as normal. I couldn't wait to get out of here I was just hoping Adam had already left. Heading back to my office I grabbed my bag and jacket before heading out.

Looking around the car park I noticed there was only a few cars left Adams included. Hopefully he was still inside, I didn't want to deal with him having another dig at me. Why he thought I was a cock tease I'll never no but I was not giving him any signals to come onto me.

Taking a deep breath I made my way over to my car unlocking it as I went. The car park at night always gave me the creeps and it didn't help that it was surrounded by trees.

Approaching my car I was just about to open the door when a hand was placed over my mouth.

"You know you want it you little slut"..

Fear took over my body and in that moment I was frozen on the spot. Feeling his hands slid down my body reality kicked back in and I panicked. I was about to be raped. Struggling in his arms I tried to scream. No this couldn't be happening.

Spinning me around gave me the opportunity to scream. Feeling the sting on my cheek my hand automatically covered it.

"Shut up you little whore" he sneered as he began to undo his jeans. "You have caused me to do this Ava" Grabbing me he pulled me hard causing me to fall to the ground.

Crying hysterically I yelped in pain when his foot connected with my ribs. "I told you to shut up. No one will hear you".

Grabbing my hair he flipped me so I was lying flat on my stomach. This was it I was about to be raped, about to have my virginity ripped away from me.

Sobbing quietly I silently begged that someone heard me. Feeling the weight of him behind me and the breeze of the cold air as he had yanked my trousers down I closed my eyes and bit my lip to stop me from crying out loud.

No longer feeling his weight behind me I turned to see he had been thrown of me. Someone had heard, crying hysterically I crawled further away so I couldn't hear the cries of pain. Whoever had saved me was doing some serious damage.

Hearing a gun shot I screamed in fear. Standing shakily to my feet I found it hard to see because my vision was blurred with tears.

Seeing a figure walk towards me I felt the fear rise within me. As the man got closer more tears leaked from my eyes. My body started to tremble when the light made his face visible to me.

"B-Blaze?" I cried as he stormed towards me and pulled me to him. Wrapping his arms around me I buried my head in his chest and sobbed.

"It's okay darlin' he's not going to hurt you again" He growled holding tighter.

My head was all over the place, I was quietly sobbing into Blazes chest. I dread to think what would have happened if he didn't show up.

"It's okay sweetheart" He whispered squeezing me closer to him.

Pulling back slightly I looked into his eyes "Is he d-dead?" I stuttered still not being able to control my tears.

"Might be once Tommy and Jared are done with him" He growled letting one arm slip from my waist so he could wipe away my tears. "Lets get you home darlin'" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and leading me to my car.

Tommy and Jared were here too? It wasn't time for one of them to drop by and check on me. Why were they here? Hearing Adams cries of pain I froze "P-please get me home Blaze" I cried a new set of tears rolling down my cheeks.

The car ride home was quiet but never once did he let go of my hand. Everything that happened kept playing over and over in my head. What did I do to deserve this? I wasn't a bad person, I never done anything to upset or mislead anyone. How can there be such bad people in this world?

As we turned onto my street Blaze drove my car up the drive and cut the engine. I was still shaken up, my body distraught with fear. Opening my car door I hopped out and went straight inside. Running up the stairs I made a bee line for the bathroom, leaning over the toilet and throwing up my insides.

Standing up I turned the shower on and began ripping my clothes off. I could still feel him on me everywhere. His touch his scent. Climbing into my shower I slid down the wall, pulling my knees up to my chin I lay my head there.

"Ava baby" Blaze whispered causing me to lift my head. Watching his features turn to anger I let my head fall back against my knees.

Feeling his presence infront of me before I knew what was happening I was craddled in his arms.

"No one will ever hurt you again" He snarled carrying me out the bathroom "Which room Ava?".

Pointing infront of me he carried me into my room and settled with me on my bed. Cradling me to him he grabbed my comforter and wrapped it around me.

"What are you going to do about him?" I asked listening to the sound of his racing heartbeat.

"Fucker will wish he was never born" He growled kissing the top of my head.

Hearing a knock on my front door I jumped slightly "Whos that?" I whispered fear taking over my body. What if it was the police?

"Relax baby it'll just be the guys. Put on some clothes I'll be back in a minute" He said pecking my lips before dissappearing and leaving me on my own.

Throwing on my pjs I slipped an oversized hoodie on top and then made my way downstairs stopping on the last stair.

"How's she doing?"

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