Where We Belong

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

"Ava" I said taking a quick look at Blaze. His lips were pulled back into a snarl, his stare fixed on Cage.

"Well sweetheart, save me a dance tonight" He murmured winking at me before getting on his bike and driving off.

"Stay away from Cage Ava, I mean it" He growled taking another draw of his cigarette.

Geez he sure does love a smoke and again with trying to tell me what to do. "I think he's cute" I smirked "I'll need to find something sexy to wear tonight" I bit my lip hoping it looked attractive "It is after all my party" I winked watching the lustful gaze take over his features. "Bye Blaze" I whispered making an attempt to walk past him only for his hand to latch onto my wrist.

"You're playing with fire sweets and do you know what happens when you do that?" He whispered sliding his other hand around my ass "You get burned darlin'. Best make sure you don't go near anyone tonight". He growled squeezing my ass before letting me go.

"Don't make me do something you'll regret" He called starting up his bike "I will get your pretty little ass on my bike Ava "

Once again he left me speechless and feeling confused.

"I don't want a party" I groaned as more and more people started to show up. "I don't even want to be here".

I hadn't changed my clothes yet, didn't get to wear anything nice and to top it of Blaze was sitting on the right side of my dad with a whore in his lap but I was the one that wasn't allowed to go near

anyone. We'll see about that.

"Enjoy the damn party and stop moaning. Have a drink and chill the fuck out" My dad smirked only making my mood worse. Looking at my mom I shook my head before storming over to the bar. Half the people here were already drunk. I didn't do this it wasn't me. Yeah I'd have a couple of glasses of wine but I never drunk to the point I couldn't speak.

Glancing around me everyone seemed to be in full party mode. Sliding of the bar stool I managed to make my way through the club house without anyone taking much notice and if they asked where I was going the toilet was the perfect answer.

Making my way to the end of the hall I quietly opened the door to Blazes room amd snuck in. Dropping onto his bed I groaned before placing my arms over my eyes. I felt like I was in a prison. Couldn't wipe my own ass without someone knowing about it.

"Ellie seriously fuck off tonight I'm not in the mood and being quite honest you bore me".

"What the hell Blaze? You weren't saying that last night. I'm your old lady I have needs too" The high pitched annoying voice screamed.

Guess there was trouble in paradise. I couldn't help the stab of jealously that cursed through my body at the mentiom of her being his old lady. Why was he so desperate to get me in his bed if he already had an old lady?

Hearing a slap and a cry of pain my hand shot to my mouth "You ain't my old lady, never have been. You were a fuck get that through your thick head. Now fuck of before I make you disappear" He growled.

Holy shitballs he hit her..

Getting of the bed I started to panic. What if he comes in here and lashes out at me? Hearing him curse under his breath I bit my lip. Please don't come in here.

Keeping my gaze on the door handle my heart hammered inside my chest. How do I explain why I'm in here?

Watching the door open I closed my eyes. I know, stupid but I didn't know what else to do.

"Finally" He growled making my eyes snap open. Watching him storm towards me a squeal escaped my mouth when he grabbed my face in both hands and kissed me.

There was nothing gentle about it, the more I struggled the tighter he held me. Giving up I let my shoulders sag and wrapped my arms around his neck. Feeling his tongue swipe across my bottom lip I opened my mouth and let him in. Hearing him groan made a shiver run through my body.

I hadn't had experience with guys before but I could definitely get used to kissing Blaze. Sliding my tongue against his he let go of my face so he could slid his hands down my back and onto my ass. Giving it a little squeeze a moan fell from my lips.

Running my hands through his hair I grabbed it at the nape of his neck and pulled him closer. Both of our breathing was ragged but I couldn't get enough. Feeling his hands roam my body a fire started deep within me. It was like an itch I couldn't get to but in a good way. Feeling his hands skim up the front of my legs I pushed my lower half forward so our bottom halfs were touching.

I was on cloud nine and couldn't get enough of feeling like this. Picking me up I wrapped my legs around his waist a moan escaping my mouth at the feel of us pressed together. Feeling the softness on my back I knew he had placed me on his bed.

I wanted more..

Hearing the zipper of my jeans being pulled down was the jolt I needed to bring me back to reality. What was I doing? I wasn't going to lose my virginity to a guy I barely knew.

"Blaze.. B-Blaze" I cried pushing on his shoulder.

Looking at me I noticed his pupils were dialiated, the lust evident in his eyes. What have I done?

"You okay darlin'?"

Shaking my head yes I let out a long breath. "I-I'm just-"... I wasn't ready to have sex yet.

"I get it sweets. You're not ready" He smiled before getting of me and of the bed completely.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. I bet girls never turn him down and here I was to scared to have sex.

Hearing a click I knew he had just lit up a cigarette. Maybe I should ask him for one.

"What you sorry for?" He asked taking a long drag of his cigarette.

"Being a cock tease if that's what they even call it" I said un able to look at him. Geez why do I always get myself in these embarrassing situations?

"You're a constant tease Ava" He chuckled causing me to frown. Was that a good thing? "I ain't going to force you to have sex with me. I'll wait until you come to me because I know you will".

Cocky much?

Glaring at him I buttoned up my jeans and stood up "What makes you think I'll sleep with you?" I asked

Smirking at me he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him "Because you are mine" He whispered

Because you are mine.....

Feeling my heartbeat quicken I pulled away from him. Who does he think he is? We don't know each other and now he's saying I was his.

"I'm not yours Blaze. I am my own person" I said sternly folding my arms across my chest. I had to get out of this room and away from him.

Watching the smirk pull onto his face made me want to punch him. "That's where you're wrong sweets. You can run all you want but you know I'll find you and bring you back to where you belong". Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"I don't belong here" I yelled letting my arms drop "You can't keep me here".

"Stop fighting it darlin'. I know you want me just as much as I want you. All you have to do is say it and you'll be my old lady just like your supposed to be".

What the hell. He had lost it..!

"I'm not fighting anything" I screamed "I don't want to be your old lady and I certainly don't want to be here. Why don't you go share your bullshit with someone that wants to hear it. Plenty of whores out there that can do the job because I'm not interested. Now if you'll excuse me" I said walking past him and out the door.

I was surprised he didn't follow.

Storming through the clubhouse I made my way outside. Letting out a scream of frustration I ran to his bike and pushed it over. Stupid freaking asshole. Running my hands through my hair I took a look around me. There it was, sitting outside near the gates was my car.

"Was that you?".

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