Where We Belong

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

"Be my old lady Ava" He pleaded "Let me treat you like the queen you are. Let me show you my world darlin'".

Placing my hand on his cheek I gave him a small smile before nodding "I'll be your old lady Blaze". This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

So he's finally going to get me in his bed and on the back of his bike. What have I just let myself in for?.

Standing in my room I stared at my reflection in my floor length mirror. Pulling my hoodie up I gently ran my finger tips over my bruised ribs. Hissing slightly I pulled it back down trying to get the events of what happened tonight out of my head.

I was almost raped. Raped by a guy that I thought was a good guy. A guy that helped people in need. How does one get over that? Now I had to up and leave my life because of some pathetic, disgusting human being that thought raping woman was okay. A group of bikers thought it was acceptable to do this to me all because of who my dad is.

I had agreed to become Blazes old lady. What did I know about him apart from how he's been watching me for 8 years and his name. If that's even his real name. Heck I don't even know what age he is. Was I making the right decision?

What if the hospital can't transfer me? Rubbing a hand over my face I rubbed at my tired eyes. I needed sleep but the fear wouldn't let me. Scared to sleep in my own home. Scared to close my eyes because when I do all I see is his face.

Walking to my wardrobe I opened it and pulled my suitcase from the bottom. I guess I didn't have a choice about leaving. Whether I liked it or not I knew Blaze would drag me out of here kicking and


Placing my suitcase on my bed I opened it. Guess I better start now, I had no idea why the guys were out here so I had no idea when they needed to be back. Thinking about going back to that place didn't sit well with me. I didn't fit in the first time I was there. Whats to say this time will be any different.

Walking into my bathroom I turned the shower on. Giving it time to heat up I went back to my room and raked for an outfit. Deciding on light denim skinny jeans I paired them with a simply red top and my black leather jacket.

Setting them out on the bed I escaped to my bathroom and began to undress. I still felt dirty, my skin still crawling with his scent. Feeling the vomit in the back of my throat I bent over the toilet and spewed my insides out. Wiping my mouth with the sleeve of my hoodie I pulled it off along with my jammie top.

Wiping the sweat from my fore head I glance at my naked body in the mirror. My blond hair lay sprawled over both my breast tickling my now swollen ribs. With the force he kicked me with I wasn't sure if they were broken or not.

Cock tease.

The words still played over in my head. Was I a cock tease? Did I give every guy I came into contact with the wrong idea? Giving myself another once over I slipped into the shower and never got back out until my skin was red raw and hurting. I had scrubbed so hard I had started to bleed.

Wrapping a towel around my body and hair I emerged from the bathroom and went straight over to my bed. Moving my clothes so they wouldn't get wet I lay right in the centre and placed my arm over my eyes.

Will they be able to keep this from my dad? Were the three of them going to stay or would it just be Blaze? Had they went back and killed Adam?. So much questions were running through my head I wanted to scream.

Grabbing the pillow from under my head I placed it over my face and screamed into it. Feeling the tears spring to my eyes I bit the pillow harder. What had I done for this to happen? He didn't rape me but that's what he intended to do. Would he have killed me after it?

"Sweets you suitable?" Blaze asked from outside my door.

I didn't want to talk to him right now. I just wanted to be alone in my room where no one could hurt me.

"Go away Blaze" I sniffed removing the pillow from my face so I could wipe my eyes.

Hearing my bedroom door open and close I sighed. "Please" I whispered not giving him a glance.

How pathetic was I being? Every time he seen me I was crying.

"Darlin' you okay?" He asked bending down at the side of my bed.

"No" I whispered "I just want to be left alone" turning away from him I lay on my side as silent tears rolled down my cheeks.

Feeling the bed dip it wasn't until his arm was wrapped around my waist that I knew what he had done. Pulling me closer to him he slide his hand up and under my rib cage causing me to wince in pain. He froze.

"Let me see Ava" He said pulling his arm back so he wasn't touching me.

"It's nothing" I mumbled not moving from my position.

Hearing him curse under his breath I bit my lip and closed my eyes. He didn't need to see. Letting him see would only cause him to get angrier. Even though I didn't know him well I could read him like a book.

Moving my arm back I grabbed hold of his and pulled it back over me. He made me feel safe, made me feel at ease when he was around. "They're not that bad. Just a little bruised" I croaked my throat suddenly feeling really dry.

Slipping his other arm under me he turned me around so I was facing him, our noses nearly touching. "I want to see for myself that you're okay". Taking his hand he gently brushed the tears from my cheeks.

"They're okay" I gave him a half hearted smile. They weren't okay but he didn't need to know that.

Letting his arm drop he brushed his fingers tips down my side all the way to the slit of my towel. Giving it a little tug I felt it loosen.

"Blaze don..".

"Mother fucker" He growled his eyes not leaving my stomach. "A little bruised?" He snapped opening the towel wider so he could get a better look. "Ava..-"

"I'm fine" I said pulling the towel back over my body and standing up.

"You're not fine Ava" He growled "They need to get looked at".

"I'm a doctor Blaze. Trust me they're fine" I snapped "Now get out so I can change".

"I ain't going anywhere babe" He sneered glaring at me.

Folding my arms under my chest I glared back at him "Get out or me being your old lady is not going to happen" I snapped knowing what I said would get to him.

Watching his eyes fall into slits I knew I had hit a nerve. Maybe I was wrong about agreeing to be his old lady. Maybe I just wasn't thinking right and said it because I was scared.

"Better watch that pretty little mouth of yours Ava. I won't always be as forgiven for what comes out of it". Searching through his cut he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.

"I'm not one of your whores Blaze. I won't kiss your ass like the rest of them" I snapped.

Watching him I almost cried with the look he was giving me. I understood why everyone was afraid of him but I tried my hardest not to let my fear show. I felt safe with him but I still didn't trust him.

"Maybe you should just leave" I said as I started pacing my room "Me saying I would be your old lady was a mistake" I gushed running a hand through my hair.

"Bullshit" He yelled standing from my bed "Don't fucking lie to me Ava, don't treat me like a fucking idiot" He roared storming towards me.

Grabbing my face in both hands he pulled me to him so our noses were touching "Don't fucking lie to me" He repeated looking directly into my eyes.

My tears had already began to fall "I don't trust you" I cried "You haven't given me any reason to trust you. I know what your kind are like. A different girl each night. I won't let myself get hurt by you. I won't turn a blind eye" I sobbed pushing his hands away from me. "You want me so badly yet you can't keep it in your pants".

"Ava do-.."

"Just get out" I croaked cutting him off as I turned my back on him.

Feeling his hand graze my shoulder I flinched away from him. "Learn to trust me sweets. I'd never hurt you and I ain't going anywhere".

Ignoring him I kept my back to him, biting my lip to stop me from sobbing. Why did I feel such a strong connection to him? I've never felt this way about a guy in all my life.

Hearing a knock on my bedroom door I wiped at my eyes before Tommy walked in. One look at his face and I knew something was wrong.

"Prez got wind on what happened" Tommy spoke scratching the back of my head "We don't get her back in two days he's coming up".

Feeling the color drain from my face I started pacing my room. If my dad comes up here everyone will find out who I am or more to the point whos daughter I am. My father was well known every where and not in a good way.

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